What’s the shyest thing you’ve ever experienced?

[End of text! Have fun consuming it! 姐弟恋yyds!] “Sister, I’m tired of playing.
” Zhang Yao said this, I was sitting on him, I was ashamed and annoyed, raised my hand to slap him, he grabbed my hand, licked my fingertips, said: “Forget about him, be my girlfriend.
“The most fucked up thing in this world is probably the net friend is a coworker’s boyfriend, and this coworker, or hook up with your ambiguous object of green tea.
0125 years old, nothing.
Ambiguous half a year of male god was green tea pry away, for the leadership to take the blame deducted a month of bonuses, love field career double disillusionment, perhaps too repressed for too long, I decided to look for some stimulation, I downloaded a certain software, slipped to a handsome man.
I drank some wine to strengthen the courage, pretending to be a veteran, came up and asked: “about?
” He sent a question mark, I was so embarrassed that my old face turned red, how this is not the same as expected ah, just by the alcohol pile of guts instantly disappeared, I decided to immediately uninstall the software, as if nothing had happened.
I went back to the home screen and tried to long-press the icon to uninstall, when a message popped up: “Locate me.
I’m not ready yet! I didn’t reply, and he immediately sent a second message, “Back out?
No, I gulped down a couple sips of wine and kicked the ball back to him: “Can I see some pictures?” He popped over a video.
“He popped over the video and I was so frantic that I almost threw my phone on the table. It rang for a long time and I never answered it, but he sent me another question mark, and I replied in a clipboard voice from the internet, “Brother, I’m shy.
“He sent a series of ellipses, I think this is completely yellow, also ignored him.
A week later, he asked me if I still wanted to go out with him, and this time he was very sincere and brought 3 selfies.
He was very sincere this time and brought 3 selfies with him! So handsome! In addition to the stars, I was the first time to see the dislike of the face shot can still be so handsome man, his face is small, the outline is like a mixed race, the knot in the throat is also very prominent, shaved inches, dyed flamboyant red, at a glance is the scum.
I am a little bit of a heart, the thought of even a handsome man to ask for a P date, I feel much better, but he is too handsome, I can not match, plus I have already passed that funereal energy, do not want to look for excitement again.
“Forget it, I don’t deserve it.
“It’s okay, I can do it.”
“I blushed, is working, Xia Chunyu noticed my difference, came over to see: “Sister, and boyfriend chatting it?
“Her timbre is not too big or small, but enough around the colleagues to hear, I know she is intentional, because she is the one who seduced my ambiguous object of green tea, I put away the phone not to let her see, smiled, a face of inscrutability.
“No, and Sakuragi Hanamichi.
“02 evening home, took a shower, put on a mask when I swiped to Xia Chunyu’s friend circle: “with you.
” The accompanying picture was the blurred back of a man, and I immediately recognized it as Qian Xuesong, who had just cut his hair and was still a little fried.
Are they …… together?
I emo, suddenly felt like I was abandoned by the world, obviously I appeared first, why did Qian Xuesong choose Xia Chunyu, just because she was younger than me and prettier than me?
Well, if it was me, I would have chosen her too.
I still remember what Qian Xuesong said when he rejected me, “Xiaoqing, you are my best friend, I don’t want our relationship to deteriorate, can you understand me?
“Why didn’t you tell me you thought I was your best friend when you called me to visit the store and go to the movies on the weekends, and when you called me to use my love handles with you?
But of course I didn’t send him those words, I replied “I know” and never bothered him again.
The more I thought about it, the more annoyed I was, I wanted to talk to my girlfriends, and found that the record of the stay was still the last time we trolled Qian Xuesong together.
Let’s forget about it, don’t make me look like a whiny woman who can’t be loved.
I sadly found that I don’t even have a person of the opposite sex that I can chat with, just at this time, I ghostly opened that APP, my chat with him is still stuck in the afternoon, I typed and deleted, deleted and typed, and didn’t send out a single word.
He came to me first, sent me a screenshot, the other party is in the process of typing, asked: “want?
“I did not reply, he then said: “20 minutes later, your downstairs meet.
“This time, I didn’t refuse.
03 I put on a heart vegetarian makeup, but how to look not as good as the blogger, just when I was thinking about whether to remove and remake or just like this, the doorbell rang, and I realized that my heart was beating extremely fast, almost unsteady.
“Who is it?
” was actually a knowing question, since he had just asked me my door number 5 minutes ago.
He didn’t answer me back and I realized we hadn’t exchanged names yet.
I opened the door and there was a tall boy standing outside, wearing a hooded sweatshirt with the hood on his head, hiding half of his face, long black pants, long straight legs, at least 185, maybe I was too dumb, he frowned and asked, “Aren’t you going to invite me in?
He frowned and asked, “Aren’t you going to invite me in? How come even his voice is so nice? I was a little shy to flash away from the empty, lowered his head and said: “Come in.
“As he stood in the doorway, I threw him a pair of pink sandals and said, “You can wear these first, or don’t change your shoes.
” He stared at me for a moment and asked, “First time?
“I nodded lightly and he smiled and asked, “Where’s the bathroom?
“After 25 years of maternal soloing, all I know about guys comes from romance novels, and when he tied a towel and came out, I was straight up smitten, the grooves of his abs were extremely visible, and there were droplets of water spreading down, I licked my lower lip.
This wave is not bad.
“You haven’t seen it?
“I said stiffly, “I’ve seen a lot.
“He sneered, grabbed the back of my neck and lifted me over, I still don’t know what’s going on, I was bitten on the lips, my whole body froze, I didn’t dare to move at all, he let go of me, frowned: “never kissed?
“In order not to be looked down upon by him, I took the initiative to launch a wave of attack, although I was clueless, but I could still feel his breath catching, his hands roaming around my body, I could detect a change in a certain place.
I didn’t feel much of a blush, it was just amazing that the original romance novel was real.
“Ouch!” I actually shed a tear.
My reaction startled him and he said, “Shit, is this really your first time?
” My reaction already said it all.
Probably scumbags are afraid to take charge, anyway, we paused the next act, but he said whoever started the fire will put it out, I don’t know how his experience was, anyway, my hand was quite sore.
After finishing, he went to take another shower, his face was very bad, I wanted to ask him how my job was, but I couldn’t really ask, he quickly put on his clothes and gave me a, “Let’s go.
” I then reacted, I don’t even know what his name is.
04 “Zhang Yao, my high school classmate.” He hadn’t seen me in three months.
”I haven’t seen him for three months, his hair has turned black and he is still so handsome, he is looking at me with a smile.
I regretted, which one of my tendons was wrong, why did I come to Xia Chunyu’s birthday party, I had to pretend I didn’t know him, waving with a dry smile, Xia Chunyu was very enthusiastic, introducing all the people at the scene in turn.
I shrank to the corner, not wanting him to see me, Qian Xuesong handed me a bottle of water, asked me still dizzy?
Qian Xuesong and Xia Chunyu broke up, and now came back to me, but I don’t want to pick up other people don’t want the garbage, pretended not to see his gesture of goodwill, picked up the water in hand, said: “not dizzy, thank you.
“He asked me if there was anyone next to me, I wanted to say yes, but it was obvious there wasn’t. He sat down next to me and asked me if there was a song I wanted to sing, and he ordered it for me, and I said no thanks, I’ll stay a while and then I’ll leave.
At this time, everyone began to coax, it turned out to be Xia Chunyu sang, she ordered a song “I want us to be together”, her voice is quite sweet, singing this song has a kind of sweet girl crush feeling, she has been staring at Zhang Yao.
Unfortunately he wasn’t buying it, he kept playing with his phone, I bet he was chatting with several beautiful women.
I looked over at Qian Xuesong, he was calm and collected, his ex-girlfriend’s blatant display of affection, and he even sat still.
I feel a little boring, would have liked to see a wife chasing crematorium, I also lowered my head to play with the phone, calculating what to find a reason to retreat later, at this time, received a bar of friend verification, did not say anything, but I knew it was him.
I looked towards Zhang Yao, he seemed to have eyes behind his back, also looked towards me, raised his hand, shook his cell phone.
I pretended not to see it, and he quickly sent a second one, “Sister is so cold, oh, you don’t recognize me after sleeping?
” I was a little angry and replied to him, “Don’t talk nonsense, we didn’t sleep at all!” He stopped replying to me, I saw Xia Chunyu go over to talk to him, the two of them looked over towards me, I was a bit restless, he wouldn’t say anything nonsense, right, shit, Xia Chunyu that big mouth, will definitely spread to the whole company knows.
Zhang Yao got up, went out, I followed him out, I want to find him to talk, walked to the corner of the place, he suddenly popped out to scare me, I shrieked out in shock, he laughed and bent his waist, said: “so small guts, still learn others about P?
He laughed and said, “How dare you learn from others to date?” “None of your business.
“I was a bit angry and threatened him, “Don’t go around talking nonsense or I won’t spare you.
I threatened him, “Don’t go around talking nonsense, or I won’t spare you.” “How can I not spare you?
“Zhang Yao’s expression seemed to be reminiscing, and said, “Your bite does hurt.
“You’re still saying that!” I wanted to hammer him, my wrist was caught by him, he smiled and leaned down, his body had a nice minty smell: “Sister is so fierce, why won’t you pinch me today?” “What are you doing!
“What are you doing?” Xia Chunyu came towards us aggressively, seeing her like this, I was actually quite cool, I wanted to say a sentence can’t you see that he’s pestering me, but I didn’t dare to say it, drew away my hand and didn’t answer.
Zhang Yao tucked his hand into his pants pocket and put away his playful expression, looking kinda bluff.
Xia Chunyu walked over, glared at me, smiled and went to take his arm, asking, “Why did you come out?
” Zhang Yao reacted faintly, saying that it was too stuffy inside, and came out to smoke a cigarette, Xia Chunyu looked over toward me, saying that Zhang Yao had this problem before, and didn’t like places that were too messy, and asked me not to mind, and I searched for what I had to mind, and it wasn’t my bureau.
“Do you guys know each other before?
“I looked at Zhang Yao, he did not mean to speak, it seems to be trying to put it all on me, I smiled and said: “Before is not know, now not know, what is your name, Zhang Yao, right?
” Zhang Yao smiled and said, “Yes, sister.
“Xia Chunyu immediately alerted, said Qing sister you come out also did not say a word, brother Xuesong is looking for you.
I think it is quite interesting, looking at her smile, asked him to find me for what ah, I’m not his ex-girlfriend, Xia Chunyu immediately explained to Zhang Yao, Zhang Yao stopped her, said: “You guys play, I have to go first.
” Xia Chunyu glared at me again, chased up, I’m not interested in the two of them, as long as he does not come back to find me on the line, I returned to the private room, also want to take things to go.
Qian Xuesong non-said to send me, I said no, the two of us pulled to the door, saw Xia Chunyu to Zhang Yao’s arms, tiptoe want to kiss him, Zhang Yao leaned in front of the pillar does not move, neither the initiative, nor refused, so a superb scum.
I look to Qian Xuesong, he did not react at all, should not say, the psychological quality is really good, are like this, still thinking of sending me, but I hit the car has arrived, I waved my hand toward him, pulled open the door to get on the car, as if relieved.
05 “Sister, if you ignore me again, beware that I will tell the truth about us.
“I just arrived home, I received Zhang Yao’s friend verification, I can see that he is not a good person, but I did not expect him to play on the threat of this set, however, even more indisputable is that I, this set even ate me to death.
I had to add him as a friend and preemptively ask him, “Are you done?
I didn’t reply to him, he returned to me, and the words were ambiguous and cloying: “Don’t worry, sister, she’s not as sweet as you are.
“I asked him what he wanted to do, and he said he didn’t want to do anything, he just thought it was funny and wanted to tease me.
I understand, it is men’s inferiority, I intend to go along with him first, until he is bored, naturally will not come to me.
But I underestimated Zhang Yao, he not only did not get tired, but also intensified, directly killed to my company.
Front desk girl said someone looking for me, how I did not think it would be Zhang Yao, birthday party a lot of people went, of course, the little sister knows that this is Xia Chunyu’s crush, I thought this is finished finished, a change of focus.
I asked him what he was doing, he said he just happened to pass by, to see me, asked me when I get off work, and invited me to dinner tonight, I said I was not available, I have a date, he frowned, and asked who, that day, harassed you greasy big brother?
I said people are not big brother, and he did not harass me, said, meaning to sweep him a glance.
Zhang Yao’s long arm reached out and yanked me into his arms, “Lin Evening Qing, don’t challenge my patience.
”My name was pronounced by him word for word, my hair instantly went numb and I asked him what he wanted to do, he smiled and said slowly in my ear, ”Fuck, you.”
“Scared, I pushed him away, but I underestimated the physical strength of a young boy and couldn’t push him away. Zhang Yao wrapped his arms around me again, like the big blonde I had before, and sniffed me vigorously, saying, “Sister, I’ll wait for you to get off work.
“06 After returning to the workstation, I felt the atmosphere was awkward, Xia Chunyu stared at me with a grudging face, and the other people’s eyes on me were also a little subtle, I guess she definitely sold out and stepped on me in the process, which was the most important thing she would do.
However, who wouldn’t sell misery oh.
I came to Xia Chunyu side, with just around the volume of people can hear, said: “Chunyu, so envious of you Oh, your boyfriend is really good to you, he wants to take you to dinner tonight, but also specifically asked what you love to eat, let me not tell you, it seems to want to give you a surprise it.
“Xia Chunyu suspiciously asked me: “Zhang Yao looking for you, just to ask you what I love to eat?
” I asked, blinking my big eyes, “What else did you think, you didn’t think we were having an affair, did you?
”She didn’t say anything, I smiled and said, ”Don’t worry, I have a bottom line, unlike some people, who like to meddle in other people’s feelings.”
‘ Xia Chunyu’s face became more and more ugly, and the colleagues next to her did not hold back their laughter, who all knew Qian Xuesong and I were having an affair before, and heard that my words were yin and yang her.
She also not willing to show weakness, said: “not necessarily, sometimes it may be other people pursued fiercely, there is no way to refuse it.” “That makes sense.
“That’s a good point, then you should keep an eye on your little friend,” she said.
“I believe in Zhang Yao’s vision, so I don’t need Sister Qing to worry about that.”
“Oops!” I smacked my head and said, “Chunyu, I just told him that you love halibut, so it shouldn’t be a problem, should it?
“The whole company knows that Xia Chunyu went to eat halibut once and threw up on the spot, she couldn’t stand the flavor.
Her face turned green, and she gritted her teeth and said, “Thank you, Sister Qing.
” “Good to say good to say good to say.
“07 I was afraid that Zhang Yao had sold me out, so I went to him and asked him to take Xia Chunyu to eat halogenated boiled at night.
He sent me a question mark and asked me what was wrong, I didn’t tell him and asked him if he would help me.
After a while, he asked, “Any favors?
“What favor do you want?
“Wait for me at home tonight.
“I didn’t even think about it and refused. He said don’t worry, he won’t touch you, he just wants to go to your place for a late night snack.
Oh, so he doesn’t like halibut either.
I said okay, see you tonight.
After work, Xia Chunyu face full of spring, meet everyone or envy or blessing of the line of sight, ran to the meeting room, about 7 o’clock, she sent a circle of friends, text or “with you”, this time with the picture is Zhang Yao’s back.
Tsk, a change of soup but not a change of medicine ah.
Qian Xuesong may have been stimulated by this circle of friends, came to ask me: “Have a date this weekend, do you want to go to eat beef hot pot?
“Before the two of us often go to eat a beef hot pot, I like that house of salsa, I used to think that this is only belongs to our memories, I did not expect him to turn his head to take Xia Chunyu to go, and the two of them also took a very intimate selfie.
“I can’t, I’ll stay home and catch up on my sleep over the weekend.” “Qing, are you still here?
“Qing, are you still blaming me?
” I sent a question mark, chatting with Zhang Yao for a long time, found that the question mark is quite good, Qian Xuesong said that he and Xia Chunyu have already passed, and now he just wants to be good with me, hoping that I can give him a chance.
“Xuesong, you are my best friend, I don’t want our relationship to deteriorate, can you understand me?
” He didn’t reply again.
08 nine o’clock, Zhang Yao said to come over, I said directly downstairs to meet, this time I did not even put on makeup, see me, he stared at me for a while, I was a little uncomfortable touch the face, asked: “I have something on my face?
“He cupped my chin, scrutinized me for a moment, and said, “You’re so much smoother in your plain face.
“Thank you, I’ll take that as a compliment.
I asked Zhang Yao what he wanted to eat, he said with you, I just casually find a rotating hot pot, this day is cold, eat some hot just right, the results he did not eat a few bites, has been resting his cheeks and staring at me, I asked him: “you do not eat it, not you said you want to eat a late-night snack?
“He shook his head, suddenly dragged me into his arms, leaned over and kissed up, I bit into the mouth of the sweet and spicy not eat, he bit into his mouth, as if in the flavor, hooked the corner of the lips: “not enough.
” I chopsticks a loose, the balls fell into the pot, splashing the oil soup, hot I screamed out.
Zhang Yao frowned, took a piece of paper to help me wipe, the result is even more painful, he asked the boss whether there is a place to wash their hands, the boss said no, he went to the freezer to get two bottles of ice water, dragged me out, poured water on my hands, asked me if it still hurts.
I shook my head and said pitifully, “Cool.
“……” the second half of the journey, Zhang Yao did not mess with me again, after eating, I intend to go home, out of my surprise, he did not follow up, just sent me downstairs and left, outrageous, simply unlike him, but this is better.
I went home and swiped my cell phone for a while, when I heard someone knocking on the door, an uneasy feeling rose in my heart: “Who is it?
” Through the cat’s eye, I found that it was Zhang Yao who came back, I asked him what he was doing here, he raised his right hand and said that he bought me burn cream.
In fact, not so much, because I have long since stopped hurting, but I was still a bit touched, open the door, he asked me: “Do not let me in?
” I realized that Zhang Yao said the same thing last time, but at the moment I was in a completely different state of mind, I made way for him, he lightly sat on the sofa, waved at me and said, “Come here.
” For a moment there was some confusion as to who was the master of the house.
I reluctantly walked over, Zhang Yao let me extend my hand and touched the ointment on me, from my angle, I could only see the tip of his nose, and the top of his hairy head, I didn’t hold back and extended my hand to touch it, saying, “Good zing.
“Zhang Yao looked up at me and smiled evilly, “Sister, didn’t anyone tell you that you can’t touch a man’s head?
Before I could react, I was wrapped into his arms, he asked me if I was full, I didn’t respond, he nodded my lips and said, “Then I’ll start enjoying it.
“09 We both did not happen, it’s strange, right, but Zhang Yao just held back, did not even let me use my hands, but he refused to go, had to hold me to sleep, I got angry and wanted to kick him out, he threatened me again, I was a little upset at this moment, said: “Then you go and say it ah, no picture, no truth, you see who will believe you!” “Who says I don’t have a picture?
” Zhang Yao really shameless to the extreme, took out his cell phone and took a picture of me, said, “Now there is.
” I wanted to go grab his cell phone, but he grew taller and I couldn’t reach it, and after making a scene, I pounced on him on the couch, Zhang Yao stretched his body and relaxed, at least much more than I did, he was still smiling, and said, “Sister is so proactive.
” I slapped him hard and didn’t want to pay attention to him, he grabbed my waist and dragged me back to kiss again.
I really do not want to toss and turn, agreed to him to sleep in my house, he is very honest, sleep at night motionless holding me, do not snore and do not move, even so, I am very disturbed, almost to the morning to fall asleep, the alarm rings, I really want to smash the phone.
I have a wake up call, Zhang Yao saw it, so he put his phone in my hand, with my hand, threw his phone out, I said are you sick, I will not pay for it if it breaks, he blinked and said, “I just want you to feel better.
“I have always been a person to eat soft but not hard, a moment no words, dry, said:” I have to go to work, you also go.
” He played a trick, said he could not open his eyes, want to sleep a little more, I do not care about him, let him leave with the door, I just arrived at the company, someone asked me to go downstairs to get takeout, it is Zhang Yao bought, said last night’s lodging fee.
After I took the food back, I heard someone ask Xia Chunyu about her dating experience yesterday, she looked petulant and said that they just had a meal together and then went to a movie, and Zhang Yao sent her home, and someone asked what happened after that, did they spend the night together, and Xia Chunyu covered her face and said, “Oops, you guys don’t want to ask! I’m embarrassed!” Good guy, if not stay with Zhang Yao last night, I really want to believe it, I finished eating the buns and burped comfortably, my colleagues asked me if I was in a situation, breakfast was delivered to the door, I smiled and said no, I ordered it myself.
Xia Chunyu hugged her cell phone and said, “Zhang Yao said he was going to order milk tea for me, do you all want to drink it, I asked him to order it together.
“Although everyone’s mouth said that how can it be good ah, but still said what they want, I took out my cell phone, asked Zhang Yao left, after a long time did not return, I gave him a pop call, also did not respond.
I guess he fell asleep again.
I looked at the show of love Xia Chunyu, a face of understanding, smiled and said: “Chunyu ah, give me a cup of the most expensive! 10 It’s easy to invite the gods and hard to send them away.
Zhang Yao in my home to live addicted, will occasionally bring a late night snack to find me, by the way in my house to stay overnight, he is quite honest, at first I am still very uncomfortable, and then get used to it, as if I bought a human body heater, but the longer the time I feel the more diaphragm, I kinda hate this kind of ambiguity, but to say that when he girlfriend, and I do not particularly want to.
The point is, Zhang Yao also did not propose that I do his girlfriend, he did not say, I certainly can not rush to ask it, this ink on New Year’s Day, the leadership arranged to go to the hot springs resort group building, but also said that everyone has to go, you can bring family members.
Zhang Yao asked me on New Year’s Day have arrangements, I gave him that I want to go home, he said good, and did not come back to me, the life of the scum is so colorful, may be New Year’s Day how many bureaus it, I’m at home to pack to go to the reunion of the baggage, received the video he popped up, he was quite quiet over there, it should be a drink, asked me with a big tongue, “Sister, think of me?
” I said no, he blinked regretfully and said, “But what about?
I miss you.
” My heart was beating extremely fast and I immediately hung up the phone, and he didn’t call back, as a result, I didn’t sleep all night and had a dream that Zhang Yao kept whispering in my ear that he missed me, and when I woke up, it was already more than 7 o’clock.
I went to the company to gather, I did not expect to see him, Zhang Yao came, presumably invited by Xia Chunyu, see me, he was very good, pretending to be unfamiliar, not even greeted me, Qian Xuesong came over to ask if I want to help, I said no thank you, but I really can’t move the luggage, lifting it upwards, almost didn’t hold it.
At this time, from behind me reached out a hand, holding the suitcase, familiar breath invasion and rolled, Zhang Yao behind me said: “Sister, lying is not a good child.
“I knew he was talking about me lying to him about going home, and whispered back, “You didn’t tell me you were coming over either.
“You didn’t invite me either.”
“He said pathetically, but I don’t eat this, I said it’s not someone who invited you, he said you’re jealous, I gave him a blank look, said you want to be beautiful.
On the way there, Qian Xuesong sat next to me, Zhang Yao and Xia Chunyu sat behind me, as soon as I got in the car, I put on the blindfold, Qian Xuesong handed me an earphone, asked me to listen to the song, I took out my earphone, said no thanks.
He was very sensible, put on the headphones, and did not speak, the movement behind me I can not hear, is that from time to time I can hear someone uproar, I feel very chaotic, at this time, the person next to me moved my pinky, I opened my eyes and saw that it was Zhang Yao.
“Why did you come over?
“He said he was seasick, looking for greasy big brother to change the seat, I turned around and saw the people behind me playing the landlord, I closed my eyes, Zhang Yao poked me again, I asked him why, he again looked pitiful, said: “Sister, I also want to listen to the song.
“I said you listen to it, he said he did not bring headphones, I had to hand him the headphones, the two of us leaned very close, his head is about to pillow on me, I was afraid of being seen by others, had to hide all the time, can not hide directly pretend to sleep, and then really fell asleep.
Or Zhang Yao woke me up, I was a little confused, asked him: “arrived?
” just woke up voice a little mute, but also a little pampered feeling, I just asked and regretted, Zhang Yao really bad smile, lying in my right ear without headphones, blew a breath, whispered: “Sister, I’m hard.
” 11 I know Zhang Yao is teasing me, but I still blushed, in order to make myself not look so lame, I do not know how to think, anyway, just reached out and touched him somewhere on his thighs, he froze, I also froze.
But still, I said with a calm demeanor, “It’s so small.
“He pinched my chin and gave it a firm squeeze, and I could tell he was angry, saying, “You know very well if it’s small or not.
“I ignored him, he smiled bitterly and said, “What should I do, now I’m really hard.
I don’t know what to do, but now I’m really hard.” “I deserve it! It’s my fault!” I spat my tongue at him, and was in a good mood, he had finally planted it once.
Qian Xuesong asked me if I needed help, I said no, Zhang Yao is not convenient to move, I reached for the luggage, Qian Xuesong said: “I’ll do it.
“I’m sure I really can’t take it down, I’m not polite, give him a thank you, we both went down, before I got off the car, I looked back, Zhang Yao is talking to Xia Chunyu, walked to the hotel to get a room card, I live in a room with a girl, Zhang Yao is the one who brought Xia Chunyu, of course, she sleeps in a room with her, although it is very hate to admit, but I am very upset, and he didn’t talk to me for the whole afternoon.
At night, I tossed and turned and couldn’t sleep, and my sister in the same room huffed and puffed, and I was still playing with my cell phone, I clicked on the WeChat, no new messages, closed, and then clicked on it again, or not, I know what I’m waiting for, but I don’t want to admit it.
I know what I’m waiting for, but I don’t want to admit it. He’s afraid that he’s flirting with a beautiful woman right now, so he won’t remember me.
Just as I was thinking about it, I got a message from him, “1121, come here.
“I sent a question mark and he said, “Don’t force me to go up and knock on the door.
” Xia Chunyu’s room was next door to mine, not 1121 at all, I put on a jacket, tiptoed out of bed, closed the door with as little noise as possible, and ran to take the elevator, I didn’t want to see Zhang Yao, I just wanted to know what was going on.
But the heartbeat can’t fool people, I looked in the mirror in the elevator, my face was very red, my smile couldn’t be hidden at all, at first glance, it was full of spring light, I felt like stepping on cotton, a little bit of emptiness, a little bit of levitation, and even nervousness a little bit of stomach ache, when I arrived at the door, I didn’t even knock on the door yet, the door was opened from the inside, and reached out with a hand, grabbed me into his arms, lowered his head to kiss me, and also nibbled on my mouth.
“Ouch!” I pushed him away, but he didn’t want to, and kept kissing me, almost kissing me dizzy, before letting go of me, saying, “Sister, I’m jealous.
“I didn’t react.
“You’re getting too close to that greasy old man, and to tell you the truth, I’d like to beat him up.
” I laughed extra loud and asked him if he could beat him up, he said you don’t trust your man, I blushed and said you’re not my man, Zhang Yao bent down, directly picked me up and threw me onto the bed and said, “Lin Evening Qing, you’ll know who’s your man right away.
” He pounced down to kiss me, I refused to admit defeat, pressed him on the bed, climbed on top of him, he did not resist, resting on his arm, looking at me nicely, but I am completely inexperienced, I simply do not know what to do next.
Just when I was thinking about whether to continue with a hard-on or just admit defeat, Zhang Yao suddenly said, “Sister, I’m tired of playing.
” I froze and looked towards him, at that moment, shame and anger rushed to my head, it was like I was slapped head on, I felt like tears were about to come out of my eyes, I raised my hand to slap him, my hand was grabbed by him, he licked my fingertips and said, “Forget about him, be my girlfriend.
” 11 Yes, I’m with Zhang Yao.
It wasn’t until after he gave me those words that I realized I’d been waiting for those words for a long time, but the whole being together thing doesn’t make me feel anything solid, it even makes me a little scared that he’s a Sea King and that being with me is just a novelty.
Even though I was well aware that we were a bad match, reason was simply too much in the face of emotion.
I hugged him anyway and told him, “I got over him a long time ago, boyfriend.
” But before we got together, I still asked him a question, “Why did you threaten me before?
” He froze and asked, “Where did I ever threaten you?
“I said you clearly said also said that if you do not add you have to tell our things, he smiled bitterly and said I and who said ah, I said that day in the ktv to see you and Xia Chunyu pointing to me whispering, he thought for half a day, said: “Oh, you say that ah, she gave me that greasy big brother pestered her to come on.
“I realized that everything is all I think too much, I also said to let Zhang Yao show me the photo taken, he has long been that photo as wallpaper, is a photo of me, especially normal.
“You should change this photo, it’s too ugly!” “I don’t.” He said no.
“He said no, “This is the first photo I ever took, it’s very memorable.
” I: “……” Zhang Yao was very honest, he guessed that he knew what I was thinking, so he just kissed me and hugged me to sleep.
The next day, when Xia Chunyu looked for him to chat, I had a tug in my heart and put all my attention over there, I didn’t expect him to be very direct and say: “I have a girlfriend.
“Colleagues a face to see the expression of scum, Xia Chunyu face can not hang, threw the chopsticks, said: “Then why do you still want to come! Why do you want to give me the illusion! Zhang Yao was also a bit speechless and said, “Didn’t you say that your leader asked you to take a dip in the hot spring to sexually harass you?
To be honest, if not for the big fat temporary things, I will not come over, but I want to thank you ……” words say more will leak, I quickly stop, asked: “Big fat who?
“My classmate, now a police officer.” But now no one cares about Big Fatty.
“But now no one cares who Big Fatty is, because the leader directly black face, said to Xia Chunyu:” Xia, you come over.
“Everyone was watching the fun, only I thought of one thing, I don’t seem to know what Zhang Yao does, so I sent him a message, the words have not been sent, he sat over, took my phone, said: “have something to say face to face, send microblogging why.
“I was afraid that my coworkers would see it, and I wanted to blow him away. He said that no one cared about us right now, and he asked me if I didn’t want to be responsible for him, and if I drove him away again, he was going to kiss me. I was really afraid that he was going to kiss me here, and I didn’t dare to let him go, because no one was going to notice us anyway.
I never asked you, what do you do for a living?” “Oh, I’m unemployed.
“Oh, I’m a hobo.
” He laughed, hooked my nose and said, “Why are you such a good liar, I’m a student at the University of A, here’s my student ID.
” I took it, lamented who would carry a student ID card ah, he said to help Xia Chunyu, originally thought it would be a mess to the police station, by the way, I did not expect her to lie, his ID photo is also very good, or that debauchery, as if the whole world he is the most powerful, I looked at the next, majoring in sociology, the first year of the study, can not see, but also a high school student.
“Your husband is so handsome, you’re looking at him blankly?
” I hastily threw my student ID card to him, he took it with a smile and said, “Sister, you’re blushing, so cute.
“12 Xia Chunyu was expelled, Qian Xuesong did not chase me again, he sent me the last message was: “wish you happiness.
” I asked him how he knew, he said you look at his eyes, than before look at me more warmly, I feel very meat, said thank you.
But I have not been publicized romance, at first is afraid of colleagues talk, and then also feel no need to say, but Zhang Yao, and I on the first day of together on the clamor to send a circle of friends, I asked: “not afraid of blowing up your fishpond?
I asked, “Aren’t you afraid of blowing up your fish pond?” He said that there were no more fish in the pond, and that he was now keeping himself to himself and only wanted to raise me.
I also sent a circle of friends, but blocked my colleagues, I always thought that this matter is nothing, until that day, Zhang Yao came to pick me up from work, I asked him to wait for me at the subway station, when I saw him, I obviously feel that he is a little unhappy.
I went up and put my arm around him and asked, “What’s wrong, you look like you want to hit someone.
” “Lin Evening Qing, there’s something I want to ask you.
” Zhang Yao rarely called me by my first name, I was a bit flustered and asked, “What?
“Do you feel ashamed to be with me?
“I froze and asked, “Why would you think that?
“Why don’t you ever let me pick you up from your office, or bring me to meet your friends, or block so many people every time you post a friend circle? Do you simply not want to be responsible, and don’t want to bring me into your circle, so that you can get out of it at any time?
“Frankly speaking, my first reaction was shock, Zhang Yao even has such a time when he is not confident, I asked, “Are you serious?
I asked, “Are you serious?” “What do you think?
“I realized that Zhang Yao was really angry, I hastened to explain to him is not like that, I never feel that way, he asked me then why do not tell my colleagues that he is my boyfriend, I said not because of Xia Chunyu it, he said that are eight hundred years ago, the two of us, one sentence, and argued, I’m a person who hates to argue, and at that moment, also a little annoyed.
I hated his distrust because I didn’t even think about it that way, I just shook his hand off and said, “I want to be quiet.
‘ People in love are so strange, one second they are in love passionately, the next second they can use the most ruthless words to break each other’s heart.
Zhang Yao’s eyes also red, did not say a word, leaving me behind.
13 I originally thought we would always be cold war, I did not expect to the evening, Zhang Yao called me, at first I did not answer, he called the second, I really do not want to hang up again, but the tone is also very bad, asked: “What?
“Sister, I’m downstairs at your house, can you come down?
” After I went down, I saw Zhang Yao standing at the door of the building, he was kicking stones with his head down, pitifully, his hair grew a little bit longer, now he looked like a poor puppy, I walked over and asked him what he was doing, he said I’m sorry, sister, I was wrong.
I was a little stunned by his sudden apology, I had thought he was here to argue, he said he was wrong, he shouldn’t have said such outrageous things or left me alone in the subway station, he said he was sorry and didn’t want to break up with me, and asked if I could forgive him.
I have said before, I always eat soft but not hard, I also realized my own problem, very sincerely said: “I’m sorry, I also have a mistake, I did not take into account your feelings, but I really do not have that intention ……” the latter words I did not say, because Zhang Yao has embraced me, he said: “Sister, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’ll never make you sad again. I will never make you sad again.
“I patted his shoulder and asked, “Are you free this weekend?
“Yes,” he replied sullenly.
“He answered sullenly.
“Get ready and invite my girlfriends for dinner.” 14 I didn’t expect that.
“14 I didn’t think that Zhang Yao would be that nervous, anyway, he kept fixing his hair and clothes, asking me every few minutes how he looked now, and when I said are you that nervous, he said of course, that’s your friend.
But the good news is that my BFF spoke extremely highly of him and finally summed it up in one sentence, “Ching, I’m on board with this marriage!” The more troublesome is to meet my colleagues, as I expected, their first reaction is to eat melon, look at my expression as if I am a third party, and fast-talking directly said: “Ah! You are not that Xia Chunyu’s ……?
“High school classmates.
“Zhang Yao picked up,” thanks to her, or I can not chase such a good-looking sister.
“There are talkative told Xia Chunyu, she came to WeChat to find me, scolded me shameless, scolded me is a little three, I returned to her: “You know, sometimes other people chasing too fierce, there is no way to refuse.
“When I sent this sentence, Zhang Yao was sitting next to me and said with a smile, “You are getting more and more eloquent these days.
‘ I took a bite of the apple he peeled for me and said, ”It’s called being close to the ink is black.”
”Xia Chunyu immediately went to Zhang Yao, but he had long since deleted her, so she frantically sent verified messages, saying things like Lin Evening Qing is just using you, and that she’s with you just to get revenge, and also adding to the story about Qian Xuesong and me.
Zhang Yao blacked her out, but it didn’t delay him from finding me to settle the score.
He took his cell phone and asked me, “Eating with him?
” “He gave me the word that it was a coworker get-together, and there were a lot of people there, not just the two of us!” “Watching a movie together?” “No, let me explain.
“No, listen to my explanation, he said he was stood up by his friends and no one accompanied him, so he invited me.
“And he used a couple’s avatar?”
“He said he wanted me to help him find an avatar, and then confusedly used a couple’s ……” My voice is getting smaller and smaller, the bottom of the air is getting weaker and weaker, and the result is that Zhang Yao pressed me to the bed, and educated me severely.
This time, I can finally ask with great confidence, “Do you think, I live well?
” The result was being cleaned up again.
In the end, I lay on the bed and gave him, “Zhang Yao! You’re not allowed to touch me for half a month!” He laughed with a big smile, slapped my ass, and whispered in my ear, “Sister, isn’t it time for you to shout for it?
“I covered his mouth to stop him from talking nonsense, and when I had rested enough, Zhang Yao threw his cell phone to me and said, “Sister, you can also help me find an avatar.
“I also found a pair of love head, I am a cute little girl, he is a little girl holding the pig, I originally thought Zhang Yao will be angry, I did not expect him to be quite baby, staring at a long time, but also sent a circle of friends, said: “We are also a love head of the people.
“The bottom of a water of comments, the sour smell of love.
I looked at him holding the phone silly look, also took a picture, sent a friend circle: “my family’s silly child.
“This time, I didn’t block anyone.
15 Later, I asked Zhang Yao if he had been dating a lot before, and he said it was my first time, do you believe me?
I said I don’t believe it, he took out his cell phone, opened the software, and found that the time of registration is the day of chatting with me, the list of many girls and he chatted, but he only replied to me, I asked him why he wanted to get off the software, he said that he lost his drink.
I asked him why he contacted me later and he said, “It’s probably because your interesting soul attracted me.
” I kicked him in the ass and told him to speak up, and he thought for a second and said, “Probably just wanted to see what all the clip sounds on the internet looked like.
‘ The result, of course, was a brutal beating from me, and he hugged me and said, “Sister, I was never a Sea King, I just wanted to be with you.
” Of course I didn’t believe his sweet words, but I still kissed him and said, “Good boy, go wash an apple for me.
” I looked at him with his apron on, washing apples in the sink, and suddenly felt that none of that before mattered.
Because right now, he’s the perfect boyfriend for me.
End of article

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