What’s the shadiest thing you’ve ever seen?

What’s the shadiest thing you’ve ever seen?

I came across a case where a couple disappeared from a rented house without going out, and the house gave off a strange odor.

It was only later that the landlord came to collect the rent and realized something was wrong.

This landlord’s occupation is also special, he works in a funeral parlor, he is giving plastic surgery to the dead to make them look good when they go.

It does take courage to rent this kind of house.

The girl had a lot of courage.

She was living in it normally until late one night when something very weird happened in the room.

The case started when the landlord came to report the incident in a hurry.

At that time, the landlord ran to our police station with an anxious face.

He was a middle-aged man in his forties, tall and thin, with a chubby round face that looked a bit strange, like a cartoon character.

He said that the locks had been changed on the house he was renting, and that as a landlord he couldn’t get in.

I thought it was strange.

Isn’t this normal?

Besides, what are you, a landlord, doing in a tenant’s room?

As it turned out, the uncle said that the house was empty, and he still couldn’t get in without a tenant inside.

I was a bit confused and asked, “You mean, the tenant has already left and didn’t give you back the key on his way out?

“I didn’t see the tenant,” he said.

“I’ve rented this house to a young girl, and she always paid her rent on time, but since last month, she’s been ignoring me.

I’ve been to the house a few times, the door is closed, the girl phone, microblogging can not be contacted, waiting for two weeks I think something is not right, knocking on the door and no one answered, looking for the next neighbor to ask, only to find out that no one has been in and out of the house for a long time.

“Then you should break the lock and open the door, come to the police station for what?

“I asked.

“There is a smell in the room.

“I’m a little scared,” he said, sniffling.

“I became alert: “What is that smell?

What’s that smell?” “Stench.

“It smells like some kind of rotting meat,” he said.

“I understood, but felt strange.

How could this uncle be so vigilant and be the first to report the smell of rotting meat to the police?

I was curious.

Ordinary people encounter this kind of situation, the first reaction should be to find a locksmith to open the door, go in and see what the situation is, after all, the smell of rotting meat has a variety of possibilities, such as leftover meat rotting, such as the refrigerator is out of power, the inside of the frozen meat melted.

Of course, there is also the possibility that the clothes have not been washed for a long time to send out the stench, which is quite normal.

So this uncle’s behavior is too suspicious.

Found that there is a smell can smell is rotten meat even if, but also directly to the police station, this sensitivity is not ordinary people can have.

So I stood up, looked at him and asked, “What do you do?

“Funeral parlor.

“The uncle’s voice was low, and he carefully looked around, “Got it?

“No wonder.”

“I immediately understood, “Let’s go, go to the scene.

” The house is located on the third floor corner of a silo, the surrounding neighboring houses are far away, so it seems a bit of a single house.

I look at the corridor, this place is also too remote, a small house is squeezed into the irregular corner of the whole building, the household type is oddly shaped.

Looking back at the uncle, he looked embarrassed, it seems that the funeral parlor is not treated well.

I asked him in the elevator when I went upstairs, he was a corpse beautician, that is, he puts make-up on dead people.

I know this line of work, it is very hard, and everyone is taboo, so it is not easy to do.

I can’t help but feel some emotion, and speak much more quietly.

As soon as I got closer, I knew that the uncle was right.

The room does have a hidden stench, I’ve been out of the scene, a smell know that this is the smell of rotting meat.

But to say whether it is a person, I dare not say.

Open the door to know.

Open the door is not complicated, this kind of building lock structure is simple, I brought a tool in hand, a few poked open.

Entering the door to see, we are very surprised.

Inside is clean, the living room is only ten square meters, but things are placed in order, the ground is covered with a layer of dust, but it can be seen that they have been cleaned before leaving.

I walked over and touched the back of the TV, my hand was stained with a thin layer of dust, and the dust on the table was just as thin.

This meant that the resident here had wiped down the entire room before leaving, including the back of the TV, which usually gets very little attention.

This tenant, preoccupied.

I remembered that the uncle said the house was rented to a girl and asked, “This tenant is a girl?

” The uncle’s eyes darted around, kept inhaling in the direction of the smell, and casually said, “A girl in her twenties, doing graphic design.

“I pointed to the kitchen, don’t smell it, it’s right there.

We walked to the kitchen in a few steps, pushed the door in, and couldn’t help but take a sharp step back.

The smell is too strong.

Once the kitchen door was opened, it was like a stink bomb came from the opposite side of the room, smoked my entire head, and instantly went into a bit of a trance.

I looked back at Uncle, he was okay, just covering his mouth, frowning and waving his hand vigorously.

The smell was coming from the refrigerator.

I slowly reach my hand over and pick one edge of the refrigerator door open, then push it to the side.

The power was out.

It’s dark inside, and when I look closer, my face immediately changes.

A hand.

It was shoved diagonally toward the outside into the bottom compartment of the refrigerator.

The bones were wide, and it looked like a man.

A few of the fingers were still broken, and the white stubble of the bones showed through, sharp as a giant exclamation point.

The uncle yelped and ran out of the kitchen, gasping for air in the living room.

I covered half my face with the hem of my shirt and looked closer, realizing that it wasn’t just a hand, but that Nari had a lot of odds and ends in there that were too dark to see clearly.

I couldn’t get my hands free to reach for my cell phone for illumination, so I had to retreat to the living room.

I closed the door, called the technician, and then I looked at the older man and said, “You can’t leave, just wait.

” “I know.

” The uncle coughed as if he had a sock in his throat, “I’ll cooperate.

“It looks like it was frozen in the refrigerator first, and then the power went out when I didn’t pay the electric bill, so that’s why it smells.

That’s why it smells.” I said to him, “Otherwise you wouldn’t be able to smell it.

But I admire your nose, you can smell a corpse through two layers of doors.” “I’ve seen a lot.

“I’ve seen a lot of corpses.

I don’t want to,” said the uncle, “but I’ve never seen anything so broken.

But I’ve never seen anything so broken, it’s fucking horrible.

“While I was waiting outside the door, I kept staring at the uncle in front of me.

He was furious at my look, smacked his lips and asked, “What are you looking at me for?

“What exactly do you do at the funeral parlor?” I asked, lighting a cigarette.

” I asked as I lit a cigarette.

I light a cigarette and ask, “I’m a plastic surgeon for the dead.

“Uncle said, “After the death of the people look a little deformed, I just give makeup, powder, painted a little popular, so it looks a little more vivid.

Otherwise the families can’t bear to see the corpse.” “You’ve seen a lot of dead people, right?

“You’ve seen a lot of dead people, right?” I asked, looking at him.

“I looked at him and asked.

“That goes without saying.

I’m not afraid to laugh at you, I’ve seen more dead people than living people.” “That’s how you judge the presence of the dead.

I’ve seen more dead people than living people.” “Is that why you think there are corpses in there?

“I smiled and asked.

I smiled back and asked, “Sort of.

“Uncle hesitantly said, “I have a strange feeling after seeing so many dead people, I have a hunch whether there is a corpse in the room.

I have a hunch,” he said, “This is a bit evil, you may not believe it even if you say it.

“He rubbed his hands together and said, “Do you want me to have one?

“I handed over a cigarette, he lit it and took a drag, the smoke rose in large clouds, his face blurred.

“I’ve touched a lot of dead people, I know that scent very well,” he said.

” he said, “I can’t say exactly, I can just feel it.

When I came to this house, I felt something was wrong, and turned my head to you.

” “I didn’t dare to say it at that time, but I guessed it in my heart.

“Uncle looked at me and said, “There are probably dead people inside.

“It’s a little bit evil.” I smiled and stopped talking.

“I smiled and stopped talking.

This uncle is a bit strange.

I thought to myself.

Daxu, the forensic pathologist, arrived, and once he entered the door, he saw that I was happy: “Why, is there another dead person?

“Daxu went to the police academy training, is considered half a classmate, so it is more casual, I look aside the uncle look at my eyes are not right.

“I’m not going to say anything, but let’s go in and take a look.

“There’s a hand in the refrigerator,” I said.

“Daxu got serious and turned his head to take an assistant inside.

Shortly after, the assistant came out and waved at me.

I followed him into the room and saw Dae-su was slowly taking something out of the refrigerator.

“You’re welcome.

“It’s not just one hand, it’s almost as big as the display case in our office.” I was shocked.

“I was shocked, I know what the display case in his flat looks like, all the organs are put in bottles and piled up on a wall.

Dae-su was exaggerating a bit, but not too much.

I watched him take out two hands, two feet, and two arms from the refrigerator.

Presumably there were legs too, but I got out when I saw him move a bloody head out of the big bottom compartment.

It was too exciting to bear.

I’ve seen a lot of the scene, but I’ve never been able to stand the smell.

Seeing me is no problem, but smelling is bound to make me vomit, and with such a shape and form, it’s better to avoid it.

After waiting for half a day, Daxu slowly came out from inside.

Uncle has long been taken away, I stood in the hallway outside the room to smoke, the smell of cigarettes can still slightly dispel the stench.

“Except for the torso, it’s all there.

“Daxu said gently, limbs and head, fingers are all full.

The torso is missing.

In the end, he’s a professional.

Although I’ve done this many times, I still look at him with admiration and ask, “Is it a man?

How did he die?


The other —— go back to the autopsy and then say it.

“Daxu also pulled out a cigarette and lit up,” looks like being stabbed to death.

The hand is really black, there must be thirty or forty knives.

” I was shocked in my heart, remembering the landlord said the little girl, a girl, there is so cruel?

A smiling face immediately flashed before my eyes.

“The landlord works in a funeral parlor.

“I said to Daxu, “It’s kind of interesting, isn’t it?

“You suspect him?

Dae-suk asked, “It’s a bit strange. Didn’t you take him back to ask him?”

“I did.

“I nodded and said, “I was a little suspicious.

But this guy came to the police on his own initiative, that’s surprising.

“Have you met many murderers who came forward to report?”

“Dae-su patted me, “You didn’t forget all about the academy after a few years of graduation, did you?

“Of course I remember.

“But something doesn’t feel right,” I said.

“Generally speaking, the first suspect in a murder case is the person who reported the crime.

A lot of self-righteous murderers like to play the role of the informant, as if they can clear their name, but in fact, it backfires.

“How old was the victim?

“I asked Dae-suk.


“Dasu looked up and sighed, “It’s a shame.

“It’s not easy for a girl to overpower him when he’s in his prime,” he said.

It’s not easy for a girl to overpower him,” I said.

It’s not easy, but it’s different if it’s a guy.”

Dae-suk looked at me with deep meaning, “Go ahead and ask him.”

”Interrogating Uncle actually went well.

He cooperated to a fault, answering everything he was asked.

The point is, after I checked what he said, I realized that it was all the truth.

The evidence and material evidence all matched, and there was indeed an alibi.

This was going to be a problem.

My eyes returned to the tenant.

“How long has the girl been renting this house?

“I asked the uncle.

“Not long, less than a year.

” The uncle was still smiling, no trace of displeasure on his face.

It’s rare.

I was interrogated for half a day, but he didn’t get angry.

“Were there any surprises when you met her?” I asked.

“I asked.


“He scratched his head, “She asked me what I was doing, so I told her the truth.

In fact, it was the same whether I told her or not, the agent told her.

“It’s hard in my line of work,” he sighed.

“Uncle sighed, “Everyone avoids me when they see me.

However, this girl was quite quick, and after meeting and talking about the price, she didn’t care about my profession and just signed the contract.

“I was so happy,” he said.

“You don’t know, I’ve been renting this shitty apartment for two months now, and no one has rented it for 30% less than the market price,” said the uncle.

“You’re a good man, a good man with a good life.” I smiled.

“I smiled and said, “It’s not easy to have this kind of mentality when you see dead people every day in a funeral parlor.

“You don’t know.

“He suddenly poked his head over, “The dead are much more honest than the living, and the scary ones are the living.

” I shivered, as if stung by something.

When Uncle finished reading the statement, I let him go to the room next to me to rest.

When I went there again, he was desperately sticking his head out the window to breathe, like a fish short of water.

“What’s wrong?

” I smiled, “Wasn’t it fine just now?

“I suddenly remembered something.

Uncle frowned and said, “If that girl is a murderer, then my house will be a murder house.”

“It’s all over now, and I won’t be able to rent it out.” he wailed.

“He wailed, “They say I’m not a human being in this job, but I think you are. What kind of people are you? I’m really out of luck. Who dares to live in this house from now on, not to mention others.

“Let’s not talk about that.

I interrupted him and asked, “Have you registered the girl’s phone number and everything?” “Of course.

“Of course, I’ve got it all written down.” He replied, “And her cell phone number.

“He replied, “And her cell phone number and everything. I’ve got the contract for the house, and it’s all signed.

You guys check out that girl, she doesn’t look like she’s a pretty girl.” “Okay.

“I nodded my head.

I nodded, “You go back, do not go out recently, we may find you back at any time to investigate.”

“It’s good to have a cell phone number.

Nowadays, cell phones have real names, so at least it’s not hard to find this girl.

The identity was quickly established.

Look at the photo, an ordinary girl, with really clean eyebrows, working in a small company.

The identity of the deceased is not good to determine, Daxu autopsy end told me, is stabbed to death, so far to see the fatal knife in the neck.

A stabbing death, the limbs and neck alone have more than a dozen stab wounds.

The wounds are scattered and have no purpose. This method of death is more like an anger killing.

Because no one called the police about missing persons, the investigation into the identity of the deceased wasn’t that swift.

Fingerprints were lifted, but it’s useless without a match.

We still have to start with the girls.

To my surprise something happened, the girl didn’t seem to be planning to hide at all, she actually used her own ID to buy a ticket and traveled all the way south, and in a few days we found her at some famous spot.

According to the local police, she was very calm at the time of capture, and said something like, finally here.

I sat across from her during the questioning.

After seeing her in person, I realized that there was still a difference from the photo, the real person was much thinner, and there was a faint sense of sadness between her eyebrows.

She admitted it very painfully.

Said she had stabbed the man to death in his sleep at night, and the murder weapon was casually thrown into the dining room cupboard, and did not still have to take it out of the house.

Afterward, she cleaned up the house and packed up and left.

That matches the scene.

We did find the knife in the cupboard, and it was matched to the wound.

“Where’s the torso?

“I asked.

“In the river.

“I put it in my suitcase and went to the river at night and threw it in,” the girl said.

“Why didn’t you take the rest of it with you?” I asked.

Why didn’t you take the rest of the body with you?” I asked, “You threw the torso away.

“It’s not necessary.

“The girl said, “I threw my torso away because the refrigerator didn’t fit.

If I had a big fridge, I wouldn’t even bring my torso.” “What kind of person are you?

“Who is this guy?

“I said.

She laughed, and it felt sad.

“I don’t know who I am.

“Ex-boyfriend,” she said.

“Why did you kill him?

“I asked.

Her eyes suddenly lit up and her expression came alive.

“If I don’t kill him, he’s going to kill me, so I’d better do it first.” she said.

I’d better do it first,” she said.

“Tell me.

” I was silent for a few seconds, “I’ll listen.

“In college, he and I were classmates.

We were just normal guys.

Then after graduation, he started chasing me.

“I didn’t agree, he wasn’t my type,” she said flatly.

“He chased me for a long time, and used every method he could think of. He got up very early in the morning and bought breakfast and waited in front of my dormitory.

“He’s been chasing me for a long time, and he’s been doing everything he can to make sure that I get up early in the morning and buy breakfast and wait in front of my dormitory.

But I’m not that materialistic, so these things don’t impress me.” “I’m not that materialistic.

“She said, “He even brings me water when I have my period.

“The girl suddenly laughed and blushed a little better, “Can you imagine?

Can you imagine?

I suddenly thought he was kind of cute, so I agreed to go out with him.

“In the beginning, he was as considerate as ever, and used a very small, soft voice on the phone, as if he was afraid of scaring me.

At that time, we had already graduated from university, and several girls were living in the dormitory, so my roommates envied me for having such a warm boyfriend.

“Girls are more or less vain, and at that time I was still very satisfied.

“The girl’s voice faded, “But there was a girl in my dormitory who said something that made me very disgusted at the time.

“What did she say?”

“I asked.

“She said that she didn’t like this man, and that he put himself too low.

“The girl said.

“Why did you say that?

I asked, “He just shushes you a lot, that’s normal.”

“Maybe it’s because she saw him slapping himself,” the girl said.

“The girl said, “One day he and I had a fight, a cold war.

He came to my dorm and asked me to make up, but I didn’t say anything.

There was no one in the dorm, so he started slapping himself.

The girl came back to the dorm and saw him, but he didn’t stop.

“Instead, I was embarrassed and told him to stop right away,” the girl said.

“I was actually trying to talk him out of it, but he wouldn’t listen, saying that he wouldn’t stop until I made up with him,” the girl said.

“His face was swollen, and he scared the girl very badly.

“The girl said, “I should have realized it was wrong at that time.

” I didn’t say anything, probably guessing what followed.

“As it turned out, I had overestimated myself.

I was a little turned off by him after that.

” the girl said, “It was in a way that I disliked, but didn’t take it to heart, and went cold on the girl for a while, feeling ashamed that she’d found out what she’d done.

” “Then we had sex.

“He knew it wasn’t my first time and his attitude changed a bit.

“I had a boyfriend in college.

I had a boyfriend in college,” the girl explained, “so I had sex.

“Tell me again, how did his attitude change?

“I asked.

“I can’t tell you, but I just felt a lot colder all of a sudden, but it soon returned.

He was still nice to me, but he slowly started to change his mind.

We lived together for a while, and I realized that he was on his cell phone almost every day and didn’t care about me as much as he used to.

” “I started to think it’s normal for guys to be like that.

When he came back from the office and did nothing but lie in bed and look at his cell phone, I felt something was wrong.

When we lived together, I did all the cooking, laundry, and grocery shopping, but he didn’t do anything.” “We had a serious talk.

“We had a serious talk and I said if we keep doing nothing like this, we’ll break up.

“He cried bitterly and started slapping himself again.

I was disgusted, but I reluctantly agreed to give him another chance.

“It’s no use.

“The girl sighed, “It didn’t take long for him to start the same old trick again.

That’s when I realized that essentially he was just lazy, lazy, didn’t want to do anything, and all that hard work before was just pretending.

Now that we’re living together, he doesn’t have to pretend anymore, so it’s all coming out.” “I struggled a lot.

“I thought and struggled for a long time and decided to break up.

But then something unexpected happened.

“He stormed out and started banging his head against the wall, which scared me.

There was blood all over the floor, but he didn’t stop, he kept hitting himself until he was a bloody mess.

“It was the first time I’d ever seen anything like that, and I was terrified.”

“The girl’s face was calm, “I was terrified.

“I was secretly amazed. It was hard to imagine that this girl, who had dismantled a man, was afraid of blood in the first place.

I’m sorry,” she said, “I’m sorry.

“The girl sighed, “I forgave him again, and he got worse.

“Guess what.

I said, “What did he do then?”

“Then he moved on.”

The girl actually laughed, “He started hitting me.”

“Did he hit you?

“I asked.


“It was worse than that,” she said.

“He started spying on me.

Every day,” she said coldly, “he stares at me suspiciously, goes through my bag, and asks me if I have another man.

He wouldn’t let me work, go out, or even eat.” “Within half a month, I lost weight.

“Within half a month, I lost ten pounds.

I’ve lost ten pounds in half a month. I’m starving, and I can’t go to the office.

“You can call the police.”

I said, “That’s illegal detention.”

“I didn’t think about it at the time.

“The girl said, “I was just scared.

At first, I explained to him, but later I realized that he wouldn’t listen to me at all. He was completely caught up in his own imagination and was as paranoid as a madman.

“Until one day, I woke up at night and found him crouching in the corner, looking straight at me.

“The girl shivered, “just staring at me, not saying anything.

When he saw me get up, he didn’t even move.

“I was scared out of my mind,” the girl said.

I was scared out of my mind,” the girl said, “and the next day he asked to move out.

I didn’t dare to say that I was breaking up with him, so I just found a reason to move out.

“I didn’t take anything, just put on my clothes and left.

He didn’t stop me, but looked at me straight in the eye.

I was so relieved to be rid of him,” said the girl, “You work for the same company?

“Do you work for the same company?

“I asked.

“No, I don’t.

“I don’t work for the same company as him, but I quit my job because I was worried about that, and that’s why I came to live here,” she said.

“I don’t have any money left, otherwise I wouldn’t have rented this kind of house.” the girl smiled bitterly.

“The girl smiled bitterly, “The agent told me that the landlord works in a funeral parlor, and the location of this house is also remote, so it is nearly half less than the normal rent, so I listened to it and rented it without saying a word.

I would do anything to live in a funeral parlor, not to mention working there.” “I was really scared.

“I’m really scared.

“She suddenly poked her head over and asked, “Do you know what it’s like to sleep at night with someone at the foot of your bed staring coldly at you?

” I shivered and said, “It’s scary, I understand.

“I thought I’d gotten rid of him and could finally rest easy.

Then the nightmare came.” “He followed me.

“He’s following me.

“The girl’s eyes widened, “I don’t know how he found my place, I suspect he’s been following me.

” “It’s possible.

I said, “After all, we haven’t heard of anyone going missing so far, and I guess he quit his old job and has his mind set on you all day long.”

“That’s right.

“The girl murmured, “You know, it’s horrible, I’m scared every day, every night I’m scared to death, I’m going crazy.

“Finally, one day, when I was sleeping at night, I was suddenly awakened by the feeling of something cool on my neck.

“The girl’s voice changed, “When I opened my eyes, it was his expressionless face, and a knife was resting on my neck.

” “I was screaming, and before I could scream out he covered my mouth.

Then he told me to shut up.

“I was so scared I sat up slowly.

He was still staring straight at me, saying he’d make up with me or he’d kill me.” “I don’t know how he got in here.

“I don’t know how he got in here.”

I lock the door every day, I check it every day, you believe me.” “I believe.

You believe me.” “I do.

I said, “I’ve opened that door of yours before, and it’s very easy to open.”

“After that, he wouldn’t leave. Every day he went wherever I went.

That’s when I thought about calling the police, but I didn’t have a chance.” The girl said, “He’s always there.

“He followed me all the time, even when I went to the bathroom, he stood at the door and watched me,” she said.

“Who cooks?

Where’s the groceries?

“I asked.

“No one buys groceries and cooks.

“When we run out of food at home, we order takeout,” the girl said.

“Do you sleep at night?” I asked.

“I asked, “Can’t you escape?

“He’s much more energetic than I am.

He’s more energetic than I am,” the girl said. “He’s like a robot.

He rolls over at the slightest movement, and he has a knife in his hand at all times.

And he ties me up at night. I can’t move.” “I’ve tried to call for help.

“I tried to call for help.

“I called for help once when the delivery man came, but he had them put it on the steps, so I called several times and no one heard me.” the girl said aloud.

‘ I remembered the location of that house.

It did seem a bit out of the way, I have to say.

It really wouldn’t be easy to spot someone screaming in that room.

“This time he did it.

He hit me really hard.

The first time I got hit, I threw up straight away.

” The girl finished, slowly pulling the shirt off her chest, and I saw a large bruise.

She was about to take it off, but I stopped her.

“Just say the word and someone will check it out,” I said.

“I said, “But it looks like he didn’t hit you in the face?

“He avoided it.

“The girl said, “He did it on purpose. He was worried about being caught, so he only hit where no one could see him.

He only hits where no one can see him.” “He hits me when he realizes I’m about to run away.

I never gave up, so I was hit several times.

“And there were some really nasty gestures.

“You want to hear about it,” the girl said.

“Forget it.”

I waved my hand and said, “That’s not necessary.”

“So you killed him?

” I asked.

The girl across from me went white, the first time I’d ever seen her look horrified.


” the girl shuddered, “I realized he was going to kill me.


I looked at the girl and said.

“I was lucky, I got up one night and not surprisingly he followed me and stood in the doorway of the restroom watching me again.

“I’m used to it and I’m not embarrassed,” the girl said.

But that night I didn’t turn on the bathroom light, so he stumbled when he walked in and dropped his cell phone on the floor.” “I told him that he doesn’t care about the toilet.

” “I told you, he carries his cell phone wherever he goes, even when he’s guarding me.

“When the phone fell to the floor, I hesitated and picked it up for him,” the girl said.

“The cell phone screen was on, so I handed it to him.

“But I saw what was on it,” the girl said.

“What was it?

” I asked as my heart stirred.

“You know how when you search for something with a search engine, the search item on the page that comes up is highlighted in red?

“I saw this page on my cell phone screen, and the item highlighted in red was ‘how to dispose of a dead body’,” the girl said slowly.

“He was tired, so he didn’t know I’d seen it.”

“After I handed him my cell phone, he tied me up and went back to bed,” she said after a few seconds of silence.

“But I was so scared I went cold, I wanted to cry but couldn’t,” she said.

“Until dawn, I wondered how I was going to survive and when he was going to do it,” the girl said.

“He had a knife in his hand.

He had a knife in his hand, and at night the rope was tied around me, and during the day he was always watching me from a meter away, so it was hard for me to find a chance.” “And I didn’t know what he was doing.

“And I don’t know when he’s going to do it.”

“That’s what scares me the most,” she said, her lips white.

“Who knows if he’ll stab me while he’s talking to me?” she said.

“I’ve been tilting my head when I eat since that day, just in case he’s going to stab me,” the girl said.

“How did you get away in the end?

I asked, “Obviously you succeeded.”

“I thought long and hard about it, but I had to do it at night.

At night,” the girl said, “he’s more distracted, and with the knife in his hand and having to look at me, he’s a bit preoccupied.

“I don’t have time.

“I had to take my chances,” the girl said.

One day when I was drinking, I threw my glass on the floor and broke it.

” “Since I didn’t have a leash at the time, I casually started cleaning up the glass shards.

He watched and didn’t stop.

He was still too confident and thought he was looking very carefully.

So I secretly hid a very small piece of broken glass and he didn’t notice.” “That’s the way to do it.

“That’s a good method. Why didn’t you use it earlier?” I asked.

Why didn’t you use it earlier?” I asked, “You could have done it before.

“There’s no chance,” the girl said.

“The girl said, “I wouldn’t have been allowed to do anything like that before, but I relaxed when I didn’t run away.

Don’t underestimate him, he’s very careful.

Even after I cleaned up this time, he took the pieces out of the trash and compared them piece by piece to make sure they were all there.” “He searched me.

“And searched me.

” the girl said bitterly, “Luckily I wasn’t hiding it on my body and kicked the toothpick-sized piece of glass under the furniture next to me.

It was so small, you couldn’t even tell it was missing.” “But it was enough for me.

“But it was enough for me.

Then I managed to pick it out and clutched it in my hand for two whole days.

” the girl said through gritted teeth, “That was the night it took me hours to cut the cord.

” I was silent, the aftermath should have been clear.

“Why didn’t you run away?

” I said, “You could have run away and reported it to the police.

“I don’t know.

” the girl said with a blank look in her eyes, “It’s not like the thought hadn’t come up before, but it was just a few seconds that went by in a flash.

You don’t know how long it took me to dare break free of the ropes and get up from the ground, still clutching them in my hands.

I stopped breathing for fear of waking him.

“”It really stopped. I held my breath for a long time.

Until I jerked the knife out of his hand.

“I really thought of just running away.”

“The girl’s eyes suddenly filled with tears, “But I was afraid.

I was afraid that I’d fail, even if I reported him to the police and he was sentenced to prison.

What will I do when he gets out someday?

He won’t stop. I’ve had enough.

“I’ve heard people say that when you’re in an emotional state, a lot of memories flash before your eyes in a very short period of time, but I didn’t believe them,” the girl said suddenly.

“The girl suddenly said, “But that day, I really appeared in front of my eyes a lot of things he had done, he slapped himself, slapped me, tore off my clothes, beat me so much that I cried out …… all these things are overlapped on his face.

“”I hate it, I want to throw up when I see that face.

” the girl said.

“For a short time, maybe a few seconds, I decided.

“I can’t just walk away. This has to end today,” she says.

“He’s going to die not knowing I stabbed him to death.

“The girl laughed, “I stabbed him right in the throat, he didn’t even open his eyes before he choked on the blood, I didn’t feel scared at all, I felt a lot of pain instead.

The strange thing is, I can’t remember anything after that.

“”We’re more surprised that you actually shredded the body.

” I asked, “Generally speaking, very few people leave a body at the scene after they’ve shredded it.

If you didn’t intend to take the body parts with you, why did you chop them up?

“I’m also a very careful person.

I’m also a very careful person,” the girl replied, “I’m very careful.

“I know.

I nodded, “I’ve seen your room, and you cleaned it carefully before you left.”


“I cleaned the whole room,” the girl said.

Not just the bedroom, I cleaned the living room and the bathroom.

“The bedroom was covered in blood, and there was a lot of blood on the walls,” she murmured.

“It took me a long time to clean it,” she murmured.

Luckily, the walls are whitewashed and can be sanded down.


“I asked, still puzzled.

“No reason.

“The girl smiled, “I’m used to it.

I always finish what I start and I don’t feel comfortable looking at the mess in my room.” “I feel even worse looking at his face.

“It’s even more uncomfortable to look at his face,” she said coldly.

“The girl said coldly, “It took me a lot of effort to cut off the limbs, and I also checked the skeletal structure of the human body.

” She suddenly laughed, “I didn’t realize that I ended up searching pretty much the same thing he did.

” “I don’t want to see him again, even as a corpse.

” she exhaled, “After stuffing him in the fridge, I found it soothing that I was alone in this house again.

“Aren’t you afraid?

” I asked.

“Strangely enough, no.

“I even slept in the house for a night, very peacefully,” the girl said.

He was in the refrigerator, and I slept very soundly that night.

“It felt good.

” the girl smiled again, “I’m just a little sorry about the landlord.

” I smiled bitterly, remembering the crying face of the older man, and for a moment I didn’t know what to say.

I looked at the girl across from me with a desire to speak, her paralysis of herself could only last for a while, after that it was the sobriety of facing reality head on.

It was hard to tell if she was going to make it through.

But I had nothing to say but to sigh softly and turn away.

The evidence and the traces at the scene matched exactly what the girl had said, and we took fingerprints from the hilt and the body of the knife, and they did indeed belong to both the deceased and the girl.

At least this part, she didn’t lie.

This is the end of my narration.

Of course this is just an individual case, but it does allow something to be distilled from it.

I don’t want to dwell too much on the boys and girls who are looking for love, but at least understand that no matter how much the other person loves you, or how much you love the other person, love is to respect each other and forgiveness, as well as independence and self-respect.

Note that it is mutual respect.

Do not in order to please each other, humble themselves; also do not because the other side of the humble and blind pleasure.

Finally, a bit of experience that represents only personal advice.

The following includes, but is not limited to, girls looking for boyfriends, and applies equally to guys looking for girlfriends.

First of all, whether the other party is obsessed with the phone is a very important judgment standard.

Note that is obsessed.

People who hold their cell phones all day long, especially those who are addicted to short videos and fast-food entertainment videos, are advised to stay away.

Secondly, too much value each other but despise the self, to put it simply, that is, to the lover good to the sky, but to their own humble to the dust of the people, it is recommended to stay away.

Third, too dependent on each other, nothing like to get tired of the person, it is recommended to stay away.

Mutually like to get tired of each other, except.

Fourthly, those who are overly open to sex are advised to stay away, and those who take the willingness to have sex as a criterion for whether the other party loves them or not, must run away at light speed.

There are a few other things that I didn’t mention, which are routine, and people will consciously stay away from them.

For example, cold and selfish, do not know how to sympathize with others.

By the way, there is another one: if a person rents a room, be sure to change a good lock.

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