What’s the shyest thing you’ve ever experienced?

What’s the most humiliating thing you’ve ever experienced?

Probably, in order to take revenge on my boss who frequently harassed me, I teased his son, a small milk dog six years younger than me.

I didn’t realize that milk dogs are better at teasing, and old aunts fall into the …… (fictional story, adapted from a friend’s real experience, may you enjoy reading it~)1 “Sister, I miss you so much.

“ Gu Yang hugged me tightly as soon as he entered the door, with a hint of huskiness in his voice, and perhaps a hint of sweet lingering.

He was born with peach blossom eyes, and with those handsome cheeks tinted with a bit of color, he was able to charm a large number of young girls his age and younger.

The young boy’s body temperature was hot, and I somewhat helplessly pushed him away, rubbing his fluffy head, “Alright, hurry up and come eat.

‘ Gu Yang passed me, grabbed the cup on the table where the ice ball was placed, took a big sip of Coke, and then his eyes darkened slightly when he looked my way: ”Sister, you should drink less alcohol, and two days ago you said that your stomach hurt.”

“I don’t want to worry about these small things with Gu Yang, and heat up the last dish and bring it up.

“Sister, won’t you eat with me?

“ He looked at me with puppy dog eyes.

“I’ve already eaten.

“ I said lightly, ”Hurry up and eat, and leave afterward.

I still have a program to do, so I don’t have time to serve you tonight.” ”Sister, why do you always flip out?

“Sister, why do you always turn your back on me?

“Gu Yang scratched his messy hair and said, ”You can do the work tomorrow, I’m going to the provinces the day after tomorrow, so I won’t be able to see you for the next half a month.

“I’ve already turned on my computer and snickered, ”I’d like to do it tomorrow, but would your father agree?

“That’s why I said, tell him about us, so you don’t have to work so hard every day.” “Don’t do it.

Young master, I’m standing here on my own merits. If you yell at me like that, it’ll look like I’m sleeping with the boss’s son to get ahead.

“With a loud bang, Gu Yang had already kicked over the wooden stool and stood in front of me in a rage, his eyes red: ”Sister, you say that every time.

In your mind, what kind of relationship do we have?

!” I sighed in my heart.

What kind of relationship can it be, bed partner.

This is something that I originally thought Gu Yang understood in his heart, however, in recent times, he has been dragging me to see some silly movies, going to amusement parks and ocean parks, and buying me cotton candy to write love letters.

I can’t help but begin to suspect that this kid really wants to fall in love with me.

Gu Yang is 19 years old, just started his freshman year of college, and is the son of the owner of our company.

I slept with him on this matter, from the very beginning to store a bit of revenge mind.

Revenge his father Gu Zhengyang always take the excuse of work, intentionally or unintentionally pat my shoulder, touch my legs, poke my waist, say some dirty words, send some jewelry.

In order to show that I don’t want to be an adult male stepmother, I can only develop some other relationship with him.

2 Just joined this company the year I graduated with my master’s degree.

I was 24 years old, and I was selected from hundreds of interviewees, and talked about a salary of half a million dollars upwards per year.

It was enough for me to live in this first-tier city, as long as I didn’t take over the family.

When I was 15, my parents had a younger brother, a twin.

Their calculations were particularly good: “Qin Zhao, in seven years you will graduate from university, by then your father and I will be old, and your two younger brothers will be in elementary school, so you will be in charge.

“I pulled all of my family’s phone numbers, ignored my mom’s cries of ‘your two younger brothers can’t afford to go to school’ and my dad’s curse of ‘no one will ever marry a cold and vicious woman like you’, and removed them from my friends list.

Earlier, when I moved my account out of my family, I gave them two hundred thousand dollars for the buyout.

From that time on, I considered myself fatherless and motherless.

In the second month after I started working, because the program I came up with brought millions of revenue to the company, I was transferred early and was promoted to project leader a year later.

If it were not for my boss, Gu Zhengyang, my career path would probably have been smooth and rocketing down.

Although Gu Zhengyang is not young, but the person is well maintained, good figure, good clothes, look very young, as if only the early thirties.

Many single girls in the company have so many ideas about him.

Except me.

I’m not stupid, a forty year old man using the strength of alcohol to pour out his heart to a twenty-five year old girl, saying how lonely and hard it was to raise his son alone after his wife’s illness and death, and how clean he himself was – what this means, I know very well.

Gu Zhengyang liked me, and in this liking, the component of lust was much higher than a mere heartbeat.

But I’m not willing, even though my path might be smoother if I agree with him.

Adults know the measure, he also does not force me, after all, in addition to young and beautiful, I am also a very good, can create revenue for the company’s employees.

So while he gave me a normal job, he continued to tease me, giving me gifts, creating physical contact, testing my bottom line.

I was annoyed to no end.

Until that afternoon, Gu Zhengyang threw me a car key before he left on a business trip and asked me to pick up his son and take him home.

I drove the car to the entrance of the city’s best university, looked around, did not find Gu Yang, so I had to call him.

I called him seven times in a row before he answered, and his tone was impatient: “Who is it?

“Gu Yang, I’m an employee of your father’s company, he asked me to pick you up.

“I kept my business-like tone of indifference and cut off my next words just in time before he opened his mouth, ”Give me your address or I’ll go to your school’s broadcasting station and forums to post a missing person’s notice.

“I found a drunken Gu Yang in a bar near the university.

The lights were dimmed, the music was blaring, and a couple of college students on stage were singing “I’m Young, I’m Young” by Old King’s Band at the top of their lungs.

I fished Gu Yang out of the couch through the restless crowd.

He wore a black sweater, had short, shaggy hair, and diamond earrings, with a deep profile.

A pair of eyes in the mist haze, the narrow tail of the eyes, and because of the wine stained slightly red, lips are also colorful red.

Originally, Gu Yang still refused to go, I smashed a bottle, only to bluff the group of children next to the coaxing, dragged away.

Gu Yang is tall, I managed to get him into the car, sweat has wet back.

After following the navigation and driving to the entrance of Gu’s villa, he suddenly came over and leaned over my shoulder to sniff, “Sister, you smell so good.

”A person’s desires and evil thoughts are meant to appear in an instant.

In this car, Gu Zhengyang once used the name of sending me home after a business deal to gently rub on my thighs through my skirt.

He wore an expensive imperial green wrench on his thumb, translucent and moist, just this one, enough for five years of my salary.

He did it on purpose.

Seems elegant and easygoing, but winning.

And now, I am sitting in this car with his son, it is dark, the lights are dim, the smell of alcohol is spreading, the atmosphere is just right.

I hooked my lips and unbuckled my seatbelt.

Deliberate seduction, if you are not.

Gu Yang looked at me with red eyes, and did not dare to act rashly, so he could only voice hoarse pouting: “Sister, I am so hot ……” I laughed softly: “What to do?

Sister can only make you hotter.

“3 Gu Yang is very young and straightforwardly enthusiastic.

Throughout the process, he kept repeatedly calling, “Sister, sister ……” His body carried the unique odor of a young boy, fresh, charming, but at the moment, deeply in lust, and extraordinarily arousing.

The next morning, I woke up in Gu Yang’s bedroom.

He was still asleep, one arm resting on my chest.

After drinking last night and tossing and turning in the middle of the night, he was a heavy sleeper, and when I moved his arm away, the kid only grunted, not much of a reaction.

Gu Zhengyang called me: “Qin Zhao, Xiao Yang didn’t give you any trouble last night, right?

No.” ”No.

“Probably because I was too indulgent last night, as soon as I opened my mouth, I realized that my voice was hoarse.

Gu Zhengyang let out a low laugh, his voice suddenly brought some tenderness and lingering: “Xiao Zhao, you don’t talk to me like this, I will misunderstand.

“Hehe, you slowly misunderstand it, anyway, I slept with your son, no loss.

I laughed coldly in the bottom of my heart and hung up the phone.

Gu Zhengyang quickly sent another WeChat over, “The last version of that bidding program for Chengji, you send me another copy for backup.

‘ I stared at the message and didn’t make a sound for a long time.

Gu Zhengyang is always like this, switching between work and personal matters at will. He doesn’t mind, but he’s messing up my life.

The last time I went to his office to deliver a document, his fingers slowly slid over the back of my hand, allowing the receptionist who suddenly came in to see it.

Later, the company about my rumors have been disturbed, what unpleasant words have, or I went to say soft words, and invited him to dinner, he was willing to step forward to clarify the rumors.

After all, he is fifteen years older than me, in terms of means, I can’t beat him.

But Gu Zhengyang’s company is the industry leader, if I resign, I go somewhere else, it is difficult to get such a high salary.

I was a little out of my mind, standing under the bed with my bare legs for a while, when Gu Yang’s voice suddenly came from behind me: “…… Sister?

“ The voice carried a few moments of drowsiness after just waking up.

I collected my mind, turned my head to look at him, and smiled, “Do you recognize who I am?

‘ Gu Yang nodded, rubbed his short messy hair, jumped out of bed, and went to the bathroom to take a shower: ”You said last night that you are an employee of my father’s company.

‘ His composure surprised me slightly.

Originally, I thought that Gu Yang would definitely question me about last night when he woke up, I had even made up an excuse already.

But when I thought about the scene I saw in the bar last night, I realized something.

Nowadays, a lot of young people play much more openly than adults, and Gu Yang, as a typical rich second generation, probably has long been accustomed to such a one-night stand.

This is also good, we do not declare, play through even, not related to each other.

I changed my skirt, stepped on high heels, waved to him before leaving the door: “Goodbye.

“However, I never expected, just got on the car I received a phone call from Gu Yang: ”Where have you been?

“I said lazily, ”I took a taxi home.

”It’s killing me, the white shirt has been crumpled by this young master, and there are still unidentified traces of stars drying on it.

I couldn’t help but reflect on the fact that I had indeed overindulged last night.

But it seems that I also really have some …… appetite.

Gu Yang seems to be a bit angry: “You just plan to leave like this?

“ I laughed: ”What, do you want to do it again with me?

“ The phone side of the silence, a few moments later, Gu Yang’s voice into my ears, cold, a little like his father Gu Zhengyang: ”Let your car parked in place and wait for me.

“ I am a person who eats soft food, but not hard.

Immediately sneered, hung up the phone, said to the driver: “Continue to drive.

“But I don’t know where Gu Yang got my address, after two days, in the morning, I went out to eat breakfast, and as soon as I opened the door, I saw him squatting in front of my house.

Hearing the voice, he raised his head, his lips were frozen white, and his wet eyes showed a few points of helplessness and aggression, like a big dog abandoned by its owner.


“ he said, ”I’ve been waiting outside your house for a long time.

“I used to date a lot of people, but most of them are the same age, we are the society of the past, know very well, after the end of the discovery that there is no long term cooperation intention, consciously each other sea of people farewell.

Like Gu Yang such unforgiving young boy, I still encountered for the first time.

I sighed, complaining inwardly that I had gotten myself into trouble, and held out a hand to him, “Let’s go, I’ll take you to breakfast.

‘ Gu Yang was tall and had a big appetite, he ate four doughnuts and two bowls of bean curd brains before putting down his chopsticks, and then looked at me with a burning gaze, as if there was a tail wagging behind him.

I could only bring him home again, and then asked him seriously, “Do you want to continue what happened the other night with me?

‘ He instantly turned red and stammered for half a day before finally responding in a very small voice.

I thought about it for a while, Gu Yang was skilled and gifted, so it was okay to maintain a long term relationship with him.

Most importantly, he was Gu Zhengyang’s son.

Gu Zhengyang was a flirtatious person, but he was very attached to this son of his.

Moreover, he had always been arrogant and determined that I couldn’t escape him, so he slowly teased me like a cat catching a mouse.

To him, watching me agitated but unable to do anything about it was probably the greatest pleasure in the world.

Being close to his son under his nose was a pleasure to think about.

I smiled slowly at the thought, “Sure.

“But I have to work tomorrow, so I can’t keep you tonight, so let’s start now.”

”I didn’t even wear a condom that night on a whim, I always remember this time.”

I pulled open the drawer of the coffee table, rummaged for a condom and gave it to Gu Yang, signaling him to tear it open and put it on himself.

The kid froze, his face suddenly turned a little white.

I didn t care too much, reached out to take off his clothes, young boys like to wear sweatshirts, soft, loose …… good off.

“That night the light is dark, did not see clearly, you still have abs it brother.

“ I whistled.

Gu Yang wore sweatpants, equally loose, full of youthfulness that was about to overflow.

However, he was clearly already in love, but he held down my hand, his eyes reddened, and he stared straight at me.


“ He took two breaths, then said, ”I do like you.

“ 4 This kind of flirting words belong to the entry level in my place, I have no fluctuation, perfunctory: ”Sister also like you ah.

” Again, I moved over to gently kiss the knot of his throat.

The light in the bottom of Gu Yang’s eyes darkened and darkened, and he finally didn’t hold back the desire that was churning and turned against him.

By the time he finished this long love affair, the time had already passed noon, I went to the bathroom with traces all over my body and took a shower, and when I casually put on a nightgown and came out, I realized that Gu Yang was still sleeping naked on the sofa.

“Go take a shower, you can leave afterward.

“ I drove people away without mercy.

Gu Yang looked at me accusingly, “Sister, I’m hungry.

」「……」「If there’s nothing to eat, it’s okay to eat you.

“……” I turned around and walked towards the kitchen, saying as I walked, “I’ll get you some food, so hurry up and leave when you’re done.

“ There was still leftover toast from two days ago in the refrigerator, so I simply made a sandwich and handed it to Gu Yang.

He plucked the slices of bread on the plate with his fork and looked up at me, “Sister, is this what you usually eat?

‘ I tilted my head and poured down a glass of wine, saying lightly, “Yes, what’s wrong?

“ ”Let me cook for you next time, okay?

I’m a good cook.

‘ I froze for a moment, and when I came back to my senses, I didn’t say yes or no, I just told him to eat and leave quickly.

Gu Yang dawdled on the sofa for a while, grabbing my fingers and kissing them again and again before finally leaving reluctantly.

People are gone, but messages are sent one after another.

“Sister, I’m home.

“Sister, I’m going to the morning class, remember to eat breakfast.” “Sister, I haven’t seen you for a few days.

“Sister, I haven’t seen you for a few days. I miss you.”

“Sister, there’s a school basketball game at 7:00 p.m. I’m the small forward, do you want to come and watch?”

“I’ve never seen anyone so clingy, I couldn’t get used to it for a while, and I was about to reject it, but Gu Yang sent me a photo right after, of him leaning against a basketball hoop in a blue and white jersey, smiling radiantly.

My heart suddenly softened.

After work, I organized my work and drove to Gu Yang’s school.

There was some traffic on the road, and by the time I arrived, the game had already started a little while ago.

Gu Yang was tall, long and flexible, and he scored a lot of points with his teammates.

When I arrived at the sidelines, he had just scored a goal, and amidst the cheers of the whole court, he turned around with a faint smile, and when his eyes swept over me at the sidelines, they suddenly lit up.

“Sis!” He waved hard at me and quickly got back into the game.

I watched Gu Yang play, and for a moment I was in a bit of a trance.

My college career was filled with studies and part-time jobs, and I had never participated in a tournament activity like this one, which was full of youthful vigor.

At this moment, the evening breeze and the bright lights of the stadium shone on my face, making me go back to my missing youthful days.

The game was over, and Gu Yang’s team had won by an overwhelming margin.

He ran over to me and asked me, “Sister, am I good?

“I smiled and nodded my head, ”Great.

I smiled and nodded, “Great.” In my heart, I thought to myself, “That day on the sofa in my living room, when the sweat on Gu Yang’s forehead dripped down on my shoulder, he had also asked me the same thing.

Obviously, he was a boy with handsome eyebrows, but he had a pair of extraordinarily seductive peach blossom eyes.

This combination on his face does not seem out of place or abrupt, but rather more and more out of place.

Therefore, there should not be a few girls in school who like him.

When he ran towards me just now, he rejected two little girls who brought water and towels.

The two stood over there aggrieved and looked towards us from time to time.

Gu Yang turned a blind eye and just looked at me, asking somewhat cautiously, “Sister, can I stay at your place tonight?

“ I paused, ”…… You don’t have class tomorrow morning?

“Gu Yang is particularly aggrieved: ”Tomorrow Saturday.

“I’ve been working overtime day and night to catch up with the program, and I almost forgot the date.

I originally wanted to ask Gu Yang will not go home on the weekend, then remembered that Gu Zhengyang just came back from a business trip today, suddenly lost the idea of asking, but instead laughed and said: “Yes.” Gu Yang immediately jumped up and down.

“Gu Yang immediately jumped up.

At this time, a few boys on the same team with him walked over, Gu Yang turned around and said a few words, a few children whistled and laughed: “Gu Yang, going on a date?

I’ll take care of it for you, don’t worry about it.

“I drove Gu Yang back home.

In the middle of the ride, he received a phone call from Gu Zhengyang.

I don’t know what Gu Zhengyang said, but Gu Yang was particularly impatient: “I know, I’m not a kid anymore, I don’t need you to care so much.” “Playing soccer, I can still play.

I’m not a kid, I don’t need you to care so much.” ”I’m playing soccer, what else can I do?

“I have something else to do, I’m hanging up now.

“Gu Yang hung up the phone, I glanced at him, ”Your father cares about you, why do you have such an attitude?

Why are you acting like this?” ”Concerned about me?

Gu Yang furrowed his eyebrows, seemingly upset, “If he really cared about me, he should have taken better care of my mom and not let her die so early.”

‘ His eyes reddened a little at the mention of his mother who had died early.

In the gossip of other employees in the company, I had learned about Gu Yang’s family before.

It was said that his mother was from a scholarly family, married Gu Zhengyang, and accompanied him to start a business from scratch.

The company was not easy to get on track, but she fell ill, found out when it was already terminal cancer, lasted two years on the go.

The year she left, Gu Yang was only nine years old.

I don’t know how to comfort him, can only take advantage of the red light to spare a hand, soothing like patting his shoulder.

Gu Yang’s eyes became even redder: “Not long after my mom left, he came back with a new woman, and not long after that, he changed again, and the people around him never stopped.

I hate him, and I hate those indiscreet, shameless women!” I said to myself, “Please don’t, young master, how can you be any better, but on my face I smiled and said, ”So, you hate me too?

“Gu Yang froze, looked at me and said sharply, ”How could that be! Sister, you’re not like them!” I parked the car, got out of the car first, and walked towards the door of the building, Gu Yang hurriedly chased after me, repeatedly explaining: “Sister, I’m not talking about you, you’re not like them, I like you ……” When I opened the door, I reached out and pressed the living room light, turned around and pulled the door closed, and then I put Gu Yang in the crook of my arm, tilted his head up, and smiled gently: “That doesn’t matter, brother, the night is short. It doesn’t matter, brother, the night is short, let’s do what we need to do.” 5 The next day, I woke up to find Gu Yang in the living room.

“When I woke up the next day, I found that Gu Yang had made me breakfast.

An omelette that was a bit battered, and cereal with milk that I had forgotten to put sugar in.

Looking at his eyes full of anticipation, I swallowed the stuff with difficulty in the end, and then rummaged through the drawer and threw a game console at him, “You play for a while, I’m going out to buy groceries.

”Gu Yang hurriedly said, ”I’ll go with you!” I held my forehead.

He’s really sticky.

Gu Yang looked at me aggressively, “Sister, don’t you want to take me with you?

“Go ahead, go ahead.

“ I broke, ”You’re just in time to help me carry my stuff.

“ ‘Good!’ Gu Yang happily jumped up from the sofa, and if you didn’t know better, you’d think that I wasn’t asking him to carry something, I was giving it to him.

Gu Yang and I pushed the cart and walked in the supermarket, I was picking milk in front of the shelves, when a familiar voice suddenly came to my ears, mixed with a hint of surprise: “Qin Zhao?

“After a pause, I turned my head and saw a familiar face, with handsome features and an affectionate brow.

My ex-boyfriend from graduate school, Zhou Weinian.

Compared to Gu Yang, the entanglement between Zhou Weinian and me is much more complicated.

I’ve paid my dues, and I’ve been in a game full of tension between adults.

On the day we broke up, Zhou Weinian kissed me on the cheek and smiled a cold smile: “Qin Zhao, it is impossible for you to meet another person who loves you as much as I do.” I pushed him away and gently smiled at him.

“I pushed him away and laughed softly, ”I know, but we both love ourselves more.

“Zhou Weinian and I met because of a part-time job.

At the time, I was worried about the next month’s living expenses and my packed class schedule.

Ever since I started college, my parents stopped caring about me and I had to take care of all my living expenses by myself.

However, after I was assigned a minor, my studies became more and more intense, and my part-time job and exams piled up together, almost driving me crazy.

To add insult to injury, I was fired from both of my part-time tutoring jobs at the same time.

Zhou Weinian appeared at this time.

He asked me to tutor his younger sister, who was a senior in high school, for a price that was much higher than the market average.

That Christmas, Zhou Weinian and I rolled in bed with the strength of alcohol.

The lights in the hotel room were dim and ambiguous, and he was on top of me looking at me with a dark light of lust in his eyes.

I reached out and hooked my hand around his neck and laughed softly, “Are we clear?

“How can it be that easy?

”He hummed softly, lowered his head to nibble on my neck, and said in a muffled voice, ”Qin Zhao, let’s try it out.

“I’m with Zhou Weinian.

He does treat me well, not forgetting to send me expensive gifts every holiday.

I believe he likes me, it’s just that this kind of liking is built on the premise that it doesn’t affect himself.

He was able to pay a high price to hire me as his sister’s tutor, but he couldn’t accept me being sharp all the time.

After he proposed that I go to his family’s company to help out, but was rejected by me once again, Zhou Weinian’s face did not look worried, and faintly said, “Qin Zhao, if you want to go on like this, you’re wearing down my love for you.


“ I smiled lightly, ”Then let’s separate.

“Zhou Weinian and I do things, one more than one absolute, said break up, really never contact.

We haven’t seen each other for three years, but I didn’t expect that we’d run into each other today.

I haven’t reacted yet, Gu Yang has already blocked in front of me, vigilantly staring at Zhou Weinian, but the words in his mouth are asking me: “Sister, who is he?

“Xiao Zhao, after you left me, your eye for picking people is getting worse and worse.”

“Zhou Weinian had a smile on his lips, but the bottom of his eyes were cold, ”This little brother, is he an adult?

‘ Gu Yang’s face was expressionless as he said coldly, ”What does it have to do with you?

‘ He turned back to take my hand, ”Sister, let’s go.”

“I didn’t move.

Gu Yang froze, his eyes suddenly surged a few sporadic ruthlessness, and quickly sank, replaced by I have seen countless times of aggression, voice with a hint of sadness: “Sister ……” I patted his hand as if to pacify, and then raised his head to Zhou Weinian: “do not need to worry about you, I now like the young obedient.

“ Zhou Weinian smile unchanged: ”Qin Zhao, I was not expecting that you also have a day to raise a small milk dog.

”Hearing this, Gu Yang turned his head and said with a straight face, “None of your business! I just like to eat my sister’s soft food, what’s wrong with that?

‘ Zhou Weinian finally changed his expression, he saw that I didn’t retort and took it as a tacit acceptance, so he faintly lowered his eyes, and then raised them again a moment later, picking up a bottle of milk from the shelf and placing it in the trolley in front of me, and softly and honeyedly said, ”Xiaozhao, I remember that this is your favorite brand to drink.

You’ve been lacking calcium, so remember to drink milk on time and drink less alcohol.

“ After finishing, he walked away without hesitation.

Gu Yang was exasperated, he took out the bottle of milk and put it back on the shelf, and replaced it with a new one, before following me to the checkout.

When I got home, I quickly made lunch in the kitchen and called Gu Yang to come and eat, “Come on, it’s time for a soft meal.

“He put a piece of ribs in his bowl and didn’t eat it, but just hesitantly raised his eyes to look at me.

I raised my eyebrows, “What do you want to ask?

‘ Gu Yang asked: ”Sister, who in the world is that person ……?

“ I did not expect him to care so much about Zhou Weinian, honestly said: ”Ex-boyfriend, has been broken up for quite a long time kind of.

“”…… Sister still like him?

“I thought about it: ”I liked it.

“Gu Yang pursed his lips, lowered his head to eat quietly, no longer speak, but the color is a little dark and unclear, so I can not understand what he was thinking for a moment.

6Gu Yang stayed with me for two days, and on the third day, he had to go back to school.

Before he left, he was reluctant to part, and had to ask me for a farewell kiss.

I kissed his warm cheeks, and was about to leave, when suddenly he clutched his chin and blocked my lips in a long and wet kiss.

When he managed to let go, he gazed into my eyes again from close range and whispered, “I’m going to miss you, sis.

‘ I sighed in my heart and said against my will, ”Sister will miss you too.

“Gu Yang’s eyes lit up, ”Really?


”Of course it’s a lie.

The last two days he was here, he was so clingy, I had a bunch of unfinished work in my hands, just waiting for him to leave to work overtime.

Originally, I should have opened my mouth to kick him out a long time ago, but when I looked at Gu Yang’s wet, innocent eyes, I couldn’t even say anything heavy.

The next morning, I stayed up all night to finish the program to Gu Zhengyang, he lowered his head to turn over two pages and then looked up, smiled and said: “Qin Zhao, your ability to work, I have always been assured.

“I pursed my lips: ”Mr. Gu or take a close look at it, this program is a bidding with the Spring View side, a few key figures I have marked out, but I did not feel their bottom line, the specific amount of the need for a meeting to discuss again.

“Gu Zhengyang nodded: ”You can organize the meeting.

”I answered and turned to go out the door, my hand just resting on the doorknob when Gu Zhengyang suddenly called me from behind.

As soon as I turned around, I heard him ask with a smile, ”Xiao Zhao, have you fallen in love in the past two days?

”My hands tightened and I lightly laughed, ”How come?

I’m still young, I want to fight for myself for two more years.” ”I knew it, you know what I mean.

“I knew you knew what to do and what not to do.” Gu Zheng Yang smiled kindly.

“Gu Zhengyang smiled kindly, but I was so disgusted that I wanted to vomit.

On my way home from work, I received a call from an unfamiliar number.

When the phone was connected, two familiar raucous voices came from there: “Sister.

”It’s not Gu Yang, it’s my two twin brothers who just turned ten.

I don’t like them.

I know, they don’t like me either.

But at this moment, they are following the secret orders of their parents, and are talking to each other on the phone against their will: “Sister, we miss you so much, will you come back to see us next month?

Will you come back to see us next month?” ”No.

No,” I said, ”I don’t know you.

“After a few seconds of silence on the other side of the phone, my mom yelled, ”You little bitch, you’ve been living in my house for so many years for nothing, Xiaobao and Xiaowen are your own brothers! You’re living in the big city, and you’re watching your own brothers suffer in a small town?

White-eyed wolf, heartless thing ……” followed by a series of unpleasant swear words.

I listened quietly, my tone remained calm: “I recorded it, if I call again, I don’t mind going online to expose you.

“ After I finished, I hung up the phone, changed direction and drove towards the bar.

The lights are disoriented, I sat at a corner table and drank two tequila, gradually felt a little dizzy, propped up my head, staring blankly ahead, letting my out-of-focus gaze fall into the void.

The drink had a strong aftertaste, and I staggered to my feet, sat down again, and picked up my cell phone.

Ghostly, I dialed Gu Yang’s number.

He came extremely quickly, arriving here in less than half an hour, the teenager who stood upright like a small poplar stood at the entrance of the bar, immediately attracting a lot of prying eyes.

He turned a blind eye, and after sweeping his eyes for a week, he walked straight toward me.

I looked at him drunkenly.

Gu Yang squatted down and looked at my eyes flatly, his tone paused, “…… Sister, your eyes are so red.

“ I smiled, put my hand on his shoulder and whispered, ”Take me home.

“ Gu Yang carried me out of the bar, took a taxi to take me home, the drunkenness rolled over, I was hard to lean on his shoulder, until I entered the house, he carefully put me on the sofa, was about to get up, suddenly I hooked my neck and kissed.

Searing breath spewed out in my ears, Gu Yang’s eyes grew deeper and deeper, I kissed him delicately and whispered, “Brother.

“ ”Sister, I’m in.

“”You like me?

“ I asked.

Gu Yang’s gaze trembled, and he finally said, “Like.


Probably because of the number of times he has played the role, he has practiced good acting skills.

The boy’s eyes were sincere, but he was full of lies.

The first time I met him, I slept in the car on the way back.

He didn’t even recognize me from before.

How fond can one be of such a relationship?

No one is born thin-skinned.

When I was little, my mother hugged me and said she liked me.

I was so happy, I said I liked my mom too.

She said, “You don’t have to like mom, but you have to like your younger brother, your cousin, your cousin, and your future real brother …… Qin Zhao, they are all your family, you have to help them and love them regardless of return, remember?

“Later, Zhou Weinian also said he liked me.

He said, “Xiao Zhao, how can I stand it when you keep pinpointing each other like this?

Stop it. I won’t treat you badly.

“ The emptiness in my heart was suddenly filled with hot, I pinched Gu Yang’s shoulders, gasped violently and suddenly dropped tears.

Gu Yang panicked, stopped and didn’t dare to move, and raised his hand to wipe my tears one by one.

What happened afterward, I can’t remember at all.

I have a good capacity for alcohol and rarely get drunk, but every time I get drunk, I forget things.

When I woke up the next day, Gu Yang had already disappeared, and I was lying on the sofa with a blanket over me.

I got up with a bit of a headache, poured myself a glass of warm water, and drank it all in one go.

Just then, there was a sudden knock at the door.

I casually grabbed a jacket and put it on, walking over to open the door.

A smiling Gu Yang stood at the door with a huge suitcase by his side.

7 Gu Yang and I started living together like this.

At first, I was reluctant, but Gu Yang seems to have recognized the nature of my soft refusal, tugging on my sleeve, and even squeezed two tears, I could only agree to come down.

He dragged the box to the bedroom, pulled open the closet, and hung his clothes in one by one.

It was only then that I realized that Gu Yang is actually not quite like a rich second generation in the traditional sense.

The clothes he bought were all kind of soft sweatshirts that he wore on his body like a big fluffy dog, and when he sat on the sofa with his eyes down and played games, he was not aggressive at all.

I rented a small one-bedroom apartment, so Gu Yang naturally slept in the same bed with me.

The little boy didn’t snore, but he always liked to stick to me when he slept, his hot breath spraying in my ears.

I’m not a gentleman, touching the abs rubbing the knot in the throat, unknowingly rolled together.

Gu Yang is only a freshman, not a lot of major classes, most of the time he sleeps in my place no problem, only one day there is a late class, will reluctantly say goodbye to me.

He would also comfort me by saying, “Sister, don’t miss me, I’m only going back for a day, I’ll be back soon.

“In the past few days, the company’s bidding won over Chunjing and took the big project in Yongchang, and Gu Zhengyang made the decision to grant me, as the person in charge, a substantial bonus.

Together with the money I saved before, I was able to buy the apartment I’m renting now.

Drifting alone in this city, it seems that only a house can give me the greatest sense of security.

I was in a good mood, so I played along with him, “Okay, I’ll cook for you at home,” he said.

“In the matter of cooking, Gu Yang tasted the food I made, and no longer had the nerve to say he was a good cook, but asked me: ”Sister, you are obviously such a good cook, why don’t you cook properly?

“I smiled coldly, ”I don’t like it.

“Gu Yang seemed to see the unhappiness in my heart and didn’t say anything else.

Only that night, when I came back from working late, I saw him sitting at the table with two steaming plates in front of him.

The simplest of two dishes, but it had already caused quite a few bruises to appear on his originally slender and good-looking hands.

I froze for a moment, and Gu Yang had already raised one hand, “Sister, I learned from a food blogger’s tutorial, try it.

“There was a flowing lamp on the dining table, and the light fell into his pupils like twinkling stars.

To be fair, Gu Yang’s cooking really isn’t very good.

But it inexplicably filled my heart of a thousand holes a little bit, and at the same time, spawned other obscure and unknown emotions.

I subconsciously wanted to escape.

In the evening, I came out of the shower and saw Gu Yang sitting at the table with headphones in his ears, looking at his cell phone while writing something on a piece of paper.

I went over and realized that he was writing recipes to a video tutorial, even writing down a few grams of salt and a few grains of garlic.

I thought it was funny, but then an ironic roll spread deep in my heart.

Pouring a glass of wine and throwing the puck in, I sat on the edge of the bed and watched him write with interest.

I don’t know how long it took, but Gu Yang dropped his pen and turned around, right into my gaze.

He called out in surprise, “Sister!” Then the knot in his throat moved and his eyes suddenly darkened.

I did it on purpose.

Deliberately changed into a light, semi-transparent halter nightgown, deliberately dressed without drying my body, and deliberately shook my wine glass.

Gu Yang walked up to me and I tilted my head to look at him.

Even from this angle, his face still looked good.

Sharp jawline, tightly pursed lips.

When Gu Yang wasn’t smiling, he actually looked a little bit like Gu Zhengyang.

It was this resemblance that would cause me to subconsciously loathe and resist him, really because Gu Zhengyang meant too many unpleasant, nasty memory fragments to me.

But I have learned to act, the more disgusting in my heart, the more seductive the smile on my face.

I tugged at Gu Yang’s lapel, forcing him to bend down a little and kissed his lips.

Gu Yang’s eyes grew deeper and deeper, and he hugged me and shouted in my ear in a slimy, bellowing voice: “Sister, sister ……” That’s it.

The only thing that can give me a great sense of security is to sink into the physical desires brought on by simple hormones.

One may betray any other human being, only not one’s own desires.

I don’t know how long it took, but I finally pulled myself out of the deep sea of desire and lay limply on the bed.

Gu Yang, however, suddenly got up and walked out.

Not a moment later, he brought back a glass of milk.

“Sister, drink the milk before you go to sleep.

‘ Gu Yang finished, paused, and added, ”I found your medication and medical report in the cabinet, calcium deficiency is something you should drink more milk for.”

‘ I was silent for a long time and took the milk and drank it in one go.

Why is there a calcium deficiency?

I hadn’t tasted milk until I was eighteen and could make money on my own.

During the years of puberty, I desperately grew upward like a bamboo shoot after the rain, but I didn’t have enough nutrition, so I lost an exaggerated amount of weight.

It was as if I could hear my bones and joints rattling hollowly every night as I curled up on the tiny spring-loaded bed in the living room.

I put my glass of milk on the table and reached over to turn off the light.

Gu Yang stood in the darkness and called out softly, “Sister.

‘ I lay down and closed my eyes, “Sleep.

“ 8 Gu Yang seemed to sense my mood.

When I woke up the next morning, he was gone.

Gone along with him were his school bag and computer, and on the dresser was the spare key I had given him.

I fumed in the empty bedroom for a while, then calmly went to heat up slices of toast and ate them to go to work.

For three whole days, Gu Yang didn’t send me a single message.

Just as the new project began, I was so busy that I quickly put all the distractions behind me, soaking in the company every day to keep an eye on the progress, working late into the night before driving home.

When I arrived home, it was already one in the morning.

Walking out of the elevator, I saw Gu Yang leaning against the wall, slightly hanging his head.

His hair, which hadn’t been cut for a long time, was a bit long and hung down, covering half of the side of his face.

Hearing the commotion, he turned his head to look at me, his eyes reddened, his face slightly white, his gaze with a little sporadic aggression.

I stared at him in silence for a moment, and expressionlessly walked over, took out the key, and opened the door.

Gu Yang followed behind me and walked in.

I had just kicked off my high heels and turned around when a burning kiss pressed up, urgent and passionate.

Gu Yang used a little too much force, from his lips all the way down his neck, stopping at his collarbone.

I grunted softly as he bit me, but he had no intention of easing his movements.

I closed my eyes and pushed him away as hard as I could, flicking the overhead light switch behind me.

In the suddenly bright light, Gu Yang staggered back two steps, his gaze sullen as he looked at me, his eyes full of hidden pain.


“ He said in a muffled voice, ”I didn’t look for you for the past three days, have you thought about me?

‘ I was silent.

A trace of ruthlessness flashed in Gu Yang’s eyes, then he suddenly took a step forward, picked me up across his arms, and walked towards the bedroom.

“Sister, you don’t have to answer me, I know you don’t want to talk about it.

“ Gu Yang seemed to be extraordinarily energetic, turning all the unspeakable love affairs into another kind of desire, and in the end, my fingertips were soft.

The next day, I had a few more conspicuous hickeys on my neck.

Gu Yang on the bed was still sleeping deeply, I got dressed and silently watched him for a while before getting up to go to work.

The progress of the project has come to an end for the time being, coupled with the next day is a small holiday, tonight, but do not have to work overtime until very late, after work, I carry the bag staggering to the underground parking lot, passing through a dark corner, suddenly was a hand dragged in.

Startled, I was about to scream out when my mouth was firmly covered by a hand.

The hand smelled strongly of tobacco, a touch of coldness on the knuckles, the touch of emerald, and sweaty palms.

A wave of nausea leapt up from my stomach, and I almost bent over to dry-heave.

Gu Zhengyang’s slimy voice rang in my ears, “Xiao Zhao, I just complimented you for knowing your place, and you’re going to flaunt yourself in front of me with this?

‘ His fingertips rubbed the hickey on my neck.

I gazed into his eyes full of aggression in the darkness and forced myself to calm down, “Mr. Gu, I’m an adult, isn’t it normal to find a bed partner or something?

‘ Gu Zhengyang gave a low laugh.

I felt more and more that he and Gu Yang were really similar.

When he smiles, the ends of his eyes are slightly raised, and the curves of his lips are exactly the same.


“ Gu Zhengyang came to the side of my neck and sniffed, finally letting go of me.

I busily took a step back and looked at him warily.

“Xiao Zhao, it’s been almost a year, no woman has dared to make me wait this long.

You’re tempting, but don’t challenge me.

“My hands shook slightly on the steering wheel as I drove back.

The room was dark, Gu Yang was not there.

I plopped down in front of the toilet and threw up the contents of my stomach, then trudged back to my bedroom, cowering on the bed and shivering.

When I was a child.

I was six years old then.

Mom and Dad wanted another son, so they sent me back to live with my grandmother in the country.

Grandma lived in a dirt house, and the backyard wall had collapsed most of the way because of a heavy rain.

Late one night, a hooligan from the village climbed over the wall and broke into my room.

He covered my mouth with his sweaty hand and reached under the covers to pick at my skirt.

I opened my eyes wide in the darkness, trying to see his face, and my hand fumbled beside my pillow, finally feeling a pencil.

The pencil lodged itself through his back and he let out a scream that finally woke up the neighbor’s dog.

Amidst the frantic barking, he slapped me hard and fled through the door.

Then Grandma called and asked my parents to take me back.

I carried a pitiful bag of luggage across the door, my mother swept a disgusted glance at me and said coldly, “Qin Zhao, you’re so good at playing tricks at such a young age.


They thought that I didn’t want to live in the countryside, so they deliberately seduced a little rascal to get Grandma to send me back.

I am so sick of human physical desires.

But so willingly and soberly I sank into the sea of lust.


“ Gu Yang’s voice suddenly rang out, then the bedroom lights went on brightly, I squinted my eyes and looked up to see him standing in front of the bed with an apologetic face.

That face, gradually overlapped with Gu Zhengyang in the darkness.

I sat up expressionlessly, ”Get out.

‘ Gu Yang’s lips trembled and suddenly dropped tears, ”Sister, I was wrong.

Sister ……」That night, he slept on the sofa in the living room.

The next morning, as soon as I opened my eyes, Gu Yang was standing in front of me with a cup of hot milk.

He had an apron tied around him, and the aroma of fried eggs was coming from the living room.

I got up in silence, washed up, finished breakfast, and then …… raised my eyes to look at the careful Gu Yang across the room.

“Gu Yang.

‘ I put down my cup and looked at him with a faint smile, ”Do you still want to stay at my place?

‘ Gu Yang desperately nodded his head, his tone sounding as if he was on the verge of tears, ”Sister, do you want to drive me out?

”You sent this to me, you can’t blame me.”

I exhaled slowly and laughed softly, “How could I?

”Who made you Gu Zheng Yang’s son.”

Sister wants to apologize to you, I shouldn’t have angered you last night over work, I won’t next time.”

There are millions of evil people in this world, why am I the only one who wants to be a saint?”

Let’s go. I’ll take you out for a walk.” – I won’t.

“I don’t think so.

9 In Gu Yang’s closet full of sweatshirts and T-shirts, there was one more shirt with thin blue and white stripes.

It matched my blue and white striped skirt.

He wore that shirt for three days straight until it got dirty on the bed and he had to take it off and change it, eyeing me again.

I smiled, reached up and picked at his chin, planting a kiss on his lips, “Be good, brother, and my sister will buy you new clothes.

”This is of course teasing.

Where was Gu Zhengyang’s son who couldn’t afford a new piece of clothing?

Gu Yang is also very clear, but he is happy to accompany me in this play, night bedside left a dim lamp, he looked at me eyes wet and foggy, I do not want to look deeper into the real buried underneath the true color of the God what exactly is.

This kind of relationship is a bit dangerous, literally speaking, like walking in the abyss, dancing on the tip of a knife.

To put it bluntly, it was like I was cheating on Gu Yang.

Right under Gu Zhengyang’s nose, the woman he coveted was intimate with his son, thinking about it would make you laugh – every time I watched Gu Yang wallow in my body, willingly submitting to the dictates of his desire, I would think of it this way over and over again.

Brother, I can only be evil.

The company’s project was already in its second phase, and I was too busy to eat from time to time, so naturally I didn’t have time to reply to his messages.

Gu Yang sent a dozen or so messages, sharing detailed snippets of every aspect of his life, and I could pretty much only reply with two or three words.

When I went back at night, he took a shower, topped off with a head of wet hair, and circled around me with his bare chest, while I was too busy checking data and picketing progress to really bother with him.

In the end, Gu Yang had to sit on the edge of the bed with his head hanging down and a lost look on his face.

I smiled and comforted him, telling him that I would be sure to keep him company after this period of time, and only then did Gu Yang raise his head again, with a smile on his face.

That afternoon, when Gu Yang came back, he brought back two tickets to the Forest Music Festival.

The tickets were very hard to grab, and they were all gone in a second, so I don’t know where he got them.

Gu Yang’s eyes shone brightly as he looked at me, “I got them from a friend who has an inside channel. Sister, let’s go together, there’s Kusatsu and Joyside.

“ I narrowed my eyes and hooked my lips in a smile, ”Brother, you peeked at my song list?

“”No, I didn’t.

”Gu Yang seems to be a little embarrassed, ”I just found your NetEase account.”

”And you still looked at my song list?

I didn’t give a shit about his defense, but was really interested in the festival.

I hadn’t been to a live one in a long time, and watching my favorite bands sing on stage was one of my few hobbies.

On the weekend, I went to the Forest Music Festival site with Gu Yang.

However, I didn’t expect to run into Zhou Weinian once again when I was buying water at the entrance.

Gu Yang immediately vigilantly blocked in front of me, Zhou Weinian saw his appearance, and immediately laughed: “Xiao Zhao, you and this little brother, have not gotten tired of playing?

”I didn’t say anything.

Gu Yang said coldly, ”I don’t need you to care about Qin Zhao’s affairs! You’re already in the past, so please be a little more self-aware.

“This was the first time I heard him call me by my first name, so I looked at Gu Yang a little more.

Zhou Weinian’s face sank slightly, probably apart from Gu Yang, very few people spoke to him like this.

But he didn’t get angry after all, and just smiled at me, ”Xiao Zhao, you’re a smart person, you know who’s more suitable for you.

”Smart person.

These three words nailed me to the wall.

Zhou Weinian said that I was a smart person, and Gu Zhengyang said that I had a sense of propriety.

But they were all wrong.

I’m a madman.

I hooked Gu Yang’s shoulders and planted a kiss on his lips, then looked across at Zhou Weinian, whose face suddenly turned ugly, and smiled slightly, “Zhou Weinian, I told you, I like young obedient ones now.

“You can’t do it anymore, you’re old.

”Probably for men, age is also a dead giveaway.”

Zhou Weinian left with a cold face.

The festival started at 3:00 p.m., and I waited until 8:00 p.m. in the evening for Grass East to appear.

By this time, the sky had already drizzled, but I squeezed into the crowd, singing and dancing along with everyone else, my eyeliner and lipstick blossoming into a ball in the rain.

When the atmosphere was at its peak, I turned around, tugged on Gu Yang’s collar, forced him to lower his head, and then kissed him.

This action is not sudden, there are many men and women around me who do this.

But, while kissing Gu Yang, out of the corner of my eye, I swept through the crowd and saw Zhou Weinian not far away.

Under the reflection of the rain and streetlights, he looked in my direction with a smile.

After the show, Zhou Weinian stopped Gu Yang and me in the parking lot.

Looking at the cold and solemn Gu Yang and the expressionless me, he laughed slowly, “Xiao Zhao, this brother, is the son of your company’s boss, Gu Zhengyang, right?

“ My heart abruptly sank downward.

Zhou Weinian laughed more and more happily, but in his eyes were ruthless: “Good ah, Qin Zhao, really have you, is I underestimated you.

”Not waiting for me to respond, he conveniently landed on his feet and turned around to walk away.

I frowned at his back, I don’t know why, my heart is uneasy.

After getting into the car, Gu Yang sat in the passenger seat as usual, and after a moment of silence, he suddenly said, “Sister, I’ll definitely get my driver’s license as soon as possible, and I’ll be the one to drive you from now on.

“ I absentmindedly gave a ‘hmmm’, my mind still thinking about what Zhou Weinian had just said.

“Sister, I want to tell my dad about us.

‘ Before Gu Yang’s words left his mouth, I had already raised my head to look at him, “What did you say?

”He obviously heard the coldness in my voice, and a hint of hurt flashed in his eyes, ”Sister, I wanted to say this a long time ago, you work so hard, letting my dad know your identity, at least you can be a little bit easier ……” ”Forget it, Young Master.

“ I started the car expressionlessly, ”I entered your company on the basis of strength, let you say so, what have I become?

I still have projects under my belt, can I still serve people?

”My tone was very bad, there was no way Gu Yang couldn’t hear it, he shrank back in his seat and didn’t speak again.

It was already late at night when the car drove downstairs.

I looked at Gu Yang beside me, a little distracted, lit a cigarette, and opened the car window again.

Gu Yang finally couldn’t hold back and reached out his hand to pull me, “Sister, don’t smoke, it’s not good for your health.

“I just tugged on his lapel, casually pressed out the cigarette, blocked his lips and kissed him, the faint smell of tobacco spread all over the place.

I exerted myself recklessly, my teeth hit Gu Yang’s lips, and soon tasted a hint of sweet fishy flavor, but he did not care at all, just by me kissing, by me peeling him off and sitting on his legs.


“ Gu Yang looked at me with those gentle, pitiful eyes.

In fact, the narrow, upturned ends of his eyes were more appropriate for seducing and hooking people, but I don’t know if it was intentional on his part, but in front of me, he always acted like such a big dog, as if he was certain that I would be soft-hearted.

I sighed, my tone softened: “Brother, sister has not been easy to get to this day, wait a little longer, OK?

‘ Gu Yang nodded his head, his voice muffled: ”Sister, you coax me again.

“You’re afraid that your relationship will be exposed and you won’t be able to convince anyone?

I made up this reason for Gu Yang.

I don’t even know what the real reason is.

I don’t want to know either.

10 Gu Yang started to ask me out more often.

Going to the movies, going to the oceanarium, taking pictures on the silly merry-go-round at the amusement park, lining up behind little girls in pink princess dresses for most of an hour just to buy a rainbow-colored cotton candy.

I actually tried to refuse every single time, but every single time I lost in Gu Yang’s bright, expectant eyes.

It’s all an act anyway, so I might as well play it a little more realistically.

I advised myself this in my mind.

And soon, I realized why Zhou Weinian had said that that night.

The shareholding changed, the company merged, and Zhou Weinian took over that big project we had originally worked on with Yongchang and became one of the new people in charge across the street.

In the end, Gu Yang was still pampered and relied on me until the morning of the training session, only to rush out the door and rush to the school to join the others.

The opposite side said early in the morning that they would send the person in charge over to negotiate face to face, so I stayed up for several days and nights to get the program ready.

However, after the door to the conference room was pushed open, among the few people who walked in, the leader was Zhou Weinian.

He looked at me from a few steps away and gave me a slight smile.

A bone-chilling coldness roiled up from the bottom of my heart.

But I knew very well that he just wanted to see me panic.

As if no matter what, together or not together, I can’t escape his control.

Just like Gu Zhengyang.

Therefore, I straightened my spine, my expression remained unchanged, I just smiled faintly and greeted politely, “Long time no see, Mr. Zhou.

”Gu Zhengyang’s eyes immediately swept over, ”Xiao Qin and Manager Zhou, did you know each other before?

“I smiled and said, ”Mr. Zhou and I used to be university alumni, Mr. Zhou is one year older than me, and is considered my senior.

“Gu Zhengyang rubbed the emerald trigger finger on his hand and smiled: ”So that’s it, that’s really a coincidence, I think today’s meeting must be able to go very smoothly, right?

”The meeting was hosted by me throughout, detailing the progress of the project and several of the most urgent needs at the moment.

At the end of the meeting, Zhou Weinian was the first to praise, “Qin Zhao is really getting better and better, when I was in school, I knew that your work ability was excellent.

”I looked at him, still smiling politely and not saying anything.

I think there’s something in his words, so I don’t pick up on it.

Gu Zhengyang glanced at Zhou Weinian and then looked at me again, in a thoughtful manner.

Because of the happy meeting and negotiation, Gu Zhengyang asked his secretary to make arrangements to invite Zhou Weinian and the others to dinner in the evening.

Zhou Weinian asked, “Sister Qin Zhao, are you coming along?

“I wanted to refuse, but Gu Zhengyang’s eyes were firmly locked on me, sharp as a falcon, as if they wanted to pierce through all my disguises.

I looked at them calmly and continued to smile, “Of course I’ll come, after all, I’m mainly responsible for this project.

”The hotel booked by the secretary wasn’t too far away, and it was possible to walk there, but even so, Gu Zhengyang still offered to drive.

With the relationship of “senior and junior”, Zhou Weinian rightfully got into my car.

As soon as he got into the car, he smiled, a bit of pleasure in his eyes, “Qin Zhao, it seems that Gu Zhengyang doesn’t know about your relationship with his son!” My hands paused on the steering wheel, stepped on the brakes, and turned my head to look at him: ”Zhou Weinian, do you hate me a lot?

”He tugged at the corner of his lips, seemingly sneering disdainfully, ”Qin Zhao, you don’t think too highly of yourself.

“If you don’t hate me, what does it have to do with you if I’m in love with Gu Yang?

Zhou Weinian, we have already broken up, break up is the end, there is no reason I still have to keep my body for you.

“ When those three words exited, it seemed like an inexplicable current leapt out of my heart, my fingertips were slightly numb, so I had to grip the steering wheel harder.

Zhou Weinian seemed to be enraged by my words, he suddenly turned his head and looked at me coldly, and after a moment he suddenly leaned forward and bit me heavily on the lips.

“Hiss! –The sharp pain finally made me lose my mind, and I chopped my hand to hit him, but Zhou Weinian firmly clutched my wrist.

He stared into my eyes from a very close distance and said word for word: “Qin Zhao, you’re dreaming, we’re not finished.

”I was laughed at by him, ”Zhou Weinian, are you fucking sick?

I’ve been breaking up with you for three years!” “So what?

Qin Zhao, even after ten more three years, I still like you the most, besides me, who else is suitable for you?

“He got closer and closer, his breath was close to mine, ”That Gu Yang, a rich kid who doesn’t know anything, who is useless without his father?

If others don’t know, don’t I know about your family?

It’s not enough that your mom and dad sucked your blood, but you want to find yourself another little puppy to raise?

“Zhou Weinian blocked my lips, punishment-like rolling together, I eat pain, heavy push him away.

Zhou Weinian’s head hit the car window with a loud ‘thud’.

“You’d better let go of me, people from both companies are already almost at the hotel.

“ He looked at me with a fierce gaze, but in the end, he did not make any other moves, and let me start the car.

As soon as I walked through the door of the hotel box, Gu Zheng Yang stared at the wound on my lip.

The look in his eyes really sent chills down my spine.

But I still sat down with a calm demeanor and calmly listened to their conversation.

At a table, other than me, the rest were all men, so the conversation gradually slipped in an uncontrollable direction, I frowned, but Zhou Weinian suddenly laughed and said, ”Well, there’s still the little girl, let’s not talk about that.”

‘ Gu Zhengyang said meaningfully, ”Manager Zhou is really protective of his schoolmates.

‘ I sat with a pale face, and suddenly felt a big hand grab my left hand that was placed under the table, and then slowly went all the way up, this hand with cold sweat, like a slippery snake climbed up my arm.

My entire body shivered slightly and I almost threw up.

“Mr. Gu.

“ Zhou Weinian’s sudden voice broke this gloomy atmosphere that almost destroyed me, Gu Zhengyang immediately let go of my hand and turned to light a cigarette, smiling, ”Manager Zhou, what’s wrong?

“I heard that Mr. Gu’s son is a freshman at the University of J. It’s true that a tiger’s father doesn’t have a dog’s son.”

“ My face swished and turned pale, not understanding his intention of bringing up Gu Yang at this moment.

At the mention of Gu Yang, there was a hint of pride in Gu Zhengyang’s expression.

He took a deep drag on his cigarette before saying, “This child has been stubborn since he was a child. I wanted to send him to study abroad, but he was not happy about it and insisted on staying in the country to take the exams, so he got into J University.

But there is no stop, this is not, these two days and follow what school basketball team to go to the field training to go, said to half a month before coming back.

“He sighed as if helplessly, but his tone is very self-congratulatory.

Zhou Weinian laughed: “Young people are like that.

I have a younger sister who is the same age as Mr. Gu and is in her first year of college.

She is also from J University, so when you have the chance, you can ask the two of them to have a meal together and get to know each other.

”This is meant to be a blind date.”

I sat expressionlessly in my seat, taking a sip of the juice in my glass.

I took two cephalosporins before I came, and no one dared to persuade me to drink.

Gu Zhengyang seemed a bit surprised, he was stunned and laughed, “It’s not a problem to make a friend, but Gu Yang, he told me a few days ago that he had already made a girlfriend.

”My hand shook and the juice splashed all over me.

Zhou Weinian glanced at me, “Oh?

Such a bad coincidence, may I ask which family’s daughter is Mr. Gu Yang’s girlfriend?

“He didn’t say, I guess she’s just a classmate from the university, she’s just having fun, she’s not in the way,” Gu Zhengyang said, turning his head.

“After Gu Zhengyang finished speaking, he turned his head to see my face pale, his tone paused for a moment: ”Xiao Qin ah, why are you so careless?

Hurry up and go out to tidy up a bit.

“ I squeezed out a ‘Thank you, Mr. Gu’ through my teeth, put down the cup, and walked towards the restroom with the last of my composure.

11 After dinner it was already late at night.

A few people had more or less drank a little, and several were already so drunk that they had to find a chauffeur to go back.

I was the only one who was sober, and Zhou Weinian smiled and said, “In that case, I’ll be troubling senior sister Qin Zhao to take me back.

”Gu Zhengyang and the others were just watching, I couldn’t refuse and could only watch as he got into the passenger seat.

Before I left, I glanced at Gu Zhengyang.

His eyes were still full of shadowy shades through a layer of drunkenness.

I withdrew my eyes and didn’t look back.

The car stopped at Zhou Weinian’s house, and I was about to tell him to get off when my cold sweaty hand was suddenly held.

“Qin Zhao.

“ Zhou Weinian’s voice sank, and his eyes held an icy smile, ”I thought you were more powerful, why don’t you resist?

“ I pursed my lips and lowered my eyes, ”This has nothing to do with you.

”You’d rather stay here and be sexually harassed by Gu Zhengyang than come to my family’s company – Qin Zhao, are you cheap?

”I threw an ear slap on his face.

Using the maximum force, Zhou Weinian’s face was knocked over by me.

“Zhou Weinian, stay in your family’s company?

How much does your mom dislike me, do you think I can’t see that?

I only followed my mentor to study abroad for half a month, and she arranged three blind dates with famous girls for you, for what?

”Nails embedded into the palm of my hand, I looked at him, raised my eyebrows and sneered, ”Everywhere is a dead end, I might as well pick the one I feel good about.”

“Being touched by Gu Zhengyang, you think it’s cool?

“ Zhou Weinian laughed angrily, ”Why did I forget, he dared to touch your hand in front of so many people, secretly he must have done something even more excessive long ago, right?

Since you didn’t refuse, it means you’re enjoying it too, isn’t it?

“ I closed my eyes, and when I opened them again, they were already full of coldness: ”Get off.

“」「Qin Zhao, you ……」「Get off! I reached out to open the door on the other side of the car, using all my strength to push Zhou Weinian down, the glow of the dome light scalded across my face, my hands trembled violently as I looked at Zhou Weinian with stark hatred floating in his eyes.

He staggered a step before standing still, but then braced himself on the roof of the car, slightly lowering his head to look at me in a condescending manner.

As if angered by the hatred under my eyes, he pulled the corners of his lips into a smile.

“Qin Zhao, how did I forget what kind of person you are – you’re with that Gu Yang little brother, where is it that you like him, you’re doing it to get back at Gu Zhengyang, right?

“12 As if the softest part of my heart had been suddenly cut open, my fingertips trembled in pain, still laughing coldly, ”Zhou Weinian, since you know what kind of person I am, how dare you still come to mess with me?

You think I don’t know, when I was suddenly dismissed, it was you who made a move from there, wasn’t the purpose to give me that kind of a chance, so that I would be grateful to you?

If I really get back together with you, aren’t you afraid that I’ll slap your mom in the face and disturb your family?” I didn’t look at him.

“ I didn’t look at his gaze, reached out and pulled the car door closed, driving away.

Zhou Weinian likes me?

I’m afraid not necessarily.

He’s just not happy about why I didn’t have my heart set on him after I broke up with him, and instead I’m with Gu Yang.

He and Gu Zhengyang were on the same path, and for their own selfish interests, they were willing to use all means to round me up.

I won’t admit defeat, how can I admit defeat.

I gritted my teeth and returned home, casually threw my handbag on the ground and took out my cell phone, only to realize that Gu Yang had called me a dozen times and sent dozens of WeChat messages.

“Sister, can you reply me if you see it?

“Sister, do you not want to talk to me, or is something wrong?

“Sister, I’m already on the bus back, wait for me.

“I was startled when the sound of keys opening the door came from behind me.

I turned my head, Gu Yang had already pressed the light in the living room, “Sister, you’re home, why don’t you turn on the light–” Before the words fell out of my mouth, he suddenly rushed over in big strides, holding my shoulders, a trace of viciousness flashed in his eyes, which was then suppressed by the heartache and worry that tumbled through him, “Sister, what’s wrong with you?

‘ I saw my own reflection in the bottom of his clear eyes.

Tear-stained face, disheveled hair, red eyes, and a thinly scabbed wound on his lips.

I closed my eyes and allowed myself to fall limply, crashing into Gu Yang’s arms.

He hugged me, his slender fingers covering the back of my hand, carefully asking, “Sister, did you run into a bad guy?

‘ Little boy, how naive.

If he knew that the bad guy he was talking about was his own father, would he still ask that?

But strangely enough, Gu Yang’s sweaty hands don’t make me feel sick.

I don’t know if it’s because I went to their school and watched him play, but the sweat on Gu Yang’s palms nowadays, as well as the sweat that dripped down on me when he used to be in love, mixed with the fresh and nice smell of his body, always made me think of the smiling teenager on the court that day.

And sunshine, grass, white jerseys, bright and passionate love …… and everything else that I have not had in my youthful days.

It turns out that it has long since been more than just revenge.

While I hated who he was in my heart, I coveted the sunshine he brought me, even if it was incredibly short-lived.

I suddenly felt so despicable.

I closed my eyes to block out the harsh light and the emotions spreading in my eyes, and said in a mute voice, “Gu Yang, let’s separate, you move out.

‘ The hand that was covering me suddenly trembled violently.

Gu Yang’s voice was more than a little panicked, “Why?

Sister, did I make you angry?


“ I did my best to break free from his arms, stood up straight, and stared into his bright eyes, ”Gu Yang, we’re not on the same path, you should find a little girl your age in school and have a normal relationship.

I and you …… we have no future.

“”Why not?

!” Gu Yang came to catch my hand sharply, but I dodged it, he froze in place hastily, incoherent, “Sister, are you blaming me for telling my dad about me and you?

But I only said I was in love, I didn’t say your name …… I just want to give him a, let him have a psychological preparation, sister, if you are not happy, I will never mention it again ……” Enough.

It’s really enough.

How did I not notice when I bought this house, the ceiling chandelier is too bright, blazing white light cast down, illuminated me nothing to hide, but also illuminated Gu Yang frank and sincere soul.

I wanted to run away, but my arm was held by him, and the hot skin of his hand pressed against me, almost making me faint.

“…… Gu Yang.

“ My heart became chaotic, it was an experience I had never had in twenty-six years of living, and all I wanted to do was try to calm it down, but with Gu Yang’s scent surrounding me, it was as if I was slow to calm down.

He said, “And sis, who said I’m not in a normal relationship with you?

‘ My heart suddenly just softened into a ball and I couldn’t say a single heavy word.

Gu Yang looked at me carefully, his eyes a little red, but his eyes held out a thin sliver of hope: “Sister, we won’t be separated, okay?

“ 13 I promised Gu Yang.

The little boy didn’t ask me what had happened, probably because he could tell that I didn’t want to talk about it.

He just accompanied me to take a bath and sleep, and the next morning, before dawn, he took a bus back to the training city.

Later, when he came back from training, he stayed at my place again, only occasionally when the class was full, he still had to go back to school.

He still often asked me to go out, sometimes to watch a movie, sometimes to run through the streets looking for food.

Gu Yang seemed to notice my love for live bands, and on several occasions, he got tickets to music festivals and livehouses I was interested in from various sources, and we went to the venue until dark before going home.

This is a relationship experience I’ve never had before, and I only feel a great deal of novelty.

When I was with Zhou Weinian before, the place he and I had been to the most was hotels.

All kinds of hotels.

He said, “Qin Zhao, you’re beautiful, but when you’re in bed, you’re the most charming.

“The project has entered the most critical period, in order to catch up with the progress, I often stay up all night in the company.

As the person in charge of the opposite side, Zhou Weinian will also watch with me.

One day in the middle of the night, I couldn’t stand it anymore and went to buy coffee from the vending machine downstairs, and Zhou Weinian followed me down.

When no one else was around, the way he sized me up was unbridled and full of aggression, and that’s how it was now.

It took me a lot of effort to resist the urge to smash my phone in his face.

“Zhou Weinian.

“ I took a deep breath and looked at him calmly, ”We’re not possible.

”He actually laughed, ”Don’t worry Qin Zhao, you’ve put it to that point, if I pester you again, won’t I be too ungrateful.

I’m just here to inform you that Xiao Xuan has already met Gu Yang’s younger brother, and the two young people are getting along quite well. I heard that Gu Yang even invited Xiao Xuan to watch their basketball game.” he said.

“His eyes were undisguisedly smug.

As if to say, “Look, Qin Zhao, do you think you’re the only one who can retaliate?

Zhou Weixuan, Zhou Weinian’s sister who asked me to be a tutor, she is the same as Zhou Weinian, her bones carry the innate arrogance.

Just Zhou Weixuan to be more good at camouflage some, with pure and sweet appearance to cover up everything.

The first time I went to give her a lesson, she tugged at my canvas bag and asked, seemingly innocently, “Sister, how much does this bag cost?

“I smiled and said, ”Nineteen dollars and nine cents, free shipping.

“She seemed surprised: ”Then, sister, if you give me a lesson, you can buy twenty of these bags, right?

“ I was unfluctuating, still smiling: ”Yes, sister, so I hope you’ll listen well to the lessons and let me keep teaching so that I can make more money.

‘ And now, looking at Zhou Weinian in front of me, I smiled politely, bent down to pick up my coffee, and got up to leave.

I didn’t ask Gu Yang about this matter.

I also had a guilty conscience, so why stir up everyone’s unhappiness.

After this side of the project came to an end, Gu Zhengyang suddenly called me into his office.

Under the cold white light, he looked at me with a nervous face and suddenly smiled: “Xiao Zhao, don’t be so afraid, I won’t eat you.

”I didn’t say anything, just looked at him coldly.

There is no one else here, and I don’t need to act anymore to maintain that kind of false peace.

Gu Zhengyang was unimpressed: ”Xiaozhao, the so-called bedmate you mentioned last time is the Zhou manager of Ming Zheng across the street, right?

It’s quite nice for a senior and a schoolmate to renew their relationship.

If that’s the case, I don’t blame you, you get along well with Manager Zhou, and if the second phase of the project is still given to us, they’ll just give up another five points.

“ He said with a particularly righteous voice.

My eyes widened and I nearly burst out laughing.

”Gu Zheng Yang, what are you?

I tugged at the corner of my lips, ”Mr. Gu, you’re worrying too much, I’ve always made a clear distinction between my public and private affairs, and I won’t bring my personal matters into my work.

Also, Mr. Zhou and I are just ordinary university alumni, so I really can’t take on such a heavy responsibility.

“After I finished speaking, I didn’t wait for Gu Zhengyang’s reaction, turned around and opened the door to go out.

When I returned to my position, I found that Gu Yang had sent me a message, “Sister, tomorrow is the weekend, are you free?

The varsity team from next door that I met during the last training session is coming to play against us at the J University gym, I have to train tonight, so I won’t be going back to stay.

If you’re free tomorrow, come and watch me play, okay?

“ My finger paused on the screen for a long time before sluggishly typing out the word ‘okay’.

Gu Yang seemed to be particularly talented and popular when it came to playing soccer.

When I walked into the school gymnasium, I was surprised by the crowd that filled the auditorium, among them were many young and lively girls, a few of whom even pulled a banner to cheer for Gu Yang.

I picked a corner seat and sat down, and within a few moments, I saw Gu Yang and his teammates walk in.

He was wearing a white jersey with blue trim, his eyes swept over the audience, and when he landed on me, he finally smiled brightly.

I was in a bit of a trance.

In a trance, I watched him run on the court, jump up and shoot, and high-five his teammates in celebration …… until the end of the first half, Gu Yang’s team, the score has far exceeded the opposite side.

At halftime, he drank a few large mouthfuls of water and walked toward me, his tone full of leaps: “Sister!” I took out a pack of tissues and was about to hand it to him when a figure suddenly flashed out from the slant, carrying a sweet fragrance.

She blocked the middle between Gu Yang and me, and handed out what was in her hand, her voice was gentle, “Gu Yang, wipe off your sweat.

”It’s Zhou Weixuan.

I don’t know why, but I suddenly wanted to laugh.

I haven’t seen her for so long, but her character hasn’t changed, but her methods haven’t grown at all.

The smile on Gu Yang’s lips disappeared as he glanced at Zhou Weixuan and politely declined, “Thank you, but there’s no need.

” he said, walking around her to come to my side, taking the tissue from my hand, excitedly saying, ”Ah, it’s that puppy tissue that I bought last time!” I smiled, “Yes.

”The tissue paper was something I saw in a certain supermarket when I was shopping with Gu Yang, the paper had a fluffy Samoyed printed on it, and it instantly made me think of Gu Yang.

So I bought a lot of them.

Zhou Weixuan turned her head, her eyes swept to my face, suddenly full of surprise: ”Sister Qin Zhao, after you broke up with my brother, didn’t you go back home to marry someone?

I heard that the man didn’t mind and was willing to pay 500,000 dollars in dowry to marry you, is that true?

“14 She said this half-said half-hidden, point to point, but out of nowhere to give rise to many reverie.

My parents are planning to sell me to an old bachelor for 500,000 dowry, I just mentioned it to Zhou Weinian, but I never thought that he would tell Zhou Weixuan about it.

I also laughed: ”Sister, you’re overthinking it, it’s me who kicked your brother because he’s unruly, his morals are corrupted, and he went around blind dates when he was with me.

As for whether I marry or not, and how much the bride price is, it has nothing to do with you Zhou family members at all.

“Sister Qin Zhao, are you angry?

“Zhou Weixuan tilted her head to look at me as if she was aggrieved, ”I’m just concerned about you, after all, when my brother introduced you to me as a tutor, you even taught me for a long time.

”Gu Yang couldn’t bear it and frowned, ”Zhou Weixuan, can you leave if you’re fine?

I want to have a word with my girlfriend, you’re standing here in the way.

‘ Zhou Weixuan looked at him with wide eyes and her smile froze for a moment.

Seeing that she didn’t react much, Gu Yang lost his patience and took my hand, leading me straight down the spectator stand to a row of chairs at the edge of the court.

There were a few substitutes sitting there, as well as Gu Yang’s teammates, several of which were familiar faces from the last time I saw them.

When they saw Gu Yang pulling me over, they all laughed, and one of them even whistled while raising his eyebrows.

Gu Yang said, “Sister, wait for me here, I’ll come over to you after the second half.

“I raised my eyebrows, ”You invited a little girl over to watch the game and left her alone?


“Gu Yang froze and followed my eyes back, suddenly reacting, ”You mean Zhou Weixuan?

Sister, I didn’t invite her. I ran into her at the library entrance, and she said she wanted to come to see me play, so I said feel free to–Sister, are you upset?

I’ll ask her not to come next time, okay?” I laughed out loud, patting her on the back.

“I laughed out loud and patted his hand, ”Brother, this gym isn’t owned by your family, so why should you tell her not to come?

‘ Gu Yang looked at me with desire and was about to say something when the referee blew his whistle on the sidelines.

The second half had begun.

I just sat on the chair and watched him play with my chin in my hand.

Every time Gu Yang scored a goal, he would subconsciously turn his head back, find my eyes in the loud cheers of the spectators behind him, and throw a sincere and bright smile.

In the midst of the clamor, however, I heard my heartbeat very clearly.

When the game was over, he was the first to run back to me, his eyes shining brightly, “Sister, we won! Let’s go eat!” I invited Gu Yang’s teammates to eat at the hot pot restaurant in front of the school.

A group of youthful young boys would scramble for the pot to eat and flirt with each other, but carefully followed the boundaries and bottom line of getting along without giving offense.

This was a life I had never experienced before.

After meeting Gu Yang, it seems that little by little, all those things that were missing in the past are being filled in.

The little boy drank some wine, and on the way back, drunkenly leaned against the back of the car seat: “Sister, who told you about me and Zhou Weixuan?

‘ I smiled: ”Her brother, Zhou Weinian.

You’ve seen it before.

‘ Gu Yang suddenly sat up straight and turned his head to look at me: ”Your ex-boyfriend?

!” ”Uh-huh.

“Gu Yang immediately sank his face and said unhappily, ”So it’s him! No wonder siblings are as annoying as each other!” After saying that, she bit her lip and tugged on my sleeve again, her tone a bit more aggravated, “Sister, why are you still hanging out with him, don’t pay any attention to him, okay?

“Baby, I don’t want to ignore him either, but their company is working on a new project with us, so he has to be in contact with me every day.” I drove on, my head in my hands.

“I drove the car and didn’t look back, but just joked, ”Or you can tell your dad not to cooperate with their company?

‘ The words fell, but I didn’t get a response from Gu Yang.

I was a bit strange, I stepped on the brakes at the red light and turned my head to look.

Gu Yang looked straight at me, with a slight trance in his eyes, and then further down, an inexplicable coldness.

“Gu Yang?

“I raised my voice slightly, and as if he suddenly came to his senses, he revealed his usual petulant smile, ”Sister, don’t worry, I’ll take care of this for you.

‘ When I got home, I took a shower with Gu Yang, and made out in the bathroom with the water running and the steaming heat, and was carried back to the bed by him.

The little boy kissed my shoulder and told me about Zhou Weixuan.

It turned out that he did not know Zhou Weixuan, it was Zhou Weixuan who took the initiative to talk to him, Gu Yang politely said a few words, Zhou Weixuan was conscious of the closeness, pampered sweetly said: “Then I will go to the gym this weekend to watch you play and cheer you on, okay?

“Sister, I really just said three words to her, I said ‘whatever you want’, I don’t know how she interpreted it as me taking the initiative to invite her,” Gu Yang said with a huff.

I don’t know how she interpreted it as my invitation.” Gu Yang said with a huff, ”I don’t want anyone but my sister.

‘ Of course I believed him.

I’m not a slow person, even if Gu Yang was playing a game with me in the beginning, but by now, he still gave his heart.

I’m not a good person myself, so why should I expect the other person to be perfect?

15 I don’t know if it’s a coincidence, the second week to the company, I heard that, because of the Spring View side of the price lowered by one-third, Zhou Wei-nian and their Ming Zheng will be the second phase of the project to the Spring View, we bidding failed.

At the morning meeting, Gu Zhengyang rebuked me without mercy.

“Senior students, what a great opportunity, Qin Zhao, I let you keep the customer to renew just, is it so difficult?

A phase of the bottom we have hit the ground running, Chun Jing halfway took the project away, this is the achievement you made?

“He looked at me and sneered, ”I believe in your ability, that’s why I reused you, I didn’t expect you to be so disappointing.

Come to my office after the meeting.

‘ Under the cold white light of the office, I bit my lip and looked at him expressionlessly.

Gu Zhengyang put on his suit jacket and walked in front of me, suddenly reaching out and slapping my face, smiling contemptuously, ”Xiaozhao ah, this is the last chance I’ll give you.

Tonight I will be traveling to talk about another project, and if you agree, it will still be given to you to take charge of.

“ He suddenly came closer to me, his hot breath puffing in my ear, ”Don’t let me down.

”Losing Ming Zheng’s project made Gu Zhengyang lose the last of his patience with me.

When I got home, I opened WeChat once again, looked at the message that I had put aside for several days, and finally made up my mind.

That day, Gu Yang came home late, while I was still busy in front of the computer.

He came over and asked me what I had been up to in the past few days, and I laughed softly, “I lost a project, and your father is very upset, so I’m trying to find a way to remedy the situation.

“Gu Yang seemed to be stunned for a moment, then pulled the corner of his lips and smiled: ”Sister, don’t be afraid, this is a good thing.

“I didn’t understand what he meant, but Gu Yang had no intention of explaining, he just came over and rubbed up against me, ”Sister, it’s late, let’s rest.

‘ The next day was a weekend, and when I woke up early in the morning, Gu Yang suddenly said he had to go home to get something.

Other than the first time I sent him home, I had never set foot in the Gu family’s villa again.

It was filled with Gu Zhengyang’s scent, which really turned my stomach.

But I still accompanied Gu Yang back.

Think of it as warming up the little boy a little more before leaving.

I advised myself this in my mind.

The Gu family villa was empty, Gu Yang explained that he didn’t like to be too close to strangers, so he quit the maid and usually seldom came back.

I followed him upstairs and walked into Gu Yang’s bedroom and suddenly froze.

On top of the large bed was a bed full of camellias, and in the center was a ring, the diamond in the middle of the ring holder was illuminated by the light, reflecting a star-like radiance.

“Happy Birthday, Sister.

“Gu Yang’s voice suddenly sounded behind me, clear and gentle: ”Sister, I don’t want to wait, I really like you.

You wait for me to graduate and we’ll get married, okay?

“ I subconsciously wanted to refuse, or say something else, but my throat felt like it was choked by something, and I couldn’t spit out a single word.

I took one step closer to that bed, looked at the bed full of camellias, and thought of the night after I slept with Gu Yang for the first time, when he was lying on this bed, drunkenly pampering me.

“Sister, you smell so good, I like you …… so much” Zhou Weinian has sent me roses, and Gu Zhengyang has also sent them.

But I don’t like roses, my favorite flower is camellia.

But this matter, I never mentioned it to Gu Yang, how did he know?

I turned my head and looked at him in a daze.

The light in Gu Yang’s eyes glittered, and then he came over, kissed my lips, and pressed me down on the bed full of flowers.

The ring was taken out and put on my finger.

“Sister, if you don’t say anything, I’ll take it as your consent.

“Thin, dense kisses fell on my cheeks, neck and shoulders, the sweet scent of camellias spread up in twists and turns, and the ceiling lamps reflected in the bottom of my eyes, swaying gently.

Is this a dream?

Gu Yang’s hand was clasped around my waist, and I was about to speak when a familiar male voice suddenly came from the doorway, “Gu Yang.

”The blood in my body froze.

Gu Yang’s movements gently paused, helped me sit up, turned his head to look at Gu Zhengyang, and smiled, ”Dad, this is what I told you before, my girlfriend Qin Zhao.

You know her.

” Gu Zhengyang’s expression was cold and vicious, his sharp gaze swept past me as if he was going to lynch me with his eyes.

It was as if Gu Yang was completely oblivious to the atmosphere of saber-rattling between me and his dad, and continued, “I’ve already proposed to her, and I’m going to marry her.

“Qin Zhao ……” Gu Zhengyang called out my name in a soft, lingering, as if murmuring and whispering voice, and then actually laughed, “Gu Yang said he wants to marry you, did you hear that?

“I looked at him expressionlessly.

Gu Zhengyang took another step closer, his eyes so sharp that he wanted to skin me alive, “Do you dare to say yes?

”He suddenly became furious, ”Qin Zhao, you bitch, do you dare to tell Gu Yang what you are with him for?

Is it to get back at me?

!” Prior to this, I had already envisioned countless times in my mind the possibility of being discovered by Gu Zhengyang.

His rage was within my expectation, and I was originally with Gu Yang for the pleasure of this moment of revenge.

But at this moment, I actually didn’t dare to look directly into Gu Yang’s eyes.

His ring was still on my hand, the size fit my finger perfectly, Gu Yang should have measured it while I was asleep.

The little boy brought his heart to me unreservedly.

And I broke it with my own hands.

I tilted my head slightly, looked at Gu Zhengyang, and suddenly laughed freely, “Yes.

”16 Gu Zhengyang laughed angrily, “How dare you admit it?

” He turned to Gu Yang, his tone mocking, ”Gu Yang, did you hear that?

This bitch has no intention of treating you well, do you still want to marry her?

”My face turned pale and my lips faded from blood color.

For a moment, I wished that I would immediately lose all five senses and not hear Gu Yang’s reply.

But his voice still came clearly into my ears, serious and gentle, even with a bit of heartache, “I know.

‘ Gu Zhengyang opened his mouth and was about to speak, but Gu Yang spoke again first: “Why?

“”…… What?

‘ Gu Zhengyang frowned, as if Gu Yang’s reaction was beyond his expectations.

「I said, why did Qin Zhao take revenge on you?

“ Gu Yang sidled his head, as if he saw my pale face, and reached out to hold my hand.

The force he used was light, with a trifle of caution, and warmly covered my fingertips.

“For so long, you haven’t stopped sexually harassing Qin Zhao, and after investigating her family’s situation, you decided that she was isolated and unsupported, so you intensified your efforts.

Gu Zhengyang, what a conceited person you are, how can you allow someone to escape your grasp?

” he said expressionlessly, ”So isn’t it normal for her to take revenge on you?

”A loud bang exploded in my head.

When did he know about this?

So for so long, it’s been Gu Yang acting with me?

Gu Zhengyang was poked and prodded on the spot by Gu Yang and sneered, “So what?

She’s not even pretending to be noble, she’s slept with more than one person, and I’ve even flattered her by letting her follow me.

“Gu Yang raised his eyes and looked straight at him: ‘’So, you admit that you have sexually harassed Qin Zhao more than once?

“Gu Zhengyang smiled, ”So what if I admit it?

Gu Yang, are you going to sue me?” ”I don’t know.

“I can’t say for sure, I can sue you anytime I want to.”

“Gu Yang suddenly took out a small camera from a bed full of camellias, and shook it in front of Gu Zhengyang: ”I have recordings and videos, and I have enough evidence. If Qin Zhao goes to sue you, Gu Zhengyang, you won’t be able to get away with it at all – don’t talk to me about kissing your father or not, you didn’t pay attention to me some years ago, and you wouldn’t have cared about it, if it wasn’t for the fact that you had an illegitimate child. If it weren’t for your illegitimate child, you would have been so kind to me in the past two years.

‘ Gu Zhengyang’s face completely darkened, his eyes looked at Gu Yang with coldness, the look was not like looking at his son, but like an enemy.

Gu Yang stood up and met his gaze without any cowardice.

He stood there, erect as a tree.

I suddenly realized that the little boy was actually not a little boy, he had grown up a long time ago, and had grown into a powerful enough being to fight against Gu Zhengyang.

And I had unknowingly fallen into the trap of his gentle naivety, almost throwing away my entire principles.

I stood up, stumbled and fled in a hurry.

The moment my eyes crossed Gu Yang’s, I saw his expression suddenly change, becoming extremely frightened.

He reached out his hand as if to grab me, but his fingertips only lightly brushed against the hem of my skirt.

I stumbled down the stairs and rushed into the parked car downstairs.

The sound of footsteps behind me got closer and closer, and before I could lock the door, Gu Yang had already pulled it open first and got into the passenger seat.

“Sister!” He interrupted me sharply before I could speak, “I can explain.

“ ”Explain what?


‘ My hands were clasped on the steering wheel, turning my head to look at him, smiling mockingly, ‘Do you want me to repeat to you my motives for using you to get back at Gu Zhengyang, or are you going to tell me about you using me to get back at your own father?’

“I can’t tell the difference between who utilized me first and who fell first in this game.

My own purpose is despicable, and naturally I don’t have a position to accuse Gu Yang.

I just want to escape.

Escape from here, away from Gu Yang and Gu Zhengyang, farther and farther away.

“Gu Yang.

“ I desperately tried to hold back my tears from falling, wanting to be less vulnerable and ugly in front of him, ”You already knew that Gu Zhengyang would be back today, right?

Giving me a birthday, a pretty good banner, using my matter as a bargaining chip to threaten revenge against Gu Zhengyang, you really know how to count you!” I lowered my head and pulled off the ring on my finger with force.

Because of the excessive force, the ring even scraped off a layer of my skin, and blood gushed out immediately.

The ring was put into Gu Yang’s hand, and my tone regained its calmness, “I’ll give it back to you, brother, let’s get along.

‘ Gu Yang’s eyes widened and his tone was pleading, ”Sister, I didn’t lie to you, I’ve liked you for five years!” He took out his cell phone and hurriedly went through the photo albums, turning up a very somewhat dated photo: “Sister, look, this is what I used to look like! –You used to come and tutor me, do you still remember?

“The boy in the photo was chubby, dressed unusually plainly, and wore glasses, with only a hint of Gu Yang vaguely visible between his eyebrows.

I froze in place.

A very insignificant fragment of my memory suddenly broke through at this moment.

When I was a sophomore in college, I filled in for a sick classmate at her part-time job as a tutor.

The boy was only in his first year of high school, fifteen years old, with black-framed glasses on the bridge of his nose, quite fat, and lived in a very unassuming rented house near the school.

I taught him for two hours, but he was almost always distracted by what I was saying.

Before I left, I asked him: “You hate studying so much, how did you get into a major city high school?

“He smiled a bit mockingly and said, ”I paid for it.

My dad said that this is the last money he will give me, and he won’t care if I live or die from now on.

“I laughed: ”Then why do you need to hire a tutor, what a waste of money?

“ ”I was coaxed into paying for it before, and when it runs out, I won’t hire it anymore.

“ He said it as if it was easy, but his bright eyes were full of vulnerability, like a pitiful puppy.

My heart suddenly softened for an instant.

Before I left that day, I solemnly said to him, “Brother, you can continue to degrade yourself, your parents won’t care about you anyway.

But you have to know that what others give you can be taken back at any time, but what you get on your own, no one can take away.

And if you feel left out, then climb up, turn the other way, and throw those people away like garbage.

“I have no thoughts of being a savior, and I say this only on the spur of the moment, and quickly put it behind me.

But Gu Yang said I saved him.

“At that time, my father had an illegitimate child, he completely didn’t want to care about me, and he thought I was rebellious and had poor grades, so he kicked me out of the house and lived alone.

Sister, you pulled me one last time before I fell into the abyss.

”Gu Yang pursed his lips and came over to catch my hand, again carefully avoiding the blood-soaked wound.

In his body, there had been a sea change.

I, on the other hand, still fell into the abyss and was slow to climb out.

“Brother, I’m glad to see you in this condition, and I hope you will continue to live well and live in the light forever.

“ I smiled and broke his hand, ”But let’s, let’s stop here.

”17 When I went back, I immediately submitted my departure formalities.

I don’t know if it was because of Gu Yang’s previous threat, but Gu Zhengyang didn’t make things difficult for me anymore, and approved it painfully.

Previously, a large company in a neighboring city offered me a high price to dig me out, and originally I thought of Gu Yang and was hesitant to leave, but only made up my mind a few days ago.

After handing over my work, I listed my apartment with the agent and moved to the neighboring city alone.

Before I left, Gu Yang came to wait for me downstairs.

He was wearing that blue and white striped shirt and his eyes were red as he looked at me.

“…… Sister.

“ My hand holding the box trembled gently.


“ I sighed, ”I’m leaving, did you come to say goodbye to me?

‘ Gu Yang’s eyes turned even redder, ”Sister, I will come to you.

“ ”Gu Yang, I think it’s better if we calm down a little bit.

“ He shook his head, with a stubbornness in his tone that was bent on having his own way: ”Sister, I can only calm down for a week at the most.

“…… Okay.

I don’t want to dwell on this issue with Gu Yang, anyway, he is still in school, he can’t drop out and come to me, right?

I drove away, the car drove out for a long time, I still see clearly from the rearview mirror, Gu Yang stood in place, not moving, looking straight at me.

Things are not always as they seem.

I thought I had always been thinly veiled and would soon forget Gu Yang, but no.

I thought I had already moved out and would probably never see Gu Yang again, but I didn’t.

When I was chatting with my colleagues at my new company, I accidentally learned that something had happened to the second phase of the project that Chunjing and Zhou Weinian were working on with Ming Zheng.

Due to the price concealment, coupled with a sharp reduction in manpower, the two parties do not correspond to the demand, delaying the progress, and ultimately the cooperation rupture.

Chun Jing paid double the contract price, and Ming Zheng’s second phase of the project did not go online as promised, the stock price plummeted 30%.

Gu Zhengyang originally wanted to take advantage of the fire, but I did not expect a few old projects from three years ago were suddenly turned over and verified one after another, and together they were involved in this big event, and the company’s liquidity chain almost broke.

Somehow, I suddenly remembered what Gu Yang said back to me that day in the car when I said I lost the Ming Zheng Phase II project.

“Sister, don’t be afraid, it’s a good thing.

This matter, could it be related to him?”

My heart was in turmoil.

After work, I wanted to go to a nearby bar to have a drink, but when I walked out of the door of the company, I realized that it was raining heavily outside, and I didn’t have an umbrella with me, so I could only jog to the parking lot to get my car.

However, when I got close, I suddenly realized that there was a figure standing in front of the car door.

He held an umbrella and stood there, his posture was upright, and his face blurred by the rain curtain was still clear and elegant.

Gu Yang.

My pace slightly lurched, he had already run over in big strides, put the umbrella on top of my head.

The pouring rain was suddenly blocked, but the cold air was winding its way up.

I sat wetly in the car, Gu Yang immediately held my cold hand, slightly raised the corners of his lips: ”Sister, a week is here, I’m coming to find you.”

‘ I pursed my lips and drove home without saying a word, Gu Yang followed behind me, all the way into the bathroom.

I took off my wet clothes, turned on the hot water, and stood in the rising mist, looking at him: “Gu Yang, why did you come here?

“Sister, I miss you.

”He unbuttoned his shirt one by one, revealing his naked chest and abs, looking at me with a slight rush of breath, the smile on his lips suddenly had a few more points of nastiness in it.

I let out a low curse in my heart and hooked Gu Yang’s neck and kissed him.

When the love was at its thickest, I suddenly asked, “Was it you who messed up what happened with Chun Jing and Ming Zheng?

‘ Gu Yang instantly froze in my body and helplessly said, ”Sister, do you have to ask such things at this time?

‘ I gently kissed and nibbled on his lips and laughed, ”Sister just wants to know how good you are.

‘ Then I really knew.

I was really good.

Afterward, I was so tired that I couldn’t lift my fingers, so I could only obediently curl up in Gu Yang’s arms and let him carry me back to the bedroom.

Instead, like a satiated cat, he opened his mouth to talk about what I had just mentioned.

Not only was he the one who meddled in Chun Jing and Ming Zheng’s affairs, even Gu Zheng Yang’s taking advantage of the fire and being dragged into the water had nothing to do with him.

I raised my eyebrows unexpectedly, “Brother, that’s your father’s company, sooner or later it will be handed over to you.

”I never cared about his stuff.”

”Gu Yang disdainfully said, his eyebrows glowing, ”Sister, this time I came over, in addition to looking for you, I also intend to expand my business over here.”

“ I suddenly sat up straight and looked at him in surprise.

Gu Yang came over and kissed the tip of my nose, “The bar where you picked me up the first time you slept with me is the one I co-owned.

The Mountain Moon Livehouse that you took you to later was also owned by me.

Sister, I’m a member of the industry, otherwise how could I have gotten you so many tickets?” ”This time I’m coming over here because I plan to have a good time.

“This time, I’m planning to look for a suitable venue to rent for a livehouse,” Gu Yang said, winking.

“ Gu Yang said, blinking and looking at me, ”So sis, can I stay at your place for a while?

“18 Gu Yang stayed at my place for a little over half a month before he finally found a suitable place, signed a contract, redecorated it, and carried out an intensified publicity campaign, intending to open it up as the livehouse venue that accommodated the largest number of people in the city.

When the dust settled, he lay on the bed, playing with my fingers and said to me: “Sister, I have to go back to class tomorrow.

‘ I responded lazily.

Gu Yang’s movements suddenly gave a start and propped himself up to look at me, “Sister won’t miss me?

”I didn’t say anything, Gu Yang let out a bitter laugh, ”Sister, you’re so sure that I can’t leave you, that’s why you’re so reckless, isn’t it?

‘ My eyelashes trembled violently.

Gu Yang spoke heavily, but I surprisingly couldn’t refute it.

After calming down again that day, I had actually figured it out.

If Gu Yang simply wanted to use me to get back at Gu Zhengyang, he didn’t have to get himself involved.

Besides, every time he looked into my sparkling eyes, they were sincere and passionate.

But even I didn’t know what I was hesitating about.

Seeing my silence, Gu Yang finally sat up in disappointment and said in a muffled voice, “Sister, I won’t force you, and I won’t let you be embarrassed.

I’m leaving, next time your favorite band comes to play at the venue, I’ll send you tickets.

“ After saying that, he rolled over and got off the bed, about to leave.

An inexplicable panic swept over me, and I grabbed his arm almost subconsciously.


‘ Gu Yang’s deep voice came into my ears, the emotions were covered by a mist, I was surprised that I couldn’t recognize them clearly, ”If you don’t like me, why don’t you let me go?

“Who said I don’t like you?

“ The subconscious retort came out of my mouth, I was stunned, I simply gritted my teeth and made it clear, ”Gu Yang, you are still young, you don’t understand that things are changing rapidly, and your true heart may change at any time.

Even though I like you so much right now, but-” The words didn’t fall, my lips were suddenly blocked by Gu Yang.

“Sister, you just said you like me now, didn’t you?

“ he murmured between my lips and tongue, his tone scattered with starry-eyed delight, and a kind of small smugness after his purpose had succeeded.

He kissed me for a few moments, moving away slightly and gazing into my eyes again from close range, “Sister, you can always trust my heart.

‘ I suddenly responded, ”Gu Yang, you swindled me?

”He blinked his eyes and looked at me condescendingly, ”Sister, because you are slow to speak your heart, I can only use some unconventional means.”

“ I snorted and looked at him without saying anything.

Gu Yang got the better of me and came over to kiss me again, “Sister, say you like me again, okay?

“ I looked at him, watched his look gradually become apprehensive from anticipation, suddenly smiled brightly, reached down to explore, biting his ear whispered: ”Baby, sister if you do not like you, in the first place, how will sleep you?

“…… A long time ago, I used to have the luxury of hoping that my parents would love me and that the world would treat me kindly.

But my parents abandoned me and the world dealt me a severe blow.

So I put up my sharp teeth and gave them a more painful blow back.

Then I met Gu Yang.

He burned brightly, like the warmest light on a summer’s day.

I jumped at him without hesitation, like a moth to a flame.

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Previous April 30, 2024
Next May 13, 2024


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