Why is it that children are often the ones who make horror movies the scariest?

Why is it that often in horror movies the little kids are the ones who make it the scariest?

I am an elementary school language teacher, and in my class, there was a strange little boy.

The boy was a good-looking boy with a withdrawn personality, always drawing strange patterns in his notebook during class, and I don’t know if he had a physical defect, but I hadn’t heard him say a word since the beginning of the school year, and he always sat quietly in the corner of the playground during extracurricular activities.

As the class teacher, I once dragged him to the office to talk to him and asked him, “Xiaochen, why don’t you play with other students, is there something troubling you?

” He sat dumbly in his chair as if he hadn’t heard me.

I sighed and told him to go back to his classroom by himself.

I asked other teachers about the boy, and Mr. Zhang, who taught him in second grade, said that he wasn’t like this before, that he was still very active, smart, and good at sports, and that his teachers and classmates liked him very much, and that he had become like this in the past year.

A few days ago, after school, I saw the big kids outside the school bullying him, it was a group of junior high school punks, blocked him in the corner, robbed all the money on him, but also want him to take off his pants, the little boy clenched the belt of his pants, pursed his lips and did not say a word, one of the big kids slapped him in the face, leaving a few fingerprints.

“What are you doing?” I rushed over and shielded the boy behind me.

“Oh, isn’t this Ms. Lin?

I haven’t seen you in two or three years, you seem to have gotten bigger.

“The punk who hit him said to me.

“Lai Si Qin!” I recognized my former student, “Why are you talking to me like that?

“How am I supposed to talk to you?

If you hadn’t called my dad so many times in the past, I wouldn’t have gotten beaten up so much,” the kid said, still smirking.

“The kid was still smiling, with some hostility on his face.

“That’s because you did something wrong. Who asked you to do something bad in class?

“Fuck!” Lai Siqin and those junior high school students surrounded me in the middle: “Don’t come acting like you’re doing me a favor, I’ll settle those scores with you today.

“After three years as a teacher, my perception of minors has changed a lot.

There are some children who are as innocent as a piece of white paper.

Then there are those who seem to have evil in their bones, like Lai Si Qin.

I remember when he was in fifth grade, he was spying on girls in the girls’ restroom, and I caught him reading pornographic books during class. Those nude pictures and words were so explicit that an adult like me couldn’t bear to look at them, but he was an eleven year old who was actually reading them with great enjoyment, and even thinking about that scene made me feel horrible.

“What do you want?

” My tone was stern and I was holding my cell phone in my hand, considering whether I should call the police or not.

I didn’t expect it, but Ri Siqin actually lifted my jacket and grabbed me by the chest, and before I had time to resist, my hands were twisted back by the junior high school students, who erupted in a burst of lewd laughter, as if they were wolves who had caught their prey.

I screamed in fear, Ri Siqin’s hand was like a piece of cold ice, kept drilling into my underwear, I couldn’t believe that this was a fourteen year old kid, his breathing was rapid and his eyes were red.

Just then, the little boy behind me rushed out and took a bite on Ri Siqin’s arm.

Ri Siqin cried out in pain and hit the little boy’s head with his other fist, but the little boy, as if he wasn’t afraid of pain, bit down and wouldn’t let go.

I took advantage of the chaos to dial the school security room, this place is less than a kilometer away from the school, the security guards can come over in a few minutes, the junior high school students finally panicked, scattered in all directions, leaving only Ri Siqin wailing.

“Let go, fuck, let go ah ……” Ri Siqin madly hit the little boy’s head, he is much taller than the little boy, a hand will push the little boy down to the ground.

The little boy finally got out of Ri Siqin’s arm, I saw an oozing scene, he actually bit down a mouthful of Ri Siqin’s meat, he spit out the piece of white meat on the ground, his mouth was full of blood, he looked up at me and actually showed a smile.

Ri Siqin couldn’t care about the pain and ran away.

After a few minutes the security guard arrived and asked if we were okay, I saw that the little boy still had some wounds on his face, so I took him back to the school.

The teacher in the infirmary was already off duty, so all I had to do was find a few band-aids in the office drawer and help him briefly.

“Little Tatsu, why are they bullying you?

“I asked him.

Xiao Chen turned into that silent and quiet look again, looking at the corner without a word.

The sun slowly sank into the earth, the light in the office became dim, Xiao Chen was still sitting dumbly.

“Let’s go, I’ll walk you to the bus.

” I gathered my things and said at him.

Just then, the kid suddenly hugged me and buried his head into my arms, his body trembling slightly as if he was scared.

My heart welled up a burst of pity, touched her head, this child is a bit strange, may be stimulated by something, I decided to go to his parents the next day to talk, together to find ways to help this child.

The next morning, I filled out the student information in accordance with the beginning of the school year to find the place where Xiaochen live, to be honest, a little surprised, because that is a high-grade neighborhood, and Xiaochen also live in a three-story high detached villa.

The kid usually wears a school uniform and doesn’t use any electronics, so I didn’t expect his family conditions to be so good.

I pressed the doorbell for half a day, a middle-aged man wearing gold glasses opened the door, it was a very handsome man, his eyebrows were all heroic, he smiled at me: “You are?

He smiled at me, “Who are you?” I quickly introduced myself, “Hello, I’m Xie Xiaochen’s homeroom teacher, and I’m here to do a home visit today.

Are you his father?

“The man quickly led me in, “Please come in, please come in, you’re Mr. Lin, I’m so sorry to trouble you, you’ve come all the way here, did he get into trouble at school again?

Is he in trouble at school again?” “No, no, he’s very good at school.

“I can see that Xiao Chen’s parents are both very tasteful people, the villa is decorated in a post-modern style, the furniture is customized from Scandinavia, and the balcony is planted with elaborately sculpted greenery, Xiao Chen’s father poured me a glass of water and sat down on the sofa opposite to me.

Movement came from the stairs, I looked up, Xiao Chen was standing at the stairway in his pajamas, his face was pale, his lips were slightly trembling, he didn’t look quite right.

“Xie Xiao Chen, Mr. Lin is here as a guest, come down and say hello.

” Xiao Chen’s father waved at him.

“This kid looks terrible, is he sick?

“I couldn’t help but ask when I saw Xiao Chen cowering next to his father.

“Hey, he played cell phone games for a long time last night, maybe he didn’t sleep well,” he said.

“Where’s Tatsu’s mom?

“His mom travels a lot.

The man pushed the glasses on the bridge of his nose, “I’m usually the one who takes care of him.”

“I don’t know if it’s just me, but when I talked about Xiao Chen’s mother, I felt that his father’s expression changed a bit, and although he still seemed to be smiling gently, his eyes flashed with some shadowy shades.

“Today I come to it, is to talk to you about Xie Xiao Chen in the school of some of the situation, this child …… how to say it, a little bit out of the group, not willing to communicate with others, always alone alone, this will affect his healthy growth, listen to teacher Zhang said, he is not even in second grade so.

“Yes, we’re worried too, so we took him to the doctor last month.


What did the doctor say?

“Xiao Chen’s father sighed, “The doctor said the boy has autism.


Is something wrong?

“I don’t know. He always wakes up in the middle of his sleep, bawling in fear, and says he’s afraid to go to sleep with someone standing next to his bed.

I slept with him for a few days, and as soon as he woke up I pulled out the light.

There was nothing beside his bed, but he still pointed there and said there was someone, which made me uneasy.

Later I installed a camera in his bedroom and checked the daily recordings, there was nothing out of the ordinary, and then slowly, the boy would not talk.

“I thought it was strange that people as rich as them should try to cure their children when they have problems.

And his father described all this with a calm face, as if he was talking about a trivial matter, and that mother, who didn’t show up, actually had the heart to go on a business trip, would it be too cold-blooded?

“It’s already twelve o’clock, Mr. Lin, let’s eat here.

” The man got up and opened the expensive double-opening refrigerator.

“No, no, no, I still have something to do in the afternoon, how can I be …… good enough,” I repeatedly excused myself and stood up along with him.

“Don’t be polite, it’s a rare occasion for you to come here, eat before you leave.

“The man smiled at me and brought out a plate of raw meat, which seemed to be not fresh, a bit yellowish in color and a bit disgusting to look at.

I wanted to say something, the man took the ingredients and went to the kitchen.

Just then, Xiao Chen, who had been silent all this time, took my hand, made a silent gesture, and carefully took me to a small room, and after unlocking the door, he suddenly spoke, “Teacher, you should hurry up and go.

“This was the first time I had ever heard him speak. The boy’s lips were trembling, as if he were terrified, and I asked, “Tatsu, what’s happened?

” The kid was so anxious that he stomped his feet and just kept asking me to leave.

Everything in this luxury villa was a mystery. I said, “Don’t be afraid, tell me what happened, where did your mom go?

” The boy’s mouth was wide open, his eyes rolled back in his head, and he said something that sent shivers down my spine.

“Mommy is in daddy’s tummy, he ate her.

” I instinctively took a step back when I heard that and hit the cabinet next to me with a loud thud.

“Mr. Teacher you need to go, my dad said that if I tell anyone about this he’ll eat me too.

” The kid tugged at my sleeve, he looked incredibly flustered, not like he was lying.

So that’s how Little Tatsu’s autism came about, he slowly became ‘aphasic’ after witnessing his mother being killed, and seeing his father eat human flesh, and being forced to keep his secrets to himself.

Anger overpowered my fear. I held his little hand tightly and said, “Don’t be afraid, teacher will take you with me.

“Just then, the door lock was unscrewed by the key, the man stood in the doorway with a kitchen knife, under the dim light, the originally handsome features appeared to be hideous and twisted, he smiled and said: “Teacher Lin, dinner is ready.

” I looked at the knife in his hand that shone with a cold light, remembering the spoiled meat in the refrigerator, my stomach churned.

I forced myself to calm down and said with a smile, “Right away, I’m playing a game with Xiao Chen.

” “Xie Xiao Chen, stop playing.

” The man’s tone became stern, “Eat on time.

“The kid behind me had sweaty hands, his nails sunk into my palms from the force, he was scared.

What should I do?

What to do?

My brain was racing, but I chose to stabilize him first. I led Xiao Chen out of the room, and the man followed behind us with a knife in his hand.

When we reached the stairway, I slammed the bag in my hand on the man and said to Tatsu, “Go upstairs.

” The man’s face was smashed and blood flowed down his forehead, with the help of the desire to survive, we panicked and ran to a room upstairs.

Shivering, we unlocked the door and put an old table against it, trying to call the police but thinking that our cell phones were in our bags.

The man, presumably aware that I had discovered his secret, kicked at the door in a frenzy.

I scanned around the room with my eyes, trying to find the tools to call for help, and when I saw the corner, the hairs on my body shivered.

I saw a woman covered in blood, slumped over motionless, looking like she had been dead for a long time.

Tatsu stood frozen next to the woman’s body, and in his eyes were emotions I couldn’t understand.

“Boom, boom, boom ……” from the door came out a loud sound, like the god of death is approaching us, I can’t think too late, I saw a fruit knife by the table, took it in my hand, and slowly shrunk to the door.

“Come out, bitch ……,” the man yelled furiously, a far cry from his previous gentle appearance.

Just at the moment the door was kicked open, I saw the man’s blood-red eyes, the face of a murderer ogre, although I was incredibly scared, but in my heart I understand that the opportunity to resist is only this moment, he just raised the knife in his hand, I have already stabbed the fruit knife into his chest.

I read in the book that a man’s physical strength is several times stronger than a woman’s, I couldn’t give him time to fight back, and hurriedly added a few more stabs, the man looked straight at me, his throat gurgled, and blood bubbled out of his mouth.

The man collapsed in the doorway, his body still twitching, and I wanted to go downstairs and call the police, just as Tatsu slammed the door shut.

This poor child, once again seeing a murder scene.

“Tatsu, open the door, don’t be afraid, it’s okay.

” I gently knocked on the door, trying to ease his mood.

The room was silent, the boy was completely devastated, maybe in his mind I was just as much of a murderer.

I kept talking at the door, trying to get him to open it, but he didn’t make a sound until the police arrived.

The above is my whole testimony, if you don’t believe me, you can ask the boy, he will testify that I am telling the whole truth.

2, Little Boy I don’t have autism, I just don’t want to talk at school because my homeroom teacher is a horrible woman.

She’s twenty-six years old, and I heard from another teacher that she was all set to get married, but the man didn’t show up on her wedding day.

Since then, she has been neurotic and temperamental, often taking it out on her classmates, and going to the playground to be punished for the slightest thing.

Not only me, classmates are not very talkative these days, for fear of becoming her punching bag.

I remember a few days ago, she called me to the office, touched my face and asked me why I wasn’t talkative and why I didn’t play with other classmates.

She looked strange, her face was so red that it looked like she was bleeding, and she ran a pair of hands all the way down my neck and finally even reached into my school uniform pants, I was so scared that I took a step back and didn’t dare to come near her.

“Come here.

“She waved her hand at me.

I said nothing but wouldn’t go over there, when Teacher Zhang, who had taught me, passed by, and Ms. Lin coughed awkwardly twice and told me to go back to the classroom by myself.

In front of the office, I heard her asking Mr. Zhang something about me, planning to tell my parents when I got home.

After school that day, I ran into a couple of older kids, all in middle school, one of them was called Lai Siqin, who had also attended our school a few years earlier and was a well known punk.

They robbed me of all my money and had to take off my pants. I took a lot of beatings, but still clutched my pants pocket.

“Little brat, you dare to offend Ms. Lin, do you know what kind of relationship I have with her?

“Lisiqin kicked me in the stomach.

Those middle schoolers burst into laughter, I fell on the ground in pain, and saw Ms. Lin standing not far away, she looked like she was watching the show, the corner of her mouth slightly raised.

Those middle schoolers kicked me a few more times, and Teacher Lin walked over in no hurry and said, “Almost done.

” Lai Siqin smiled and touched a hand on Ms. Lin’s chest, Ms. Lin slapped his hand away and told them to hurry up, the security guards heard the commotion and quickly came over.

“Get up and come back to school with me.

” Ms. Lin said coldly as she stood in front of me.

I was bruised all over my body and afraid that she would call for another beating, so I just had to follow her back to school.

She took me to the office again, took out a band-aid from the drawer, and helped me cover the wounds on my face, she said, “Xie Xiao Chen, how are you going to explain these wounds to your parents when you get back?

” I didn’t dare to speak, this woman was too scary, like an emotionless viper.

She touched my face again and said in a child’s tone, “This is what you should tell them, I fell when I got off the bus, I wanted to come back quickly to watch cartoons, it hurts.

‘ Pervert, I thought in my mind.

As if sensing my displeasure, she added before leaving the office, “I’ll be at your house tomorrow for a home visit, so don’t let me know you’re pulling a fast one.

” That night I stayed up all night in fear. My dad saw my abnormality and asked me if I had fought with other kids at school, I could only shake my head, not daring to tell him what I had done.

The next morning, Ms. Lin came to my house dressed very flirtatiously, and as soon as she entered, she complimented my dad on his good looks and said that my house was tastefully decorated.

My dad entertained her warmly, made her tea and peeled her fruit, she saw me at the stairway and acted like she cared about me, asking me if I was sick, and my dad beckoned me to come downstairs to say hello to her.

I didn’t dare to look her in the face and cowered to sit next to my dad.

“How’s Xie Xiao Chen doing in school?

“my dad asked, rubbing my head.

“She’s a good girl, but she doesn’t like to talk, that’s not good.

“I think it’s strange too. It seems that since this semester, he hasn’t been very talkative, and he usually ignores me when I ask him.

“My dad sighed.

“Where’s Xiao Chen’s mom?

She’s busy at work, so I usually take care of the kids.” “Then you must be working hard.

I’m usually the one who takes care of the kids.” “Then you should be working hard.

“Ms. Lin stretched her legs intentionally or unintentionally, and the panties on top of her black stockings were visible. My dad stood up awkwardly and changed the subject to keep her for lunch.

“How can that be a good idea?

“Ms. Lin said politely, but her butt sat on the sofa and did not move, it seems that there is no intention to leave.

“You’re here once in a while, so don’t be shy,” my dad said.

” My dad dumped all the expired meat and ingredients in the refrigerator, he didn’t cook very often, but to show his solemnity, he put on his apron and went to the kitchen.

Teacher Lin looked at me with a smirk and slowly stood up and took my hand, leading me to the utility room around the corner on the first floor, I didn’t dare to resist her and glanced at my dad pleadingly, but he was buried in his cooking.

After Ms. Lin unlocked the door, she asked me, “How’s your mom and dad’s relationship?

” A wave of unprecedented fear surged through me and I stammered out, “Very …… good.

“Ms. Lin seems to be very surprised:” So you can talk, I thought you were a mute.

” This terrible woman, what do you want?

“Who looks better, me or your mom?” “Both.

“Both.” “Nonsense.

“Nonsense, I’m much better looking than your mom.”

“Ms. Lin twisted my arm so hard that it hurt, but I didn’t dare to scream.

At that moment, there was a knock at the door, and my dad said, “Ms. Lin, come out for dinner.” “Coming.

“I’ll be right there. I’m playing a game with Little Chen.”

” Teacher Lin gave me a vicious glare and smiled as she opened the door.

Just as we walked out the door, Teacher Lin said to my dad, “By the way, Xie Xiaochen’s grades have regressed a lot this semester, I’m wondering if I should give him individual tuition after school every day, it’s not very convenient at school, I’m afraid that the other kids will see him and say that I’m biased, so how about here, it’ll improve his grades in almost a month.

“My father scratched his head and said:” Of course it is good, I am afraid that it is too troublesome for you ……” Mr. Lin said: “No trouble, no trouble, I quite like this child.

” I could no longer restrain myself, this woman is trying to replace my mom, thinking of what she might do next, I shivered, I hid behind my dad, pointing at her and said: “Dad, she is the one who called the people to beat me, she also touched my …… touch my body.

” My dad heard this sentence has not yet reacted, Lin teacher face gloomy: “What did you say?

” I can only hope that my dad, loudly accusing her crimes: “She often called me to the office to touch me, her drawer is full of pornographic books and magazines, she also and some middle school students …… she is a maniac, dad you must phase ……” I have not finished my words, Lin teacher Suddenly smashed my dad’s head with a bag, my dad was smashed backward a step, forehead bleeding, although dad is a man, but has never moved with people, picked up the kitchen knife to protect me behind, said to her: “Don’t you come over.

” The woman’s secret was revealed by me, her eyes were bloodshot, picked up a fruit knife on the coffee table, she wanted to kill.

Dad shouted run and we ran upstairs, the woman chased after us like crazy.

Dad pushed me into the room, just ready to close the door, the woman stabbed him in the chest, my dad did not react, she added a few more knives, the floor was suddenly covered in blood.

I screamed in terror and hurriedly unlocked the door, struggling to hold a burst of old tables against the door.

“Open the door, open the door!” She yelled hoarsely as she kicked at the door.

I didn’t dare make a sound and pressed my body against that table in a dead heat.

Dad’s blood seeped through the door of the room and flowed in, the woman outside the door cursed me with vicious words at one time, and coaxed me with flowery words at another time, until the police arrived, she still pretended to be a man of honor, and said something like don’t be afraid, she’s going to take me with her.

Police uncle, you must not let her go, to help my father revenge.

, the police a day ago, upscale residential district Royal Dragon Villa occurred a murder case, the victim was a thirty-four-year-old man, colleagues rushed over to the scene of the crime, saw a twenty-six-year-old female, and a ten-year-old boy.

The woman, surnamed Lin, is an elementary school language teacher, the little boy is her student, and the victim, Lin, is the little boy’s own father.

After a forensic examination of the scene, the victim was stabbed in the chest and bled to death, and the fingerprints on the murder weapon were all from the female teacher, so the police listed the female teacher as the first suspect.

When the two were brought back to the police station to record their statements, there was an unthinkable scene.

Teacher Lin insisted that she killed out of self-defense, saying that the victim herself was a murderer who killed his wife and hid her flesh in the refrigerator to consume, while the young boy showed that the female teacher had been showing signs of victimizing her students, and that he told his father about these secrets, leading to his father’s murder and death.

The two men’s highly divergent confessions coincided on key facts, which posed a lot of difficulties in handling the case.

Colleagues went to the school to find out the situation, and learned that Mr. Lin was indeed withdrawn from the marriage and loved to lose his temper in the classroom, but there were also students who said that Mr. Lin was a good and responsible teacher.

And another teacher Zhang revealed that Mr. Lin did bring the little boy to the office a few times, but for what purpose he does not know, maybe for sexual assault, maybe to care about the little boy’s character problems, because it is a separate office, only the parties know what is going on.

Besides, the day before the crime, someone did see the little boy was a group of junior high school students surrounded by beatings, and Mr. Lin also rushed over to relieve the two statements are completely opposite, but and the onlookers described the facts can be connected.

There is also the day of the crime, Mr. Lin smashed the victim’s head with a bag, the expired meat in the refrigerator, the fingerprints on the door …… On the key evidence, the two people’s diametrically opposed confessions can be rationally explained.

“Shit, it is simply Rashomon well ……” complained Lao Zheng, a colleague.

“Do you believe the female teacher or the boy?

“Another coworker, Fang, gave us some noodles.

“I believe the boy, how can a ten year old kid cheat?

“I’ll be the first to vote.

“Me too, that schoolteacher stuttered when she gave her statement, she looks like she’s got something on her mind,” Zheng said.

“Old Zheng said.

“I believe her, that little boy has a mind beyond his age, look at the rationality of his speech, he doesn’t look like a ten year old, it’s too abnormal.

“Ah Fang took a bite of noodles and said with a huff.

Master, who was standing in front of the blackboard and had been looking at the photos of the crime scene, turned his face, gave us a cold look, and said, “Do police officers handle cases based on intuition or evidence?

Nonsense!” We all lowered our heads, and Ah Fong spat out her tongue.

“There are two key points, the first one is the meat in the refrigerator, if what the female teacher said is true, it should be human meat, the forensic scientist has already taken it to the laboratory, and I guess the result will come out soon; the second one is in the room on the second floor, when the police rushed there, they found that there was only the little boy in the room, and if the corpse didn’t appear there, all the reasons for the female teacher’s murder will be overturned, so you have to find the little boy’s mother, to see the body in life and in death.

” Master lit a cigarette and sat down to eat noodles with us.

Half an hour later, the results of the forensic tests came out, the meat was just some spoiled beef, and my colleagues had already contacted the little boy’s mother, who was on her way here.

The coworkers cheered and said that the case could be closed.

Master, however, frowned and said he wanted to interrogate the suspects again.

I asked, “Interrogate the female teacher?

“Master shook his head and said, “No, interrogate the little boy.

“In the interrogation room, the little boy sat quietly on a chair, his eyes red and swollen, as if he was still grieving for the death of his father.

The master sat opposite him and said solemnly, “Raise your head.

“The little boy raised his head obediently, his eyes full of the childlike innocence that characterizes children.

The master said: “You said that Mr. Lin and some junior high school students have improper relations, but after our investigation, those junior high school students have denied this fact.

” The little boy said: “I …… I also heard from my classmates.

” The master slammed the table and said, “Why did you let your teacher kill your father?

Make up a decent lie to put psychological pressure on your teacher who trusts you extremely, so that she can kill in a moment of extreme panic.

“The little boy seemed to be blinded by fear and was silent for half a day before he said, “I didn’t.

” Master said, “This is all your plan, right? If I’m not wrong, your mother was also cooperating with you in the play, pretending to be a corpse, so that the female teacher would be convinced that the man outside the door was a murderous maniac, and only then would she wield the knife by instinct.

And before the police arrived, your mother had already left that room, either by climbing through the window or by some other means, so that all the testimony of the governess would have been disproved, she would have been the murderer of whom there was no defense, and you would not have had to pay any price for the patricide.

” The little boy asked back in a childish tone, “Why should I do that, my father loves me very much.

” Master glanced at the woman outside the interrogation room, the little boy’s mother’s face was blue, looked chronically malnourished, the tight clothes could not hide the bruises on the side of the neck, must have suffered from long-term domestic violence.

This must be the real reason for the boy’s crime.

Master said, “We will find the evidence sooner or later, I advise you to confess.

” The little boy lowered his head and stopped talking, the master picked up his things and walked out of the interrogation room, just at the moment he pulled open the door, but the little boy suddenly lifted his head, the corners of his mouth rose, with a provocative expression, he said: “No matter how you look for it, anyway, the person was not killed by me, she herself admitted it.

“This kid is a real criminal genius, all the evidence points to the female teacher as the murderer, and the female teacher also admitted that she killed someone, so even if any physical evidence is found, it is only about whether or not the female teacher was killed by mistake, and it has nothing to do with him as an “eyewitness”.

He had only used his “killing heart” to kill his own father with someone else’s hands.

When we returned to the office, the master called all of us who were drowsy to a meeting. The little boy had already been released on bail by his mother, and when he passed by the office, the little boy bowed down to us nicely and said, “Thank you, Uncle Policeman.

“At that moment, everyone in the office felt a chill, and the expression on the little boy’s face was something we will never forget.


“Master knocked on the table, “We can’t just close the case, there must be key evidence yet to be found.

“The wind kept howling in the middle of the night, and looking down from the window, the little boy held his mother’s hand and slowly walked to a dark place where the light didn’t shine.

4, autism bright classroom, the female teacher on the podium lecturing, the following students, some in a daze, some are reading comics, there are some good students in the notes.

The little boy in the penultimate row, holding a ballpoint pen in the book to draw a plan in his heart.

How many seconds does it take to run around the corner of the stairs to the room where ‘mom’s body’ is?

How can I get that sharp fruit knife to the teacher?

How can I get mom out of the scene in the time before the police arrive?

Just as the boy was absorbed in his drawing, the notebook was suddenly picked up by the female teacher, who frowned and asked, “Xie Xiao Chen, you’re not listening carefully in class, what are you drawing?

” The little boy lowered his head, cold sweat welling up on his back.

“Come to my office after class, you’re a weird kid.

” The female teacher put down her book and walked up to the podium to continue the lesson.

The sunlight outside the window refracted through the glass and splashed on the little boy’s face, who couldn’t help but grin, an unmistakably evil arc.

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