Which was the more desirable home for an ancient woman, the concubine of a large family or the wife of a commoner?

Which is the more desirable home for an ancient woman, a concubine of a big family or a commoner’s wife?

I crossed over into a maid, unassuming and unassuming, and was secretly loved by the young master, and just when the madam wanted to raise me as a commoner, I refused.

I was sold to the Lu family by a man’s toothpaste, and my ancestor had also produced a scholar and a prime minister.

But in recent years, the children of the family have not made much progress, so they have to live in Yuzhou.

But the camel is bigger than the horse, although the Lu family is declining, no longer the glory of the past, but in Yuzhou, is still one of the largest families.

The Lu family is a family of scholars and writers, and they naturally have high requirements for their servants.

Usually, they would buy a seven or eight year old girl and hand her over to Meimei, the housekeeper, for two years to teach her embroidery and the rules of the house, and they would also ask the housekeeper, who had some knowledge, to teach her a few words so that she wouldn’t be a white trash, so as not to dishonor the Lu family’s reputation.

After two years of training, they will be assigned according to their qualifications.

Those with good qualifications and good looks will have the chance to become the young master’s or young lady’s personal maids, or even worse, they will be able to mix with the second or third class maids, and will be able to enter the master’s house, and have the chance to show their faces in front of the master.

If the qualification is poor, can only be a cleaning maid, do some rough work.

The girls are all seven or eight years old, but already know what the future is.

In order to meet the master’s eyes, they all worked hard at embroidery and literacy.

I was the only one who learned the rules, swept the courtyard, and watered the flowers from the supervisor, Mo Mo, but I learned everything about women’s embroidery and literacy.

The supervisor’s name is Wang Mu, is the old man in the house, since childhood was sold into the Lu family, and then by the current old lady, the original first lady was assigned to the house supervisor, and gave birth to a son who is now the master’s side of the long trailer, very well used.

Wang Mu Mu stayed in the Lu family all her life, working hard and being trusted by Mrs. Lu.

I often followed Wang Mu Mu around, and was also quite liked by Wang Mu Mu.

But whenever she saw my embroidery, Wang Mu could not help but sigh, “You are a good girl, why are your hands so clumsy?

A good rooster has been embroidered into a sickly chicken with a crooked mouth.” “Mei-mei, in fact, I’ve been embroidering for a long time.

“Momo, actually, I embroidered geese.”

“Momo,” ………… “For literacy, I’m even worse, the housekeeper taught me ten words I can write half of them correctly is not bad, either missing strokes, or twisted, really unseemly.

But at least I can read a few words.

Luckily, I was born hardworking, and I have never been active in cleaning or doing rough work, and I am also quite good at taking care of flowers and plants, which is a real skill of Wang Mu Mu.

So two years later, all the other girls were successfully assigned to the master as second- and third-class maids, but only I, under Wang MoMo’s strong recommendation, became the rough maid of Boya Yard.

Bo Ya Yuan is the residence of Lu Yan, the youngest master of the Lu family.

In the Lu family’s generation, it was the youngest Lu who was the most promising, and he was already a scholar at a young age, and his writing was even the best among them.

He had great expectations and carried the hope of bringing the Lu family back to prominence.

Therefore, in order to allow him to study at ease, there were only two second-class maids in Boya Courtyard, Hong Xing and Bi Tao, who were responsible for cleaning things in the young master’s house.

The rest of the personal things, such as grinding and dressing and organizing the desk, are handled by the young master’s sidekick, Zhang Sheng, and his nanny, Zhang Mama.

When Moo Moo led me into Boya Yard, she went to see the Young Master and asked him to give me a name.

At that time, the young master was reading at the table, and happened to read the poem, “The Poplar Blossoms Have Fallen and Zi Gui Cries,” and looked at me twice, and saw that I had a dull complexion and a skinny figure, like a small sparrow, so he named me Zi Gui.

I was depressed because I had a bird’s name for a nice person.

But also can only respectfully thank the grace, low head back.

From beginning to end, I never raised my head to look at the young master because it was out of order.

I live in the backyard of Boya courtyard’s servant’s house, with me, there is also a Li Mu Mu, and two rough maids like me, one called Green Plum, one called Red Plum.

Red Apricot and Peach do not live with us, they usually live closer to the young master for the convenience of night duty.

Li Mu Mu is also an old man in the house, but she was widowed young and never remarried. Anyway, she stays in the house and eats and drinks without worrying, and when she gets old, there will be a thin coffin and a dozen of paper money in the house for her to send her to her death.

Li Mu Mu treated us very well, probably because she had no children of her own, so she taught us as if we were her own children.

She would always give us the fresh pastries rewarded by our masters, she would always sew our clothes when they were torn, and she would bring us some new things every time we went out when we were too young to leave the house, such as new head flowers or Hongshunzhai’s snacks.

But if we made a mistake, Li Mu Mu would hit us hard on the palm of our hand and chastise us.

Li Mu Mu often said, “We as subordinates must keep our own duties and do our own work well, don’t learn from those foxy girls who don’t do their work all day long and only think about how to seduce brothers and sisters, and dream of their aunts’ grand dreams.

I’m not afraid that if Mrs. knows, she’ll tear her skin off.

I’m not afraid of her wife finding out and tearing her skin off! “I can tell you three, remember your identity, don’t think about those things, or I’ll cut your faces and break your legs without waiting for Madam to do anything.” I knew who she was talking about, I had heard it when Chunmei and Hongmei were chatting, Chunmei said, “Eh, did you see that?

That Bitao is wearing a pink peach blossom on her head today.

“Hongmei said, “Yes, the pink peach blossom goes with the green dress.

“She’s just trying to attract the young master’s attention, but unfortunately, he’s too preoccupied with his studies to even look at her.”

“It’s been a year since I joined Boya Academy, and I’ve never seen the young master. It’s only because of the rules of Boya Academy that the housekeeping chores must be completed in the master’s absence, so as not to disturb the young master’s studies.

Therefore, I get up at dawn every day and finish cleaning before dawn.

Then, before the young master left for school, I tended to the flowers and plants in the garden.

The rest of the time, I worked with Li MoMo and ChunMei HongMei in the backyard, washing and mending, so I really didn’t have a chance to see the young master.

Occasionally, Wang MoMo would come over to see me, and she and Li MoMo were old acquaintances, so the two of them talked and ate wine together, while I dozed off next to them.

When I woke up, I was either clothed in Wang Mu-mu’s clothes or covered with Li Mu-mu’s quilt.

The young master’s nannies, Zhang’s mother Zhang and Hong Xing, would often come to the backyard to see us and bring us some of the house’s less fresh snacks to eat.

But Bitao never came.

But Bitao has never been here. She wants to be an aunt and grandmother, so how can she look at us, the maids?

Most of the maids in the house have four ways out, the best one, is to climb on the master’s bed, smooth to become a concubine, good luck to have a son to become an aunt, although the status is far worse than the main house wife, but at least it is half a master, food, clothing and supplies since needless to say, but also have two maids to serve, is not it a beautiful thing.

The second is to reach a certain age, by the master sent word to match, or the mansion of the boy, or the steward of the manor.

The children born in the future can also continue to work in the house.

Or do not want to marry, young widowed, as long as in the house to do things quietly, to be old, there will be someone for you to take care of the afterlife.

The third rule, that is, the family has relatives and friends of parents to ransom out of the general in the house for a number of years in the maid, or in front of the master of the face of the maid, the master will not be difficult, and will even give a sum of money to let her leave.

The last one is also one that not many people would choose.

It is the girl herself to save enough money, their own for their own ransom out.

The reason why not many people choose this, one to redeem themselves for the cost is not low, two to redeem themselves for most of the girl without friends and relatives, even if they go out also have nothing to rely on, living a difficult life, it is better to stay in the mansion, at least not worry about food and clothing, three to redeem themselves for the girl than at home with friends and relatives to miss, is often said to be unfaithful and unrighteous, is not liked.

The days went on like this, I stayed in the Boya courtyard for two years.

After two years, I still haven’t seen Young Master.

Chunmei and Hongmei would occasionally sneak around the corner of the backyard wall to peek at the young master at school, but when they were discovered by Li MuMu, they were beaten and scolded.

I’m not the kind of person to ask for trouble, and I don’t want to be beaten up for a man I’ve never even met.

Sick! Month, just after the Mid-Autumn Festival, the weather began to turn cold, Li Mu Mu began to cough a little, at first did not care, thought it was just an ordinary cold, after a few days will be good.

Until that day, when we were washing clothes together, Lee Moo-moo suddenly coughed violently and coughed out a mouthful of blood, and then fell backward and fainted.

I rushed over to pick up Moo-moo and panicked.

Moo-moo was the best person to me in this world and in this house, and I only had one thought in my head, “Moo-moo can’t be hurt.

“I pinched Mu Mu’s center, and ran out of Boya courtyard for the first time without a care in the world. The Lu Mansion is really big, and I ran for a long time, passed through a round door, walked across a small bridge, and ran through three paths before I saw Wang Mu Mu in the garden from afar.

I ran over and knelt down in front of Wang Mu-mu, gasping for breath and crying, “Wang Mu-mu, please save Li Mu-mu, she just vomited blood and fainted, please, please help to ask a doctor to come to give her a look!” I was crying at the top of my lungs, not realizing that there were other people around me.

Wang Mu Mu knocked my head heavily and said, “Unruly girl, what are you doing kneeling in front of Madam without bowing to her first?

“Only then did I see that there was a pretty woman beside Wang MoMo, wearing a purple dark flower silk jacket with a collar made of silk, covered with a moonlight white silk brocade pasted together, under a lake blue gold pleated skirt, wearing a set of elegant and dignified and expensive gold inlaid with emerald silk gourd head, well-maintained face with a gentle and dignified smile, but a closer look, but found that her eyebrows and eyes at the hidden majesty.

Originally, this is the main mother of the Lu family.

I hurriedly kowtowed to the madam to make amends, “I am sorry madam, the slave girl was in a hurry and lost the rules, please ask the madam to chastise me! Wang MoMo hastened to help me beg for forgiveness, “Madam, it’s the old slave who didn’t teach this girl well, considering that she is a first time offender and has good intentions, please forgive her, I will go back to teach and punish her properly.

“Mrs. Lu didn’t return to Wang Momo, but just looked at me and asked, “Which courtyard are you from?

“I respectfully returned, “Madam, I am the maid of Boya House!” “Boya House?

If you’re from Boya House, why don’t you ask the young master beside me, but instead ask Wang MuMu, who is beside me, as soon as you come here?

“I looked at the two young men standing beside Madam, they were similar in size and appearance, so one of them must be the First Young Master, and the other is the Second Young Master’s eldest son, who is only two months younger than the First Young Master.

The two young masters seem to have just left the school, both wearing the school’s blue and white tunic, the boy carrying a heavy bag of books at the side of the Hou.

At first glance, it was as if they were twins.

Only a young man’s eyes calm, face has no expression, hanging hands and stand, the other young man is quite jumpy, a pair of good-looking eyes lightly curved, the corner of the lips slightly raised, two dimples hidden.


Can I say that I haven’t seen the young master at all?

How would I know who they are?

Mrs. see me for a moment speechless, eyes skittered around twice looked at her side of the two teenagers, full of doubt and confusion, froze in place slightly disoriented, stammered and could not answer.

Suddenly laughed to, “You will not even your master do not recognize it?

“I only had to reply, “Back to madam, slave girl is a servant girl of Boya courtyard, responsible for sweeping the courtyard, Li MuMu taught us that we can’t sweep in front of young master, so as not to disturb young master’s study, so slave girl doesn’t have the chance to see young master! So you don’t see him in secret?” “Then you don’t see him in secret?

“Madam, Mrs. Li says it’s against the rules.

I wouldn’t dare!” “How long have you been at Boya Academy?” “Two and a half years, ma’am.

“Two and a half years, ma’am.”

“Two years, haha, good!” With that, Mrs. Wang covered her mouth and laughed softly, then turned to Wang MoMo and said, “Take this girl and go find a doctor, then go to the account office and give Li MoMo two dollars of silver, saying that she has worked hard, so that she can get well!” I hurriedly followed Wang Mu Mu out the door to ask for a doctor.

I ignored the teasing sounds of the teenagers behind me.

This was the first time I went out, the first time I came into contact with places in this world other than the Lu Mansion.

Turning right out of the Lu Mansion, about three hundred meters away from the street, both sides of the stores, vendors selling along the street, a scene of vitality.

I was suddenly a bit disoriented, how long had it been since I had seen such a lively scene.

I almost forgot that I had traveled across the world.

It is from that world with high-rise buildings everywhere, convenient and smooth transportation, convenient and incomparable technological network that I traveled over; it is from that society where beautiful women with slim legs can be seen everywhere, handsome men in short-sleeved T-shirts can be seen everywhere, and everyone is called to be equal and there is no hierarchy and no slavery that I traveled over.

I almost forgot that I wasn’t originally a maid, but a college student in the modern world.

When such an extremely low probability event as crossing over happened to me, I did not rejoice, I did not leap forward full of challenges, I just wanted to live well in this world.

How do I want to live?

It is not to fight against the world and society with a head iron, but to recognize the reality, to recognize my own identity and situation, to keep to my duty, and to integrate myself completely into this world.

Only in this way will I be able to live.

Wang Mo-Mo and I invited the doctor back, and Li Mo-Mo’s illness was under control, but she could no longer be overworked.

In addition to doing my own work every day, I had to make medicine for Li Mu Mu and talk with her, who would always sit on a chair in the doorway and look at me and talk to me with a big smile on her face.

I think this is a very good day, every day there are things to do, do not worry about food and clothing, there are people who love themselves by their side, the warmth of the heart, the years are quiet and good, and nothing is like that.

Li Mu Mu’s health was not good and she could no longer make clothes for us. Seeing that winter was coming, I thought that the winter clothes in the house were not warm enough, so I made Li Mu Mu a thick red jacket embroidered with magpies, using the finest fabric that the master had rewarded her with in New Year’s Day and cutting it carefully.

As she touched the jacket, she couldn’t believe that I had made it, “Did you really make it?

“Yes, I did.

“Did you embroider the magpie, too?” I nodded.

I nodded my head, “If you have this skill, why were you assigned to be a servant girl here in the first place?”

“I spat out my tongue and took her arm, burying my head in her arms and rubbing it, saying petulantly, “It’s not that we’re destined to meet such a good momo.

Don’t you think so?

“Mumei smiled and hit me twice, “You girl!” Then she hugged me tightly in her arms.

The first month had just passed, and the red plum blossoms in the courtyard had not yet set buds, so I was in the courtyard making medicine for Li Mu-mu.

The young master’s nanny, Mrs. Zhang, suddenly came into the courtyard and told me and Li Mu Mu that the madam had promoted me to be a second-class maid beside the young master.

I was surprised. How could such a small and transparent person like me be in the eyes of the madam?

Besides, the two second class maids in the courtyard are already full, and Hongxing and Bitao are doing well, why did she suddenly mention me …… Wait, Hongxing and Bitao, could it be?

I looked up to Zhang mother, Zhang mother nodded to me, and then said, “Bitao that girl secretly to brother stuffed purse, embroidered with a pair of mandarin ducks, just happened to be caught by the lady, the lady ordered to hit her twenty boards and then look for the teeth of the people to put her on sale.

“I was stupefied, for the first time I felt the life of this world is like a piece of grass, the maid who was sold out by the Lu family will never have a good ending.

“Just, why suddenly promote me, Chunmei Hongmei sister than I came to Boya courtyard earlier.” “Do you still remember that you are the first to be promoted?

“Do you remember the last time you met Mrs. Li in order to get a doctor for her?” I nodded my head, of course I remember.

“I nodded my head, of course I remember, I was so scared! Mrs. Zhang continued, “Last time, when I saw that you had been in Boya Yard for two years and didn’t know who the young master was, I thought it was really interesting and asked Wang MoMo in private, and she knew that you always did your work properly and kept to your duties, never exceeding the limits.

That’s why this time when Bitao had an accident, Mrs. Bitao personally named you and asked you to take Bitao’s place.

“Now I understand, I am so stupid that I have fallen into the eyes of Mrs. Bitao, and I can save people’s heart by placing me beside the young master.

I stayed by Li Mu Mu’s side and said I didn’t want to go.

Li Mu Mu knocked my head and said, “Madam’s order has come down, so you have to go even if you don’t want to.

You are a good boy, and I have nothing to worry about, but I still have to remind you to keep to your duties and not to think of anything else, so remember! I nodded my head and said, “I’ll remember, don’t worry, Muoi, I won’t.” 2 As a second-class maid, I’m not a good person.

“When I became a second-class maid, I no longer lived with Li MuMu, and I moved to Bitou’s house, where I lived with Hong Xing.

It’s not a big room.

However, it is small and has all the essentials.

In addition to the bed, dresser, table and stools are also available.

Hongxeng is a good-tempered girl, after the New Year will be 16 years old, two years longer than me, for people to do things very thoughtful and considerate, very good at taking care of people.

Before she also often and Zhang mom together with snacks to us to eat, so we are quite familiar with.

The red apricot is the family suffered a disaster before sold into the Lu Fu, the family has parents and brothers, these years rely on the red apricot’s monthly income, do some small business, the family’s situation is gradually improving, want to redeem the red apricot out.

But the red apricot said she wanted to stay in the Lu Fu for two more years, Lu Fu monthly money is abundant, and so she to the time to be married and then go out is not too late.

At first, I do not know anything, red apricot will teach me little by little, for example, the young master loves to drink a few hot tea, the house of snacks and fruits must not be overnight, flower arrangement does not have to be what flowers, but there must be fresh flowers and plants in the house.

The tables, chairs, and benches in the house must be wiped down every day, but these tasks must be done when the young master goes to the academy, so we will try not to disturb the young master when he is in the house on weekdays.

As for the personal matters such as changing clothes, grinding ink and making the bed, they are taken care of by Mrs. Zhang and the young master’s boy, Zhang Sheng.

Unless Mama Zhang or the young master personally asks, we must not intervene in these matters.

And young master’s …… I took out a pen and paper, and took out the posture of a school note-taking, and recorded what Hong Xing said one by one, looking at the five pages full of notes, I really want to quit! Red Apricot curiously took the notes I wrote, teased me, “Zhang mother said you are stupid, I don’t think so, it’s not quite clever.

“Mama Zhang is right, I have a bad memory and I’m stupid, so if I want to do a good job, I have to be smart.” Hong Xing scrutinized my handwriting carefully, “Is your handwriting in the small capitals of the Hairpin?” I was shocked.

“I was shocked, I forgot to pay attention to it.

I was shocked, I forgot to pay attention to it. But I didn’t change my face and said, “It’s not a hairpin script, it’s just like it’s written.” Hong Xing shook her head and said, “Although I have only seen this kind of script in a book on the young master’s desk once when I was serving him tea by chance, I would never recognize it, but I never thought that you could write it, and write it so well.” Can I say that I started practicing calligraphy from the third grade of elementary school to the first grade of high school, and if it wasn’t for the fact that I put it on hold for a few years because of the college entrance exams, I would have been able to write even better.

I hemmed and hawed and took the paper in Hong Xing’s hand and said with a smile, “Where is the good you say, I am just afraid that you will say that my writing is not good, I have just paid attention to the strokes on purpose.

Sister Hong Xing don’t tease me.

Besides, what’s the big deal, I have long heard, red apricot sister’s embroidery is a masterpiece, embroidered geese even feathers are clearly visible, I have not asked you to teach it?

You can not hide ah, teach me more ah! Hongxing is a sincere kind and simple girl, she did not think too much, really give me guidance to the embroidery.

I kept to my duty, following the notes that Hong Xing told me to do honestly.

When serving tea, I would let Zhang Sheng deliver it, and when the young master was in the house, he would not enter the house, so even after a year of being promoted to second maid, I had not made much of an impression on the young master.

Whenever I had free time, I ran to the backyard and got tired of being around Li Mu Mu.

In the past, Li MuMu would always save the delicious snacks for me, and would always bring me something when I went out, but now I brought snacks with me, and my monthly money had increased a lot, so I often asked people to bring some fresh things from the market to Li MuMu, who would always wrap her arms around me and listen to me talk, and then stuff me with a mouthful of snacks.

Every time before leaving, always tell me to be careful, do a good job, do not step in the dust of Bitou.

Hong Xing knew that Li Mu Mu and I had a strong relationship, so every time she let me skip work, she would also save the snacks that were removed from the young master’s house for me.

As the days went by, I became 16 years old.

Hongxeng also reached the age of marriage, her parents gave her a marriage, door to door to redeem her home.

Mrs. red apricot all these years of hard work, gave her a generous dowry.

Although I knew that sooner or later there would be such a day, but when this day really came, but happy want to cry and sad want to cry.

All along, Hongxing was like my sister, always taking care of me and caring for me.

She made clothes for me when it was cold, kept herbal tea for me when it was hot, knew that I liked the snacks in the young master’s house and always kept a piece of them for me, and knew that I was concerned about Li Mu Mu, and always gave me a “shift” when I was walking to see Li Mu Mu, without complaining.

I bought her a fine jasper hairpin with my six-month monthly payment, and made her a new dress with a fine satin rewarded by her master.

Hong Xing touched the gifts I gave her, hugged me, and then took my hand and said, “Zi Gui, I know what is in your heart, but the world has never been harsh to women, and I am afraid that what you are seeking and thinking about will be very difficult.

As a sister, I feel sorry for you, but as a woman, I admire you from the bottom of my heart.

“I saw the red apricot out of the door of the Lu residence, back to the house, only to feel empty everywhere.

I ran to Li MuMu and cried, Li MuMu comforted me a few times, but also had to persuade me to leave, because after Hong Xing left, there was no one to “take over” for me.

After Hong Xing left, the madam called me to her, saying that with Hong Xing gone, there should have been another second-class maid, but recently the young master was about to take the examination, and she was afraid that the new maid would disturb the young master’s peace and quiet, so she asked me to work hard for a while, and then add another one after the young master finished the examination.

Also, now that the young master is about to take the examination, I was told to pay more attention and serve the young master well! Of course, my monthly salary will be tripled! If the young master passes the exam, he’ll be rewarded! I didn’t have much to do in the first place, which is why I was able to skip work from time to time, and now that I’m getting double the monthly payment, I naturally couldn’t ask for more.

I was eager to do so.

In ancient times, the pressure on children to study wasn’t too bad! Having experienced the college entrance exam, I couldn’t bear to watch young master study hard every day.

But the way things are, there’s nothing anyone can do about it.

Just like the college entrance examination, everyone knows that it is a test-based education, and everyone knows that children have to work hard, but no parent will tell their children to stop studying and stop taking the examination! I can only put the boiled green bean water in the well to chill before the young master goes to school, and ask Zhang Sheng to send it to him when he goes to school; I can only replace the flowers in the house with orchids that can calm the mind; I can only change the flavors of the snacks on the table; I can only give Zhang Sheng the incense to light it when the young master is drowsy from his study in the middle of the night …. …I can do very little, after all, it is not my examination, the road to the examination must be his own to break through.

Just watching him study hard, I always think of my boyfriend in modern times.

He is also like this, always meticulous smile, like an old scholar, doing serious and focused, then I often like to tease him, or appear behind him blindfolded, or drilled into his arms and pampered him, think of this, I can not help but smile.

I looked up at the sky, the moon stars, I remembered once with him in the park at the lake to see the moon, sometimes I playful, will pester him with me to play with the flying flower order, because that time always watch the Chinese Poetry Conference.

He is a science student, naturally, can not beat me, every time to say a few lines will raise their hands and admit defeat, and then resigned to run to buy me ice cream.

In fact, I know, he is intentionally let me, a will Tang poetry and Song lyrics memorized and familiar with the poetry and Han Lefu poetry collection of people how can lose to me a half-assed.

The last time he and I played the Flying Flower Order was to say poems with the moon in them, and the last line he said was Su Shi’s famous line, “People have their sorrows and joys, and the moon has its ups and downs, and this matter can never be resolved.

“I wish that people would stay together for a long time, and that we would be together for a thousand miles.

“I couldn’t help but read out the last two lines.

Nowadays, I’m afraid everyone thought I died in that fire, including him.

Who knew that I was reborn in another world, living humbly and carefully, and now, it’s been eight years.

I wonder how much time has passed on his side, and whether he has come out to start a new life again.

Will he be immersed in his research and then do not ask the world red dust, will not be forced by his parents to marry another person, will not now also have a wife and children happy and contented, will not have, forget about me! But I have not forgotten him, how can I forget him ah! However, if I can’t be with you for a long time, I only wish you a hundred years old and carefree! I wiped away the tears on my face, but turned around to see the young master standing in the doorway quietly looking at me, Zhang Sheng had already disappeared.

I looked at the eldest young master’s face, for a moment, a little lost in thought.

But I quickly regained my senses, and blessed the young master, saying, “Young master, it’s late at night and the night wind is cold, so be careful not to catch a cold, you’d better go back to the house!” “I’ll enjoy the moonlight.” “I’ll go and get you a cloak.” As I walked past him, he grabbed my arm and asked, “What did you just say?

“I looked back at him in shock and stammered, “No, nothing.

” “But I wish for a long time, a thousand miles together.

Good words! It’s just that it’s a new song written by Lord Su only last year, how do you know it?

”I struggled away from his hand, backed away three paces, and said to him, ‘Young master, you heard wrong, slave girl didn’t say anything, the night is late, slave girl left first.”

” I hurriedly turned around and ran back into the house, my heart beating so fast that it was about to pop out of my heart, I slapped my face and thought in chagrin, ”How could I have been so careless! In the following days, perhaps it was because Young Master’s schoolwork was getting heavier, perhaps it was because we both tacitly ignored that night, or perhaps it was because I deliberately avoided meeting him, and for a few days, it was all quiet and uneventful.

I was secretly relieved, mentioning the heart in the throat also gradually put down.

I continued to do things as usual, and went to the backyard to look at Li Mu Mu as soon as I had a spare moment.

After a few months of peace and quiet, the day of the examination drew nearer and nearer, and Madam ordered Zhang Mama and me to pack the young master’s luggage for the capital.

I had never traveled before, so I was a bit embarrassed, so I had to bring him the things I had considered when I traveled.

In addition to the necessary clothes and books, etc., I also sewed several small cloth bags overnight, in which I put various things in different categories.

There were dried sour apricots to prevent nausea and vomiting from motion sickness and seasickness, toner to absorb moisture and prevent dampness, spices to get rid of bad odors, knee pads and elbow pads to protect against wind and keep warm, and a few large cloth bags that were folded up.

Mom Zhang looked at the things I prepared, and appreciated the first few, but she didn’t know what I wanted to do with the large cloth bags.

I explained, “If the box or cage breaks and cannot be used during the journey, you can use this big cloth bag to put it in.

“Moreover, I heard that the examination will take three days, not only no one is allowed to visit, even the objects brought are restricted, the northern spring cold, young master can use this bag as a book bag, if the stool is cold, you can turn the bag over as a cushion to make, which I have added wool.

“Zhang mom turned over to see, really the bag inside a layer of fine tight wool, soft to the touch, touch the warmth.

Mrs. Zhang repeatedly praised me for my thoughtfulness and urged Mr. Zhang to bring all these things with him.

On the day the young master left, I sent the young master to the door with the subordinates of Boya Courtyard.

As subordinates, we, were not qualified to escort the young master to the ferry.

As I watched the young master’s back disappear, I turned around and went into the house, closing the doors and windows before carefully taking out a slip of paper in my hand, on which was neatly written a poem, Su Shi’s “Song of Water”.

“When is the bright moon, ask the blue sky with a glass of wine, I don’t know the palace in the sky, what year is this evening.

I want to go home by the wind, but I’m afraid that I can’t stand the coldness of the jeweled buildings.

I want to go back by the wind, but I am afraid that the jeweled buildings are too high to be cold.

I am afraid that I will not be able to sleep when I turn to the jade palace, and I am afraid that the jade palace will not be able to withstand the cold.

There should not be hate, why should it always be round when we part?

People have their sorrows and joys, the moon has its own shade, and this matter can never be complete.

I wish that people would stay together for a long time, and that we could be together for a thousand miles.” At the end of the poem, there was an inscription.

I took out a pair of scissors, cut out the inscription and burned it, then locked the note in the makeup box.

During the days when the young master left, Boya courtyard was very free, besides cleaning the house every day and going to the backyard to keep Li MoMo company, I also took good care of the flowers and plants in the courtyard.

I have always liked orchids, their fragrance is fresh and long, and has the effect of concentrating the mind and calming the heart. Orchids are also the gentleman of flowers, with a literary atmosphere, which has always been the favorite of literati and writers.

I begged Zhang mother several times, and she finally agreed to allow me to plant a few pots of orchids in the yard, which are fresh and elegant with a long aftertaste.

The orchids are elegant and fit the name of Boya Yard.

My flower planting skills were passed on by Wang MoMo, and after a few times of tending to them, the orchids in the courtyard opened one after another, with a long fragrance that spread out of the courtyard.

One day, I was working with Mrs. Zhang in the yard, and when the water of the kettle was finished, I carried the kettle to the backyard to get water.

When I came back from the watering can, before I reached the front yard, I heard Mrs. Zhang talking to a man in a very respectful tone.

I quietly hid behind the corridor, put my ear close, and heard the man say, “This orchid is simple and quiet, elegant and noble, planted in my elder brother’s courtyard, it complements this Boya courtyard.

However, I remember this Boya Courtyard didn’t seem to have this orchid in the past?

“Zhang mom respectfully replied, “I don’t know about this, I just think these flowers look good and smell good, so I planted some randomly, but I never thought it would catch the second young master’s eye.

If you like it, I will send someone to send two pots to the second young master’s courtyard.

“I raised my eyes to look at the past, only to see this second young master will be in the hands of the folding fan waved, the color in the eyes of the dark and unknown, swiftly laughed two said, “This Jasper orchid is the most delicate, my yard in the people more vulgar, I’m afraid that can not be raised for two days on the death of the spoiled things.

It is not as good as big brother who is in the courtyard, who is delicate and can raise this orchid in such a way that it is free and graceful.” “I will do it.

“Well, I’ll just be a flower-appreciator.” After saying that, the second young master tilted his head and laughed twice, snapped open the fan in his hand, and then casually fanned it twice, waiting for the servant boy to go out and leave.

I watched the second young master walk away, and only then did I walk over with my water bottle, “Why is this second young master so strange, why did he suddenly come to our Boya Courtyard? Mother Zhang flicked my head and scolded me, “It’s not because of you girl, you have to plant this orchid, and planted it so well, this second young master has always been a man who likes the moon and moon and boasts of his flirtatiousness, to see the orchids blooming in this courtyard, how could he not come?

“I spat out my tongue and shook Mama Zhang’s hand, saying, “How can I be blamed for this? If I am to be blamed, I have to blame Mama Zhang for having too good an eye and choosing the Jasper Orchid with its long-lasting fragrance and elegant color, and I also have to blame Wang MoMo for being so good at planting flowers and teaching me the art of planting flowers without hiding anything, so that I can raise this delicate Jasper Orchid so well.

It’s all because of you and Wang Moo, how can you blame me?

“Mom Zhang laughed and couldn’t help but flick me in the head again, and I covered my forehead in pain.

“You, no wonder Li MuMu Wang MuMu likes you so much, you girl, you are really good at turning black and white, confusing people.

“I covered my forehead and was still smiling and laughing, looking at mom Zhang with wide eyes and saying, “So mom still likes it?

“Do you like it?” “Do you like it?” “Tell me, mom.

“Tell me, mom, do you like it?

“Mom couldn’t do anything about it, so she sighed and scratched my nose again and said, “Yes.” 3After a few more days, when the last of the orchids were in full bloom, the official newspaper arrived, and the young master lived up to the expectations of the high school, and was ranked twelve out of twelve in the second grade.

The whole Lu family was overjoyed, and not only did the master and his wife reward the entire Boya courtyard, but also the other courtyards.

The young master has not yet returned, but the matchmakers have already stepped on the threshold of the Lu residence.

The master and his wife discussed for a long time, and finally settled on Shen Zi Ruo, the youngest daughter of the Shen family, who is the head of the Penitentiary Department.

The mother of Shen Zi Ruo is now the Queen’s grandfather’s second brother, the youngest son of the family’s youngest daughter, although it is playing a number of curved turn pro, but at least it is also stained with the royal pro.

And Shen Zi Ruo’s grandfather, Shen boss man served as a university official, the young master before entering the capital has also been Shen boss man’s guidance, half of the teacher’s friendship, not to mention his second brother is now also in the capital within the Office of the Public Prosecutor’s Office, but also the future of the future is unlimited.

With this kind of in-laws helping out, the young master’s future is really a clear one.

But this Shen Zi Ruo is notoriously weak, delicate young lady, out of the door have to three or five servants followed, afraid of being dizzy by the sun, the rain showers sick, walking too long tired down.

However, this Miss Shen is also a well-known beauty, there are rumors that it has the appearance of the sinking fish, but also because of the physical weakness of a few more points of the weak willow to welcome the wind of the flavor, really I see the poor.

Gu also called it Shen Xizi.

When Mrs. Gu told the young master about the marriage, the young master only pondered for a moment, and then respectfully returned, “Everything is up to mother’s discretion! Knowing that Miss Shen was weak, and fearing that she might not be able to give birth to her son in the future, Madame said, “Do you have a favorite girl, if she is not of a high rank, Mother can find her for you as a concubine.

“The young master’s eyes twitched, but his expression was as calm as ever, and he said lightly, “Mother is joking, my son has been studying hard since he was a child, and has taken the revitalization of the Lu family as his own responsibility, so he dares not slacken off in the slightest, and apart from the Zhang mama who waited on me and a small girl, where have I ever come into contact with any other women?

“Mrs. Lu heard this and seemed to remember something, “A little girl?

You are talking about the second-class girl beside you, what was her name?

“Back to mother, her name is Zi Gui.” “Yes, yes, yes, that’s her.

“Yes, yes, yes, that’s her, that little girl who has been in your yard for two years and doesn’t even recognize you.

Ha ha ha, that’s funny.” “I think she’s good.

“I think she’s good, she’s cautious, she’s honest, she’s the most worrying, why don’t we make her a concubine? I’d like to make her a concubine, and then I’ll make her an aunt if I have a son or daughter in a couple of years, what do you think?

“The youngest master’s eyes flashed with an imperceptible light, but he still respectfully replied, “I’ll leave it up to mother to decide.

“I was in the courtyard dividing orchids when Madam summoned me, and Mother Zhang cheerfully dragged me into the house to change into a new dress, and gave me a very expensive red onyx and filigree pearl pendant to wear.

I was a little uncomfortable, but also a little anxious to ask mom Zhang what is the matter?

Why did she suddenly dress me up so grandly?

Mrs. Zhang smiled and said, “It’s a good thing, you’ll know when you go there.

“I followed Mama Zhang to Madam’s house, where the Young Master was seated, and Wang MoMo stood respectfully behind Madam.

I kowtowed respectfully and asked for the peace of madam and young master.

Mrs. Wang smiled with great satisfaction when she saw the headdress on my head.

“When I first saw you, you were still a dark and skinny little girl, but now that you have grown, and are wearing this blue brocade dress and this red onyx pendant, you have a different demeanor, and are a little beauty.

“I have always known that I am not ugly, although not to talk about the country, colorful and beautiful, but I have decent features, since growing up, skin color is also considered fair, if carefully dress up a bit, is also a clear and elegant beauty.

However, I did not immerse myself in the lady’s praise, because the lady’s next words let me fall into the ice cellar, “you are the young master’s side of the people, has always been the principal diligence, today I’ll be the Lord to give you a face, you will be lifted into the common room, to be the young lady to enter the door, you also serve well.

If you give birth to a son or daughter in the future, I will raise you an aunt!” No wonder Zhang mama’s face looked strange when she changed my clothes, no wonder Wang MoMo looked at me with a complicated look, no wonder the whole house had a variety of eyes, there was envy, there was congratulations, but more than that, it was jealousy.

Yes, I’m a second-class maid, stupid, nothing special, but I even got into the eyes of Madam and Young Master, and was lifted up like this.

This time the young master returned from high school, how many people are eager to try, but in my case, let me pick up the treasure.

However, I am not willing to do so! Wang MoMo saw that I was frozen in place and came out to make amends, “This child, he’s so happy, why doesn’t he even know how to thank you?

“I came back to my senses, countless thoughts flashed through my mind, finally, I clenched my teeth, turned to Madam, kowtowed three times, then buried my head on the ground, and said in a voice I couldn’t help trembling, “Madam, Zi Gui wants to redeem herself!” As soon as my words fell, the entire room was plunged into deathly silence, madam froze in place, and young master’s always calm and waveless complexion involuntarily stiffened for a moment.

Zhang mom stood next to me, immediately flung herself down on her knees, pinched me and whispered in my ear, “What’s wrong with this child of yours, are you stupid!” Then hurriedly begged for my forgiveness.

After a few moments of being stunned, I could feel the anger she was suppressing, but in order to maintain her image as the mother of the house, she still opened her mouth and asked me, “Are you telling the truth?

“Yes, ma’am, it’s true!” “Why do you want to leave the house? Do you think you’re too good to be my son’s concubine?

“My shoulders trembled. I knew that in this day and age, I was a maid whose life was like a piece of grass, and that if my master was not pleased, I could be beaten or sold at his discretion.

But I still clenched my teeth and spoke, “Madam, Zi Gui is only a lark, but young master is a unicorn, I have memorized the rules of the house since I joined the house, as a servant, I should abide by my duty, and I should not have delusional thoughts, young master is Zi Gui’s master, so Zi Gui does not dare to have delusional thoughts.

”Madam looked at the young master’s face, and continued, ”In that case, then you can just refuse, why do you have to leave the house?

As far as I know, you have no relatives left.

“I’ve heard the oldest steward, Meimei, talk about the vastness of the outside world, the beauty of the mountains and rivers, and the beauty of the four seasons, and as a servant, I shouldn’t have any delusions of grandeur, but my heart yearns to see the outside world,” he continued.

“After the young master gets married, it would be nice to have the young lady with him, so that they can have a good time together and spread their wings soon.

If Zi Gui is around, I’m afraid she’ll be displeased with the young lady.

“I never thought you would have such an ambition!” Madam said in a mocking tone, and was about to speak again, when the young master suddenly spoke up, “Mother, she is right, if the new wife enters the house and sees that I have a concubine before I marry, I am afraid that it will not be good for the family’s morals.

“And she has been taking care of my son for all these years, and she is very considerate, and if it wasn’t for the woolen cushions she sewed for this exam, I’m afraid my son would have to sit on a bench for three days in the exam room.

Why don’t we fulfill her?

Let her go!” Seeing that the young master had spoken, the madam, perhaps remembering my years of peace of mind, did not say anything more, but instead instructed Wang MoMo to fetch ten taels of silver and hand it to me, “Since the young master has spoken, I will now let you go, and in consideration of your loyalty over the years, take these ten taels of silver, which is also considered to be the fullest of a master-servant relationship.

“I took the silver, I know what the lady means, since you want to leave then you should leave cleanly, take the silver, and then have nothing to do with the Lu Fu again.

I buried my head deeply, “Zi Gui kowtowed to thank you ma’am!” When I returned to Boya Courtyard, Li Mu Mu had already learned of this and had Hongmei come to call me over.

At this time, the sun was setting in the west, and the afterglow of the setting sun shone on the window panes, through the thin, cicada-like window paper, and onto the dark ground.

Li Moumou had her back to the window pane, leaning against the small coffee table by the side of the collapse, she didn’t light the lamp, the light from her back made it hard for me to see the expression on her face, and she watched me in silence as I slowly walked in from outside the door.

I didn’t know how to speak, so I just flung myself down on my knees in front of her and didn’t say a word.

I guess I probably let her down, Momo must be very angry with me.

Even if she were to beat me now, I would have no complaints.

Li Mu Mu looked at me kneeling on the ground for a long time, and sighed, “Get up, the ground is cool, be careful of your knees!” I couldn’t hold back any longer and jumped into Li Mu-mu’s arms. I didn’t cry as loudly as my sister Hong Xing did when she left, but just buried my face deeply in her arms, shedding silent tears.

Li Mu Mu gently patted my back, although she was talking to me, it sounded more like she was talking to herself in a calm voice, “I had expected it, I knew it from the magpie jacket you made for me.

I knew it from the magpie jacket you made for me. Such fine stitching, such excellent embroidery, and the smooth rotation of the turning needle that even I marveled at myself.

I’ve seen your handwriting, it’s so neat and tidy, so well written, so flowing and vivid, not to mention me, even the housekeeper who taught you how to write can’t write as well as that.

You are so smart, how could you be a clumsy girl as Wang Mu-mu said?” “Originally, I couldn’t have guessed.

“Originally, I couldn’t guess why you went to such great lengths to hide your talents and came here to be a servant girl.

Now I understand!” “You’re afraid that you’ll fall into the master’s eyes too soon, and then you’ll be promoted to be a concubine, sent to accompany the dowry, and kept by the master who won’t let you go, right?

You made up your mind to go out, didn’t you?

“I was still buried in Momo’s arms, and only nodded my head gently in response.

Moo Moo continued, “You have no relatives outside, but in the Lu Mansion, even though you are a servant, you have no worries about food and clothing, and with your skills, it is not difficult for you to live a decent life, so tell Moo Moo, why do you have to leave?

I lifted my head from Momo’s arms, sat up straight, looked at Momo, and asked, “Momo, do you remember Peach?” “Of course I remember Peach.

“Of course I remember Beatrice!” “Do you remember why she was sold out of the house?” “Of course I do.

“Of course I remember, she gave the young master the purse with the mandarin ducks playing in the water, and was caught by the madam, so the madam gave her a twenty-pronged beating and sold her out.

“Mei-mei, do you think it’s reasonable for Beatrice to be punished like this?” Mei-mei said after a moment.

“Momo paused and said, “Although Bitao was in the wrong, this punishment is indeed a bit too much.

But what does this have to do with you?

“Momo, you also know that what Beatrice did was not a big offense, just a beating and a transfer out of Boya House.

But Mrs. But will she be heavily punished and sold out, for what?

The purpose is to make an example of her, to warn the maids of the entire Lu family that if anyone dares to think otherwise, Beatrice will be the warning.

” I continued, “just because disturbed the young master reading, offended the master’s interests, can not give any opportunity, no mercy will not leave her sold, if one day I made a mistake, I offended the master’s interests, I upset the master, then I am the next Bitao.

And can I resist?

Can I say no?

Can’t! Because I’m a slave, a slave, I’m not me, I’m just the master’s property, no different than a cup or a bowl in their hands.

“I reached out and took hold of Momo’s hand, “Momo, I don’t want to be a cup or a bowl, I want to be a human being, a person who can rule my own destiny, a person who can make my own decisions!” “In the eyes of the subordinates, a concubine or an aunt is a half-master and a phoenix, but in reality, she is just a senior slave girl, with the contract in other people’s hands, who can be beaten, punished, and sold if they want to! Mu Mu looked at me in a daze and murmured, “I didn’t know that you had such a deep valley in your heart.

But you’re a woman with no one to turn to. How will you survive after you leave the house?” Moo Moo’s voice trembled, and her eyes were full of fear.

“Meimei voice trembled, tears in her eyes, I held her hand tightly, smiled and said, “Meimei you don’t worry, the master did not charge me the ransom fee, but also gave me 10 taels of silver, plus what I have saved over the years, I won’t starve myself.

I also sent a letter to Sister Hong Xing some time ago, she and her husband now run a pastry store on the street, I’ll go to join her first.

With her help and the silver I’ve saved up, I’ll be able to live well.

Meow Meow looked at me and seemed to have the feeling that a child is too old to be a mother, and sighed, “That’s all, since you’ve got plans, just go.”

“Moo Moo seemed to remember something, got up and went to the cupboard, rummaged around for a long time, and turned all the clothes inside onto the floor before holding out a one-foot-square box.

She held the box and walked to my front, will open the box, half of which is a variety of exquisite bead jewelry, half of which is neatly arranged gold and silver, these, probably her life savings! Li Moumou pushed the box to my face, “This is a bit of silver that I have saved over the years, I have no worries about food and clothing in this house, there is also monthly money, these are not used, you have to take it, a bit of evening good! I had tears in my eyes that didn’t fall out, I sniffled but laughed out, I looked at Meimei, I took the box and looked at it, picked up a white jade hairpin and put it on my head, then pushed the box back to her with the lid on it, “Meimei, I’m afraid it’s not right for a girl to carry such a large amount of silver on her body, in case it attracts thieves to come to think about it, how can I do it?

Why don’t you take care of it first, and if I really can’t survive, I’ll come back to you to ask for it?

“After thinking about it, Meimei probably felt that I was right and stopped asking for it.

As the young master’s wedding date was approaching, there were many affairs in the house, from the madam to the master, to the rough servant girls, Moo Moo was very busy.

Mrs. and pointed out two girls to Boya House, but Zhang mother has no time to take care of them, asked Mrs., let me stay in the house for a while longer, take them, I naturally agreed to come down.

The two of them have been in the same position for a long time, but they have a very good temperament, and are among the best of the same maids in terms of their knowledge of women’s red.

I probably guessed the intention of the lady, the new lady body is weak, I’m afraid it’s not good to raise, so the lady early preparation, if the young lady nothing, I’m afraid that these two maids are the future aunt, but also for the continuation of the Lu family.

The young master gave the two girls another name before, one called Du Yu, one called Zi Cuckoo, I heard really angry, together with the young master is with the cuckoo bird on the bar.

I do my best to teach them, they are also smart and clever, do not need me how to bother, and soon I will be handed over things remember firmly, at this time I actually gave birth to the Yangtze River waves push the front waves, the front waves died on the beach of emotion.

During this period of time, young master was especially busy, going out early and coming back late all day long, seemingly in response to a friend’s appointment.

However, I am also happy to have some leisure time.

During this time, I bumped into him and still respectfully saluted him, he just walked past me and gave a slight nod, then nothing more.

I wanted to express my gratitude to him, thanking him for speaking up for me in front of madam that day, otherwise how would madam have let me off so easily.

But every time I didn’t wait for him to say anything, he left in a hurry, either calling Zhang Sheng into the room, or excusing himself as busy and asking me to leave.

I had to give up.

That night, I couldn’t sleep in the middle of the night, thinking that I was about to leave this place, this courtyard that I had lived in for nearly 10 years, my heart was a little sad, so I got up and opened the window to get some air.

My window just happened to be able to see a corner of the young master’s house, as soon as I opened the window I saw him standing in front of the window, the window was open, the night breeze blew into the house, blowing his hair in the air, he was wearing a white bedclothes, draped in a wide robe, which made him look a bit thin.

He just stood there, peacefully and quietly, obviously a picture of a noble gentleman under the moon viewing the scenery in a clear breeze, but I, but from it, I see the shadow of loneliness and despondency.

He looked out the window, looked, looked at my house.

He saw me, and I saw him.

I didn’t say anything, he didn’t say anything, we were just quiet, still, looking at each other.

I don’t know how many times this was the first time he stood there alone in the night, or how long he stood there, only that this night was probably the last time he stood there, because tomorrow, it was the day of his wedding, and the day I left the house.

4 I quietly left on the day of his wedding, and the front yard was abuzz with people and music, with people coming and going.

All the people in the house went to the front yard to help out, and the only ones who sent me off were Li Mu Mu and Red Plum and Green Plum.

Yesterday, Mrs. Zhang gave me a pure gold hairpin, which was worth a lot of money at first sight. I thought it was too expensive, but Mrs. Zhang said, “The life outside is not as good as that in the mansion, so take this hairpin and exchange it for silver if you can’t go on living.

“I couldn’t resist, so I accepted it and gave Mama Zhang a big hug.

I was a bit sorry that Wang MoMo was too busy and far away from me, so I couldn’t go to Madam’s courtyard to look for her, so I didn’t have time to say goodbye to her.

Li MoMo three people will send me to the back door, Li MoMo pull my hand, tears in the eyes, repeatedly urged me to take good care of themselves, green plum red plum will be hand embroidered shoes to me, tears can not stop falling, I embrace them tightly, 8 years of companionship, although there is no blood relationship, but many years of dependence on each other, they have long become the world, my closest people.

I wiped away my tears and comforted them by saying, “There is no such thing as an unending banquet, but no matter where I go, you are my closest and dearest relatives.

Li Moo-moo, I’m leaving. Tell Wang Moo-moo that I’ll miss her.” I turned to leave, but I heard her voice.

“I turned to leave, but I heard a maid call my name from afar, and she ran to me out of breath; I recognized her as one of Wang Mu-mu’s little maids.

Before she could catch her breath, she handed over a bracelet, and said in a ragged breath, “This, yes, is what Wang Mu-mu asked me to give you.

“I took the bracelet, the water is very good, a look on the years, should be Wang Mu Mu often wear on the hand of the one, I asked, “Wang Mu Mu how to let you send this, she also said something?

Wang Mu-mu told me to tell you that if you can’t make it outside, take this bracelet and go to Changping Street on the west side of the city to find an embroidery shop called Jinxiu Boutique, and the owner of the embroidery shop is an old acquaintance of Wang Mu-mu, and she will arrange an errand for you when she sees this bracelet.” “Wang Mu-mu also said that this bracelet would be a great help to you.

“Wang Mu also said that although you are not good at embroidery and you are stupid, you are quite hardworking, so even if you can’t be an embroiderer, you can work as an odd-job man, so that you won’t end up on the street.”

“I can imagine how angry Wang Mu-mu was when she said this, but she still felt sorry for me and was afraid that I would not be able to make it on my own, so she tried hard to find a way out for me.

I put the bracelet away carefully and asked the little girl to thank Wang Mu-mu, then I turned around and walked out the door.

I turned around and saw Li Mu Mu waiting inside the door, looking at me with bated breath until the door was closed a little bit by the boy, and I couldn’t see their faces anymore.

I tilted my head and looked at the mansion that I had stayed in for nearly ten years, with red walls and green tiles, carved beams and painted buildings, it was very grand.

But to me, this is just a gorgeous cage, I am not even the canary in this cage, I am just a dispensable gray sparrow in this cage.

A few days ago, when the steward led me to change my household registration, he asked me if I wanted to change my name back to my original name. I thought about it, forget about it, the name Zi Gui has been following me for many years, even if I change my name back to my original name, I can’t go back to the past again.

I said, “No, I will call myself Zi Gui, but I will add my surname to it.

“Okay, what was your original name?” I pondered for a moment, slowly adding my last name.

“I pondered for a moment, and slowly replied, “My surname is Yang! From today onwards, I am Yang Zigui! I followed the address in Sister Hong Xing’s letter, and found the pastry store she owned with her husband.

It’s a small storefront, tucked away on a street corner, not easy for people to find.

This kind of store is naturally not good, but the rent is cheap.

Sister red apricot will stall to the door, to attract the attention of passers-by, that stand behind the stall to greet customers should be her husband, a simple and sturdy man.

He greeted the customers calmly, “This is the newly baked osmanthus flower cake, do you want some, sir?

“This is the plum blossom cake, my house is the only one that has this snack in the whole street.” “It’s delicious, of course it’s delicious, sir, you can taste it and buy it.” “One catty?

“One catty?

Okay, sir, wait a minute.” “Sir, this is for you.

“Sir, this is the money for you, keep it and come back again next time if you think it’s good.

“I went forward, he greeted, “Miss, but to buy snacks?

What would you like to eat?

“Hello, I’m looking for Hong Xing.” “Who are you?

I’m looking for Hong Xing.” “Who are you?

“I’m Zi Gui.”

“Red Apricot ran out of the house in a hurry.

I hadn’t seen her for more than a year, but now that I saw her again, she was wearing a woman’s hair bun, which was less delicate and cute as a little girl’s hair and more mature as a woman’s hair.

Red Apricot pulled my hand excited straight tears, words can not speak well, “Zi Gui, is you, really is you, did not expect, did not expect you, you so fast, so fast from the Lu Fu out, I thought, thought I still have to wait a few years.

I thought I’d have to wait a few more years.” “Sister Hong Xing, it’s me, I’m out, I’ve come to join you as soon as I got out.” “What do you mean by “join” or not?” “You’re my own sister, a family doesn’t say two words.

“The husband of Sister Hong Xing was standing aside and couldn’t help but interject, “Mother, please invite the girl to go in and sit down.

“Yes, go inside, quickly go inside.

“Hong Xing wiped her tears and hurriedly pulled me into the house.

After some conversation, I roughly understood her situation.

Her husband’s name is Wang, her cousin, two years older than her, before she joined the Lu family, the two were familiar with each other, and then because of the disaster in the family, she was sold into the Lu family, and her cousin went with the family to join relatives abroad.

Later, the natural disaster passed, he came back with his parents, has been honest life, just to the age but has not been willing to marry.

Only after his parents pressed him, he said he would wait for Hong Xing to come back.

Later, the red apricot back, the two people married.

After the marriage of the two very good relationship, and together opened this small pastry store.

Red Apricot stayed in the Lu Fu for several years, often imitated some of the Lu Fu in the pastries, quite popular with the guests, therefore, this store although remote, but business is still good.

I stayed at Hong Xing’s house first.

I went out early and came back late every day, wandering around in the market, inquiring about prices, observing the market, and examining the location.

I borrowed Brother Wang’s clothes, put on a beard and a hat, and pretended to be a man, listening to people chatting in tea stores and restaurants, and sometimes buying a pot of wine or a pot of tea to entertain the little man who was so full of spittle that he couldn’t stop talking.

He said as much as possible, I also listen to the satisfaction.

In January, I had already gotten a good feel for the market.

I looked at a storefront, a few bargaining down to a suitable price to rent.

Red apricot sister learned that I rented a facade, guessed that I want to do business, then asked me how I plan, I said I plan to open a small restaurant.

I said I was going to open a small restaurant. Sister Hong Xing thought it was unbelievable, when she was in Lu Fu, she never knew I could cook.

I smiled, since I was young in the mother of adults that mercilessly under the destruction of cooking, in order to grow up smoothly had to find another way out, self-reliance, and over time has developed a good hand at cooking.

Thinking back to when I was in school, because of the two dormitory party, I showed a little hand, so that the group of students can not even distinguish between the seasonings were amazed.

It was also at that party that my boyfriend and I met, and he got into my eyes that way, and I got into his heart that way.

I smiled and replied to Sister Hong Xing, “Sister Hong Xing you don’t believe me?

Wait, I’ll cook tonight, then you’ll know whether I’m joking or not.” After dinner, Sister Hongxeng said, “I’ll cook for you.

”After dinner, Sister Hong Xing had no more objections, and only said that if there was anything she needed help with, she would be the one to call.

Naturally, I was more than happy to help.

With the help of Sister and Mrs. Hong Xing, my small restaurant finally opened, and I named it Lanjun Ge.

Red apricot sister teased me that the name of this crepuscular, does not sound like a restaurant, but like a bookstore.

Small restaurant area is not large, not large, grade is not high, similar to the modern kind of ordinary restaurant.

I hired a fellow, a bookkeeper, and a cook.

I took out the recipes dishes in my mind and improved them with the actual situation, some of the ingredients and seasonings that I couldn’t find were replaced with similar ones, making a dish that was new and unique and in line with the contemporary tastes.

I also gave these dishes one after another good-sounding and bluffing name.

What is a wing and wing, bitter sweet, rocking up, step by step, joyful, blue wave, what is the Lian Li Zhi, long time to keep each other, the tip of the beauty, the unicorn plant, what is the love of the south, the south of the country, the ear of the curls, the peach, and so on.

In fact, they are just ordinary dishes made in different ways.

For example, that roll ear, but it is the ear blanched, cold flavor with thin slices of cucumber rolled up, plated and loaded, ear flavor crisp and delicious, cucumber and the most refreshing and juicy, the two with is really a summer gazpacho boutique.

Another example of that bitter sweet, in fact, is the jujube skin poke holes into the honey soak, to be fully absorbed by the jujube honey.

Then put it into the bitter melon cut into a cylinder and hollowed out, and then steamed.

When you first taste the bitter flavor of the bitter gourd, before you have time to frown, the sweetness of the dates spreads out in your mouth and washes away the bitterness of the bitter gourd, fulfilling the word “bitter sweet”.

Although the dish color complex, sounds like elegant extreme, in fact, the materials used in practice are very simple, the cost is naturally not high, so I pricing is not high.

In a business, especially a long term business, it is more important to hold on to the customer’s loyalty.

I will go to school when I learned some simple advertising and promotional tools used, coupled with the novelty of the food, affordable prices, and most importantly, delicious and inexpensive, soon, my small restaurant has taken off.

Every day before the door opened, there were customers waiting outside, wanting to try the fresh dishes in the restaurant.

There were also servants from large families waiting at the door, coming to buy for their masters.

My Lanjun Pavilion is small, low-level, and does not have a private room, so some of the sons of large families naturally do not want to lower their status to come to the store to eat.

Sometimes, Lu’s subordinates will also carry empty food basket over to take care of my business, I instructed the fellows to carefully pack the dishes, and will also pack two dishes, and then give it to plug a bit of silver, so that he can bring back to the house to Wang Mu Mu Li Mu Mu Zhang mother them.

After I left the house, I have never gone back, one to the Lu House of strict security, the second is that I am begging to go, when the face of the lady so whisked, if I go to the Lu House, I am afraid of causing dissatisfaction with the lady, implicated in the women.

However, the good thing is that every time the underlings of the Lu Fu came, always talk to me about the news of the Lu Fu.

So I can know their news in the side conversation.

Since the young master Lu got married, he didn’t stay long before he went to the capital to take up his post.

Newlyweds, the young lady would have liked to follow along, but the body is really weak, can not withstand that long-distance bumps.

Mrs. Zhang was old and her children and grandchildren were in Yuzhou, so it was not convenient for her to accompany her.

So Madam ordered Du Yu and Zi Cuckoo to accompany him to the capital to wait on the Young Master’s food and clothing.

I felt sorry for the young lady who was separated from her husband as soon as she got married.

However, I only lamented a few words, the past is like smoke, now I am no longer the maid of Lu Fu, but the boss of Lanjun Pavilion.

Lanjun Pavilion business is getting better and better, soon, I recruited another fellow, two cooks, but still too busy.

About half a year later, I began to think about expanding the scale, ready to open Lanjun Pavilion into a high-grade restaurant.

It was hard to find a suitable building, and I searched for a month without a suitable one.

Just when I was at a loss, I suddenly heard that the Qingfeng Restaurant in the city was going to strike out.

The Qingfeng Restaurant has a superior location, gorgeous architecture, and a reasonable layout inside the building, so there are a lot of people who are eyeing it.

Although I have some savings, but there is no guarantee that it can be dismantled.

Who knows, the Qingfeng building boss heard it was me, first marveled at my Lanjun Pavilion, said I craftsmanship, novelty and originality, can in a short period of time Lanjun Pavilion run so well, I must be able to extraordinary, and the future will be extraordinary, and then without saying a word will be the restaurant at a very cheap price to rent to me.

As a result …… well, picking up a big bargain, I expressed very happy, confused for a minute back to God, excitedly spinning in circles.

The property came down and I started working on the renovation.

I was not so avant-garde as to try to make it look like a modern hotel.

I just separated the top and bottom of the restaurant, the ground floor is a place for ordinary diners to dine, neatly set up ten or so tables, without too many fancy decorations, the important thing is that the store should have good lighting, giving people a bright feeling.

The second floor is decorated into eight elegant rooms, respectively, plum, orchid, bamboo, chrysanthemum, breeze, lotus, snow, bright moon, corresponding to the decoration of different styles.

On the day of the restaurant’s opening, the second young master of the Lu family also came to support the scene, as a former maid of the Lu family, I was naturally respectful and personally greeted.

The second young master went to the Orchid Character Room, Orchid Character Room placed a few pots of orchids I carefully planted, in order to save money, hanging on the wall is a picture of the words I personally wrote, it is the song “Song of Water”.

The second young master looked at the inscription on the wall for a long time, so long that I wanted to remind him, the second young master are you here to eat or to see the calligraphy and painting?

He looked at me and asked, “Who wrote this inscription?

” “Back to the second young master, I wrote it.

”After hearing this, the second young master smiled down and shook his head, letting out a faintly undetectable sigh, then turned to me and said, ”Since you have already left the house, you are no longer an underling of the Lu family, and you don’t have to call me the second young master any more, my name is Lu Wen, and you can call me Duke Lu.”

‘ I secretly laughed a little, but I didn’t squirm, what he said was also reasonable, so I returned, ”Yes, Mr. Lu.

‘ He seemed to be very happy, snapping his folding fan open, smiling from ear to ear.

After that, he often came to Lanjun Lou to take care of my business, sometimes with friends, sometimes just by himself with a boy, sometimes even without a boy, coming alone.

However, every time, he only went to the Lan character private room, and would occasionally ask me to go and serve.

I also let him go, anyway, he came to spend money I earn silver, the customer is God, not to mention still “expensive” guests, I naturally good to greet.

So after a few months, Lanjun building business is getting more and more prosperous, the building to the boss’s wife I, down to the fellows to run the hall are full of energy, full of red.

Only the old shopkeeper, Uncle Li, had a worried face, and looked at me several times to say something.

I called out to Uncle Li to ask him a detailed question, and Uncle Li opened his mouth several times before speaking, “Miss Yang, you have saved my life, so I’ll be frank with you, old man.

“Uncle Li is the one I picked up on the street.

At that time, he was so disheveled and living on the street that he fainted from hunger in front of my restaurant. The staff thought that he was blocking the business of the store and wanted to drive him away, but I happened to see him.

I ordered people to carry him back to the backyard, brought mild stomach congee and small dishes, to be his full and then let people give him a bath to change clothes tied hair, pick up out of the old man is actually a Confucian.

I asked him to have a place to go, he said he was originally a small innkeeper in the city, playing the decades of the abacus, with all kinds of people to deal with, why the family nephews and children unfilial, see him old and useless, he expelled him from the family, and now living on the street nowhere to go, if not met me, I am afraid that will starve to death on the street.

I was listening to the two eyes straight light, this is to do decades of familiar ah, almost patting the thigh called talent.

Later, Uncle Li stayed in Lanjun Pavilion, and then came with me to Lanjun Building to be the shopkeeper in this building.

Since he took over the accounts, almost never made a mistake.

I saved a lot of heartache, and was secretly excited about it for a long time.

Hearing how serious he was, I also straightened my body and solemnly said, “Uncle Li, please speak.

“He said, “Our Lanjun House business is good, but, blocking the way of people, I’m afraid it will attract red eyes and trouble.

“My heart thumped, it seemed that I had gotten a little carried away recently, and was overwhelmed by the booming business.

“Uncle Li, please give me more advice.

“Uncle Li waved his hand, “I don’t think it’s a good idea to teach you, but I’ve been living on this street for many years, so I know a few things.

“Since the opening of Lanjun Mansion, business has been booming, stealing the business of many restaurants, with the Mingyue Residence on our neighboring street being particularly hard hit.

Mingyueju was originally the best and most upscale restaurant in the city, and has always been the favorite place for many rich kids to go to, but who knows that our Lanjun Mansion has taken away half of its business as soon as we came here, and I’m afraid it’s not good in the long run.” “Uncle Li, it’s not good to open up a business.

“Uncle Li, isn’t it normal to have competition when doing business?

This is a fair and reasonable competition, so there shouldn’t be any problem, right?

“Uncle Li sighed, “You don’t know that the owner of the Moonlight Lodge is the nephew of the General Judge of Yuzhou, and over the years, the General Judge has made a lot of money out of it.

If we block the business of the Moonlight Lodge, we’re not blocking the General Judge’s way of making money! If we continue to do so, I’m afraid we’ll invite trouble.

“I completely froze on the spot, which has always been the people do not fight with the government, people have a big tree to cool, pinch me are not effort, indeed should think of a way to do it, but this is really difficult to think of ways, can not self-destructive shut down and quit it, that allows me to do this building of the fellows how to survive.

Before I could think of what to do, this disaster has already come to my door!5 On this day, Lanjun Lou and the usual general open for business.

The second young master, no, it was Mr. Lu, came to Lanjun Building early in the morning.

He had wrapped up the Lan character room and stayed in it the whole time without coming out.

Near noon, I felt strange, knocked on the door and went in, only to see that the back window of the Lan character room was open, and he was just sitting there reading a book.

There was a pot of tea on the table.

It seemed like he was waiting for someone.

I asked, “Mr. Lu is so elegant, why did you think to come to my Lanjun building to read a book?

“Why, can’t I?”

“He returned to me without raising his head.

“Of course not, Mr. Lu can stay as long as he wants.

It’s just that it’s already noon. Would you like to have some lunch?” He then looked up.

“Only then did he raise his head, look at me and say, “That’s fine, just make the arrangements, Boss Lady!” This was the first time he called me Madam Boss, it felt strange, but I didn’t say anything and prepared to leave to prepare his lunch.

Before I went out, I heard a sudden clamor in the building, vaguely with the sound of officials, I hurriedly prepared to open the door to go out to see what was going on, my back was suddenly pulled by someone, Mr. Lu pulled my arm to the back window.

This back window is facing the Lanjun building’s backyard, only to see a person dressed in night clothes masked head from the direction of the lobby stumbled into the backyard, came to the courtyard wall, but it seems to have suddenly born God’s power in general, foot lightly two jumped on the wall, and then over the wall and go.

Waiting until the masked man was out of sight, the pursuing officials poured into the courtyard.

I was puzzled and looked up at Mr. Lu, but he stepped aside, shook the unopened folding fan in his hand twice, and said to me, “You can go out now.

‘ I hurriedly ran out, and the head official stood in the center of the lobby and shouted in a neutral tone, “Who is the boss, come out!” I hurriedly ran down the stairs, and blessed the official, “Sir, I am the boss’s wife of Lanjun Mansion, I don’t know what you want, sir?

“The official glanced at me, didn’t look me in the eye, and snickered, “So you’re a woman.

The official glanced at me and did not look me in the eye, snickering, “So you’re a woman.” “Last night, there was a burglary in the residence of Mr. Passing Judge, we chased the thief to this place, and the thief disappeared when he entered your Lanjun Building, so I want to conduct a search of your Lanjun Building.

“I’m going to search your Lanjun Lou.” He said, before I said anything, he waved his hand and said, “Search! The officials behind him immediately leaped into the room, surged into the upstairs elegant room, surged into the backyard, scared away the guests and drove them away, and then turned Lanjunlou upside down.

Less leaning, suddenly heard an official shouting, found found, then, saw an official holding a large string of onyx beads ran to.

I looked at the string of beads said very confused, I have never seen this string of beads ah.

The head of the official took the string and shouted, “Well, the evidence is conclusive, what else do you have to say?

Quickly, where is the rest of the stolen goods?

“I looked up at the official and said in defense, “I have never seen this string, nor have I seen the stolen goods you are talking about, I am just an honest businessman, there must be some misunderstanding here! The head of the officials didn’t listen to my defense, and only said, “Since you refuse to admit it, then go back to the Yamen with me and tell me, come on, take it down!” The officials swarmed up behind me and escorted me, I could not break free and could only let them escort me away.

At this point, if I still do not understand the original story, I am afraid that I do not know how to die.

Tongjian house theft, thieves broke into Lanjun building, officials searched out stolen goods, how to see how like a bureau.

However, even if I know it’s a game, what can I do now that I’m a fish on a knife’s edge?

In the public hall, the governor of the county, with a slap of the shock wood, as if the scene in the TV series, the formulaic rise to ask the case, “Who is under the hall, report your name?

“Back to your honor, I am the boss’s wife of Lanjun Lou.” “Oh?


Li sheriff said that you are in cahoots with thieves, stealing the property of the magistrate’s house, and the evidence of the crime is conclusive, can you plead guilty?

“Back to your honor, I do not admit it.

“Sheriff Li personally saw the thief enter your Lanjun building, and then disappeared, what explanation do you have?

“Now, since I’ve fallen into someone else’s trap, I might as well be honest and tell the truth. If this is a clean official in the hall, he will naturally be able to know what’s going on, and I’ll be able to have a chance at survival.

I straightened my spine and continued, “Your Honor, I did see the thief, but the truth is not as Li said.

“Then what?

“That thief entered the Lanxiang Building gate, went straight through the backyard of the lobby, and then climbed over the wall from the backyard of Lanjun Building without stopping in the middle.

It can be seen that this thief is just borrowing a road from my Lanjun Lou, and has no connection with my Lanjun Lou.” the magistrate said, “Since this is the case, it is not the case.

“The magistrate said, “Since you said you have no connection with your Lanjun Mansion, then how do you explain that you have recovered the lost property of the Tongjun Mansion from your mansion?

“This, I don’t know.

Perhaps it is ……” I was about to say that I had planted the evidence, but with a thought in my head, I said, “Perhaps it was left behind by the thief in his haste to pass through Lanjun Mansion.” “Ridiculous.

“Ridiculous, we tracked him all the way there, why did he drop it in your Lanjun Mansion instead of sooner or later?

If you didn’t collude with the thief, how could it be such a coincidence that the thief disappeared in your building and found the stolen goods in your building?

It must be that you and that thief conspired, one steals and one sells the stolen goods,” Li sheriff’s emotionally high, his words are conclusive, as if he recognized that I am that person who is a bandit.

“Sheriff Li, you insisted that I colluded with the thief, but did you see it with your own eyes?

What evidence do you have?

“That string of beads is the evidence!” Li sheriff said with his neck sticking out.

I laughed back in anger and said, “You only found a string of beads from Lanjun Mansion, but did you find any other stolen goods?

You said that the thieves entered my Lanjun building and disappeared, why don’t you believe me when I say that the thieves went over the wall?

Why didn’t you pursue them?

You didn’t pursue the thief, but you claimed that I colluded with him on the basis of this small string of beads, which is a bit too far-fetched! “Silence! You can’t make such a racket in the courtroom!” The county magistrate slapped the shocking wood, both sides of the mighty sound.

His voice can be heard for five miles, but I can’t even raise my voice a little bit.

It seems that I just guessed wrong, this county magistrate is clearly with Sheriff Li’s gang.

Before waiting for the magistrate to speak, I took the lead in speaking to the magistrate, “Sir, I have witnesses to prove that what I said is true?


A witness?

Who is it?

“Your Honor, it was the second youngest son of the Lu family, Mr. Lu Wen.

He was in the Orchid Room at the time, and witnessed how the thief ran out of the lobby and over the wall.

When the magistrate heard the word “Lu Family”, he obviously looked aghast, “In that case, then go and ask the second son of the Lu Family to come here.

“No need to trouble the magistrate, Mr. Lu is right here.

” I turned around violently, only to see Mr. Lu standing outside the hall, obviously having waited for a long time.

I fixedly watched him walk in from, he looked solemn, put away my familiar look of playfulness, a green coat embroidered with some green bamboo, a jade belt tied around the waist, appearing to be more and more slender, he held a fan in one hand and another hand behind his back, slowly and calmly walked in, Xiao Xiao, cool and clear, good a fluttering noble gentleman.

He arched his hand to the governor and saluted to, “Herborist Lu Wen, see the governor.

“Mr. Lu is very courteous.

Come on, give Mr. Lu a seat!” The magistrate’s face smiled like a chrysanthemum, and the folds on his face gave me chills.

“No need, Your Honor, this is not reasonable, since I’m here to testify, let’s get back to the topic.

” “Yes, yes, yes, what Mr. Lu said is very true.

I invited Mr. Lu to come here to ask about the Lanjun Lou boss colluding with the thieves, and I think Mr. Lu must have already known what happened just now outside the hall, Mr. Lu, do you think what this Lanjun Lou boss said is true?

“Mr. Lu didn’t look at me, but only nodded and said, “Back to your honor, what the boss of Lanjunlou said is true, I did see the thieves go straight through the backyard and over the wall.

They didn’t stop in the middle of the way.

And at that time, Mr. Yang was beside me, and had no contact with the thief.

I can see that Boss Yang is innocent.

“Li sheriff Mao wanted to intervene urgently, but was restrained by a look from the magistrate.

“Although this is the case, Mr. Lu’s testimony can only prove that the thief did not stay in the building, and now the thief has not yet been apprehended, and the stolen goods have not yet been recovered, but the stolen goods have been found in Lanjun Building, so naturally, Boss Yang is not free from suspicion.

Therefore, this official decided that the boss of Lanjun Mansion will not be detained for the time being, but Lanjun Mansion must be seized until the stolen goods are recovered.

“I wanted to argue, but Mr. Lu made a wink with me, so I had to give up.

After leaving the public hall, I walked back with Mr. Lu.

Along the way, Mr. Lu shook his fan and did not say anything, I was also silent.

After a long time, Mr. Lu finally seemed to be unable to hold back and asked, “Don’t you have anything to say to me?

” I paused for a moment and replied, “There still is.

“After I finished speaking, I stood up and respectfully bowed to Mr. Lu, “Zi Gui, thank you for saving me.


Is that all?

“I thought you were going to ask me why I stopped you from talking.

“I shook my head, “Even if I didn’t understand just now, I’ve figured it out now.

“Oh, what did you figure out, let’s hear it?”

“I returned softly, “Lanjun Mansion’s business is booming, blocking other people’s way of wealth, naturally attracting people’s jealousy.

Today’s incident, a person with a clear mind will know that there is something fishy going on, so why do I need to defend myself?

Today, if it were not for Mr. Lu’s help, I am afraid I would be behind bars right now.

If that’s the case, there’s no point in talking about it, it’s just going to cause trouble.

“It seems that you are still a bit smart.

“Mr. Lu looked at me with admiration.

I shook my head, “I don’t dare to be smart, but there is still one thing that Zi Gui doesn’t know, I still ask for Mr. Lu’s enlightenment.

“Tell me.

”Today’s matter, looking at Mr. Lu’s appearance, it seems that he had expected it, I just don’t know how did Mr. Lu know about it in advance?

“Mr. Lu’s eyes narrowed slightly, and after a moment of silence, he returned, “Are you suspecting that I have something to do with this?

“Zi Gui wouldn’t dare, if Mr. Lu wanted to harm me, why would he save me?

Zi Gui is just curious.

“Mr. Lu relaxed his eyebrows, shook his fan and said with a smile, “Although I can’t compare to my elder brother, who is very knowledgeable and talented, and has been appointed as an official, I have been studying with my elder brother since I was a child, and I have one or two drops of ink in my belly.

Don’t forget that over the years, I’ve taken care of almost all of the Lu family’s business, and since the Lu family’s properties are located all over Yuzhou City, how could the winds and grasses of the city escape my eyes?” “I just heard about it last night,” he said.

“Last night, I heard about the theft at the Tongjun Mansion and made a guess, and today I came to Lanjun Mansion to verify my guess,” he said.

“So, I can’t imagine that Mr. Lu is so skillful, I admire, admire.

I’m flattered, I’m flattered.” I’m flattered to.

Who knows, he suddenly converged on the smile, bullying forward, staring at my eyes, “Is it in your eyes, only big brother is full of wisdom is a talent, and I just a know only to eat, drink and play with the flow of the gentleman without degrees?

“I secretly slander, how did it come to this, not just ask him something, how did it come to the young master, when I mentioned the young master ah?

I don’t know, I just didn’t know, Mr. Lu, please forgive me.” “You were there at the time.

At that time, you had no one else in your sight but Big Brother.” “No, no, no.

“No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.

Only then did Mr. Lu stand up and say, “Let’s go.” He said and walked forward.

He said, “Let’s go.” He walked forward.

I patted my chest and hurriedly followed.

Back to Lanjun Lou, before reaching the door, far away, I saw the officials put a seal on the door.

I sighed with emotion, “This official’s efficiency is really fast!” Mr. Lu looked at the sealed Lanjun Mansion and said, “Just now I thought you would beg me to help you reopen Lanjun Mansion.

” I returned, “Lanjun Lou has offended the interests of your people this time, that the magistrate can look at the face of the Lu family, let me off, just sealed Lanjun Lou, I have been very contented, Zi Gui, although for a weak woman, but also know to know the kindness of repayment.

Although Zi Gui is a weak woman, she also knows how to repay kindness. I thank Mr. Lu for what happened today, and if I have the opportunity in the future, I will definitely repay you.

“After I said that, I respectfully bowed to Mr. Lu again.

Mr. Lu lowered his head, his eyes gazing at me, “Then Boss Yang must remember to repay me, don’t ever forget it!” “Hm?

I said, “This is not right. Shouldn’t he have said that it was a trivial matter?

Isn’t that how it’s done on TV?

Why is it like this in my case?

However, I immediately restrained my expression and returned politely, “That’s natural.

“Mr. Lu laughed twice and left with his fan swinging in style.

When I returned to Lanjun Mansion, Sister Hong Xing and Uncle Li were anxiously waiting for me.

They were both pleasantly surprised to see me back in one piece.

Sister Hongxeng pulled my hand and asked me what happened, I told the story once, but I hid the speculation about the collusion between business and the government and the planting of stolen goods and framing.

Sister red apricot heard angry, “this damn thieves, for no reason to involve the innocent.

“I smiled bitterly and said, “There’s no such thing as for no reason at all, but it’s just a deliberate plan.

“It was Uncle Li who heard something wrong and asked, “Miss Yang, according to this, if the thief is not caught and the stolen goods are not recovered, we will not be able to open Lanjun Mansion for a long time.

“I nodded my head.

Uncle Li panicked, “Then, then what can we do?

“I calmly said to Uncle Li, “Uncle Li, you should tell the staff in the building that I don’t know if there will be a turnaround this time, and that there is nothing I can do about it. You should tell everyone who is willing to leave to pay off their wages and find another way out.

Including you.

Uncle Li immediately returned, “Don’t worry, Miss, I’m not an ungrateful person, this time Lanjun Lou is in trouble, how can I leave, my old man is the first not to go.” I was touched, but I was not the first to leave.

“I was touched, but also returned, “Uncle Li, don’t say that, we are all working here, now Lanjun Mansion is blocked, the business can’t be done, how can I pay the wages of everyone?

Why don’t we just leave and find our own way out?

“Uncle Li’s eyes reddened, but he still said, “I don’t care about the others, but you saved my life, so I’m willing to work for nothing, not to mention not paying my wages.

“Then he wiped his eyes and continued, “Don’t worry, Miss, I’ll tell everyone what you said,” and then he turned around and went to the backyard.

After persuading Uncle Li and Sister Hong Xing to go back home, I sat alone in the lobby, looking at the empty building and the closed door, feeling unprecedented helplessness.

I had thought that after I got out of the Lu Mansion, I could rely on my own hard work and make a good living, that I would be able to rule my own destiny, and I had even naively thought that I could become a legend like countless other cross-border heroines.

But now, I’ve only just gotten started, and I’ve been whacked into the ground, unable to move.

It turned out that no matter where I was, no matter what kind of society I was in, even if I was a traveler with God’s perspective, I still had to succumb to this era.

After all, I am just a small role, an insignificant little person, and what power to fight with this era?

I felt so tired that I went up to the second floor, entered the Lan character private room, opened the window, and let the wind blow on me.

Then I caught a cold.

Uncle Li came to reply to me, I was feverish, I wildly pour two big pots of boiled water into the stomach, which has the spirit.

Uncle Li said, the store staff are reluctant to leave, how to persuade them are not willing.

I asked, “Did you tell me that I couldn’t pay my wages?

I told you, but everyone is like me, they don’t want to leave even if they don’t get paid.” “How come?

“How can that be?

We’re all working here. Who would be willing to go without pay?” “Why not?

“I’m not saying it’s not true, but where can they find such a good employer as you, ma’am?

Not only do they get paid well, they also get five days of vacation every month, and there’s even a reward for Chinese New Year’s festivals, and you’re never shy about helping out when you can, so where else can they find such a good boss like you?

Not to mention Xiao Hong and Xiao Yue, no one in Yuzhou City would take them on except you, who would let them help out in the back kitchen, and no one else would take them on except for the Qin House, the Brothel House, and the Dance House.

“As a former 21st century wage earner, these are just the most basic employee benefits, so how can they be so grateful?

“So, Uncle Li, is there really no one willing to leave?

“I asked.

“Well, that’s not true. There’s one, Li, from the back kitchen.

But he can’t help it.


What’s going on?

“You don’t know, Mr. Li has a family of elders and children, and he would like to stay here regardless of the consequences like everyone else, but his family of five or six depend on him for food.” Uncle Li said with a sigh.

He wants to stay like everyone else, but he has a family of five or six people who depend on him for food,” Uncle Li said with a sigh.

“If that’s the case, then Uncle Li, you should pay Little Li’s wages and give him two more hangs of money, and then there should be some unsold snacks and fruits in the kitchen, so let him pack more for his children to eat, or else it would be a pity to leave them there to spoil.

“Uncle Li quickly responded, “Eh, eh, eh, eh, old man, I’ll go now.

“Before Uncle Li could walk out of the room, I ran out of energy and fainted on the ground.

I had a long, long dream, I dreamt of the lake I knew best, the moon I knew best, and I dreamt that I was sitting quietly in the chair next to it wearing my favorite red dress, waiting with joy for the ice cream that was to come.

I watched a boy running towards me with two cones of ice cream in his hands. He ran to me excitedly and held the ice cream in his hands to me, saying, “Here, Zi Gui, eat it quickly, or it will melt.


Who’s Ziggy?

” I was puzzled and looked up, but I saw that he had turned into a person wearing ancient clothes, that face, that attire, it was clearly the appearance of the youngest master of the Lu family.

I cried out in shock, but I saw the world around me collapsing, I was standing in a burning house, I heard someone outside tearing my heart out, calling me “Ah Yuan”, I knew who he was, I wanted to rush out, but I couldn’t find an exit, I could only watch the fire getting bigger and bigger, in despair.

Suddenly, a voice came from behind me, he said to me, “Ziggy, it’s time to go back.

” I screamed, “No, I’m not, I’m Li Yuanyuan, not Yang Zigui, I’m not, I’m not.

“6 When I woke up, Sister Hong Xing was sitting beside my bed, and when she saw that I was awake, she touched my forehead and felt that the fever had gone down, so she put her heart down and asked, “Zi Gui, are you finally awake?

How do you feel now?

” “Sister Hong Xing, how long have I been asleep?

” I spoke with difficulty.

“You’ve been asleep for two days and two nights, and the fever has been so high that it’s scaring me to death.

“Have you been here the whole time?

“I’m not the only one. In the past two days, the second young master of the Lu family has also been visiting you.

Now that you’ve woken up, I have to send someone to tell him.


Why would he come?

“I was puzzled.

“Naturally, he’s concerned about you.

“Sister Hong Xing returned.


I can’t imagine that I, a down-on-my-luck tavern owner’s wife, could be cared for by the titular Mr. Lu, it’s, it’s, ahem, it’s really flattering!” After saying a long sentence, I started coughing a bit.

“Zi Gui, slow down, don’t talk.

” Sister Hong Xing said as she patted me on the back.

Then she sat on the edge of the bed, a little squirming, a little wanting to speak.

I couldn’t look away and asked her, “Sister Hong Xing, is there something else you want to tell me?

” “Yes! No, there isn’t.

No, I don’t.” “Is there or isn’t there? If there is, just say it.

“Sister Hong Xing was silent for a while before she spoke, “Zi Gui, let me ask you, do you have any feelings for the second young master?


Sister Hong Xing, why are you asking this all of a sudden?

“I feel a bit confused.

“There’s something I don’t know if I should tell you.

“What is it?

Sister Hong Xing, just tell me.

“I suddenly felt a bit curious and urged Sister Hong Xing to speak quickly.

“The second young master is going to be engaged!” “What?

He’s getting engaged?

When did this happen?

Why is it so sudden?

“I asked hurriedly.

“It’s just in the past two days.

The Second Mistress has personally engaged the only daughter of Mr. Wang’s family,” I said to Sister Hong Xing.

“I was surprised for a couple of seconds, then I said to Sister Hong Xing, “This is a good thing.

Mr. Lu isn’t too young and should have gotten married a long time ago.

I’ve heard people talk about the daughter of Mr. Wang’s family, she’s said to be as beautiful as a flower, dignified and virtuous, skilled in music, chess, calligraphy, and painting, and her embroidery work is even better, making many embroiderers sigh in admiration.

If you can really get married with Mr. Lu, you’ll really be a perfect couple.” “Is that what you think?

“Do you really think so?

“Sister Hong Xing asked.

“Yes! Oh, that’s not all.

The most important thing is that this Wang Qianjin is in good health, and in the future, the Second Lady should not have to worry about the son …… heir ……” I had not finished my words, when the corner of my eye caught a glimpse of a figure in the doorway.

Only to see Mr. Lu standing squarely in the doorway, his eyes looking straight at me.

He saw that I had seen him and lifted his feet, walking towards me step by step.

I wanted to raise my voice to remind him that this is my boudoir ah hello.

He walked up to my bed, and Sister Hong Xing hurriedly stepped aside so that he could sit on the edge of the bed.

His eyes gazed at me, I quietly looked at him, my eyes full of heart and doubt, he quietly looked at me, there seemed to be a flame burning in his eyes, then gradually extinguished.

He opened his mouth and asked me, “You, really think so?

” The tone was unprecedentedly gentle, even filled with frustration and helplessness.

I looked at him with a little bit of weakness and a little bit of uneasiness, the thoughts in my head flew around twice, and then, just under his gaze, looked into his eyes and nodded with great certainty.

The room was so quiet that only our breathing could be heard.

After a long time, I finally couldn’t help but speak out, “The Wang Family’s daughter is indeed a good match, Zi Gui would like to congratulate Mr. Lu first, wishing that you two will grow old together and have many grandchildren.

“In that case, thank you, Mr. Yang, for your blessing.

” After saying that, he turned around and left in big strides, seemingly refusing to stay for a single moment.

I looked at his back and suddenly felt a little sour.

“Zi Gui, I see that the second young master’s attitude towards you is not ordinary, he should have feelings for you, do you really not have a trace of feelings for him?

” Sister Hong Xing couldn’t help but ask me to after she watched Mr. Lu leave.

“There is, but it is limited to the righteousness of friends, not the love of a man and a woman!” After a pause, I continued, “Sister Red Apricot, I know my own identity, and I have never wanted to be a concubine with anyone, otherwise, I wouldn’t have left the Lu family in the first place.

There is no need to talk about this matter.

”Sister Hong Xing knows my temperament, and will not say anything more.

After a few more days, the marriage between the Lu and Wang families was officially finalized, and I also felt better, no longer having a fever, but only coughing all the time.

Hongxing sister has been at my side to take care of me, see I have been coughing said to go find a doctor to see.

I quickly waved my hand and said, “No, it’s not a big problem, it’s just a cough, why would you want the doctor to come back and forth?

Anyway, Lanjun Lou can’t open its doors for business, so why don’t I just go to the medical center and take a look myself?

It’s just a distraction.

“Red apricot sister thought a little bit, think also yes, then follow me.

That day, I went with Sister Hong Xing to the Bao He Tang to see a doctor.

Baohe Tang was the largest medical center in Yuzhou City, and the doctors there were top-notch in Yuzhou City.

Many people come to Baohe Tang as their first or last choice when they are sick.

I was a little late, so I queued up to enter.

When it was my turn, the head doctor had just finished taking my pulse, and before I could say anything, a small doctor’s boy hurried in and said to the head doctor, “Master, the governor’s wife’s coughing sickness has returned, and the governor’s family has come to ask you to take a look.

“I was a bit upset, it was not easy for me to get in the queue, how come there was suddenly a queue-jumper?

Who knows, not waiting for me to open my mouth to stay, the old man waved his hand and said, “No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.

I’m not going.

“The little medical boy was a bit embarrassed, but did not dare to really talk back to the old man, and could only skim his mouth and leave in aggravation.

I can see that the boss doctor is always in a peaceful mood when he treats patients, but why does he get a bit angry when he mentions the governor’s wife?

I politely asked the doctor about my symptoms, precautions, etc., to the doctor’s advice are adopted.

Seeing that I was so cooperative, the old man nodded with great satisfaction as he stroked his beard.

Seeing that the old man was in a good mood, I couldn’t help but ask, “Mr. Lao, I see that your medical skills and temperament are so good, why did you get so angry when you mentioned Mrs. Zhizhu just now?

Is Mrs. Zhi Zhou’s illness too serious?

“Seeing the sincerity of my question, the old man said back to me, “It’s not a serious illness, but just an ordinary seasonal cough, and a few medicines will make you well.

“Then why are you so angry?

Could it be that the lady is so bad-tempered that she is not easy to serve?

“That’s not true, Mrs. Zhi Zhou has a very good temperament.

There is just one thing, she can’t take the medicine, it’s good enough for her to drink a spoonful of the medicine.

“As the saying goes, the medicine will cure the disease. If she can’t take the medicine, what can I do?

“Then you should make it clear that this matter doesn’t make you so angry,” I said reassuringly.

“I said comfortingly.

“You don’t know, the governor is very close to Madam, and when he saw that Madam was in pain, he asked me to prescribe a medicine that is not bitter, and preferably sweet.

This good medicine is bitter to the mouth, the words of advice against the ear, this is not forcing me to die.

In all my years of practicing medicine, I have never met such a person, how can the medicine taste good?

“The old man said that the fire and said up, I think it was the love of the wife of the governor of the Lord tossed a lot of times, so the resentment is so big.

However, I was on the heart, and carefully asked Mrs. Zhi Zhou’s symptoms, remembered in my heart, the plan on the mind, to the old man to bid farewell to leave.

On the way back, I asked Sister Hong Xing to accompany me to buy a number of things.

There were fresh mint, pears, Sichuan peppercorns, ginger, cane sugar, honey, pig paste and so on.

When I returned to Lanjun Lou, I asked Sister Hong Xing to help me invite Zhang Sheng to come over.

Two years ago, when the eldest young master entered the capital after high school, Zhang Sheng originally followed the eldest young master to go together.

But some time ago, Zhang Sheng’s father was critically ill, so the young master gave him special permission to come back and stay for a while, so that he could return home this year and then let Zhang Sheng go back to the capital with him.

At this time, Zhang Sheng happened to be in Yuzhou.

Sister Hong Xing was puzzled, and looking at my mysterious face, she asked me what I was going to do.

I only replied to her, “Sister Hong Xing, don’t ask me about this for the time being, I’ll tell you when it’s done.

All I can say is that if it goes well, Lanjun Lou’s opening is expected.

Please go and invite Mr. Zhang over for me.

“Sister Hong Xing wanted to ask again, but I coaxed her out the door.

As soon as she left the house, I turned around and went to the kitchen.

I thought to myself, “This is the moment of success or failure.

I crushed the mint, pear and ginger to extract the juice, added the grounded Chuanbei powder, then added cane sugar, honey, pig paste and red orange peel to simmer together.

When it boils down to a thick texture, it is put into a small four-square mold and then chilled in well water.

When it cools down completely, it becomes a yellow-orange sugar cube.

I tasted it, it was refreshingly cool in the mouth, the honey was sweet, and the coolness of the mint went straight through my heart and lungs, I instantly felt my lungs were quite comfortable.

I had just taken out the sugar cubes when Sister Hong Xing brought Zhang Sheng here.

I knew that Zhang Sheng had a quick mind, many connections, and a wide range of social skills, so I spoke to him directly, “Brother Zhang Sheng, I’m not going to lie to you, but I’m asking you to come here because Zi Gui has something to ask for.

“Zhang Sheng with me and red apricot has always been familiar with, also do not wriggle, directly asked, “What is the matter you directly say on the line, are doing things together so long time people, say what to ask for not to ask for.

“Well, since you Zhangsheng said so, then I’m not polite.

I ask Mr. Zhang to help me find someone.

It doesn’t matter who it is, as long as it’s serving beside Mrs. Zhi Zhou and can talk to her, it’s fine.

Mr. Zhang said, “That’s easy, just wait.

‘ Zhang Sheng’s efficiency is really high.

Just as I was taking out the sugar cubes from the second pot, he came back, accompanied by a middle-aged man.

Upon introduction, I realized that this Meimei, surnamed Sun, was the maid of the governor’s wife, and is now very popular in front of the governor’s wife.

I wrapped the sugar cubes in paper and gave Sun Muoi a generous red envelope, whispered some more, and sent Sun Muoi out the door.

For the rest of the day, I stayed in the kitchen making candy bars, and Sister Hong Xing came to help me when she wasn’t busy; she asked me what I wanted to do, but I just smiled and didn’t say anything.

After a few days, that Sun Mu Mu came to my door again.

I hurriedly invited her into the courtyard and deliberately asked her what she wanted to do this time.

Sun Moo-moo returned, “Boss Yang, as you said last time, I took out the sugar cubes you gave me when Madam coughed, and Madam ate them and really felt that her heart and lungs were moisturized, and her cough was relieved a lot, and she ate a piece of sugar whenever she coughed in the past two days.

“Mrs. Zhi Zhou asked you how you got this sugar cube.

I don’t know what Maomu said.

“I smiled and asked Sun Maomu.

“I’ll just say what you told me, that I came to the street a while ago and bought it at Lanjunlou.

Today, when the sugar cubes ran out and Madam coughed incessantly, the governor sent me to buy them.

“I smiled and nodded my head to Sun MoMo, “Sun MoMo’s behavior is watertight, ZiGui admires it.

“As I said, I asked my sister Hong Xing to bring me some good snacks and tea.

I said, “Just for now, I may have to ask Meimei to wait a little while, so you can sit down and have some tea and snacks first.

“I turned around and went into the kitchen.

After a short while, I came out with a pot of uncooled sugar water.

I handed the sweetened water to Mei-mei Sun, slipped her a red envelope and whispered something in her ear.

Sun Moo-moo realized the situation and left with the sugar water.

As expected, Sun Moo-moo came back two hours later.

She told me that the governor wanted to see me.

I asked Sister Hong Xing to wrap the sugar cubes that she had just made, and then I carried the sugar cubes and Sun Moo Moo out the door.

After going out, on the carriage, Sun Moo-moo whispered to me, “Boss Yang, I did everything you told me, and when I went back, Madam and Master saw the pot of sugar water and asked me what happened.

According to what you taught me, I only said that this Lanjun House was seized by the magistrate a few days ago on the charge of suspected banditry, and that this sugar water was made by the boss, and it was too late to be processed for molding, and I was afraid that the lady would want it in a hurry, so she hurriedly asked me to send it to her.

“I heard, the corners of my mouth gently raised, holding Sun Moo Moo’s hand, a bracelet on her hand will slide into her hand.

“Thank you Sun Moo-moo for this, a small token of appreciation, please do not decline.

“When I arrived at the governor’s residence, I gave the candy bar to Sun Moo-moo and went to see the governor first.

The governor was not wearing his official uniform, but only a dark purple, black piped tunic with a straight posture.

His hair was neatly tied, and he had a gentle look, but his gaze was like a torch, and there was a vague aura of greatness between his eyebrows and eyes.

I respectfully bowed to him, “My humble servant, Yang Zigui, pays his respects to the governor.

“Don’t be polite.

“This governor didn’t beat around the bush, and went straight to the point, “The sugar cubes my subordinates bought at Lanjun House were very good, but today I heard that Lanjun House was closed down for some reason, and there seems to be some suspicion about it.

I invited you here because I want to find out more about it.

I don’t know if Mr. Yang can tell us about it.

“I am secretly happy, willing, how not willing, I can’t wait.

On the face but do not show, look reserved and respectful back, “grass people thank you for your concern, this matter is like this ……” I only how the thieves into the door to how to go out, Mr. Lu how to witness and testify in the courtroom, the governor of the county adults and how to determine the case with the governor said once.

The governor said, “In that case, this case has a lot of doubts, if only because of this to seize your Lanjun building, it is not appropriate.

Now that I know about it today, I will personally inquire about this case.

If it’s a misunderstanding, I’ll definitely clear your Lanjunlou’s name.

“I quickly bowed respectfully to the governor, “I thank you, sir.

“I was about to say goodbye and leave after finishing my business with the governor, when Sun Mu Mu ran in and said to the governor, “Master, when Madam heard that the boss of Lanjun Mansion was here, and that she was a woman, she wanted to see her, and asked my slave to invite Boss Yang.

“Hearing this, the governor turned to me and said, “My wife wants to see you, I wonder if Mr. Yang would like to meet you?

“Since it’s a blessing for me that your wife wants to see you, there’s no reason why I wouldn’t be willing to do so.”

“Together with Sun Moo Moo, I walked through a small garden, passed through two corridors, and came to a courtyard.

Sun Moo-moo led me into the courtyard and the house.

In the house, a beautiful woman was sitting on the upper seat, with fair complexion, round almond eyes, lightly pursed lips, and her cheeks appeared a little red because of the violent coughing just now.

I bowed to, “I am Yang Zigui, I pay my respects to Mrs.” “Boss Yang, no need to be polite.

“Yang boss need not be polite, quickly please sit down, come on people, on the tea cough cough.

” but said a sentence, the governor’s wife covered her mouth and coughed twice.

The maid handed over a cup of tea, the lady brought over and lightly sipped a small mouthful, swallowed, and sipped a small mouthful, gently swallowed, repeated several times, before putting down the cup.

Wiped the corners of her lips.

Then looked at me somewhat apologetically and said, “I’ve always had a coughing problem, rude place, please bear with me.

“No, no, ma’am, you’re welcome.

“I quickly waved my hands.

“This candy bar made by Mr. Yang is very good, although it can’t cure my cough, but it can also relieve it greatly, does Mr. Yang know medicine?

“The truth is not to hide, the grass does not know how to heal, this sugar cube is my parents at home when I was young to do to my sugar water improvement.

I thought it tasted sweet and had the effect of moistening the lungs and relieving coughs, so I modified the recipe slightly, which led to the current sugar cubes.

This sugar cube has a relieving effect on your wife’s cough, so I guess it must be just the right thing to do.

“I don’t dare to admit that I know the art of healing, it’s too easy to recognize.

Madam sighed and said, “This sugar cube tastes sweet, I like it very much, if only all the medicines in this world were like this sugar cube,” “If Madam likes it, the medicine will be as good as this sugar cube,” she said.

“If you like it, I will go back and make some more and send them to your home,” I replied.

“I quickly replied.

“Boss Yang, there is something I would like to ask, I hope you don’t mind if it’s a bit presumptuous.

I hope you don’t mind.” “Please tell me, ma’am.

“I heard that you used to be a servant of the Lu family, and you were quite popular with the first lady and the youngest master of the Lu family.

However, you have decided to go, giving up the glory and wealth that is within your reach, and instead choosing to survive alone.

“Madam, it was because Zi Gui knew that he was not worthy of the Lu family, so he left.

“Boss Yang, you don’t have to say that in front of me, I want to hear the truth.”?


Mr. Yang?


Three questions popped up in my head, is this lady so straightforward?

I turned my thoughts over twice quickly and spoke bluntly, ”Back to madam, the reason why Zi Gui chose to leave is because Zi Gui wanted to dominate his own life.

Although the Lu Mansion is rich and magnificent, it does not have the freedom that Zi Gui wants.

“I can’t imagine that you, a woman, have such arrogance, not to mention the concubine of the Lu family, or even the concubine of the royal family, I’m afraid you can’t even look at it.

Good, good, I appreciate women like you, have ambition, have arrogance, than those pretentious people like, cough cough, good, good.

” The governor’s wife while nodding and approving while coughing to, “long time not run into a and I so agree with the person, I’m a few years older than you, if you don’t mind, you can call me an elder sister.

If you don’t mind, you can call me sister.” “This, I dare not.

“Why don’t you dare? I, Su Qingqing, don’t have so many rules, it’s all about preference.

If you think it’s good, it’s settled.

“This governor’s wife looks quiet and elegant, gentle and virtuous, I did not expect to have the boldness of a great man.

I immediately returned, “Yes, sister.

“I just so much a governor’s wife sister, is really an unexpected joy.

Back to Lanjun building after a few days, the officials again door, said the governor personally review the case of thieves, let me go to cooperate with the investigation.

Naturally, I was happy to go.

Things went surprisingly well, the governor quickly found out the truth, must have guessed the inside story.

Although the general judge has the responsibility to monitor the governor, the two are mutually restraining, but this governor is the pro nephew of the dynasty’s senator, backstage powerful, the general judge adults naturally do not dare to go against it.

So, two months after Lanjun Lou was closed, in the sound of firecrackers and gongs, Lanjun Lou finally reopened.

On the day of the opening, I put up a notice board.

It was written on the sign that in addition to the discounts for the first three days of the opening, the prices of Lanjun Restaurant’s dishes would be substantially raised thereafter, and that the specialties would be available in limited quantities.

Three days later, I personally visited Mingyueju, with my relationship with the governor’s wife in the front, and I threw out the olive branch in the back, Mingyueju boss quickly met me.

In business, I don’t want to deal with him, I openly explain my intention, I’m just a woman, I just want to get a foothold in the city of Yuzhou, there is a piece of tile to cover the roof, there are inches of body to stand in the world, why make it difficult?

Why should it be difficult? We are all open for business, and we hope to coexist peacefully with Mingyue Residence for mutual benefit and win-win situation.

Seeing my sincerity, the boss of Mingyueju did not make things difficult for me, and at least they agreed on the surface.

After a few months, Lanjun Lou was doing business peacefully, only Mr. Lu did not come again.

Until the end of the year, Mr. Lu suddenly came with a small boy.

Naturally, I warmly welcomed Mr. Lu into the door, as usual, the Lan character room.

“Mr. Lu hasn’t come for a long time, I don’t know what you want to eat.

I’ll have someone prepare it.

Our restaurant has introduced some specialties, would you like to try them?

“No need, I’ve come for something else.

Do you remember that you owe me a favor?” “Of course I remember.

“Naturally, I do.

Mr. Lu’s great favor, I wouldn’t dare to forget it.” I felt a thump in my heart.

“My heart thumped, it’s hard to believe that this Mr. Lu came here today to ask me to repay a favor, just how does he want me to repay this life-saving favor?

I heard that his wedding date is scheduled for next month, is it possible that he wants me to be his concubine?

A lover?

No, that’s not right. According to Mr. Lu’s character, he wouldn’t ask for such a thing.

But he hasn’t been here for a few months, what if he’s changed his mind recently?

No, I can’t, I’m a college student with a modern higher education, how can I be a concubine with someone?

This, this this, goes against my three views.

I guessed various possibilities in my head, and the look on my face must have been very wonderful.

Mr. Lu felt a bit amused when he saw my face change from happy to sad, and used his fan to shake it in front of me, ”Eh, what are you thinking about?

Your face has changed so much that you could open a dye house.

“I came back to my senses, put the chaotic thoughts to the back of my mind, smiled politely and replied, “I was thinking, Mr. Lu personally came to the door today to ask about the favors owed by Zi Gui, I think it must be that I want Zi Gui to do something, but I don’t know what I can do for you, Mr. Lu, when I thought about it.

That’s why I’m confused.

So he was puzzled.” “Oh?

You really don’t know what to do?

” He purposely lengthened his tone, and his expression was quite teasing, so the uneasiness in my heart instantly rose to my throat.

“He suddenly laughed, as if he had guessed my thoughts, and looked at the orchids in the room and said, “Although I am a flirt, I am not a flirt, I love to enjoy the flowers, but I don’t pick them, and I like the orchids in your room very much, although I have thought of taking them home, but a gentleman doesn’t take away a person’s favor, so how could I force myself to do so?

“I was so relieved, my expression relaxed a little too obviously, I had to smile awkwardly.

He also did not point out, only continued, “Today I really came here for one thing.

Boss Yang must also know that Mr. Lu is getting married next month, and I heard that the dim sum of Lanjunlou is excellent, and even Mrs. Zhizhu is full of praises.

I wanted to order a batch of Lanjunlou’s dim sum for the wedding banquet, but I heard that Lanjunlou’s dishes and dim sum are limited in supply, so since Boss Yang owes me a favor, I’m here to ask for it.

“This is it?

I was surprised and secretly thought to myself, “Although I have posted a notice at Lanjunlou saying that the dishes and snacks are limited in supply, but based on your face, Mr. Lu, would I have refused it?

Until many years later, I realized that he was never in order to let me return the favor, but only to find an excuse to let me no longer have a burden on his heart, so that I with him and the Lu family two clear.

In the future, whether it is him or the Lu family, no one can let me do things because of this matter, let me return the favor.


That’s it! It seems that Boss Yang thinks that it’s too light, since that’s the case, then the refreshments for Lu’s wedding banquet will be fully covered by Boss Yang! Please take care of it, Mr. Yang.




I remembered the dim sum at the Young Master’s wedding banquet, Lanjun Lou, all inclusive?

How much silver would that cost?

My Lanjun Lou has gone through a heavy blow, and it’s just now getting a reprieve.

My brows unconsciously wrinkled up, feeling a little heartbroken.

Before I finished being heartbroken, Mr. Lu lowered his head and came to my ear, his breath spit onto my ear, I felt a little tickled, he whispered, “I’m getting married, big brother will be back!” He said softly, “I’m getting married and my big brother will be back!

“I froze in place, why suddenly told me this, this Lu Gongzi’s thinking is too jumpy.

Mr. Lu looked at my frozen look, a teasing smile leaked out on his face, but there was no emotion in his eyes, he shook the fan in his hand, and turned around to leave in a dashing manner.

In order to prepare the desserts for Mr. Lu’s wedding banquet, I purposely closed the door for three days, letting all the fellows and cooks in the building concentrate on making pastries, and even invited Sister Red Apricot and her husband and wife to come over to help, and also recruited a few temporary workers, before the desserts needed for the wedding banquet were finally fully prepared.

On the day of the wedding, I watched a quart of pastries tied with red silk being sent into the Lu Mansion like running water, and finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Mr. Lu’s procession to welcome the bride happened to pass by Lanjun House.

I saw the vast procession of welcoming the bride spread all over the street, a glance can not be seen, suona sound joyful sound resounded through the long street, endless, red procession like a red dragon, winding forward, rumor has it that the ten miles of red makeup is probably so.

I stood on the second floor and watched the procession gradually approaching, approaching, Mr. Lu dressed in big red wedding clothes, riding a high horse, from time to time on both sides of the street to congratulate the people arching back to salute.

The procession traveled to the Lanjun building downstairs, he suddenly raised his head to look upstairs, I don’t know why, but I panicked and hid behind the door, until the procession faded away.

I looked at the long red dragon that was fading away, and silently prayed in my heart, wishing Mr. Lu and Mrs. Lu to be in love with their husband and wife, to grow old together, and to be blessed with children and grandchildren.

As I was thinking, I heard the sound of deng deng deng going up the stairs, and then Uncle Li appeared behind me and said to me, “Miss, I carefully calculated the approximate cost of the pastries for Young Master Lu’s wedding banquet this time, and I’ve come to report to you.

“I came back to my senses and said, “Uncle Li, please go ahead.

“Miss, the pastries cost about thirty kan for the flour, sugar, fresh fruits, beans, etc., the money for the temporary workers, the box for the pastries, and the money you asked to pay Mr. and Mrs. Wang, about sixty kan, totaling ninety kan, which translates to about ninety taels of silver.

“Uncle Li, how much did you say?

How much did you say, Uncle Li?

Ninety taels?

“I felt my flesh hurt.

Uncle Li then said, “I haven’t counted the loss of not opening the door for the past three days, if I add the loss of these three days, I guess it’s more than 120 taels.

“I felt the white silver turn into dots of starlight in front of my eyes, and then, little by little, it disappeared.

I immediately threw the married Mr. Lu out of my head, ah shucks, and for you to pray, your uncle almost caused me to go bankrupt.

I said to Uncle Li, “Uncle Li, hurry up, open for business!” Since Mr. Lu’s marriage, the financial situation of Lanjun House is not very optimistic.

In order to return the blood in time, as the boss’s wife, I set a good example, busy in the front room and then the back kitchen, so that no one in the building was too shy to be lazy, and all of them were in high spirits.

This evening, a busy day I feel really a little tired, explained to the fellows, back to the backyard to rest for a while.

Who knows, I have a mouthful of hot tea has not had time to go down, fellows rush over, and told me that the front hall came to a guest, specified to orchid word private room.

I said, “If the Orchid Room is empty, just lead him to it, why panic?

I said, “If it’s empty, just take him to it, why panic?” “I’ve taken him, I’ve already taken him in, it’s just that ……” the man replied back to me in a hurry.

“Just what?

“I saw that he looked a bit unnatural, “Is it possible that there is a pickpocket?

“No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.

He said he was an old friend of yours, and asked me to invite you to a meeting.” “Oh, I see. Well, wait for me to change my clothes, and I’ll be right there.

” The clothes I was wearing were already wrinkled from all the work, I sent away the little fellow, turned out a green and plain dress to change into, and then gathered my hair together, which made me walk towards the front hall.

I knew who the visitor was.

I knocked lightly on the door of the room and entered in response.

Sure enough, it was him, the eldest young master of the Lu family.

I haven’t seen him for a few years, although his face hasn’t changed, he doesn’t have the youthfulness that he once had, and he also has less of a purely bookish demeanor, and his face has more of the world’s weathering.

He originally had a cool temperament, meticulous smile, now this, even more cold.

He stood in front of the Song of Songs in Water and scrutinized it carefully, as if he wanted to stare out the flowers of every word in it.

I bowed to him, “Zi Gui, I have seen you, Young Master.

‘ Only then did he turn around and say the same words as Mr. Lu.

“You are no longer a servant of the Lu family, nor are you my maid, so there is no need for you to be so polite, and no need to call me Young Master.

“What should I call myself then?

Mr. Lu is already used to address the Second Young Master, is the Eldest Young Master still called Mr. Lu?

I suddenly had a flash of thought in my head, and then answered, “Yes, Lord Lu.

”Now that he is in an important position and is an official in the capital, the title of Lord Lu could not be more appropriate.”

When he heard that, he didn’t have much of an expression, just a faint hmmm.

Then, he turned his head and continued to read the words.

I stood in place not knowing what to do.

Inside my heart, I spat this young master out one sentence after another, “Why is this person like this?

He called me over and didn’t say a word, so why did he call me over?

Aren’t you embarrassed?

“You’re not embarrassed, but I am! Brother, how much longer are you going to stare at that word?” “I haven’t seen him for so long.

“I haven’t seen you for so long, why is he still so, uh, stuffy.”

“Have you finished reading? If you haven’t, I’m leaving!” If you don’t open your mouth, I’ll leave.” “One, two, three.

“One, two, three …… seven, eight ……” has not yet counted to ten, Lord Lu suddenly voiced, “I heard the second brother said that you this orchid character room hanging a piece of the Song of Songs, the handwriting beautiful and neat, the writing of the rhythms of the fluent, and the Song of Songs of Songs of Songs of Songs of Songs of Songs of Songs of Songs of Songs of Songs of Songs of Songs of Songs of Songs of Songs of Songs of Songs of Songs of the meaning of the complementary.

Today, it seems that what my second brother said is true.

“I was interrupted by his sudden speech, listening to him say such a paragraph, a moment a little confused.

I was stunned in place, not knowing how to reply.

When he turned around and saw my dumbfounded look, he felt a bit amused.

Without waiting for my answer, he said, “The orchids in your house are very well kept, with a long, fresh and elegant flavor, which I like very much.

I wonder if Zi Gui would be willing to give me two pots?


But don’t you have a lot of orchids in your yard?

“I asked with some doubt.

He sighed, “I have been living in the capital for a long time, so this Boya courtyard has been deserted for a long time, and no one has taken care of the orchids in the courtyard, so they have withered long ago.

“Oh, so that’s how it is, I think it must be those subordinates who see their master is not around, so they cheat, the orchids are delicate, they can’t be carefully cared for, so they naturally withered.

Since Lord Lu likes it, I will send someone to send it to Lu’s residence.” “Don’t bother, I will send it to you later.

“I don’t need to take the trouble, I’ll just take it with me when I leave.

“I said back, “That’s good!” Then, there was a long silence.

It was only after a long time that Lord Lu finally spoke up, “I heard that your Lanjun House has new and innovative dishes, I wonder if you have any recommendations.

“I hastened to recommend the dishes to him, I remembered that the young master had a light taste, and did not like spicy food or too much oil and fishy food.

So I recommended a few light and refreshing appetizers to him, as well as the light but not too light Pearl Balls and Cabbage Ruyi Buns, the sweet and sour Cherry Pork and Hawthorn Chops, the soft and tasty Glutinous Rice Chicken and Steamed Pork in Lotus Leaf, as well as a pot of Lotus Root Rib Soup that was rich in flavor and fragrance, and a pot of freshly brewed Peach Blossom Drink, which the Young Master was sure to enjoy.

When the dishes were served, I was too embarrassed to sit and eat with him, and he guessed I was too embarrassed to let me watch him eat, so I excused myself and came out.

I went to the front hall to the back kitchen, but I could never be still, so I went back to the backyard.

When it was time to close, I looked at the falling night colors and felt as if I had breathed a sigh of relief.

Before I could catch my breath, the little fellow hurriedly ran to me again, “Madam Boss, the guests in the Orchid Character Room haven’t left yet.




“Still here?

You haven’t invited him?” “Uh-huh.

“Uh-huh. The guest’s boy is still at the door. He won’t let us in.”


I’ll go and see.

“I straightened my dress and headed for the front room.

At the entrance of the Lan character private room, I saw Zhang Sheng standing there, seemingly possessed by the young master, unsmiling and serious, blocking the little fellow at the door.

Seeing me approaching, he nodded to me.

I told the little fellow to leave and inquired out loud, ”Lord Lu, is he still inside?

‘ He hmmmed in response.

“Can I go in and take a look?

‘ I inquired tentatively.

Who knew that Zhang Sheng immediately sidestepped and let the doorway out.

I knocked on the door and there was no sound, so I had to push my way in.

When I entered, I saw Lord Lu lying on the table with several jugs of wine poured beside him.

I called him softly, “Lord Lu, Lord Lu.

” There was no response.

I raised my voice, “Lord Lu, Lord Lu?

“Still no response.

I couldn’t help myself, and shook his shoulder while calling, “Lord Lu! Lord Lu!” He finally stirred, his head moved, and then slowly raised his head, his eyes in a daze.

Seeing me in front of him, he muttered, “Zi Gui, Zi Gui.

” and then without saying a word, he embraced me into his arms.

He was a head taller than me and rested his chin right on top of my head, and I could feel it move as he spoke.

He used a tone of voice that I had never seen or heard before, a tone of immense longing, longing, resignation, suppression and pain.

To me, he said, “Ziggy, I miss you so much.

I haven’t seen you for a long time, I really, really miss you.” “I know about the orchids you changed in my house, I know about the various kinds of snacks you changed for me, I know about the tranquilizing incense you asked Zhang Sheng to light, I know about it, and I also saw the words you embroidered in the woolen bag, May you be successful in the list of the top ten, and I’ll be really on the list.

” “Zi Gui, I …… don t wait for him to finish, I forcefully broke away from his embrace, backed up a few steps, kept a certain distance from him, and said to him, “Lu Ta-Jen, you are drunk, I will ask Zhang Sheng to send you back to the house.

”The person in his arms suddenly fell away, and he looked up at me who had retreated to the wall, and a three-point clarity seemed to come into his misty eyes.

He looked at me steadily, step by step, slowly approaching me, I looked at him warily, afraid that he would go crazy again.

He just held my shoulders with both hands, gazed into my eyes, and said word by word, “Why?

Will you tell me why?

” “Huh?

Why what?

” I was unsure.

“I can see that when you were in the Lu Mansion, you looked at me differently, I’ve seen you lost in thought, I can see the love in your eyes.

But why, every time I want to take a closer look, want to get close to you, to understand you, you become calm, restrained, detached again, all the affection seems to be just a phantom.

But I know I’m not mistaken, but the indifference in your eyes is real.

You tell me, why is this?

Why give me the illusion, and why so quickly disappeared, even if it is an illusion, why do not you want to stay a little longer?

Even if it’s just a little bit, a little bit!” I looked at the face in front of me, close at hand, the same sword eyebrow, the same Rui Feng eyes, the same lifted nose, the same shape of lips, the only difference, just missing a tear mole in the corner of the eye.

I looked at this face, gradually with my memory, the boy’s face overlap.

How many times, I look at this face to see lost in thought, how many times, I look at this face to see forget the identity, forget the situation, how many times, I look at this face to see even indistinguishable from reality.

However, even though this face has stirred up water in my heart countless times, I still know soberly.

He, is not him.

The person in front of me is the young master of the Lu family who was born in a patriarchal society, subjected to feudalism, and burdened with the hope of family rejuvenation, not the big boy who spoiled my capriciousness and pampering, and bought me ice cream.

The man in front of me can take me in as a concubine because he loves me, he can spoil me and protect me because he loves me, but he will never rebel against etiquette for me and take me as his wife.

The man in front of me, he is the young master who says one word of love and I have to be thankful for it, and can’t wait to tell you all about it, instead of the boy who never says anything, but cleans up all my messes and silently plans me into his future.

The man in front of me, the love he gave me, was a gift, a blessing, not equality and respect.

I had been sympathetic because of this same face, this same sullen nature, but I was always conscious of the fact that he, was not him.

Yes, how could he be him?

What separated them was a gap of more than a thousand years, and it wasn’t just him who couldn’t cross that gap, it was also me.

I looked up at his face, those eyes, so deep, so focused, so, pathetic.

How I wished he was him too, but, a thousand years of chasm, he wasn’t.

Tears pooled in my eyes, for Lord Lu, for myself, and for him.

Lord Lu watched as the tips of my eyes and nose gradually turned red, and the tears in my eyes were about to come out.

A hint of panic appeared in his eyes, and his originally calm words no longer flowed, “Zi, Zi Gui, you mustn’t cry.

I don’t mean to force you, I, I just, I just want to know, in your heart, have you ever had me?

I just want to know that what I saw in the beginning was not an illusion, right?

”I blinked my eyes, forcefully taking back the tears that were about to drip from my eyes, I heard myself say clearly and slowly, ”Lord Lu is overly concerned, as far as I am concerned, the eldest young master is just the eldest young master, once upon a time it was the master, now, it is the honored guest.

Now, he is a guest of honor. There is nothing else.

‘ I saw the light of hope, expectation, desire, and even supplication in his eyes dimming little by little, and my heart ached with it.

He lowered his hands and held my shoulders again, looking at me with a torch-like gaze and said, “Are you afraid that I will take you as a concubine, don’t be afraid, I won’t, I know, how could a woman who can say “I wish you a long time, a thousand miles to be together with Juanjuan” be willing to be a concubine, and how could she be willing to be trapped in one side of the courtyard.

I am not here to force you, I just, just want to know the truth, only.

Answer me truthfully, will you?

“He has always been old and prudent, not in a hurry, young and accomplished, has its own pride.

At this moment, in front of me, he put down the full body of pride, even without the previous days of composure, like a fear of losing the beloved things of the teenager, the tone is full of helpless panic and humble prayers.

But I, however, could only suppress all the emotion, all the intolerance, and said to him, “It’s the young master who is overly concerned, Zi Gui has never had any delusional thoughts about the young master.

”I watched as the light in his eyes disappeared, and he feebly lowered his hands for a long time before turning around and stumbling away.

I looked at the back of his departure, tears can no longer hold back, rustling down.

8 A night of frightening dreams, I kept pulling back and forth between reality and dreams.

I dreamt of Lord Lu, I dreamt of Lord Lu, and I dreamt of him, and every one of them was calling out to me, calling me by my name, except that two of them were calling out to Zi Gui, and one was calling out to Ah Yuan.

I knew they were calling me, but I couldn’t answer any of them, as if a lock had been put on my throat to shut me up.

I was awakened by my buddy’s thumping on the door.

He shouted through the door, “Madam Boss, Mr. Zhang from the Lu Mansion is here and says he wants to see you.

“I was puzzled and said, “Mr. Zhang, what is he doing here this early in the morning?

“But on my lips, I was still busy and said to the little fellow, “Yes, I know, you go to the front hall and take care of him first, I will change my clothes and come back.

“When Mr. Zhang saw me, he was not as cold and distant as he had been yesterday, and before I could ask him, he said to me, “The young master asked me to bring orchids.


What orchids?

“I was puzzled.

Mr. Zhang said, “Mr. Zhang said you promised to give him two pots of orchids yesterday, but you forgot to take them with you when you went back yesterday, so he asked me to come get them today.

“Only then did I remember that I had indeed promised to do so yesterday.

It’s just that the dramatic scene later made me let him overlook it all.

I didn’t expect him to remember, and to have Zhang Sheng come to my door.

I didn’t show too much emotion and hurriedly said, ”Oh, this matter, Brother Zhang Sheng, please wait a moment, I’ll go get it.”

“I picked out two pots of fine Jasminum orchids and handed them to Mr. Zhang in a basket made of straw.

I wanted to keep him for another cup of tea, but he declined to leave, so I naturally didn’t force him to do so and sent him to the door.

Zhang Sheng’s face seemed a bit torn, glancing at me with a twinkle in his eye.

I asked him directly, “Mr. Zhang, do you have anything else to say?

“After hearing this, Zhang Sheng bowed his head and pondered for a moment, and after a little leaning, he raised his head and said to me, “Zi Gui, do you know that the Lu family is going to move their family to the capital?

“What, what?

When is it going to happen?

The first young master is coming back for the second young master’s marriage, but the most important thing is the move.” I asked again, “It’s the whole family that’s moving to the capital.

“I asked again, “Is the entire Lu family moving away?

“Mr. Zhang replied, “The old master is still alive and has only two sons, the eldest and the second eldest, and only two boys, the eldest and the second youngest, so naturally they will all have to move away.

“This is natural, although the two young masters of the Lu family are cousins, but why this generation only the two of them two male children, and now Lord Lu in the capital to establish a firm footing, naturally want to support one or two.

Now that Lord Lu has established himself in the capital, it is only natural that he should be supported. “Then, will all the servants of the Lu family follow their master to the capital?

“I asked Mr. Zhang.

Mr. Zhang replied, “No, we will only bring some young and dexterous servants with us. Some of the older servants will stay in Yuzhou to guard the Lu Family’s old residence.

“I thought for a moment and deliberated twice before I said to Zhang Sheng, “Zhang Sheng, I would like to ask you for one thing.

“Mr. Zhang said, “You don’t have to say please or not, just say it.

“Just now, I heard you say, “I think Li Mu Mu is not among those who are going to the capital this time, she is already old, and her body has not been well, I want you to help me ask the master for a favor, let me take Li Mu Mu out, I want to age for her.

I should have gone in person, but my status is embarrassing, and I’m afraid that if I go to the door rashly, I’ll make the master unhappy.

Therefore, I would like to ask for your help to talk to the master for me.

” Zhang Sheng looked at me, his eyes flickering with complex emotions, seemingly relieved, seemingly appreciative.

He softly replied back, ”This is all a small matter, don’t worry, I’ll take care of it.

‘ I gave him a blessing, lowered my eyelids, and said sincerely and solemnly, ”Many thanks.

”I have to say, Zhang Sheng is really the most capable person beside Lord Lu, and his efficiency is really fast.

In the afternoon of that day, an old carriage crunched over the green stone road and stopped in front of Lanjun Lou.

One of the first people to come down from the carriage was not Li MuMu, but Wang MuMu, after she got off the carriage, she stretched out her hand to the car and helped a trembling old woman off the carriage, who was not Li MuMu.

However, after a few years of not seeing her, she seemed to have aged more than ten years, and she had a head full of gray hairs, which were only slightly white.

I rushed forward to help her, she saw me, thin as a bone hand gripped me tightly, eyes filled with muddy tears.

I only felt a sore nose and eyes, and my eyes were a little misty.

Holding her thin body with all my might, Wang Mu Mu also red-eyed at one side.

There were no words for a while, only wordless emotions spread around.

Seeing this, Mr. Zhang said, “Don’t stand here, go inside and let Li Mu Mu sit down.

“It was only then that I reacted and busied myself to help Li Muwang Muwang into Lanjun House.

After helping Li Muwu Wang Muwu to sit down, I stood in front of them, feeling that I had a thousand words to say, but I didn’t know where to start.

Wang Moo-moo took my hand and saw the bracelet I was wearing on my hand, which was the one she had sent me.

She looked at the bracelet and sighed, “I was afraid that you wouldn’t be able to rely on me after you left the house, that you wouldn’t be able to make it through the day, that you would end up on the streets, but I never thought that you would not only be the girl with the right idea, but also the one with the right skills.

But I never thought that you are not only a smart girl, but also a capable one. Now I can see that you are doing well, I am also relieved.

” said, gently patted my hand.

I held back the moisture in my eyes, swallowed the lump in my throat, and said to Wang Mu-mu, “Wang Mu-mu, I, I am ashamed of your concern and teachings, I was bent on my own way, I was the one who acted on my own, letting you worry and trouble, it was Zi Gui who was not good.

“Wang Meimei smiled and said comfortably, “Silly girl, what is there to be ashamed of, I have not blamed you.

“She looked at Li Mu Mu beside her and turned back to me, holding my hand tighter, “You are a good child, not forgetting your roots, I have not misjudged you.

From now on, Lee Moo-moo will be entrusted to you, and I don’t need to tell you, I believe that you will take good care of her, so I won’t say any more.

Just, child, listen to me, no matter how strong you are, you are only a woman, don’t make it too difficult for yourself, I hope you can find a home to rely on soon.

“Wang MoMo is an important supervisor in the Lu family, and her husband and son are highly valued by the master, and she is bound to go to the capital together this time.

I don’t know if we will see each other again in this life.

I knew that the purpose of her trip was not only to send Li Mu Mu, but also to say goodbye to me and to see me.

I remembered that when I first came to this world, I was helpless and confused, and it was Wang Mu-mu who taught me how to grow flowers, embroider, read and write, how to survive in this world, and how to deal with others.

It was she who arranged my stupidity into the Boya Academy, where there were no hooks and corners, and not so many dirty things to do, so that I could grow up peacefully and smoothly under the shelter of Li Mu-mu.

She is again, although I am angry at the decision to leave the Lu Fu without saying a word, but still bother to arrange the way back for me.

I knew that I would never see her again, and I was afraid that I would not be able to repay her kindness.

To Wang Mu Mu, I bent my knees and solemnly kowtowed to her three times.

I thanked her for her kindness and compassion for my loneliness, for protecting me all the way to grow up safely, for her dedication to teaching me to know right and wrong, for her countless times of gratuitous help, and for her full of true love and concern.

Lifting her head, she said, “Wang Mo-Mo, Zi Gui knows.

“Wang MoMo, with tears in her eyes, took my hand and couldn’t stop saying, “Good, good, good boy, good boy. ……” I settled Li MoMo next door to me, so that she could take care of me at all times.

Li Mu Mu took my hand and said, “I have been lonely all my life, I have no one to depend on, I have never thought that I can still have you this girl to give me old age, I, I really don’t know what to say, a good boy, a good boy, Mu Mu, Mu Mu thank you, children.

“I quickly said, “What are you talking about, you protect my little, I should naturally protect your old, this is a natural thing, you say thank you, is not to torture me?

“Li MuMu stopped talking and just held my hand tightly, looking at me with tearful eyes.

The speed of the Lu family’s move was really fast, but in just seven or eight days’ time, it was already packed and ready to go.

Loaded with luggage boxes of horse-drawn carriages in a great row full of streets, crushed through the streets of the green slate, issued a creak creak sound.

The head of the line there are two people, especially eye-catching, they rode a high horse, handsome, elegant, reserved and courteous to both sides of the congratulations, cheers, blessings of the people nodded in response.

The caravan traveled through Lanjun building, I stood in the crowd on the first floor, watching the caravan, watching the horse people, and all the same, gently waved, to say goodbye to them.

The second young master on the horse seemed to sense something, turned his head slightly in my direction, and likewise raised his hand and gently waved, I knew that it was him saying goodbye to me.

I watched the caravan of carriages go away, it seemed that something was also gradually leaving me, I couldn’t catch it, nor could I keep it.

Later I realized that it was the time when I was ignorant, insecure, fearful, anxious and trembling.

20, the Lu family relocated, in order to facilitate the management, the disposal of a number of industries, including a number of gold stores.

Many merchants are all vigorously want to take advantage of this opportunity to expand the scale, Lanjun building is naturally no exception.

I don’t know whether it was coincidence or luck, but the few stores I had my eye on, either sold or rented, all fell into my hands anyway.

Although I was surprised, I didn’t think about the reason, because some things don’t need to think too much.

Looking at the newly acquired stores, I had high morale and rolled up my sleeves to do something big.

Thus, Lanjun Pastry Workshop, Lanjun Wine Shop, Lanjun Clothing Shop, Lanjun Rouge Pavilion opened one after another.

In my proposal, the red apricot sister couple will be their own pastry store with Lanjun pastry workshop merger, I out of store and artificial raw materials, red apricot sister is responsible for the production and management, the profit is split 50-50.

The governor’s wife Su Qingqing often come to my store.

Every time she comes, she opens her mouth and says, “Xiao Gui Gui, what’s the best thing you’ve got here?

Bring it over and show it to my sister.

“If she were a different gender, she would probably be a regular visitor to the flower house.

And little turtle, every time I hear it, I get goosebumps all over the place.

Unable to help, this thigh still have to hold.

I had to be busy and reply with a smile, “Sister Su, of course I’m saving the good stuff for you.

Come over and take a look.

“Take a look, this is my newly developed pastry, it is made from natural fruits and fructose, it has a sweet taste, it is not greasy or fattening, it is the most suitable for people like you who have a sweet tooth.” “And this, I made it from natural fruits and fructose, it has a sweet taste, it is not greasy or fattening.

“And this is my sweet soup, which is made with peach gelatin, silver ear, wolfberry, papaya and cane sugar stewed for three hours, winter consumption has the effect of beauty.” “And this is my sweet soup, which is made with peach gelatin, silver ear, wolfberry, papaya and cane sugar stewed for three hours.

“And this ……” Su Qingqing would say almost every time, “Well, not bad, small rules rules, then each serve me one.

“Thanks to Su Qingqing’s repeated patronage, the entire city of Yuzhou knows that I am friendly with Madam Zhizhu, and that the governor is extremely close to Madam Zhizhu, to whom I am almost completely obedient.

As a result, although my Lanjun estate was expanding day by day, no one came looking for trouble from me.

The days went by like this, and it has been five years.

Sister Hongxing and Brother Wang’s relationship is really good, their children, a male baby four years old, a female baby two years old, and now, another in the belly.

I took care of the business every day, took care of Li MoMo, and brought up the children in my spare time, and I lived a happy life.

However, Lee Moo-moo’s health was deteriorating.

Since the serious illness many years ago, Li Mu Mu’s health has been deteriorating, and she has never stopped taking her medication, but now, it has finally come to an end.

Lee Moo-moo was lying in bed, her color deteriorating, and the doctors shook their heads as they came to diagnose her.

She stretched out her hand to me tremblingly, and I reached out to hold her withered hand, tears falling like beads.

Li Mu Mu said, “Girl, no, don’t cry, Mu Mu life, no regrets, worth, worth.

It’s just that Meow Meow can’t rest assured that you’ll be okay.

“I know what she is worried about, since these five years, Li Mu Mu is always worried about my personal problems, but every time, I have been haggled over.

“Girl, you are a girl, this girl ah, always have to have a home.

Otherwise, what’s the use of having no one to inherit your family business, no matter how big it is?

I’m lucky to have met you to take care of me in my old age.

But, girl, what about you?

If you keep on like this, when you grow old, who will serve you medicine and see you off?

“I looked at her worried eyes, held her hand tightly, and said to her, “Maomu, don’t worry, I will take good care of myself, and I will plan the rest of my life well.

“Lee Moo-moo took my hand, her eyes were full of worry, she wanted to shake my hand hard, but it hung down weakly.

“Girls, come and see, Meow Meow has brought you good food.” “Girls, let’s make some food.

“Girls ah, we do the subordinate, we have to keep the good part, remember their own identity, can never rely on the master’s favorite to give birth to non-thinking, or Bitou is the end.” “Girls ah, this happy, happy, happy, happy, happy, happy, happy, happy, happy, happy, happy, happy, happy, happy, happy, happy, happy, happy.

“Girl ah, this magpie jacket is really made by your own hands?

It’s really well made. Meumu likes it very much.

“Maiden, if you’re with the young master, serve him well. Don’t worry about Meomu. Meomu, it’s fine.”

“Why do you want to go out, girl?

This is some of Meimei’s savings over the years. Take it.

“Girl, you’re strong, but you’re only a girl. This girl has to have a dependence. Listen, some day I’ll find a matchmaker to ask if there’s a good family.

“Girl, these are the boxes of things you didn’t take with you back then, Meimei is still keeping them for you, as the dowry Meimei saved up for you.”

“Memories of “……” came flooding back like a tidal wave.

I knelt down in front of Lee Moo-moo and held Lee Moo-moo’s hand tightly, from silent tears to low sobs, and finally couldn’t help but cry out loud.

“Moo-moo, Lee Moo-moo, don’t go, don’t leave me, without you, there will be no one in the world to love me.” “Moo-moo, wake up and look at me!

“Mei-mei, wake up and look at me, you haven’t seen me get married yet.

You’ve always wanted me to get married, haven’t you?

I’ll get married. I’ll do as you say. Wake up and look at me, will you?

“Mei-mei, will you get up?”

“Mei-mei, you have to hurt me again, okay?”

“Sister Hong Xing stood beside me with her body in her arms and silently wept.

Over the years, Sister Hong Xing often ran to me, sometimes accompanying Li Mu Mu to chat, sometimes making clothes for children with Li Mu Mu, and more often worrying about my marriage with Li Mu Mu.

I sent off Lee Moo-moo as my daughter and organized the funeral in a decent and grand manner.

I have been in business in Yuzhou for many years and have my own circle of contacts.

Many of my friends, store owners and business customers came to offer their condolences.

During those days, I was so busy that my feet didn’t touch the ground and my head didn’t touch the pillow.

When the funeral was over, I opened the box left to me by Li Mu Mu.

Compared to when I first met her, there were a lot of things in it, and they were all things that she had saved over the years.

I began to think seriously about Li Mu-mu’s words.

Yes, I’m still young, only in my twenties, I’m strong and energetic, I can put all my energy into my business and make the Lanjun a great success.

Maybe I can even become a legend, a legend of women in business.

However, Maomu is right, I am only a girl, I am strong, I also feel lonely, and I really want to have a home.

The so-called home is not a house, not an industry, not a lot of money, but, someone.

The place where there are family members is called home.

In the past, when Momo was there, I had a home.

But now, when Meow went away, I have no home.

Walking down the street, I saw people coming and going, couples together, fathers and sons, mothers and daughters, grandparents and grandchildren.

I felt a loneliness I had never felt before, with no one to turn to and no support.

Unconsciously, I walked to a place, I looked up, the plaque is written on the three words of Salesian Bureau.

This was a place where the imperial court specialized in adopting widows, widowers and orphans.

Inside were old people and children who had no support and no children to depend on.

I walked here in a daze, perhaps, this is the will of heaven.

I was greeted by a middle-aged woman, who was very enthusiastic about me because I was better dressed.

When she heard that I wanted to adopt a child, she even led me to a room.

The house was crowded with straw, mats, and bedding, and a dozen children in rags were crammed into this one room.

I gave the woman a pastry in my hand and asked her to distribute it to the children.

The children in the room swarmed up to me and asked for the pastries with outstretched hands.

Among this group of children, each of them gulped down the pastries as soon as they got them, fearing that they would be snatched away by someone else if they were late.

Only a little girl, small, about three years old, easily got a piece of pastry, but not eager to eat, but ran toward the cubicle.

Out of curiosity, I followed her to the cubicle.

Only to see a little boy lying on the floor, clothes tattered, hair disheveled, dirty, and half-dried blood on his forehead.

The little girl carefully held up the pastry in her hand and fed it to the boy’s lips, but the boy closed his lips tightly and forcefully raised his hand to push the pastry back to the little girl.

Seeing that the boy refused to eat, the little girl cried anxiously.

“Brother, eat a little bit, eat a little bit,” the boy’s weak voice coaxed.

“The boy’s weak voice coaxed the little girl, “Good boy, you eat, brother does not eat, sister eat.

The boy’s weak voice coaxed the little girl, “Good girl, you eat, brother does not eat, sister eat.” A piece of one-inch-square pastry, but the two children have been refusing.

I walked over and handed the boy another piece, saying, “Don’t push, one for each of you.

“Only then did the two children eat.

When the middle-aged woman in charge saw that I had disappeared, she rushed over to me and asked me if I had any children in mind.

I asked her about the two children, why the boy was wounded, and why he was lying alone on the ground without even a straw mat.

From the woman’s mouth, I learned that these two children, one five and one three years old, were brother and sister, and because their families had all died, the older brother took his younger sister and wandered all the way to Yuzhou, where, because he was hungry, the older brother stole a steamed bun for his younger sister, but he was found out and had his head broken, and was later rescued by a kind person and sent here.

And because stealing is frowned upon, he was ostracized by the other children here.

I brought the two children back to Lanjun Lou and named the older brother Si Jun and the younger sister Si Wen.

The fellows in the building were surprised to see me bring back two children, but after a moment, they sighed with a look of realization and went off to do their work.

After washing up and changing clothes, Siwen pulled Si Jun to stand in front of me, wanting to say something but unable to say anything even though she was red in the face.

I spoke out, “You don’t need to call me mother, I wasn’t your mother in the first place.

I have brought you back today, and I have renamed you just to make it easier for you to be registered in the household registry, so since you have taken my surname, you can call me Auntie.

“Only then did Si Jun lead Si Wen to bow to me in a dignified and courteous manner, “Auntie.

“I asked my friend Xiao Liu to arrange a room for the two children, telling him to take good care of them, and to teach them some skills if Boss Li was free.

I, on the other hand, was busy taking care of the properties that had been neglected recently due to Li Mu Mu’s death.

Good thing, this group of people under my command are useful, because I previously follow the corporate culture of modern enterprises, but also to the fellows to formulate some rules and regulations, so this period of time I do not ask much, basically all the stores are operating well, so that I save a lot of heartache.

Su Qingqing left Yuzhou a year ago with the promotion of the governor.

Originally I was still a little anxious, the guardian spirit is gone, no leg to hold, in case there are people looking for me trouble can be how to do?

But before I could figure out how to get along with the new governor, the new governor came to my door.

Governor adults surnamed Wang, a low-key black piping robe, raven green dark pattern belt, soap-colored buckskin boots, look calm, walk leisurely, with a teenage boy, like a rich and noble idler.

I will welcome Lord Wang into the bamboo word room, good tea and wine, good food and good snacks with the same as no money on the pendulum, and quietly ordered the fellows to go to find Li shopkeeper to prepare a big red packet to prepare for emergencies.

This hand does not hit the smiling face of the people, eat people soft mouth take manpower short, no matter whether there is no use, anyway, the posture must be correct first.

Who knows this Lord Wang raised the corner of his mouth, smiled and said, “Boss Yang do not need to be alarmed, there is no need to please me, today I came, not to collect silver.

Besides, even if you give it, I, Mr. Wang, wouldn’t dare to accept it.” “You’re welcome, Mr. Wang.

“Lord Wang is polite, you are our food and clothing officials, which we do the people’s. Is not filial piety should be.

Isn’t it only right that we should pay our respects?

“My tone of voice is so flattering that even I can’t help but feel a chill.

“Hahahaha, Boss Yang is really funny, I’m not just being polite, I dare say that no matter who is the governor of Yuzhou, no one would dare to mess with you.

” Finished, regardless of my stunned and puzzled, picked up the tea in front of me, to me a toast, I hastily picked up the cup of tea to return the favor, a tilt of the neck to drink dry.

Send away Lord Wang, I did not feel relaxed, during this time I have been openly and secretly inquiring about the original reason, he said that, must be above someone cover me, although I have a few answers in mind, but I am not sure who it is.

Who knows that this Wang adults with a loach general slippery very, half a bit of wind are not through, just keep saying what, both noble people help, do not have to be too obsessive.

I walked back in a daze, thinking about who has the most possibilities.

Without paying attention, I bumped into a small body and knocked down a pile of books.

Sijun repeatedly apologized for his mistake, looking very frightened.

I picked up the books, in addition to the ordinary account book, there is a book of poetry and scripture, it should be the previous preparation for the red apricot sister’s child Dahu, who knows that the boy really deserves his name, tiger head and head, only like to fight boxing sword, once listening to the book will sleep old and fragrant.

I and the red apricot sister tried a few times to read to him, he in addition to the size of the snore, other than the other half of the change, so I and the red apricot sister will be out of let him from the idea of literature, the book will be put on the side of the dust.

I took the book in my hand and asked Si Jun in front of me, “How have you been these past few days?

Did Shopkeeper Li teach you anything?

”Sijun replied with some formality, ”Yes.

Grandpa Li taught me how to read the books, and said that he wanted me to study accounting and management so that I could help out in the store.

“I’m sure that Shopkeeper Li and his staff all thought that I adopted these two children in order to train an heir to help me take care of Lanjun’s business, so it was the best thing to teach them.

I pointed to the book of poems and scriptures and asked, “Can you read these words?

“Sijun nodded her head and said, “Uh-huh.

“Have you studied before?

“Only the Thousand Character Classic. I haven’t finished the Classic yet.” I asked Si Jun, “Can you read?

“I asked Sijun, “Do you want to continue studying?

“At these words, Sijun raised her head sharply, a bright light flashed in her eyes, and she nodded, but then she lowered her head again, shook it, and said, “Sijun doesn’t dare to think about it.

I’m satisfied to be able to follow Grandpa Li and learn the skills.

”Probably experienced too much, that’s why he’s always been like this young and old.”

I touched his head and said with a smile, “Don’t be afraid, since I brought you back, I won’t abandon you again, and I didn’t do it just to let you help me out as a little boy.

You’ve called me aunt, so you should treat me like an aunt, you don’t need to be so formal.

“After a pause, I continued, “Since you like to study, tomorrow I’ll go find you a school and send you to school.

When Siwen reaches the age of enlightenment, I’ll hire a teacher for her.

Don’t worry about the store, just concentrate on your studies,” said Si Jun, her eyes red.

“Si Jun’s eyes were red, but in the end, he was a little man, and only thanked me with a thick nasal voice.

The arrangements for Si Jun’s enrollment were quickly completed, and it was one of the best Wenlu Academy in Yuzhou City, where the First and Second Young Masters had studied in the first place.

I personally made him new clothes, a new book bag, bought new ink, paper and inkstones, and had Xiao Liu personally send him to the academy.

It is like a little young master.

Si Jun is different from the big tiger, quite talented in reading, after enrollment, and hard work, self-discipline, so the learning soared.

In order to let him have a good learning environment, I bought a three into three out of the mansion, with Si Jun Siwen moved in.

Both Sijun and Siwen had their own separate compounds.

I still wasn’t used to buying people as slaves, but just recruited seven or eight grannies and boys to take care of the mansion and SiJun and SiWen as if they were my own.

I give them a generous monthly payment and a lot of benefits, but my family rules are strict, there are those who do not understand the situation will be dismissed immediately.

Therefore, a few times down, the mansion is very harmonious and peaceful, after all, who is not willing to lose a good job with good pay and benefits.

Looking at this mansion, the plaque on the front door has the two big words Yang Fu written on it.

Although it is far from the Lu Mansion, this is the home I gave myself.

It’s quite big and quite rich, I’m quite satisfied.

Time flies like water, and it has been ten years.

Sijun ten years as one day diligently hard work, academic success, twelve years old passed the Xiu Cai, the same as the eldest young master.

However, in my ten years of love and care under the warmth of care, he finally understood that they will not be discarded, gradually changed once the formal nature, although still a old-fashioned, unsmiling look, but it is more than once was a lot of Shu Lang.

I gradually raise a bad habit, always can not help but tease him, sometimes in his reading forgetfulness, have to send a bowl of mung bean soup or lotus seed soup over, forcibly extracted from his book, forcing him to drink the soup before reading.

Sometimes he will be in the house to refresh the incense to help you sleep, so that he can not read two hours on the table to fall asleep.

Sometimes will deliberately pull him to accompany me and Siwen to go hiking and shopping, so that Siwen will play the newly learned songs to him, but also let him comment.

If the review is not good, you have to copy 50 times the Song of Water or 100 times Siwen is the world’s most intelligent, lovely, kind, beautiful and generous girl.

Of course, every time he chose the former, Siwen would stare at his brother and make trouble while he was copying.

In the face of our mischief, every time Si Jun would smile helplessly, complain symbolically for a couple of seconds, and then continue to cooperate with our next prank.

As for Siwen, I never thought of training her to be a new age young woman, but instead hired her a seer, a female teacher, to teach her to read and write, the qin, chess, calligraphy, and painting, housekeeping and governing, and other skills learned by women in ancient times.

She was only told that as a woman, she should learn to love herself first, so that someone will love you and deserve to be loved.

Red apricot sister’s eldest son Dahu continue to play boxing and swordplay, and later worship a master, but more and more decent.

The second daughter RuiXi with SiWen similar age, study together, the two little sister affection is very good.

The third son of Tingwen like quiet and not like to move, but in the reading seems to have no talent, but on the contrary, especially interested in accounting, so after a few years of reading the book followed Li shopkeeper.

Autumn and spring, summer and winter, in the blink of an eye, Sijun has been 18 years old.

Sword eyebrow and starry eyes, high nose, thin lips pursed, to where one stop is the focus of the crowd, the temperament of the clean and elegant dust, the stature of Ang Xuan straight, acting more and more stable, thoughtful and appropriate.

In a few days, Sijun will also go to the capital to catch the examination.

Xiao Liu sent a bunch of good cashmere wool, I pulled the red apricot sister, made two pairs of cashmere knee pads and elbow pads, but also sewed two large and thick, soft and warm cloth bag.

Lanjun Clothier took my order and also suspended some business, and stepped up sewing their new clothes for Sijun.

In addition to the two boys and fellows Xiao Liu, I let Dahu accompanied Si Jun to the capital, one to protect the safety of Si Jun, two also to see the world.

This time, I sent Si Jun to the ferry.

Siwen support me, tears in my eyes, looking at Si Jun, thinking about the children have been raised around to leave their own to go to such a faraway place, but also have a kind of nestlings grow up out of the nest feeling.

I instructed the boy to take good care of Si Jun’s clothing, food, housing and transportation, not cold, hot, thirsty and hungry, instructed Dahu to pay attention to the safety of the thieves, not to be brave, the safety of the most important, and repeatedly instructed Si Jun to take care of the body, do not bump into, not to mention not to get sick.

The pressure should not be too great, just do your best, the big deal is to come back next time is …… Sijun eyes have wet, patiently listening to my nagging, lowered his head, whispered back, “child remembered, mother.

” I was stunned in place, “You, what did you call me?

”Sijun pulled Siwen over, and in front of Hongxing sister and her wife, Shopkeeper Li and other relatives and friends, with Siwen, solemnly bowed to me and knelt down and said, ”Mother is above, accept the child’s worship! Then he kowtowed three times to me.

“You have worked hard for many years to raise my brother and sister, treating us as if we were your own, teaching us with care, never demanding, never indulging, only thinking of us, more than our own parents.

If it were not for you, my sister and I would not be here today, not to mention reading and writing, and obtaining a title, I’m afraid that we would not be able to take care of our food and our lives.

Although you are not our biological mother, but in our hearts, you have long been my mother.

“Children go, high mountains and long distances, a few months, I hope that your mother take care of your health, morning and evening clothing, regular meals, do not crave cold, do not worry, do not miss, children will do their best to shine the lintel of the Yang family.

“Then he said to Siwen, “Sister, you have grown up, I will go away for a few months, take good care of your mother.

“Siwen, with red eyes, replied, “Yes, brother, Siwen knows.

Don’t worry, I will take good care of mother.

”After saying goodbye one by one, he boarded the ferry and waved his hand and left.

A few days after Si Jun’s departure, I was a bit uncomfortable without the sound of his constant reading in the study.

Siwen, on the other hand, stayed with me day after day, comforting me and teasing me from time to time, “Mother, are you thinking of your brother again?

It’s only been a few days and you’re already thinking about him like this. Have you forgotten that I’m still with you?

I’m more attractive than my brother, that stuffy old scholar, aren’t I?

“I laughed and pinched her face, “You little girl.

Now you’re still badmouthing your brother, you little heartless thing.

“Siwen, however, did not think, on the contrary, more complacent, “The truth is, I was originally more well-behaved than my brother cute and inviting.

Mother, it is said that distance produces beauty, you can’t think that my brother is beautiful just because he is far away now, and you don’t think that I am beautiful anymore.

” Said also intentionally pouted and spat out his tongue.

I couldn’t help but spoil her by saying “You’re beautiful, you’re beautiful, Siwen is the most beautiful.

” After Siwen spat on his brother for the umpteenth time, had her nose scratched n times by me, and called her little ninny dozens of times, news came from Sijun.

“News, ma’am, great joy, great joy.

Young master, young master won, won, high school!” The boy who came to report the news ran all the way into the courtyard, unable to catch his breath.

“Calm down, speak slowly and carefully,” I said anxiously.

“I said in a hurry.

“Fatty, Mrs. Fatty, the young master has won three places in the first grade, and he has won the tanning hair, and he has won the tanning hair.

“I couldn’t care less, I asked, “Really?

What about the young master?

When will he be back?

“The boy finally caught his breath and replied, “Of course, the official’s report is already on its way, the stagecoach will be the first to arrive, and the young master will have to wait a few days before returning home to receive his gift.

“I am anxious, “Since the people are on their way, don’t quickly go to prepare thank you gifts, firecrackers, red silk.

“Eh, eh, eh, eh, I’ll go now.” The boy ran out again.

“The little man dashed out again.

I secretly said, really tired, in a while I have to give him more reward money.

Siwen was happy to hear, not waiting for me to arrange, commanded the family’s granny boy busy, clean up the front hall, ready to receive matters, to go to the red apricot sister’s place to send a message to report good news, piles and pieces, Siwen arranged in an orderly manner.

I am also happy to be free, let Siwen go busy.

My family has a daughter who is growing up.

Since then, the door to propose marriage matchmakers are naturally endless, once disliked me first slave birth, and then is a woman of the merchant family, the appearance of unseemly local families even interested in my marriage, but preferred the second daughter of the family or the clan women only.

I naturally refused, to Si Jun is not my biological, marriage matters I can not make the decision, but also to his personal nod for the reason that the matchmakers are rejected.

After waiting for a few more days, even Siwen reflexively asked when she heard the sound of the news, “Are those annoying matchmakers here again?

They’re so annoying.

‘ Sijun rode on a high horse, wearing a big red robe and a big red flower, all the way the officials opened the road, blowing and blowing, just like a groom welcoming a bridegroom.

At the entrance of Yang’s house, the crowd of people who came to see the bridegroom was crowded with people and it was very lively.

Si Jun dismounted in front of the door, I was about to go to meet him, but he lifted the hem of his coat, kneeling in front of me.

The crowd was instantly quiet, and only the clear words of Si Jun reached my ears, “Mother, I went to the capital to take the examination, and was honored by the saint’s love, and was appointed as one of the three, and fortunately did not dishonor the Yang family lintel, and this time I returned, and especially kowtowed to thank my mother for her nurturing and teaching.

“A mother, a Yang family, this move is in front of the crowd to show my identity, declared his attitude position.

The crowd was silent, a few moments later there were whispers, and then the shouts were loud and clear, shouting out the name of Tang Hualang.

As for after everyone praised to the filial piety to the true flower groom, success does not forget the mother’s grace, the teahouse storyteller will be compiled into a book to say with the crowd to listen to, this is all a later story.

I let Sijun first rest, and do not rush to ask, to the evening, only the matchmaker door to propose marriage with him to listen to the matter.

Si Jun said, “I expected it.

“I asked, “Then you have any idea, can have a favorite woman, if so, mother can go to the door for you to ask for marriage.

“Sijun pursed her lips, lowered her eyelids, thinking and did not answer, her face seems to have a blush.

My heart moved, asked, “It seems to be really have a sweetheart ah.

Don’t be embarrassed, tell me.

“I see him silent, thought it is which family is not good women, so added,” you can rest assured, as long as it is your favorite, family history and so on are not important, mother does not care, as long as the girl is good, treat you well, even if it is a maid peasant girl, mother also for you to seek.

Don’t worry about what other people say, we live our own lives, as long as we are comfortable and happy, it’s better than anything else.

“When Sijun heard this, he raised his head and shook it vigorously, “Mother has misunderstood, I wanted to talk to you about this, but I was just thinking about how to tell you.

“He then narrated to me, originally, after he entered the capital, a chance, was a big person appreciation, invited him into the house to prepare for the examination, during the period to give him a lot of guidance to help.

When he was in the House, he met a beautiful girl, the girl was alone, trying to climb the branches of the spring plums, but how can not reach the small body short, he will help a little.

The girl thanked Sijun, will embrace the plum blossom away, but she looked to the plum blossom of the eyes gentle like water, like a little spring waves rippled his heart.

However, he was in someone else’s house, not good to rashly inquire about the woman, although the heart of the relatives, but also can only sigh a karmic no points.

Who knows, after his high school, the adults actually intend to the first daughter of the family betrothed to him.

He could not refuse, so he said that the marriage matters, need to report to the mother before making a decision.

His Excellency said that this should be the case, but since he was in the house, he might as well see and go back to tell his mother about it.

Adults call the daughter called, to see the woman’s appearance, Si Jun actually froze for a moment, the woman, it is the girl who folded the plum.

Si Jun was a little embarrassed and said to me, “Mother, my son does have a heart.

Just this Miss Lu is the only daughter of Lord Lu, but also Mrs. Lu’s only out of the identity of the noble, although the son is a flower scout, but ultimately is a high climber, so I also want to ask the mother’s intention.

“You, what did you say her last name was?


“I didn’t hear the rest of what Sijun said, but only froze after I heard Lord Lu, the capital, the big man, the only daughter, surnamed Lu, could it be a coincidence?

Sijun wondered about my reaction, but also answered seriously, “It is the surname Lu, my son is talking about none other than the current Counselor of Government, Lord Lu Wenjun, Lord Lu.

Coincidentally, Lord Lu is also a native of Yuzhou, and has been in Yuzhou since he was a child…….” Here, Sijun suddenly stopped and asked carefully, “Mother?

This Lord Lu, is he an old acquaintance of yours?

” I suddenly remembered the song Song of Water and Song of Songs from many years ago, which I cut out and burned the inscription, Wenjun left.

10 I pondered for a long time, looking at Wenjun that pair of good-looking eyes flickering with apprehension, ultimately intolerant, just, some people and some things some destiny, ultimately, not to avoid can be avoided.

I smiled, touched his head, like when he was a child, softly said to him, “Since you like, naturally my mother has no objections, but, after all, this Miss Lu is a golden girl, you can not fail her.

“Sijun returned,” Mother rest assured, I have married her, this life will certainly not fail her.

“I will take care of things at home, letting Tingwen help me look after the family business, and then took Siwen and Sijun to the capital together.

RuiXi pulled SiWen’s hand, looking reluctant to part, and TingWen also looked at us, not saying a word.

After saying goodbye to me, Sister Hong Xing repeatedly nagged Dahu to be smart, to protect our safety.

Dahu was nagged to give Si Jun and I a look to save our lives.

I smiled and stopped Sister Hong Xing’s nagging and took them away by boat.

The capital city treasure land, inch of land, before entering the capital, I dealt with some properties, and brought almost all the belongings, finally is in this place to buy a three into the mansion, but also well decorated a lot.

After everything is done, I let Sijun take me to the Lu residence to propose marriage.

Lu House is located in the inner city, close to the Imperial City, the location is quite good, dark-colored door low-key not show, into the interior but there is something else.

The entrance of the Tarzan stone screen, marble carved floor, jade inlaid flower table edge, nine corridors connecting the various courtyards, the eaves carved flowers, plants, insects and fish life-like, all the rockery flowers and trees in a patchwork, more noble and elegant than Yuzhou’s Lu House.

Mrs. Lu’s Meimei did not guide me to the reception hall, but brought me to the main hall of the main courtyard.

As soon as I took my seat, I saw a woman with a very white complexion and a very beautiful but weak body, sitting on top of the main seat, followed by two women dressed in a decent manner, standing respectfully on both sides.

The woman in the middle of this is not to say, naturally is Mrs. Lu undoubtedly, this next to two people, looks not bad, not like subordinates, but very respectful to the lady, and look very familiar.

I looked carefully, but saw them also secretly look at me.

Although my memory is not very good, but at this moment also recognized them, they are the two, is when I left the house before the young master sent to the side of Du Yu and Zi Cuckoo.

Old friends meeting each other, but not being able to exchange pleasantries and greetings.

I don’t know what Mrs. Lu intends to do with this move, but I also unconsciously raised my spirits to deal with it.

Mrs. Lu’s health was not very good, and after sitting down to smooth out her breath, she picked up the tea and greeted me, “Mrs. Yang, please.

“I picked up the tea and took a sip and said, “Thank you, ma’am, it’s really good tea.

“Cough,” Mrs. Lu coughed twice and said, “Mrs. Yang must be here for the child’s marriage.

“Back to Mrs., exactly, I heard that your daughter is dignified and intelligent, so I came to ask for marriage.

Although the child is stupid, but also read some books, quite appreciated by the official, I hope that Mrs. can consider more.

I said, “I returned.

Mrs. Lu heard, gently waved her hand, said, “Mrs. Yang you are welcome, this marriage is the master’s own words, I have no opinion, today you come is just a passing phase, these words do not need to be said.

“Words are not finished, and two coughs, a mouthful of tea, continued, “I only have a daughter on my knees, naturally, is a lot of love, it is inevitable that some of the pampered.

In the future, if you marry your wife, if there is something wrong, I hope you will be more patient.

“The more she said, the more sincere she was, the more humble she became.

A senator’s wife, but for their own daughters so humble to me this merchant, I can not help but be a little moved, I looked at her, and looked at Du Yu and Zi Cuckoo, Du Yu gently nodded with me.

I Lu lady back to say, “lady and don’t worry, I will treat your daughter as my own daughter to love.

I also promise you, unless she is childless for seven years, I will never take a concubine without meaning to.

“Mrs. Lu’s eyes reddened when she heard this.

I secretly said, if not for the ancient custom of eating a dead family, what’s the harm in having no children in one’s life?

Alas, this era for women, after all, is unfair.

After chatting with Mrs. Lu about marriage, I wanted to leave.

But Mrs. Lu said to me, “I should have sent you off, but my body is not strong enough for the wind.

“Then she pointed to Du Yu and Zi Cuckoo and said, “Let Little Miss Du and Little Miss Cuckoo see you off for me.

“Du Yu and Zi Cuckoo respectfully said, “Yes.

“Du Yu and Zi Cuckoo accompanied me out, finally had a chance to talk to them.

As we walked and talked, when I first brought them together, I treated them as if they were my younger sisters, and now that we’ve met, I couldn’t wait to ask, “How have you guys been doing all these years?

Has the young master treated you well?

And how is the wife?

I’ve heard that you’ve both given birth to children, how are they?

“Du Yu and Zi Cuckoo looked at each other, then at me, and then laughed softly.

Du Yu reached out to me and said, “Sister Zi Gui, don’t worry, we’re both doing very well.

The young master, no, now it is the master, he has been indifferent to anyone over the years, even the lady is as respectful as a guest, although we can not talk about how much favor, but over the years, in addition to the two of us, the master has never taken another concubine, the decency to give us both have.

“And the lady, although the body is weak, but in the end is the first daughter of the family origin, know the books and manners, the temperament is extraordinary, to us and the children have not been harsh.

” Zi Cuckoo took over Du Yu’s words and continued.

“That’s good, that’s good.

” I held both of their hands, and my eyes blurred a bit.

As we were talking, we suddenly heard a clamor in the distance.

When I looked over, I saw two handsome boys, one in a blue shirt and the other in a green shirt, both full of joy, talking and laughing.

As I was curious, the two children walked up to us, and when they saw Du Yu and Zi Cuan, they greeted us politely, “Hello, Aunt Du, hello, Aunt Cuan.

‘ Du Yu introduced me to them and then greeted me again.

Only then did he walk forward.

Du Yu told me that the man in the blue shirt was her child, named Lu Si Gui, but because the lady had nothing to give birth to, it was put under the lady’s name at birth.

The man in the blue shirt is the second young master’s eldest son, called Lu Zihan.

As we talked, we walked out, and when we passed the garden, a fresh breeze blew by, and a fresh orchid fragrance hit our noses.

I smiled and said, “I didn’t expect to see so many orchids in this capital, the Lu family is really a scholarly family.

“Du Yu said, “Today’s weather is good, it should be the boy who moved the orchids in the flower room out to bask in the sun again.

This orchid is the master’s favorite, or many years ago, the master personally brought back from Yuzhou, listening to Zhang Sheng said, is the master’s late gift, so many years, even a flower pot did not bother to change.

I don’t know who this old man is, but he’s so valued by the master.” “I know, Zigui.

“I know you love orchids, do you want to go and take a look?

“I replied, “No, since it’s so dear to the master’s heart, I can’t take the liberty.

I’d better go back and tell my family about the wedding.

You two take care of yourselves.

”Sijun’s wedding is scheduled for the mid-summer month, the day of hope.

The wedding was well prepared, and I even invited Sister Hong Xing’s family to the capital to observe the ceremony, asking them to bring along the cook and pastry chef from Lanjun House.

Wedding day, the entire mansion is full of red, red silk red happy red lanterns hanging all over the yard, red carpet from the main hall to the main door.

Si Jun dressed in red wedding clothes, riding a high horse, leading the eight-carried sedan chair joyfully to pick up the bride, the streets are crowded with people, crowded to see the crowd.

I let people prepare a basket of coins, scattered to the children and beggars, add some joy.

Bride covered with a red head, the body curls, I sat in the main seat, in the crowd envy blessing in the eyes, frankly by the newcomer’s gift.

Time flies.

Back then, on the day of the young master’s wedding, I left the Lu Mansion.

In the blink of an eye, the eldest young master and I were both parents, and had even become in-laws with him.

The day after the wedding, Sijun led his new daughter-in-law, Lu Nian, to offer me tea.

“Mother-in-law, my daughter-in-law is here to offer you tea.

“I took the tea, took a sip, slipped her a red packet, and pulled her around to look at her.

Lu Nian looks extremely beautiful, seven points like his mother, inherited Mrs. Lu’s stunning face, only a pair of eyes like Lord Lu.

However, unlike his father’s eyes calm and introverted, but more a few points of spirit and innocence.

I pulled up her hand, a jade bracelet in my hand slipped into her hand, she resigned refused to accept, I said, “Niannian, mother died early, is not a great lady, naturally there is no heirloom for the daughter-in-law.

This bracelet, but in the early years of the mother of an elder gift, not more expensive, all as a remembrance.

“Lu Nian looked at Sijun, Sijun gently nodded, which was accepted.

Perhaps due to his mother’s frail health and lack of children, Lu Nian seemed to be a bit of a mess when he first came to the Yang residence.

When she first came to the Yang residence, Lu Nian seemed a bit nervous and uneasy.

I really like this daughter-in-law, Sijun busy, I let Siwen take her to play around, or to go to the outskirts of the capital to climb the mountains and enjoy the flowers, or go to the street to buy buy.

In the end is just a teenage girl, just a few days, it seems to be a different person in general, the whole person lively a lot.

One day, I am leading Siwen and Nian Nian in the garden to orchids, housekeeper hurriedly came to report, said that someone came to the Miss proposing marriage, also said that it is my late friend.

I’ve been thinking about Siwen’s marriage since Sijun’s wedding. Originally, I was going to go back to Yuzhou and find a family I knew that was clean, but now that Sijun is an official in the capital, it’s inevitable that my flesh and blood will be separated if I go back to Yuzhou.

But if we were to go back to the capital to propose marriage, we wouldn’t be familiar with the place, and it would be difficult to find out the truth about the other party with only the mouth of the matchmaker, so if the wrong people took advantage of us, it would be a mistake for Siwen’s whole life.

At this moment, I heard that someone came to the door to propose marriage, or the old days, I do not dare to be slow, and hurriedly changed clothes to go out.

As soon as I entered the main hall, I heard a familiar voice and a long-lost name, “Xiao Gui Gui, it’s been a long time.

“Who else is it if not Su Qingqing.

I rolled my eyes in disgust and said to her, “Be a little more restrained, there are still people around.

Only then did she stop laughing, “Right, we’re here to do something big today.” She said, nudging the person next to her.

” She said, and pushed the two people next to her.

One is the second young master, Mr. Lu, and the other is the young man I saw in the Lu family’s garden that day, called Lu Zihan, who seems to be Mr. Lu’s son.

I looked at Mr. Lu, I haven’t seen him for many years, his face has not been stained by frost, even his hair has not gone white, he has just renewed his beard, slightly more stable.

I bowed and said, “Good day, Mr. Lu.

“He clasped his fists and said, “Zi Gui, it’s been a long time.

“To be greeted one by one after taking a seat, and Su Qingqing was the first to speak, “small rules rules, today we come but have a serious business, you see this young man, look handsome, right, learning is also first-class, the examination is only a matter of time.

I have seen your girl once in the suburbs of the capital a few days ago, she is good-looking, her temperament is also good, and I heard Nian’er say that she is also very good.

How about marrying your girl to my great-nephew?

“I was already a little surprised why Su Qingqing and Mr. Lu came together, so I couldn’t help but say, “Wait, nephew?

You guys?

This ……” Su Qingqing pointed at Mr. Lu and said, “My mother and his mother is a sister, he is my cousin, his son is not my nephew,” this time it was my turn to stare.

“This time it is my turn to be dumbfounded.

No wonder when Su Qingqing, a high-ranking lady to do with me as a sister, I’m afraid that there is more or less a relationship with the Lu family.

Mr. Lu opened his mouth and said, “Zi Gui, my son has brought, you see if you and your girl’s eyes, if so, the marriage will be finalized.

If you can, we’ll settle the marriage.” Was he that direct?

Seeing that I was still hesitant, he spoke again, “What, is it possible that you don’t like my son?

“I hurriedly waved my hands.

“Are you worried that your daughter will be wronged if she marries here?

Are you afraid that people will look down on her as a woman from a small family?

I’d say you’ve hit the nail on the head.”

But on his face, he still smiled and replied, “No, I’m not.

“Seeing this, Mr. Lu gave his son a wink, and Lu Zihan got up and bowed to me, “Don’t worry, ma’am, if I hire Siwen as my wife, I will protect her, love her, and respect her, and won’t allow her to suffer a bit of wrongdoing, and will never allow her to be harmed in the slightest.

“I see Lu Zihan’s face is solemn, sincere words, does not seem to be false.

I’m just curious, the two of them have never met, how can they be so sincere?

Su Qingqing saw me puzzled, hemmed and hawed and said, “That day in the suburbs of the capital, Zihan was also there.

“Uh …… together with my pair of children have been counted by you two brothers to the clear.

I couldn’t help but glare at Mr. Lu.

Mr. Lu touched his nose, somewhat embarrassed.

“Zi Gui, let’s not talk about other things, I’ve come here, do you see this marriage?

”Looking at Zi Han’s eyes full of anticipation, his heart could not bear it, he took a deep breath and said, ”Although I am Siwen’s mother, but I have always been unwilling to force them in matters of marriage, this marriage, must be nodded by Siwen himself.”

“Su Qingqing and Mr. Lu is not a pedantic person, a look at the play, and said, anyway, people have come, let the two children to see a side, if they see each other in the right eyes, the marriage will be finalized.

I naturally have nothing to say, only let the housekeeper will gazebo arrangement, let them go to the gazebo to see a side.

Siwen this girl, was raised by me for more than ten years, the nature of the never twisted, generous to go to the gazebo.

I do not know what the two talked about, only to hear a burst of laughter from time to time, Su Qingqing and Lu Gongzi naturally happy, I just feel that I have worked so hard to raise so many years of good cabbage was arched away.

Siwen’s impression of Zihan is quite favorable, saying that Zihan is calm, knowledgeable, kind-hearted, and thoughtful, meticulous, and patient, which makes him a good match.

Therefore, the year after Si Jun’s marriage, my Si Wen was also getting married.

Siwen’s wedding date was set for the following March in the spring, and when the wedding date was set, I immediately made preparations for her wedding.

Siwen’s wedding dress is my personal design, large red brocade, drape very good and not lose the sense of flow, embroidered with peonies on the cape, embroidered on the jacket with even more than the wings, the skirt embroidered with the blossoms, cape embroidered with gold embroidery on the clouds, and then embroidered with special red silk thread on the auspicious words and phrases in all places, if you do not look closely is not to see those words, only in the sunlight can be revealed one or two.

I let all the embroiderers in Lanjun Clothing Workshop stop their work and concentrate on embroidering the wedding dress, which took half a year to make.

After two lifetimes of living, I never got to wear my own dowry, so I could only place all my expectations and desires on Siwen.

On the day she got married, Siwen’s wedding dress was a sensation in the whole city, and it also accidentally made Lanjun Clothing Workshop famous in the capital.

I saved Li MuMu for my dowry box and one-third of Lanjun’s property to SiWen as a dowry, which was also planned a long time ago.

A long time ago, I divided Lanjun’s property into three, one for Sijun to get married, one for Siwen to make a dowry, the remaining one, one-third for my own old age, one-third for Hongxing’s sister’s three children, and the rest was used to accumulate virtues and do good deeds, to add supplies to the CiYu Bureau for the elderly and the weak, to reinforce the riverbanks for the farmers in the beginning of the spring, to pay for the repair of bridges and roads in normal times, and to set up a shed to give congee in years of disaster, and to do more good deeds in this life, wishing that I could meet him again in the next life. I wish I could meet him again in the next life and make up for all my regrets.

Siwen’s dowry, loaded with a full one hundred and twenty carries, spread all over the street, very spectacular.

With all these properties, and with what I had taught her since she was a child, if Zihan did not treat her well, she would have a safe and smooth life.

Facts have proved that my consideration is really superfluous, Siwen married, with Zihan very love, a succession of four sons, plus Nian Nian and Si Jun’s two sons and a daughter, these little children to the old me noisy, but also love.

Unexpectedly, that year accidentally crossed into a small maid, decades later, can also enjoy this children and grandchildren around the knees of the joy of heaven.

In the late spring of the year I was fifty-eight years old, I was in the yard to the orchids divided, divided divided backward and fell, behind that a poplar tree was hit by me fall colorful.

Si Jun and Si Wen were at my bedside with their children, the doctor took my pulse, shook his head and sighed, “The old madam has labored for many years, and after many years of worry and anxiety, her mind has failed, and now she is already running out of gas.

”Si Wen and Si Jun cried at the same time and pulled the doctor’s hand, pleading with the doctor to cure me.

I called out to them, “Why, how old are you two? Why are you still acting like children in front of the children?

” Siwen tears fall like a string of beads, “mother ……” Sijun also tears like rain.

I took their hands, “Do not cry, listen to me.

Mother this life, have you two good children, worth it.

Parents are here, there is still a place to come in life, parents go, this life is only the way back, from now on, only you two to support each other.

Your Aunt Hong Xing’s family are all very good people. When you return to Yu Zhou in the future, remember to visit her.

“I waved my hand for Nian Nian and Zi Han to come over, I stared at their eyebrows for a long time, “You two are very good, very good, just ……” Before I finished my words, I suddenly went into a trance, after a while, I saw a man in front of me reaching out to me, he was wearing a white T-shirt and black pants, with an ice cream in one of his hands, “Yuan, I’ve come to pick you up! I’m here to pick you up.

“I smiled and held out my hand to him, “Yang Wenjun, you’re finally here, I’ve been waiting for you for a long time.

“The poplar tree in the courtyard dropped its last flower that spring.

Afterword: It is said that on the day Yang Shangshu’s mother passed away, there stood an extraordinary old man at the corner of Yang’s house, holding a pot of orchid, which was very well kept, but the pot was old and out of shape.

The old man holding the orchid, has been looking at the door of the Yang residence, a curious person approached, vaguely heard him say, so, you think is not me.

On the same day, the capital’s most famous Lanjun restaurant in the Lan character room, an elegant handsome old man, ordered all the dim sum in the restaurant, drunk, sometimes crying sometimes laughing, sometimes murmuring, next life, I want to meet you earlier.

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