What’s the worst case of you being scared?

What was the worst case of you being scared?

I opened the milk and drank it while reading my wife’s murderous plan against me.

“I’ll do it tonight.

‘ Unfortunately, she was taken out by me first, my dear wife.

I drained the milk in one gulp.

“I’ll put poison in the milk he drinks every day, and as soon as he drinks it, he’ll soon die of poisoning.

” I picked up the bottle of milk which I had already emptied.

The Yellow Bird in the Back 1. This is how I killed my wife.

At that time, there was a serial murder case in town, and the victims were all young women.

The murderer, who was brutal and meticulous, had already committed a dozen cases and still hadn’t been arrested.

The city was in a state of panic, and all the young women were afraid to stay out much.

So did my wife.

After we got married, she quit her job and became a housewife, and since she didn’t like to go out, she was even more justified in staying at home every day.

Every day, apart from reading books and playing mahjong, she just swam in the pool in her own yard.

At eight o’clock that night, I unsurprisingly received a call from the client.

The design plan we submitted that time was not perfect, and this customer loves to call me around eight o’clock in the evening to communicate changes.

Usually the call lasted half an hour.

When I get a call from a client, I put on my headset and after a few sentences of conversation, I turn off the microphone.

I walk out to the yard while listening to the person’s revisions.

This kind of phone call doesn’t require me to do too much response, just say yes to all of them, and the final revisions are going to be given to my subordinates to do anyway.

I saw my wife, Zheng Jiaojiao, swimming her first round trip of the night in the pool.

I beckoned her over, she was unsure but quickly swam over.

Seeing that she had swum to the edge of the pool, I squatted down, then reached out and pressed her head below the surface.

Immediately she began to struggle, her figure becoming distorted and broken in the refraction of the water waves.

But she didn’t have any point of application, and with my hand pressed dead center on her head, all her struggles were futile.

I watched as her movements gradually slowed.

After five minutes, she stopped moving.

Unsure, I pressed a little longer to make sure she was dead through.

Throughout this process, my phone call with the client was never disconnected.

I let go of the hand holding down Jiaojiao Zheng and let her body soak in the pool.

No one would realize she was dead until tomorrow afternoon when the cleaning lady came over to clean up.

Then I turned on the microphone and responded to the client, “Yes, yes, you continue.

” I walked out of the house while responding to the client’s needs.

I was now going to kill my best friend’s wife.

2 I put on my wide black trench coat and put on my hat and mask to make sure my face and figure were covered.

Then, I took out my cell phone and sent a weibo message to Zhang Shiming.

I told him that I had arrived, but received a call from a client before I entered the bar.

I’m going to finish this work call on the curb outside the bar’s door, so I asked him to wait for me inside for a while.

He says, OK, OK, he’s already seen me right outside and he’s waiting for me at the table in the far corner.

How could he have seen me, I wasn’t there.

But on second thought, it could have been some guy who was similar in stature to me and just happened to be in front of the bar.

That would be a real godsend.

I had an appointment with him for eight o’clock in the evening, but there was obviously no way I was going to make it at eight.

But that’s okay, I’m not worried at all because I know he must be cowering in the corner of the bar right now, too scared to even order a drink.

In all the times I’ve known him, he’s always been a man of very low presence, very few people notice him in a crowd, and even the security cameras often fail to capture him.

It’s because he always subconsciously avoids the security cameras because of his professional habits.

If I’m not there, no one can prove that he’s in the bar at the moment.

Recently, he said he’s very unhappy, his career and marriage are in crisis.

He feels that he has no passion for this police work anymore, and he has no passion for his wife, Li Chun.

He couldn’t take it anymore, so he asked me to come out and drink all night to vent his frustration.

This is just what I want, I’m waiting for this opportunity.

Kill my wife and kill his wife’s opportunity.

Sitting on the subway, I hide in the crowd, nowadays no one will notice a person wearing a mask.

I glanced at the time, it was just ten minutes past eight, still perfectly timed.

In another seven or eight minutes, I would have arrived at Zhang Shiming’s house.

I had confirmed long ago that Li Chun was at home tonight.

I took a long deep breath.

Great, everything was going smoothly according to my plan.

I was so excited that my intestines were a bit cramped.

Actually, there was no particular reason why I wanted to kill Zheng Jiaojiao, I just fell in love with someone else.

If I hadn’t met Xiao Xue, then I guess I wouldn’t have been able to experience what true love and true happiness is in my life.

Xiao Xue is so beautiful, so gentle, so understanding.

Xiao Xue is the best woman in the world, and I, who can have Xiao Xue, am the happiest man in the world.

I want to be with Xiaoxue, but how can I tolerate Zheng Jiaojiao, this tacky, incompetent woman, taking half of my property.

It was all my hard earned money, Zheng Jiaojiao only knows how to play mahjong and do beauty treatments every day, she just sits back and enjoys it.

She’s not entitled to half of my property.

So, I’m going to kill her, I’m going to kill her cleanly.

From making this decision to devising all the plans, I only used less than a week’s time.

It’s not that hard to kill someone, what’s hard is the process of making up your mind before you act.

Once you make up your mind, you will realize that killing is just like that.

Even if the other side is your wife.

In good conscience, Zheng Jiaojiao is not guilty of death.

She doesn’t have any major flaws other than being tacky, and she’s even considered meticulous.

She knows I need a glass of milk every night, so she just remembers to prepare it for me day after day.

Sometimes in the refrigerator, sometimes at the table.

She could basically be considered a competent wife.

But who made her a stumbling block between me and Yuki.

So she had to die.

At eight-nineteen, I arrived at Zhang Shiming’s house.

I put on my gloves and shoe covers, then rang the doorbell.

The one who opened the door for me was none other than Li Chun, who was slightly surprised to see it was me.

I took off my headset and turned off the microphone to prevent the client on the other end of the line from hearing me.

“What are you doing here today? Shiming isn’t here.

I’m not looking for her, I’m looking for you.” “Me?

I’m looking for you.” “Me?

What are you doing here?

“To kill you.”

“I didn’t give Li Chun time to react.

I covered her mouth with one hand in case she cried out for help and dragged her into the living room with the other.

I mounted her, grabbed a pillow from the couch, and covered her face with death.

She was so petite that her struggles and resistance were completely meaningless to me.

Within five minutes, she stopped moving.

I pulled her body to the corner of the living room, then put on my mask and hat and left Zhang Shiming’s house.

The time at this point was eight twenty-five.

In fact, I should have soaked her body in the bathtub, just like I let Zheng Jiaojiao soak in the pool, so as to be able to blur the time of her death.

The more blurred the time of her death, the more favorable it would be for me.

But I don’t have that much time left, I have to get to the bar before 8:30, any longer and something will go wrong I walked out of Zhang Shiming’s house, took off my gloves and shoe covers, and threw them into the garbage cans on the street.

At midnight tonight, the trash cans here will be emptied out and transported to the suburban dump for crushing and burning.

By tomorrow morning, the evidence that could prove that I killed Li Chun would be completely gone.

I walked into the subway again and hid in the evening rush hour crowd.

At eight thirty-two minutes, I dodged the surveillance at the entrance of the bar and walked into the bar where I had agreed with Zhang Shiming.

I stood by the wall in front of the bar, continuing to finalize changes with the client on the phone while greeting bartenders I recognized from the crowd coming and going.

I chatted with the client for a few more minutes before hanging up the phone and walking into the bar.

Zhang Shiming, as I expected, was cowering in a corner of the bar, not a single drink at all on the table in front of him.

No one in the crowded bar, including the waiter, noticed his presence at all.

I straightened my collar, then took a deep breath and walked over to him.

“You’re finally in!” He grabbed my hand as if he had seen a savior, “I’ve been waiting for you for half an hour.

“I was just outside the bar, this client is really bad, it’s so late and he had to drag me to talk about work.

“Do you still need to be in charge of this?”

“It’s a big client this time, so I have to take care of it myself.” I said as I helped us out.

“I said as I ordered drinks for both of us.

We’re going to get drunk tonight and drink all night.

He picked up the wine and took a big gulp for himself.

“Gao Jun, do you know that a lot of women have been killed here recently?

They all died at night in their own homes, and the murderer hasn’t been caught yet.” “That’s what I’m worried about.

That’s what’s bothering me.” “I know.

“I know.

Of course I know.

No one knows it better than I do.

I didn’t kill those women.

The real killer is probably still hiding in some corner of town, waiting to strike again.

He could be a lonely man with a penchant for young women, or he could be a psychopathic murderer who simply likes to kill.

But all in all, the person who killed those women was not me.

The only ones I killed were my wife, Zheng Jiaojiao, and Zhang Shiming’s wife, Li Chun.

The best way to hide a drop of water is to hide it in the ocean.

The best way to hide a murder is to hide it in a serial murder.

They’re all young women, they’ve all just died, they haven’t been found dead yet, but they’ll be found soon enough.

That’s the day I’ll be relieved.

This feeling of having everything under control was so good.

That night, Zhang Shiming and I drank lots and lots of wine.

I was drunk, and I said a lot of heartfelt things to Zhang Shiming.

I said that I valued him as a friend, and I said that we would be good brothers for the rest of our lives.

It was all from the bottom of my heart.

Zhang Shiming was even more drunk, and he poured out his woes to me over and over again.

He said how much pressure he was under at work, how difficult the job of a police officer was, and how cruel and perverted this serial murder case was.

He also said how cold his relationship with Li Chun was now, and that he had long forgotten when they were last close.

By the end of the day, I had forgotten how much wine we had consumed, and only remembered that I was confused myself.

I was trying to hold on to a string, but in the end, I just couldn’t bear Zhang Shiming’s repeated persuasion to drink, and I also drank almost to the point of breaking.

At 4:30 a.m., I took out my cell phone and called a cab to take Zhang Shiming and me back to his home.

Of course, I didn’t forget to ask the driver for an invoice.

As soon as I helped him into the house, he collapsed on the sofa in the living room, simply having fainted to the point where he had no strength to see anything, and slept straight through.

I also found a comfortable corner on the other sofa and drifted off to sleep.

At noon the next day, we were woken up by Zhang Shiming’s colleagues.

He and a group of police officers broke into Zhang Shiming’s house.

“Don’t sleep, you two!” His voice was high-pitched and somewhat girlish because it was so urgent.

I opened my eyes, my head was still buzzing with pain from the hangover like it was going to crack, but I noticed a lot of cops standing in this house.

Zhang Shiming was even more hungover and he woke up groggy, frowning and telling Sun to speak softly.

“What’s going on?

” Zhang Shiming asked.

I rubbed my eyes while turning my head slightly to look into the corner of the living room.

There was where Li Chun’s body was.

But Li Chun’s body that was supposed to be lying there, at the moment Li Chun wasn’t there.

There wasn’t even a human-shaped line marking the scene of the crime, and the policeman stepped on the floor there without a care in the world.

It was empty, as if there was nothing there to begin with.

Li Chun’s body, running away.

5 After the police were called and broke down the door, they found Li Chun’s body in the bathtub of Jang Seok-myung’s house.

How did her body get into the bathtub?

When I was drunk last night, I did keep thinking about Zheng Jiaojiao, who was soaking in the pool; after all, it was an important part of blurring the time of death.

But because time was so tight when I killed Li Chun and I had to rush to the bar, I didn’t deal with Li Chun’s body.

Could it be that I had carried the body into the bathroom and soaked it in the bathtub in a daze last night after drinking myself out of my mind while Zhang Shiming was asleep?

I smelled my hand, and it did vaguely smell like a woman’s perfume.

I couldn’t help but be secretly afraid, fortunately I didn’t do anything more exaggerated when I was broken, nor did I leave my traces on Li Chun’s body.

Otherwise everything would really have been ruined.

I breathed deeply to calm myself down.

The police brought both Zhang Shiming and I back to the police station.

Two policemen interrogated me.

“What’s your relationship with Cheung Sai Ming?

“He was my senior high school principal, and we’ve been in touch ever since we graduated, we’re very good friends.

“Where were you last night?

“Drinking at a bar.”

“What time did you drink?

“I don’t know, around 4:00 or so.

“Do you have any proof?

“Uh, …….” “Huh?

“We took a cab back. We have a cab receipt with our pickup and drop-off times.

“And is there anyone who can attest to the time you were at the bar?”

“Of course, we arranged to meet at 8:00, and we drank until the bar was empty. The bartender must have remembered us.

“So you were together between eight and ten o’clock, right?”

“It seems that the police have determined that Chun Li died between eight and ten o’clock.

“Yes, the bartenders can prove it.

“But you didn’t arrive at 8:00, did you?”

“I was there at 8:00, but I took a call from a customer before I walked in, and I walked into the bar after I talked.

“How long did the conversation last?

“Half an hour. My client can vouch for that.” “But you and the client were on a date?

“But you talked to the client on the phone and he didn’t know where you were calling from.”

“The police caught me at it.

“The bartender can testify.

“We asked the bartenders. The earliest time any of them saw you was 8:30.”

“Jang Sae-myung said he saw me.”

“But he’s a suspect. He can’t prove his alibi.” I was sweating.

“I’m sweating.

The police were right, I really didn’t have any unbreakable evidence for the half hour between 8:00 and 8:30, everything was just circumstantial evidence.

And because Zhang Shiming habitually avoided the surveillance cameras, the surveillance didn’t clearly capture him.

If the police found out that I wasn’t at the bar during that half hour, then Zhang Shiming’s alibi wouldn’t hold up.

Then all my plans would be over.

But I had no more backstabbing to do in this case.

I felt my back getting wet.

The client, the bartender, the chat records with Zhang Shiming, all these are circumstantial evidence.

I thought the police wouldn’t bite the bullet for half an hour, but I didn’t expect them to be so meticulous.

It’s over.

It’s all over.

My mind was spinning like crazy, but I couldn’t think of any way out, this game was unsolvable.

I was too careless.

At this time, Xiao Sun walked into the interrogation room and attached himself to the ear of the police officer interrogating me and said something.

The policeman’s face changed, and then he said, “You can go now.

” “Huh?

“I didn’t understand what was happening.

The surveillance camera in front of the bar caught you on tape.”

“You’ve been in front of the bar since eight o’clock.”

“The surveillance camera caught me?

Could it be the person who resembles me, the one Zhang Shiming saw?

The police saw me in a black trench coat on the surveillance camera in front of the bar, although it was a back view.

But that person stood in front of the bar from eight o’clock until eight-thirty, then turned around and walked into the bar at eight-thirty and took off his mask while entering.

At the same time, the bar’s internal CCTV just happened to capture me removing the mask and stepping through the bar’s door.

Therefore, the police confirmed that it was me.

That man, who happened to be similar to me and wearing the same black trench coat, helped me get through the toughest part of the process.

I couldn’t help but sigh that God was really willing to help me after all.

My plan was going to be great.

I took public transportation the entire time and covered my face and figure well.

It would have been hard to find someone who noticed me between 8:00 and 8:30 in a sea of people and I had a ‘client’s phone number’ to back up what I said.

Even if no one can prove that I was already at the bar at eight o’clock, at least my client can help me to prove that “I was indeed on the phone with him during that half hour”.

As Zhang Shiming’s witness, I can basically say that I am flawless.

There’s also the bar waiter, the cab driver, and the cab invoice as circumstantial evidence.

Plus, there were no traces of Li Chun and Zhang Shiming arguing or fighting at the murder scene, and Li Chun’s body didn’t have a single trace of Zhang Shiming.

Combined with the time of Li Chun’s death, it is basically impossible for Zhang Shiming to have killed Li Chun.

In addition to that half hour of ambiguity, no one can actually prove that he was at the bar, and no one can actually prove that I was at the door of the bar.

That is, until the doorway surveillance was pulled up and they saw the man in the black trench coat, who was similar in stature to me.

That proved that I had been at the bar since eight o’clock, and I in turn proved that Zhang Shiming was at the bar.

This series of alibis, partly from my plan and partly by mistake, formed a complete logical closed loop.

Thus, Zhang Shiming’s suspicion was completely eliminated.

That afternoon, we were released.

The two of us sat on the side of the road, Zhang Shiming didn’t seem to react to what had happened, while I had to pretend to be even more terrified.

After all, I’ve always been a Mr. Nice Guy who doesn’t even speak out loud.

“How did this happen ……” He still couldn’t believe what had happened, “How did Li Chun die.

” “I don’t know ah ……” I glanced at the time, it was almost time for the cleaning aunts to come to the house and clean.

After a while, my phone finally rang.

I picked it up and it was the police.

“Is this Mr. Gao Jun?

“Yes, I am.

We’re at your house. Something’s happened to your wife.” “What?

“What is it?

“She’s been killed.”

“What? I was in a hurry.

“That’s impossible!” Zhang Shiming had realized that my tone was wrong.

“What happened?

” Zhang Shiming asked me.

My expression was shocked and twisted, along with an uncountable amount of sadness.

My cell phone slipped from the side of my face and hung helplessly at my side.

「Jiaojiao ……Jiaojiao ……She’s dead ……」I froze, looking pained and sad.

Full marks for acting.

Everything was going my way, and I thought I was winning.

Unbeknownst to me, there was a bigger, darker net that was snapping at me from behind.

They were ten thousand times more vicious than I was.

7 As soon as I finished saying Zheng Jiaojiao is dead Zhang Shiming’s phone rang as well.

His cell phone ringtone was a remixed version of Canon, which was his work-only cell phone number.

His life cell phone number is another one, and the ringtone is One Meat, One Vegetable.

Friends like me in life only have his life number.

I used to laugh at him, why bother, it’s hard to separate life and work anyway.

But he always said, it is precisely because it is difficult to separate, so it is even more important to separate.

He didn’t want to let the little bit of his poor life be occupied by work.

In this way, he and I just came out of the police station and had to rush to my home together to face another corpse, Zheng Jiaojiao’s corpse.

It was already evening when we arrived at my house.

The house, No. 8 Wing On Garden, looked exceptionally poignant in the setting sun.

As it was when I bought it from that famous entrepreneur.

That entrepreneur’s wife also died in this house, and he sold it to me at a low price because he thought it was a sad place.

Now, my wife has also died here.

Zheng Jiaojiao, who had been soaking in the pool for a day and a night, was already having a hard time determining the exact time of death, and could only roughly limit it to between 8:00 PM and 1:00 AM.

Trying to narrow it down any further was impossible.

This was also in my calculations.

“Where were you last night after eight o’clock?

” a young policewoman came over and asked me.

“Drinking with him,” I pointed at Zhang Shiming, my tone calm and sullen, “all night.

“I shouldn’t have drank so much, I shouldn’t have stayed out all night.

” My tears fell.

“Is there anyone who can prove it?

” “Your station should have an alibi that we’ve already confirmed.

” The policewoman turned around and went to confirm what I had said with her colleagues.

After a while, she came back.

“Please come back to the station with us.” “What can’t we do here?

“Is there anything you can’t ask us here?”

“Please come back to the station with us,” she insisted.

“She was very insistent.

I panicked.

The alibi I gave Zhang Shiming should have proved that I was in front of the bar at eight o’clock.

That’s what the police have already confirmed.

They have no reason to bring me back to the station.

Unless, they have some evidence that I don’t know about.

8 I scrutinized the complexion of these police officers in front of me, and I couldn’t see any clues at all, but it seemed like something was wrong.

There must be something going on that I don’t know about.

Could it be that they had found out about Yuki’s existence, so they began to suspect my motives?

Or maybe they saw through my maneuver to create an alibi for myself?

In my mind, I carefully counted every meeting I had with Snowy, and there should be no problem with any of them.

So it was the alibi I made for Zhang Shiming that went wrong?

There shouldn’t be either.

As long as Zhang Shiming’s alibi was valid, then my alibi was bound to be valid.

That’s my plan.

First of all, we’ve had so many cases of young women being killed in a row here.

My killing Zheng Jiaojiao and Li Chun at this point was a perfect way to push the blame on this psychopathic murderer who won’t be caught for who knows how long.

Moreover, I was at the client’s communication revision program the entire time, which gave me a weak but unassailable alibi for circumstantial evidence.

Immediately afterward, Li Chun’s body was found first, and my presence gave Zhang Shiming an unbreakable alibi.

The police had confirmed my alibi for Zhang Shiming, and that simultaneously confirmed my own alibi.

In this way, by testifying for Zhang Shiming, I had given myself an alibi.

These two alibis are in a relationship of solidarity; if one is established, the other must also be established.

A very simple but highly overlooked double logic.

I went over and over in my head what I had done in the last two days.

There were no loopholes, no loopholes at all, and the only loophole had been filled in by the man in the black trench coat in front of the bar.

The police had no reason to suspect me at all.

But they actually left me in the police station for another day and night of interrogation.

They pressed me step by step to ask about my relationship with Zheng Jiaojiao and asked me if I had any resentment towards Zheng Jiaojiao.

It looked like they really couldn’t do anything about the alibi, so they had to start with the motive.

But Zheng Jiaojiao and I have always been a respectful and loving couple.

I was completely motiveless, at least on the surface.

There was no way the police could lock me up as a suspect, they were definitely bluffing.

As long as I determined this in my heart, then I wasn’t afraid of anything.

I bit my tongue and refused to admit that I had any resentment towards Zheng Jiaojiao, I insisted that we were a very loving couple and that I was saddened by her passing.

They didn’t know about Xiao Xue’s existence, and they didn’t suspect my alibi.

Then their current aggressiveness is definitely just dog-whistle and bluffing.

That’s right, they were swindling me.

9 As it turns out, it did.

They kept me up all day and all night and nothing came out.

By the time they released me, it was late afternoon of another day.

I walked out of the police station and saw Zhang Shiming who was waiting for me outside the main gate.

When he saw me come out, he smiled bitterly while greeting me as I got into the car.

“It’s only been a little more than two days since we became suspects and regained our innocence, it’s really ridiculous,” he said.

It’s ridiculous.” “We just had one drink, and we’re both alone.

“Zhang Shiming looked tired and old as the streetlight hit his face.

Let me stay at your house for a few days. I really don’t want to be alone.” he said.

” he said.

“Let’s go, let’s go home.

” Neither of us spoke much on the way.

We each looked out the window with different things on our minds.

He might still be in grief, but I was already looking forward to the new life ahead of me.

I could go to a new city and start a good life with Yuki.

I’ve already liquidated and transferred all my movable and immovable assets, and I can leave anytime I want.

I have money now, I’m still young, I still have Little Snow, and my future life will be filled with countless happiness.

A bright future, it’s right in front of my eyes.

I could barely hold back my laughter.

Of course, I held back.

I couldn’t let Zhang Shiming see how happy I was.

After walking into the house, Zhang Shiming was very tired, and he said that he was going to take a shower first to wash away this exhaustion.

With that, he turned around and walked towards the bathroom, he had already been familiar with my house for a long time.

“That’s right.

He looked like he suddenly remembered something, “This is for you.” he handed me a cell phone.

” He handed me a cell phone, which I recognized as Zheng Jiaojiao’s cell phone.

“You should see what’s inside.

” I opened the lock screen and on the page was a conversation between Jiaojiao Zheng and an unnamed cell phone number.

Zhang Shiming had flipped that conversation to the very beginning.

The first message was from Jiaojiao Zheng, and it read, ‘Baby, I miss you so much.’

The recipient of the message, not me.

10 “I miss you so much today too, I want to be with you forever.

” “Now that I think of yesterday’s walk with you, such a normal thing, I feel so happy.

“I want to be with you as soon as possible, and forever.

“I must remove all the obstacles.”

” …… sweet, revealing, sentimental, erotic, simple, childish …… a love letter just like this appeared in front of me.

I actually do not know, in my eyes has always been warm toon, boring Zheng Jiaojiao, there is such a passionate like fire side.

I am really a blind man, only focusing on the love with Xiaoxue, did not realize that Zheng Jiaojiao has also long had other lovers.

Not only has she got a lover, but she is also plotting so feverishly on how to be together forever.

It turned out that this was the real reason why the police were biting me.

They thought that I had already discovered Zheng Jiaojiao’s cheating long ago, and that’s why I killed her.

No wonder they were so unforgiving, anyone would think that.

But I really didn’t know about it, which in turn gave me a convincing justification when I faced the police.

Now Zhang Shiming took this cell phone to me to see, is not tolerate to see me until now, still be in the dark right.

Zhang Shiming is indeed a very good friend.

When I looked at this cell phone, I did feel a little guilty.

After all, I was the one who used him and killed his wife.

I shook my head, putting this guilt behind me, and continued to look through their messages with interest.

When I flipped to the last month, I realized that Zheng Jiaojiao was actually planning to kill me with her cheating partner as well.

Their intentions were the same as mine, both to win freedom and money by killing their original partners.

Of course, in their plan, the person to be killed is me.

They were going to kill me and then take my money and go far away to live happily ever after.

Zheng Jiaojiao and I were worthy of being a couple for many years, even this evil plan came to mind.

However, in the killing program, Zheng Jiaojiao and her lover conflict.

Zheng Jiaojiao advocated poisoning to create the illusion of suicide.

She would claim that I chose to kill myself because of the stress of my job.

But her lover felt that this was not prudent enough, he didn’t want to kill someone so recklessly.

Jiaojiao Zheng asked him what he should do then.

He said, he has not thought about it yet.

Zheng Jiaojiao said anxiously, she no longer want to wait, she wants to be with him quickly.

I watched while really feeling scared.

Luckily, I made the first move, or else I might be the one to die now.

11 I opened the refrigerator and took out a bottle of milk that I drink every day, and while drinking it, I continued to watch their murderous plans.

The two of them made many plans.

Smash me straight to death, push me off a cliff, or, on my way home from work, pretend to rob me and then stab me straight to death.

All the plans were so crude and rudimentary, completely devoid of the slightest bit of imagination.

It was completely incomparable to my ‘double logical alibi’.

I tilted my head back and drank half the bottle of milk.

At this point, there weren’t many messages left on this cell phone.

The penultimate one was the night before the big day.

“I’ll do it tonight.


What did she do?

Did I kill her before she had a chance to do it, my dear wife.

I drank the rest of the half-bottle of milk in one gulp.

The man replied back, “How did you do it?

‘ Zheng Jiaojiao returned the last line: ‘I will put the poison in the milk he drinks every day, as long as he drinks it, he will soon die of poisoning.’

“At that moment, time froze.

For a moment, I didn’t even react to what the words in front of me actually meant.

I picked up the bottle of milk that I had already emptied.

Zheng Jiaojiao had put poison into the milk?

My whole body went cold.

12 I wanted to call for help, but all I felt was a rapid tightening of my throat and a spasm in my stomach.

I couldn’t even cry out the slightest cry for help.

I bumped into a bottle of milk, which fell to the floor and shattered into a cloud of glass.

My whole body curled up on the floor.

I could feel the blood in my body rushing swiftly, as if it were about to boil.

My eyesight was rapidly declining, and everything in front of me was becoming blurry and obscure.

I saw Zhang Shiming walk out after taking a shower.

He wiped his hair as he walked over to me.

I opened my mouth but couldn’t make a sound.

I saw Zhang Shiming smiling.

Why was he smiling?

Was that a smile of justice, or a smile of a successful conspiracy?

I couldn’t see clearly anymore.

I was still holding Zheng Jiaojiao’s cell phone in my hand.

With my last bit of strength, I scratched across the message bar of her cell phone and dialed her lover’s cell phone number.

The remixed version of Canon rang out.

It was Zhang Shiming’s work cell phone number.

That’s the work cell phone number of Zhang Shiming that I’ve never had.

Is that you?

Zheng Jiaojiao’s lover, is that you?

He squatted down and took the phone from me with a smile.

“It’s me.

” he said softly.

“But, Gao Jun, the person I love isn’t Jiaojiao Zheng.” he said while deleting all the cell phones.

” He said while deleting all the messages in his cell phone.

A complete darkness finally enveloped me completely.

On the top of a small hill on the outskirts of the city, Xiao Xue was overlooking the entire city.

More than ten years had passed since she first came here.

Nowadays, she was still young, still beautiful, and still able to take any man she wanted.

But she felt tired.

Circulating amongst man after man, extracting money after money from them.

She was already bored to death with this kind of life.

She wanted to finish Gao Jun’s job and go far away to avoid the world and never see these stupid men again.

At one time, she had enjoyed this kind of life, watching those men fall at her feet, and she felt satisfied.

But now, she was tired of it.

All of this, it was all fake.

Zhang Shiming finally arrived in a dusty manner.

Xiao Xue looked at him and couldn’t help but feel a hundred and twenty thousand percent satisfied with this last vote of hers.

Xiao Xue first seduced Gao Jun to liquidate all his assets and transfer them to vacate the premises.

It’s true that she didn’t expect Gao Jun to put a hit out on his wife, Zheng Jiaojiao.

But it’s not hard to understand, after all, this selfish man wouldn’t be willing to share his assets equally with his wife.

Then, she would let Zhang Shiming take care of Gao Jun. She couldn’t handle Gao Jun by herself.

Gao Jun is a man who says he loves her on the surface, but in fact his heart is so vicious.

Xiao Xue knew that she was no match for him on her own.

Zhang Shiming, on the other hand, is a police officer, and although he is timid and cowardly, it is precisely because he is timid and cowardly that he is subservient and loyal to Xiao Xue.

Zhang Shiming chose to become Zheng Jiaojiao’s lover in order for him to get away with his own crimes, and then step by step he lured Zheng Jiaojiao into poisoning herself.

The reason why Li Chun’s body was in the bathtub was also because Zhang Shiming moved it in.

He had already seen Li Chun’s body when he came home drunk, and he moved Li Chun into the bathtub while Gao Jun was drunk and asleep.

The purpose of this was to blur the time of her death so that the alibi Gao Jun gave him would be more tangible.

The man in front of the bar wearing Gao Jun’s same black trench coat was also arranged by Zhang Shiming in advance.

Gao Jun had avoided the surveillance outside the bar, while the man had avoided the surveillance inside the bar.

The two men crossed paths in that instant in front of the bar.

The doorway surveillance captured the man, and the bar’s interior captured Gao Jun.

However, when the two sides were viewed together, it was exactly the process of “Gao Jun walked into the bar from outside the door”.

Even better, the man didn’t even need to know what he did or why he did it.

Zhang Shiming gave him a few hundred dollars and got rid of him.

Just like that, Zhang Shiming both got rid of his own wife and took out Gao Jun, and he was able to get away clean himself.

Xiao Xue can’t help but sigh, this is really a knife-edge dangerous scheme.

Looking back, this was truly a group of men and women with evil hearts and dirty souls.

Every one of them thought they were pursuing love.

Every one of them looked like good men and women.

But every one of them was doing things that hurt the world.

Xiao Xue felt that they were not as honest as she was, she was at least honorable and a bitch.

Zhang Shiming walked up to her.

“Did you get all of Gao Jun’s money?

“Xiao Xue asked.

“Well, it’s all in our hands, we can leave here anytime we want.

“Zhang Shiming responded with a smile.

“It’s finally over.

“Xiao Xue let out a long breath of relief.

She hugged Zhang Shiming tightly.

Zhang Shiming also indulged in enjoying Yuki’s hug.

Yuki rarely hugged him, and this was his reward.

He enjoyed the hug with complete relaxation.

And at this moment, Xiao Xue had quietly put on her gloves and slowly slipped her hand into Zhang Shiming’s jacket.

She pulled out his sidearm, pointed it at his temple, and pulled the trigger.

14 Zhang Shiming fell to the ground with a sound.

Xiao Xue finally relaxed completely.

She squatted down, pulled out Zhang Shiming’s cell phone, and erased everything about him from it.

There hadn’t been much contact between the two of them, and they had always been very careful.

She put the pistol into Zhang Shiming’s hand again.

He had just lost his wife and best friend, so it made perfect sense for him to run to the top of a hill on the outskirts of town to kill himself.

After doing all this, Yuki took off her gloves and returned to the car, breathing deeply for a long time before she finally calmed down.

Then she started the car and drove down the mountain.

She was still a bit panicked after all.

After all, this was her first time killing someone.

In all these years, although she had maneuvered among so many men, this was really the first time she had ever done something like ‘taking someone’s life’.

An intense excitement mixed with panic took over her body.

It was an extremely unfamiliar emotion.

It took her a while to realize that that emotion was called guilt.

She didn’t feel guilty when a man left his wife and children for her She didn’t feel guilty when a man lost his name for her.

She didn’t feel guilty when men broke up and lost their families for her.

She never felt that they deserved it, that they were to blame.

But now, when she took another man’s life for the first time, she felt a strong sense of guilt.

It was a guilt that came from biological instinct.

That guilt was so powerful that she didn’t know what to do with the guilt for a moment.

She even had an urge to do a little good deed so that she could cancel out the annoying guilt.

That’s when, alongside the mountain highway, she saw a young man, bent over in pain.

The man’s expression was agonizing, so painful that he was sweating profusely, and the hand that was reaching out for help was shaking.

It looked like it should be a sudden emergency.

In case it was appendicitis or something, it could kill someone if they didn’t get medical attention in time.

Yuki stopped in front of him and asked him if he needed help in a gentle tone she had never seen before in her life.

The young man nodded his head in a hurry.

Yuki got out of the car and helped him into the back seat.

“Don’t be afraid, there’s a hospital right at the foot of the mountain, you’ll be there in ten minutes or so.

” Yuki comforted him.

The man nodded with difficulty.

Yuki drove smoothly, she felt herself slowly calming down.

The guilt in her heart had really dissipated.

However, after the guilt dissipated, she regretted a bit.

She really shouldn’t have let this man get into her car because of a moment of guilt and a moment of weakness.

Her escape was likely to be delayed by him just like that.

However, the good thing was that the hospital was close, indeed right at the foot of the mountain, so it would be fine to drop him off there.

Yuki had no intention of doing more for him.

The ‘moment of weakness’ just now was already the limit of her conscience.

She turned her head, ready to tell the man that she wouldn’t get out of the car to see him off later.

It was at this moment that the cold knife was pressed against her neck.

“There’s a particularly scary serial killer here who’s been killing young women all over the place, and he hasn’t been caught yet.

” The man’s tone had a slight smirk in it.

“Miss, have you heard?

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Next April 26, 2024


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