Why does the Six-Eared Kiwi have a “random iron soldier” that looks so much like the “Golden Hoop of Will”?

Why did the Six-Eared Macaque have the “Iron Soldier of the Heart”, which is so similar to the “Golden Hoop Rod of Ruyi”? The Good Fortune Boy of Putuo Island in the South China Sea died.

He died under the Three Flavors Fire, his body was scorched and turned into black skeleton, and when his body was sent back to Ling Shan Buddha Kingdom, he was almost unrecognizable from his original appearance.

“Was it the work of that demon?

“Rulai asked.

Goddess of Mercy joined her hands and stepped forward: “Exactly.

I heard that the war in the mortal world, that the demon pretending to be a saint, scourge of a party, the poor monks can not bear to see the people sinking and suffering, so let the good fortune and Hui Bank down to the earth to subdue the demon, unexpectedly ……” “Hui Bank now where?

“Waiting outside the temple.

Because he has lost his mind and fallen into madness, he does not dare to disturb the purity of the spiritual mountain.

I’m not sure if I’m going to be able to do that.” “Come here.

“All of them saw a mad monkey, dancing with his hands and holding a golden rod, fighting with himself.

Before long, a cowering young monk was introduced into the temple by Vajra.

The monk was bloodstained, his eyes were lifeless, and he was almost curled up in a ball, shivering.

Low murmuring voices came from the old Buddha Bodhisattvas on both sides.

Not only because of seeing the former shrewd and capable Hui Bank into this kind of appearance, but also because he is the second son of the Heavenly Court Tota Li Tian Wang, teacher following Guanyin for many years, now fell into this kind of end, inevitably to Li Jing difficult to account for.

Rulai looked carefully, sighed: “three souls and seven souls are gone, this son has been ruined.

” He pinched a magic seal, Hui Bank body swings out of the golden Brahma singing Buddha light, blood stains gradually faded clean, the face also calm, vaguely restored the shadow of the past.

“I searched through your residual divine consciousness with great magic power, and only got a moment of returning light, Huishi, do you have anything to say?

” Hui Bank looked blankly at Rulai, suddenly a flash of horror swept through his eyes, his lips trembled, slowly spit out three words.

“Red …… child ……” The remaining voice has not fallen, Hui Bank body soft, collapsed on the ground, has been no breath.

Spirit Mountain treasure hall above, a moment of silence can hear the needle.

2 When the old ox knew about this matter, three days had already passed.

He was sitting on a stone bench in the pavilion, and a small thin monk sat down to play chess.

He was in charge of the black, the chess situation killing decisive, wide open, has already killed the other side of the seven pieces.

“Big Brother, after so many years of recluse Buddhism, still the hostility has not diminished.

” The thin monk whispered.

The voice was old and tired, with a deep twilight.

The old bull laughed loudly, stroked his palm and said: “Do you think anyone can be like you, really converted to Buddhism, it is completely changed like a person?

” is about to say again, the door hurriedly ran to a servant boy, look Zhang Huang, face pale, to the old bull’s ear, whispered a few words.

The old ox’s smile immediately froze on his face.

After a long time, he stared at the skinny monk and asked word by word: “You know, don’t you?

” The skinny monk didn’t say anything, only his body seemed to hunch over a few more points.

“You know that my son …… my son died tragically, yes or no?

” The old bull roared, a stone table overturned on the ground, black and white seeds splashed that monk, and crackled on the ground.

That monk still didn’t open his mouth.

“Good, good, good …… good you monkey, good you Fighting Buddha ……” The old bull slowly stood up.

Sitting down when still do not feel, so one stop, his body of tall and sturdy, when it really seems like the top of the sky and the ground, “when you and I were brothers, and later to take the scriptures on the road, you do not think of the old feelings, painfully cruel, will be forced to my family to the Western Spirit Mountain, but I do not take into account the former suspicion, but also would like to recognize you as a brother, do you know why?

“The skinny monk finally spoke up: “It is because the child has achieved the right fruit and practiced enlightenment, right?

“Not bad!” The old bull’s angry eyes steeply open, halberd finger scolded, “I Pingtian Da Sheng a moment demon king, free and easy, now trapped in the Buddha, hey, to put it nicely is to convert, to put it bluntly, and prisoners have what difference?

But even if the green light of the ancient Buddha, idle tea and vegetables, I also endure, only because of my holy baby child achievement of the right way, I this when the father, the heart is happy, happy ah …… ” his voice is getting lower and lower, his face is also more and more hideous up.

“But what about now?

You tell me, now what!” He said to the hate, backhand punch, behind the lacquered red carving columns to interrupt the waist, that pavilion suddenly collapsed.

Among the dust of the ruins all over the ground, he slowly walked out, the cloth clothes and grass shoes on his body faded away one by one without a trace, the iron hoof boots, the animal face ring armor, the skeleton chain, the big red cape …… of the Buddhist practice of the Ox Dweller disappeared, and he changed back to the one hundred years ago to terrify the world, the invincible Pingtian Great Sage Powerful Ox Demon King! Bull Demon King waved his hand, the cooked copper beast tooth wolf tooth stick that accompanied him for a thousand years appeared in his hand, he pointed at the thin monk sitting still in the ruins and coldly said, “Monkey, there is no need to act out the drama of the deepest love for a wide range of people.

Hundred years have not seen, I also said that you came today, really miss me as a brother …… Say it, what did you come to do?

“The skinny monk whispered: “If it is to persuade you not to take revenge for the child, can you agree?

” “Bah!” A clear voice rang out with strong hatred.

Princess Iron Fan, holding a banana fan, appeared behind King Bull Demon, ”Sun Monkey, do you still have the face to talk to my couple?

” King Bull Demon fiercely stomped his foot, this huge manor with a radius of a hundred miles suddenly turned into an illusory bubble and slowly faded away.

Only see that the deserted countryside ancient trees, strange stone old crows, is actually the barbaric land of the extreme west, the sky yellow sand rolled up, more desolate.

He no longer look at the skinny monk a glance, from the pocket took out a red stone, five fingers force, the stone suddenly turned into powder, floating scattered in the air.

“From now on, the seven saints of the love of friendship, grace and righteousness is severed.

If you and I meet again, we will be enemies in life and death.” He let out a long whistle to the sky.

” He looked up to the sky and let out a long whistle, the air was distorted, and the Golden Eye Beast hissed loudly and drilled out from the whirlpool.

Bull Demon King cross sit up, a pull iron fan sat behind, two people a ride in a flash disappeared in the end of the sky.

Skinny monk as if obsessed also like, sitting still, looking at the back of the two far away, a long time without saying anything.

Monk robes under the palm, holding a hot red stone, I do not know how long, the corner of the eye shed two lines of tears.

  1. King Bull Demon died.

Died on the scorched earth of the 800-mile Flaming Mountain, his chest was penetrated by a pair of animal horns, and his eyes were wide open with disbelief before he died.

Princess Iron Fan died by his side, dry, no longer a trace of flesh and blood under the skin, as if by the Kunlun Mountains at the foot of the north wind blowing over the general.

  1. In the Temple of the Heavenly Palace, the Jade Emperor dismissed his left and right, and summoned Laojun alone.

“Your Majesty, is this about the demon?

“The Jade Emperor’s face showed a strong color of worry and sighed, “Exactly.

Now the earth is in chaos, and that demon, with his infinite power, has set himself up as a saint, and the people are so ignorant that they all worship him.

Nine times out of ten, the incense on earth has been enjoyed by him, and if this continues, I am afraid that the foundation of the Heavenly Court will be destroyed.

“Has Your Majesty ever sent your generals to get rid of the demons?

“The Jade Emperor smiled to himself, “Why not?

Laojun knows the number of the Three Principles and the six realms of yin and yang, so don’t play this game with me.

“Laojun smiled and sighed, “The twenty-eight constellations, the father and son of the Heavenly King, the thirty-six Thunder Gods, and the one hundred thousand heavenly soldiers and generals have all been defeated, haven’t they?

” “It is true as Laojun sees it.

‘ The Jade Emperor let out a bitter smile.

“I know about Your Majesty, but Your Majesty probably doesn’t know about the Toutiao Palace.

“Laojun said.

“The Toutiao Palace is in the 33rd Heaven, what could it be about?

“The Jade Emperor was stunned.

The Old Monarch swept his duster, put up one palm, and said respectfully, “I was about to report to Your Majesty.

Yesterday, I went to East China Emperor’s appointment, did not mean that the Toutiao Palace actually broke into the demon, I came back, see Dan Pills holy water are all undamaged, six ding divine fire and gossip heavenly furnace is also unharmed, only I that gold and silver two chief children for the protection of the Palace of Martyrs, gold children into a pus puddle, silver children, limbs broken, hundred skeletons are scattered, seems to be the mountains of the general pressure of the death of the life.

“Gold and silver children?

” Jade Emperor frowned, suddenly as if he remembered something, asked out of breath, “Could it be that the one-horned green bull ……” Laojun face did not see joy and anger, said: “As expected by your majesty.

I that the green ox disappeared, the ox palace without half some traces of fighting, as …… well as “as was included in the diamond facets in general.

“The roc has lost half of its wings, and the breaks are bloody, as if it had been torn off with bare hands.

The Black Bear Spirit was holding a steel spear and his eyes were wide with anger.

Putuo dojo purple bamboo forest in the small pool has been blood stained red, a goldfish floating on the water surface, motionless, life and death do not know.

At the edge of the pool lay a golden furred beast, half charred and black, half scarred, gasping lowly for air, between one breath and one inhalation, blood kept flowing out of its throat.

Opposite them, stood a young scholar, standing with his arms folded, a faint smile on his face.

“Roc, it will be your turn soon, so why come early to die?

”Dapeng exuded a brutal and hostile aura, and said grimly: ”What kind of person are you?

“Who are you?

Isn’t it the demon you’ve been looking for so hard?

” The scholar giggled, backhand shook open a white paper folding fan, written on the “Demon Sect” two words, ink dripping, the force of the pen domineering and wild, wanting to break the paper and out.

He laughed: “Goddess of Mercy went down to find me, but I do not know that I miss her Purple Bamboo Forest in Putuo Mountain for a long time.

Black bear warrior, inspiration king, golden hair roar …… plus the good fortune child before.

Hey, hey, here is a piece of Feng Shui treasure land for you traitors.

I wanted to clean you first, but did not expect, even the golden winged roc eagle also sent to the door, but saved me some good efforts.


“The Great Roc and the Black Bear were each startled in their hearts, vaguely sensing something.

The scholar suddenly figure shifted, bullying forward, the roc creeped out, only to see an iron wings wrapped with monstrous demonic energy sweeping across, hastily backed up, a flash in front of my eyes, the scholar appeared in front of the black bear spirit, five fingers virtual grasp, demonic energy condensed into six feet of iron gun, ruthlessly stabbed at the black bear’s face, the black bear was unable to avoid, only to dodge the key points, but was pierced through the shoulder with a gun, with his large body heavily nailed to the ground.

Diffuse ground dust raised, the black bear seems to have no pain, angrily shouted: “Good fortune …… red child is dead in your hands, is not it?

” The scholar nodded, revealing a cold smile: ”In the past, the holy baby king, but now the Buddha’s dog.

He deserves to die.

」「Then the Bull Demon King, the Iron Fan, the gold and silver children of the Heavenly Court, the Green Bull, and the Nine Lions of Taiyi ……」”All of them are me.

” The scholar shook that demon sect folding fan violently, and said angrily, “As the world’s demon sect, I am in charge of the group of demons, how can I leave you these shameless traitors to survive in the world?

“Demon Sect?

“The black bear spirit still want to say something else, but his chest suddenly a cold, he looked down, his heart has been pierced by the iron gun, in front of the eyes of the boundless color of blood, consciousness gradually swallowed by the darkness.

Roc looked at this white and clean young man in front of him, his heart was flooded with a chill that he had never felt before.

This young man’s strange and overbearing strikes were far beyond his imagination.

Look at his appearance as if the human body, but can evolve the world of all kinds of strange demons and foreign species of the native aptitude, just a hand-to-hand, the roc suffered a big loss, defeated in his own Mo Yun iron wings, but in turn, his own wings were torn off half.

Not only is he, inspiration king was eight petals cooked copper hammer when forehead smashed, life and death do not know; black bear spirit just died under his own gun; golden hairy roar defeat is even more unbelievable, that the scholar folding fan a wave, but as the goddess of Mercy purple gold bell general wonderful, blowing fire smoke, flying sand, will be the golden hairy roar a move under the heavy injury.

The scholar turned his head, looking at him with a smile.

Roc knows that he is difficult to get out of Putuo Mountain alive today.

His nature is untamed, instead of stirring up boundless killing intent, not afraid, hands shake the halberd, face to face stabbed over.

The scholar does not flash not to avoid, folding fan swing, demonic gas into iron wings, will be his square sky halberd grid away, right hand virtual grip, actually also turned into a square sky halberd, toward the roc chest stab down.

Suddenly, a golden ring thick back knife blocked this deadly killer.

The roc thought that must die, dismayed look up, in front of the eyes appeared a green and a white two again familiar with the broad back, a hand holding a steel knife, a reverse holding a lance, steadily blocked in front of the roc.

“A hundred years have passed in the twinkling of an eye.

Third brother, it’s been a long time since the Lion’s Camel parted ways.

” The six-tusked white elephant turned around and smiled, his face still carrying the same simple smile as in the past.

Roc was stunned and unable to speak.

The green-haired lion snorted coldly: “Don’t catch up on old times first, save the third brother before saying anything.

” The smile on the scholar s face converged a little bit, and his eyes revealed a piercing coldness: ”Green lion, white elephant …… Since you came to send death yourselves, where else do you want to go?

” The words did not fall, he violently closed the folding fan, his body turned into a white electric light, roaming the sky demonic gas condensed like a giant wave, ruthlessly toward the three demons pounced up! Roc fell to the ground with serious injuries, wanting to desperately stand up, but he didn’t have the slightest bit of strength in his body.

He watched as the demonic energy swept like a whirlpool, splashing the sky with blood, and gradually engulfed the Green Lion and White Elephant, hissing: “Big brother, second brother, you are not his opponent, you quickly go, quickly go ah! In the middle of the whirlpool, came the green lion’s magnificent laughter: “He is rushing to us, from the time the old bull died, we know.

But we, the three brothers of the Lion and the Camel, is to die, also have to die together, but what are you afraid of?

“White Elephant also laughed loudly: “Good, third brother, do not be afraid, even if the sky is falling, two brothers to support you! Roc eyes red, fiercely screamed, I do not know where to come from a body of strength, lifting the halberd, ruthlessly rushed into the monstrous demonic gas! 6. Spirit Mountain’s Maharajah’s temple, a dead air.

Guanyin’s sideburns are messy, attached to worship on the ground: “I Buddha compassion, disciples please with great magic power to deter foreigners, subdue the evil demons, so as to avoid my Purple Bamboo Grove tragedy recurring on earth.

The tone of his voice at this moment had a slight tremor in it,” he said.

The Bodhisattvas listened in their ears, and their hearts could not help but be sympathetic.

Yesterday’s tragedy in the purple bamboo forest they have heard, Guanyin door of the dragon lady, goldfish, the mountain guards god, and even the mount Golden Hair Roar, none of them were spared, Ru Lai seat in front of the roc, Manjushri’s green lion, Puxian’s white elephant, are also all dead on the spot.

It is said that a hundred miles of purple bamboo forest, has been swept and destroyed most of the original solemn Taoist temple, but also several into ruins.

Guanyin lineage, actually suffered a calamity of extermination.

Rulai murmured.

Manjushri, Puxian two Bodhisattvas also stood out, divided in Guanyin on both sides, said in unison: “May our Buddha’s mercy, deterring the foreign way, down to kill the evil demons.

“The two Bodhisattvas, whose mounts had also been killed, stood up to speak for Guanyin, which was not surprising.

But the eyes of the crowd fell on another black-clothed Bodhisattva.

The Earth Store King Bodhisattva, who hadn’t appeared in the Spirit Mountain for three hundred years and had been guarding the Earth’s capital, had actually returned to the Spirit Mountain today.

Great Wisdom Manjushri, Great Action Pratyekabuddha, Great Compassion Goddess of Mercy, and Great Wish Earth Store.

If these four bodhisattvas all petition together, even Rulai can not be excused.

Sure enough, Kṣitigarbha asked, “Earth Store King, what do you think?

“Jizo said, “I have come here because of Shimei.

The people couldn’t help but look slightly pale, thinking, “Could it be that even Shimeji didn’t manage to escape the demon’s poisonous hand?

However, I heard the Earth Store said: “Last night, Shimekazi accomplished the full cultivation, transcendence and passed away.

He accompanied me for a thousand years, and before he left, he gave me a word, saying that he had listened to the three realms, six paths, and many beings all his life, and had never made a false statement or stolen a thing.

Only a hundred years ago, the past, so far the cause and effect has not yet been resolved, only to cause this disaster, the bell must be tied, he asked me to report to the Buddha, it is the time to understand.

” The monks heard Shimei round, all together declared a Buddha’s name.

Rulai nodded his head slightly and said, “Since the destiny of the calamity is like this, it can’t be shirked.

Where is Dou Sheng Buddha?

“At the end of the Buddhas, slowly out of a thin monk, bowed his head and said:” disciple in.

” “You go to the Eastern Victory divine state, Aorai country flower and fruit mountain water curtain cave a trip, a hundred years ago all kinds of karma, still need to be tied to your body.

“…… Yes.

“7. The mountains are as green as ever.

The silver waterfall hangs upside down as before.

Monkeys and monkeys are as free as ever.

The wind and the moon are as clear as ever.

The Buddha sat on the top of the mountain on top of a boulder, looking down the mountain at the many people in a daze.

The figure seems to be more stooped a few points.

I do not know how long, behind me came a cold voice.

“Sun Wukong?

”He turned back, the young scholar stood with his arms folded, his eyes flickering with boundless anger.

Dou Sheng Buddha did not speak.

「Where is your golden hoop?

Could it be that you’ve become a Buddha and a saint, and you don’t even want the guy you used to eat with?

“The scholar sneered.

The Buddha lowered his head, slowly took out an iron needle from his ear, shook it against the wind, and transformed it into a golden iron stick.

The scholar saw that stick, eyes show thick hatred, violently shaking the folding fan, demonic gas into a round iron stick, head to the Fighting Buddha smashed over.

The two stick intersected, issued a heavenly roar, the scholar fell back three steps, his chest undulating.

But the Buddha was sitting on the stone, as if he was not moving, as if nothing had happened.

“Good, good skill.

“The scholar laughed up to the sky, “Then how about you take this move from me again?

“As he shook his folding fan, the monstrous demonic qi instantly transformed into countless phantom forms and swept towards Dou Sheng Buddha.

The Golden Band Cudgel was the first to cross, and a familiar touch came over.

A familiar touch came over. “Cooked copper beast tooth wolf tooth stick?

” Dou Sheng Buddha can not think too much, the right side of the sharp wind attacked, with fishy poisonous gas, he flashed his head sideways, but it is a bright crystal hook.

“Inverted Horse Poison Pile?

“The mind of Dou Sheng Si Buddha flashed through the mind of a flavorful demonic silhouette, holding a three-stranded steel fork, faintly sneering.

With only a moment’s lapse of concentration, in a split second, countless Dharma Treasure Avatars’ likenesses rolled towards him in an all-encompassing manner.

Dou Sheng Buddha seemed like a flat boat, bobbing and dodging in the midst of the waves, struggling to hold on.

The yellow eyebrow’s human seed bag when the head cover down, but behind them floated up the yin and yang two gas bottle and purple gold gourd, gusts of wind with the three flavors of the real fire whistling past, the water vapor condensed into a huge wave, and transformed into a lion’s giant head, when the head bites down.

The golden hoop rod blocked the wolf tooth stick of the Bull Demon King, blocked the square sky halberd of the roc, blocked the steel gun of the green bull spirit, blocked the crescent shovel of the nine-headed insect …… Just when Dou Sheng Si Buddha changed out of the eight facets of the Dharma, the roaming demonic gas suddenly opened up an opening.

Dou Sheng Si Buddha looked up and saw a black iron rod.

A random iron rod soldier?

He laughed and let go of his hands, and the golden rod fell to the ground with a “bam” sound.

Iron stick with whistling wind sound, hostage of heaven and earth’s might, the sky demonic qi as if cohesion on this point, muddy as substance, ruthlessly smashed in the Dou Sheng Buddha’s heavenly aureole! It is the body of gold and steel, also can not block such a domineering blow.

The young scholar looked at the Buddha with disbelief, and the iron stick in his hand transformed back into a paper fan.

Dou Sheng Buddha finally raised his head, his eyes gleaming as he looked at the scholar, a bitter smile appearing on his lips.

“The Six-Eared Macaque’s illusionary aptitude, in your hands, has managed to open up such a heaven and earth, it is he who was far inferior back then.

You have already surpassed the blue.

” Dou Sheng Si Buddha said.

“Who in the world are you?

“The scholar’s voice trembled.

“I am me, but who are you?

“The Buddha took off his robe, revealing a velvet dense monkey hair, the pupils emitted a strange golden color, vaguely with the light of fire.

Strangely enough, the scholar’s face also gradually grew brown in appearance, and his features changed up into a monkey face.

“I am the son of the six eared macaque, you and Rulai killed my father, I want to avenge him …… Not only you, but also those demons who have surrendered, returned to the fold, and forgotten their origins, I will get rid of them all!” The scholar’s expression changed strangely, and he slowly approached Dou Sheng Buddha, as if he wanted to see him clearly.

Dou Sheng Buddha chuckled in a low voice.

“Six eared macaque monkey ah …… really nostalgic name it ……” He raised his head, feebly touched the scholar’s head, sat down on his knees, and countless golden lotuses suddenly sprang up on the ground, holding up his body.

“A hundred years ago, there was a stone monkey born in heaven and earth, and it was nurtured by the spirit of heaven and earth.

He sought Buddha’s advice, and finally cultivated all the magical powers.

However, his nature was not yet gone, and he turned into another divine consciousness and fought with him for his body.

They fought to the Heavenly Palace, to the Underworld, and to the South Sea Goddess of Mercy, but no one could help him, because in everyone’s eyes, they only saw a crazy monkey, dancing with a golden rod, fighting with himself.

“Later, in the Buddhist Kingdom of the Spirit Mountain, Rulai used great power to separate the divine consciousness, and the innate evil thoughts were transformed into the Six-Eared Macaque, while the innate good consciousness was transformed into the Lingming Stone Monkey.

After the six ears were dispersed, the hostility dispersed in heaven and earth does not go away, to support the rebirth, that is you ……” Dou Sheng Si Buddha smiled slightly, the golden hoop rod in the fingertips into a golden needle, suddenly pointing to the heart of the brow of the scholar.

“You were born because of me, and I was originally one.

This hostile Qi, go with me.

” The scholar only felt his body sank, as if he fell into an endless abyss, acid numbness and bitterness of a hundred senses, keep falling down, falling …… He wanted to shout, but could not send a sound, only to see their own body and the Fighting Buddha together, alternately entangled, transformed into gold and black two gas, hovering up, his two eyes black, can not see anything.

  1. “Has the demon been put to death?

“The Buddha gave up his body to transform, the demon’s hostility is eliminated, into the cycle of reincarnation, into a multitude of beings.

With my Dharma eyes, it seems to have been born in Wancheng, a family named Wei in the Middle Kingdom.

This family has been practicing medicine for many generations and has been blessed with a lot of blessings.

“Do you …… practice medicine, that’s good.

Then let him generations for the world of demonic medical treatment, in order to make up for the heinous sins committed.

“Jiangnan Wancheng, a small hut in the middle of a white baby wow wow cry, although just born, palm but tightly held a small iron needle.

The midwife and the parents looked at each other in dismay, seeing that the baby was born with a different kind of child, but I don’t know whether it is a blessing or a curse, and an ominous atmosphere pervaded the family of this family practicing medicine.

Not long ago, outside came knocking on the door, the father went out to see, only to see a walking monk holding a nine-ringed tin staff, his right hand carrying a small blue bag, the face of compassion, solemn appearance, as if walking out of a painting.

Father didn’t dare to be slow, and quickly asked, “Dare to ask the master, what do you want to teach?

” walking monk smiled slightly: “I have a destiny with the children in the hut, he worshipped me as a teacher in a previous life, I came to send him a ride.

” said, the blue package into the hands of the father, declared a Buddha, turned and walked away.

Father still do not understand what happened, rushed to the back of the monk shouted: “I do not teach the master’s name?

“The monk’s feet beat down, faintly said: “Poor monk Golden Cicada, unauthorized.

“Father still want to ask again, the monk has turned into a small black dot, disappeared in the distant forest.

Unpack the baggage, inside the ancient books three volumes, there is a white paper folding fan, open and look, only to see the upper book “Demon Sect” two words, the fan surface wet stains mottled, even like a few tear marks.

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