What are some of the amazing secrets you’ve discovered about other people?

What are some of the amazing secrets you’ve ever discovered about other people?

A distant sister of my husband’s came to stay with us, and I was pregnant and tried to entertain her as much as I could.

But on the day of the maternity checkup, I saw my husband’s mother-in-law helping her into the clinic, and I was alone.

At that moment, I felt like a joke.

April 2020, two years after marriage.

I found out that my husband had a female Internet friend who chatted frequently, and the chat records were unbearable.

I showdown, my husband on his knees begging me: “Eloquent, eloquent …… you have to believe me, I am just guilty of teasing people, the face have not seen, even the other side is a man or a dog are not sure! You forgive me OK ……” Looking at the man in front of me in fear and trepidation, I don’t know whether to forgive him or like the kind of woman I appreciate the most, turn around in style, gorgeous divorce metamorphosis, and from now on away from the scum.

I wanted to leave the house to calm down and calm down, but fainted in the doorway of the room.

Waking up again, the world turned upside down.

I have a circle of people around my hospital bed, my parents, in-laws, and a terrified Pei Wei.

I don’t want to see him, pulling my parents’ hands just to say about the divorce, my mother-in-law at the side of the joyful smile: “Li Li ah, great joy ah, you’re pregnant! As if a thunderbolt rang in my ears, I could hardly react: “What?

“Pei Wei was busy holding my hand: ”Li Li, you are pregnant …… We are going to have a baby.

“ In addition to the joy in his eyes, there was also tension and pleading.

My head tilted and my heart was empty – God is joking with me at this time?

The baby that I hadn’t been able to wait for so long was actually coming at this time! I had a difficult pregnancy due to my health, and after going to ask the doctor’s opinion, I learned that if I didn’t keep this baby, I would most likely not be able to be a mother again in the future.

Looking at Pei Wei’s tears, as well as his parents’ joyful smiles, I gritted my teeth and swallowed the word divorce mixed with my grievances.

Pei Wei began to busy wait for me to take care of me, he said, he is just obsessed, he and the woman stopped in the network, and no substantial development, and things out, he has pulled the other side of the black, cut off the clean.

He claimed that he loved or I, see me lying in the hospital bed, only to realize that I am the most important woman in his life.

Soon after the pregnancy, my mother-in-law officially came from the countryside to live with us, saying that it was convenient to take care of my living.

One night, when I got up, I found Pei Wei did not sleep next to me, and I heard whispering conversations coming from the next room, which turned out to be Pei Wei and my mother-in-law talking.

Mother-in-law: “I found someone to calculate, this child will definitely have a boy.

“Pei Wei was annoyed: ”Mom, you don’t have to get involved, be careful to let Eloquence know.

“Granny: ”What am I afraid of?

My son is capable, she is a young lady in the city, but in the end, she is still your daughter-in-law.

Now she’s pregnant, so I’m supporting her.

Don’t be confused, you must take her to check whether it’s a boy or a girl, and if it’s a girl, get rid of it and get pregnant again! If it’s a girl, get rid of it and get pregnant again! Our Old Pei family is a single lineage, we definitely need a boy.

“I was so angry that I pushed the door of the room: ”No matter male or female, you do not want to touch my child! 2. Pei Wei and his mother-in-law were startled, Pei Wei quickly coaxed, and his mother-in-law also smiled and explained that it was just nonsense, not serious.

I was furious: “Pei Wei, if you do not want to live a good life, then divorce! Pei Wei is not dare to divorce, at least not now, if the divorce, then he is in the ascendancy of his career will be completely finished.

Pei Wei busy and swore at me, I was confused, did not listen to it.

This kind of anxiety troubled me for a few days, until the family came to an uninvited guest.

After the last showdown, my mother-in-law had tightened up a lot, and this day she led a woman to me: “Li Li, this is a relative from our hometown, Wei’s cousin, who is looking for a job here, so can she stay with us for a few days?

“We are now living in a large duplex of more than two hundred square feet, my pre-marital property, originally lived Pei Wei and I two people, even if you add a mother-in-law and a cousin is not much.

This cousin called Xiaoqing politely greeted me, “Sister-in-law, hello.

”People have entered the door, what can I say, besides I don’t want to argue over such trivial matters.

The most important thing at the moment was my body, so I nodded my head and didn’t object.

What I didn’t expect was that Xiaoqing was unexpectedly diligent and skillful, and her cooking was much better than my mother-in-law’s. I had a poor appetite during my pregnancy.

I had a poor appetite during my pregnancy, so she made me three different meals a day.

I like bread, so she even learned how to use the oven and the bread machine, which is a kind of care that my mother-in-law never had.

I liked Xiaoqing so much that I decided to let her stay at my house to help out and pay her a monthly salary.

I soon realized that Xiaoqing was not only a good cook, but also a good helper in the relationship between my mother-in-law and me, and a lot of conflicts and frictions disappeared when she was around.

I am more and more satisfied with Xiaoqing, in addition to giving her a raise in salary and bonuses, I also told her more than once, let her do a good job, and then introduce her to a reliable boyfriend.

Whenever I said this, Xiaoqing always shyly lowered her head and didn’t say anything.

In the blink of an eye, it was the third trimester, the day I went to the hospital to get my registration and start my official maternity checkup.

I don’t think I’ll ever forget that day, June 18, 2020, Pei Wei accompanied me to the hospital and we had a big fight right in front of the clinic.

The reason is also very simple, mother-in-law called a call, she directly asked Pei Wei to take me to do ultrasound to determine the sex of the child.

In front of so many people, I really couldn’t help it.

“What does your mom mean?

What does your mom mean? You didn’t listen to me last time, did you?

And it’s only been a few months?

It’s impossible to be accurate!” Pei Wei was not as good-tempered as he was before, and was a bit impatient: “Xu Lingyi, can you stop making a fuss?

My mom just had this idea, so what if she just mentioned it?

It’s not up to you to decide whether or not to go for the ultrasound.” ”I’m making a scene?

“I’m making a scene?

Your mom’s attitude right now makes it clear that she doesn’t want to live a good life, and you’re saying that I’m making a fuss?

“I just feel a whole lot of anger surging up in my heart, ”How hard it was for me to get pregnant with this child, you know, and now you’re letting your mom do it?

Pei Wei, do you still have a conscience, have you forgotten the way you kneeled down and begged me?

Pei Wei Pei Wei was furious: “What did I beg you for?

Xu Lingliang, do you think you are particularly capable?

I’ve also told you that women all over the world can get pregnant, you’re not the only one, why do you take yourself so seriously?

If you can’t get pregnant naturally, can’t you do a test tube?

If this one isn’t a boy, just get rid of it and try again, your family has money anyway! I couldn’t stand it any longer, I slapped you! I couldn’t bear it anymore and slapped him on the face.

At this moment, this man looked so strange.

Pei Wei glared at me with red eyes, and finally turned around and left without a word, leaving me alone outside the clinic door.

  1. Later on, I thought of this scene countless times, regretting why I did not seize the opportunity to severely beat him up, at least to scratch his face.

But I was pregnant, so if I really wanted to fight, I was no match for him.

So I finished my maternity checkup alone that day.

When I left, I thought the car had been driven away by Pei Wei, but I didn’t expect to find the treasure blue Cadillac on the other side of the parking lot.

It’s strange, who in their right mind would somehow change a parking space for their car?

And that side is the area that only VIP patients can use.

I immediately reacted that Pei Wei might still be in the hospital.

I called him and asked him to come pick me up, but Pei Wei said on the phone that he had already arrived at the office and asked me to take a taxi back.

I looked at the all-too-familiar car in front of me and burst into a cold laugh.

In the hospital to find people is not difficult, sometimes God is so helpful, I just turned back to the outpatient building when I saw the other side of the escalator down three people – Pei Wei, mother-in-law and Xiao Qing.

Xiao Qing stood in the center, Pei Wei and mother-in-law escorted on both sides of her, the stars, the absolute C position.

When I saw the look in Pei Wei’s eyes, my heart immediately fell to the bottom of the valley, pulling cold.

That’s not the way a cousin should look at his cousin.

I followed, these three people were too happy to notice that I was still behind.

I hid in the corner of the building and heard a passage that sent chills down my spine – Xiao Qing was pregnant! And it’s a month older than the baby in my belly, and it’s Pei Wei’s! They came to the hospital this time, having asked an acquaintance to check the gender of the fetus in their belly.

Obviously, the result satisfied them, Xiao Qing was pregnant with a boy.

As if a bucket of ice water fell from the sky, my hands and feet trembled, almost fainted in the hospital.

Gnashing my teeth to survive, I hate to tear my face off with Pei Wei right now! Dogs can not change to eat shit, Pei Wei nature is so, not worthy of my forgiveness at all! I found a few more active users in Pei Wei’s hometown bar, spent a large sum of money, and soon entrusted someone to find out the truth of the matter, however, the truth makes people vomit blood ……4. Xiao Qing is not Pei Wei’s cousin at all, but his first love when he was in his hometown.

Later Pei Wei went to college, but Xiao Qing went out of the village to work, a pair of lovebirds so separated.

Later Pei Wei met me, as a city only daughter, since childhood by the parents in the palm of my hand to grow up, at first I did not put Pei Wei’s pursuit in the eyes, or his last insistence impressed me, only later marriage.

Pei Wei not only and Xiao Qing old love rekindled, but also mother-in-law is informed.

Their family hid me in the drum, see me and Xiaoqing all pregnant, it is intended that whoever gives birth to a boy, who will be Pei Wei’s wife.

And Xiaoqing, has already won half of it.

The other half of the reason is even more chilling, Pei Wei’s family actually counted my pre-marital real estate! My mother-in-law doesn’t know how to cover up at all, and has long boasted in front of relatives in the village that she will come to the city to live with her son in a big house to retire, and I will be swept away.

I don’t think I will somehow net out of the house, it is likely that if I don’t cooperate with obediently give birth to a son, they will do something later in the months-long pregnancy to make me die, and then let Pei Wei as a spouse to inherit the entire inheritance! Sure enough, the materials sent by the private detective hired later confirmed my suspicions.

Listening to the content of those calls, as well as the hotel room record in front of me, I just feel the blood in my body in reverse flow, hands can not stop trembling.

Even if Pei Wei had betrayed me first, I didn’t even think of threatening his life.

But he actually treats me like pork on a plate! He wanted to do whatever he wanted! He didn’t even think about the fact that the child in my belly was also his flesh and blood! Great grief and anger swept through my body, and with a sharp pain in my stomach, I couldn’t hold back any longer and fainted.

When I woke up, the doctor told me that my child is no longer …… lying in the hospital bed, I did not inform anyone, only called my friend Lu Zian.

Lu Zian is my childhood friend, my best friend, but since I got married, he kept a distance from me, and this is the first time I took the initiative to contact him after marriage.

Lu Zi’an rushed to the hospital, after listening to my situation, his fists clenched, eyes red: “I told you, that man can not be relied on, you just do not listen! I didn’t call you here to listen to your sermons.”

“ I took a deep breath, ‘I’m going to get back at him, I’m going to make their family lose their reputation and make him Pei Wei pay!’ “What are you going to do?

“ Lu Zi’an calmed down.


“ I gritted my teeth and sneered.

  1. I stayed in the hospital for a few days in the name of protecting the fetus, during which Pei Wei did not come once.

Originally not yet cold heart this moment also dead can not be dead.

In the hospital I have not been idle, began to contact a variety of contacts, looking for opportunities.

Lu Zi’an revealed to me an important information, Pei Wei is currently actively enlisting a large customer.

Three days later I was discharged from the hospital.

When I opened the door of my home, everything in front of me was so unfamiliar that it was scary.

Xiaoqing was sitting on the sofa eating fruit, and my mother-in-law was busy in the kitchen, just like the mistress of the house.

I laughed coldly: “Xiaoqing doesn’t do anything now?

‘ Granny came out: “What does she do?

Don’t tire her out.

“I paid for her to come here to share the burden with you. If you say so, why don’t I get a new babysitter?

“ I emphasized the last sentence and then managed to see Xiao Qing blush.

Yes, that’s what I’m trying to remind her that her status in this house is just that of a nanny.

My mother-in-law wanted to go for comfort, but she was afraid that I would see the difference.

“We’re all family, it’s not nice to say that. …… Xiaoqing is, after all, Wei’s cousin.” “Well, then, since she’s Wei’s cousin, it’s okay.

“That’s fine, since it’s family, I don’t have to pay her salary from next month.” I smiled, “Anyway, it’s all family.

I smiled, “Anyway, we are all family, why do we have to be so clear.” “Eh!


“ Xiao Qing’s face was ugly.

I added, “By the way, I just checked, I’m pregnant with twins, sons.

“Granny was pleasantly surprised, and Xiaoqing looked as if she was dead in the water.

Didn’t you want boys?

Didn’t you want to replace me and take everything from me?

Let’s see who will have the last laugh.

As I expected, my mother-in-law was overjoyed at the news, and on that day Pei Wei came back unprecedentedly early.

I threw an ultrasound sheet in his face, and then managed to see his ugly smile, this ghostly man, but also completely did not think about why the previous maternity test did not detect twins.

Pei Wei began to surround my wife long wife short attentively again, I was circling around him while deploying the outside arrangements.

Of course, Xiao Qing was not idle.

Can pregnant to find door to door, still can bear humiliation to hide until now, she is not a simple role.

Not two days later, Xiaoqing deliberately let me find Pei Wei’s ambiguous WeChat messages.

I took the excuse to have a big fight, but also pretended to have a stomach ache, scared the mother and son panic, left at home the recorder also recorded Pei Wei and Xiao Qing therefore quarrel sound.

Immediately after that, Xiao Qing sent me her and Pei Wei’s rooming records.

Taking the open room record, I knew it was almost time.

Slap, two slaps I threw hard on Pei Wei’s face: “You can afford me?

!” 6. These two slaps hurt me so much that I had wanted to do this for a long time.

Pei Wei once again kneeled in front of me: “wife, wife, listen to my explanation, the fact is not like this ……” “You have taken other women out to open the room, you still say you want to explain?

!” My tears fell like rain, “I’m with you in good faith, not half false.

You are the only one in my heart, this is not the first time I found out, right?

Pei Wei, what do you really want from me?

“ Probably because he felt that I couldn’t leave him, Pei Wei heard this, and his confession wasn’t as sincere as it was just now.

In front of me to do enough drama, Pei Wei and excuse to pull Xiao Qing out, the two people in the street garden argued in the middle of the street, Pei Wei also hands, a slap Xiao Qing full of blood in the mouth.

I followed, watching a burst of pain.

After Xiaoqing came back, I was deliberately concerned: “What’s wrong with your face?

Who bullied you?

Hurry up and tell your sister-in-law, she’ll take it out on you!” Xiao Qing clenched her teeth, “No one bullied me, I fell on my own.

“ I laughed coldly in the bottom of my heart.

The bright red five finger prints on her face were clearly visible, and she still said she fell on her own.

This bitch, with Pei Wei is really a natural pair.

In this way, Xiao Qing stimulates me from time to time, I go to use the excuse to scold Pei Wei.

For some time, Pei Wei’s face was all red and swollen by me, and every night I had to take an ice pack to apply cold compresses.

He dared not fight back in my place.

After all, he thought I was pregnant with twin boys.

But with Xiao Qing, he was not so polite.

The atmosphere in the house became more and more tense, until that day Pei Wei’s company had a celebration annual meeting, and Pei Wei wanted to bring his wife to attend.

Early that morning, I stood in the stairwell and watched Xiaoqing busy, knowing that the opportunity had come.

I deliberately shouted to Xiaoqing to help me, while she came over, saw the opportunity to step on the air, my whole body rolled down the stairs! Xiao Qing was terrified.

I didn’t give her a chance to react, and directly called Lu Zi’an, asking him to come and take me to the hospital.

The plasma bag I prepared in advance broke, and soon there was a bright red underneath my skirt.

When have Xiaoqing and her mother-in-law ever seen such a battle, seeing so much ‘blood’, they froze in place in fear.

Lu Zi’an, who had been waiting downstairs, soon arrived.

I pointed in Xiaoqing’s direction, “How dare you push me?

!” Xiao Qing was stunned, “I didn’t! I really didn’t!” Lu Zi’an picked me up: “Why are you talking nonsense with her? We’ll call the police when we get to the hospital.

“Lu Zi’an took me away, his car had my luggage ready.

Lu Zi’an looked at my arm was broken into shape: “Why are you like this?

That couple won’t even feel sorry for you if you make yourself so miserable.” ”I don’t need them to feel sorry for me.

“I don’t need them to feel sorry for me.

“What I want is for the show to start off on a high note.

  1. I left the house and my mother-in-law received a call from Pei Wei, who was anxious because of my delay in arriving.

Hearing about the change in the family, Pei Wei was just as I expected, not half caring about the tension, but only concerned that my inability to be there would affect his performance at the annual meeting today.

The mistress of the house was seriously injured and hospitalized, the only person Pei Wei could choose was Xiao Qing.

Not long after, Lu Zi’an side of the news: “by you guessed it, he brought that woman to participate in the annual meeting.

“ ”Very good.

“I’ve already changed my clothes, ”Let’s go, let’s go see how he’s going to play on.

‘ At the annual meeting, Pei Wei brought Xiao Qing around to socialize.

When has Xiao Qing ever seen such an occasion, nervous and embarrassed, holding Pei Wei’s arm is not atmospheric at all.

Fortunately, Xiaoqing does not talk too much, so she looks quite shy and gentle.

Soon, Pei Wei won the favor of the big customer, the two talked happily, as if they could immediately take the contract.

Music played, I wore a mask, changed into a bright red skirt, put on a carefully selected wig and stood next to that big customer.

Pei Wei was indeed instantly attracted to me, and he would never have thought that I was the same Xu Lingyi that he thought had been seriously injured and hospitalized, and probably wouldn’t even be able to keep her baby.


“ I was satisfied to see the amazement in his eyes, ”Do you want to dance?

”This is my secretary, just a little young and naughty, Mr. Pei don’t mind.”

“ ”No, I won’t.

“ Pei Wei was nervous.

Pei Wei never knew I could dance, although he felt I was familiar, he didn’t think about Xu Lingyi as a person.

It’s really ridiculous, obviously husband and wife, but he’s so cold and indifferent to me, otherwise how could he not recognize me?

Xiao Qing didn’t know how to dance, much less dare to open her mouth to refuse, and could only look at me and Pei Wei jealously as we danced together.

At the end of the song, I gave Pei Wei a flying kiss and quickly left the stage.

In the evening, when Pei Wei arrived at the hospital, I took off my disguise and lay there with a white face, then told him that the child was gone.

Pei Wei’s face just flashed a momentary loss, but he still has a child in Xiaoqing’s stomach, that is also a boy.

Besides, the big client is going to sign up soon, so he won’t care about my death at all.

As long as the big client signed the contract, his position in the company would go up a level and he could reach the level of vice president.

Under this kind of temptation, my pre-marital real estate does not seem to be so attractive.

He said, “Let’s get a divorce.

“8. I: ”The child is gone, you want to divorce me?

“Pei Wei made up his mind: ”In fact, we are not suitable at all.

Xu Lingyi, you are not suitable to be someone else’s wife, you have too strong a personality, you are too competitive, and you don’t get along with my mom.

“I looked at her coldly, ”Oh, you want a divorce, do you?

Unless I’m dead, you’re dreaming!” Pei Wei was anxious: “Why do you have to make such a mess?

Can’t we just get along?

I don’t have feelings for you anymore.

“Are you seeing someone else?

“No!” “Nonsense, do you think I’ve forgotten about the last time?

Did that woman ask you to divorce me?

What did she promise you?

“I said no, Xu Lingyi, you really have no charm at all, you can’t keep your husband yourself, but you still blame me for cheating outside! Pei Wei looked at me spitefully, “Hurry up and sign the divorce.” “I can sign the divorce if I want to.

“If you want me to sign the divorce, you can.

“ I looked at him word for word sneer, ”First, bring that woman to me; second, you net out of the house.

“ Pei Wei hesitated.

We still have nearly a million dollars in our marital savings, and he can’t afford to part with that money.

However, he couldn’t afford to part with it, because the big client asked Pei Wei about the couple’s relationship, and said something about having a four-person family gathering, and that if he wanted to develop a harmonious relationship, it would be best to get the contract done at the family gathering.

Without divorcing me, how dare he bring Xiaoqing to that big client?

To ask him to lose this big client, Pei Wei and like cutting meat can not afford to give up.

On one side is the costly marriage, on the other side is the best chance for promotion.

This choice is not difficult for Pei Wei.

As long as he is promoted to vice president, his annual salary can exceed the current deposit, he can also get a son, so that Xiaoqing smoothly on the throne, and by the way, to solve me this trouble.

So, not two days later, Pei Wei brought Xiao Qing to me.

Xiao Qing was proud of herself.

Pei Wei also did not look half ashamed.

I took out a divorce agreement that hadn’t been signed and placed it in front of them.

These two people were glowing in both eyes.

  1. “Now, when I read a sentence, you slap her.

When you’re done reading and slapping, I’ll sign it.

“ I said as I took out a pen and shook the divorce papers in my hand.


‘ Xiaoqing froze.

She didn’t expect that she had originally come to the door to reap the fruits of victory, but ended up becoming the original spouse’s punching bag.

Pei Wei also hesitated: ”Eloquent, this is not good ……” ”If you don’t fight, I won’t sign it, and we’ll go to court and slowly fight the lawsuit.

Or, your child’s mother is willing to go to jail, a few days ago caused me to fall down the stairs without a child, have you two forgotten?

“ I smiled faintly.

What Pei Wei needs most right now is time, he can’t afford to procrastinate.

He gritted his teeth and nodded.

“Divorce papers.

“ I read.

Snap! A slap on Xiao Qing’s face.

“Party A, Xu Lingyi, Party B, Pei Wei.

“Slap! Two more slaps went down.

I read one sentence like this, and Pei Wei hit one at a time.

At first he was merciful, but by the end he was getting anxious, why is the divorce agreement so long?

Why is it still not finished?

Straight hit Xiao Qing two cheeks red, high swelling, the corners of the mouth are blood, but also lost two teeth.

Xiao Qing has been beaten to stand unsteadily, looking at Pei Wei’s eyes are not as tender as just now.

I was satisfied, finally read the last word, picked up the pen and signed my name on the divorce agreement.

“Very good.

“I smiled and looked at them, ”I wish you a hundred years of happiness, you must grow old together, or else I will laugh at you.

”Xiao Qing couldn’t say anything, her eyes were resentful to the extreme.

Pei Wei also did not say anything.

At two o’clock in the afternoon, after the Civil Affairs Bureau went to work, Pei Wei and I went through the divorce procedure.

I sold the large duplex house, bought a small apartment in another new development, and took the rest of the money to buy financial management.

After all this, I called my friends out for a drink.

Lu Zi’an said to me, “You should have done this a long time ago! That dog doesn’t deserve you.

“I laughed, tears came out: ”It’s not over yet, why are you so anxious?

The best is yet to come.

“The next few days, I am disguised as the image of the rich white beauty accompanied by the big customers, but also saw Pei Wei a few times, but every time either through the screen, or through a frosted glass, so that Pei Wei can see my shadow, hear my voice, but can not touch my person.

Pei Wei learned that I was not only the secretary of a major client, but also a distant cousin of others, could not help but be delighted, and he often looked for opportunities to want to be alone with me.

And just on the top of the small Qing recuperated the face of the injury, probably Pei Wei hands when a little bit hard, she left two groups of scars on her cheeks can not be removed, just like plateau red.

Not yet waiting for the time to raise his eyebrows, Pei Wei began to have bad luck.

A foot away from signing the contract, he was springing in the company.

Colleagues will also address him as Mr. Pei in jest.

Pei Wei of course, happy, more actively urging large customers to sign.

Just at this juncture, the big customer suddenly disconnected.

Phone can not be reached, no one answered the cell phone, it is difficult to contact the company, but learned that the other party has been sent abroad, before the project with the newly appointed person in charge to take over, before the negotiation of all pushed back to start again.

Pei Wei was dumbfounded, the previous efforts in vain, the new person in charge does not care about him.

Because that big customer is actually Lu Zian’s a forgotten friend, Lu Zian had helped him many times, this time he is in Lu Zian’s face with me in a play.

Pei Wei was anxious, looking for me all over the world frantically, but I have long sold the original residence, disappeared cleanly.

He had no choice but to look for the other me – the dainty one beside the big client.

Because of several previous contacts, I used a new micro-signal to add Pei Wei.

Pei Wei began to complain to me online, I told him that the big customer is not coming back in the short term.

Pei Wei all kinds of sadness and helplessness, to the hands of the vice president flew, his depression can be imagined.

Through the network, I comforted him.

Pei Wei was originally very interested in me, plus never seen my real appearance, more a sense of mystery.

Not long after, Pei Wei confessed to me.

  1. career setbacks, marital misfortunes, losses, when all the pressure falls on Pei Wei alone, mother-in-law’s concern, Xiaoqing’s tenderness has been unable to withstand what role.

I began to frequently and Pei Wei chat all night, give him career advice, and even introduce him to some useless contacts.

When people fall into the water, they will always take the straw as the key to saving their lives.

Pei Wei is the same.

Pei Wei and I played online love, Pei Wei fell deeper and deeper into me.

His new wife at home is not a vegetarian, Xiaoqing herself is very clear Pei Wei’s philandering, even after a week of separation, she could not sit still, and one night caught Pei Wei on the spot with my video.

Listening to Pei Wei’s sweet words to me, Xiao Qing violent anger.

Xiao Qing pulled Pei Wei’s hair is a burst of tearing, the two people soon wrestled together.

The commotion woke up the mother-in-law next door, and the family made a mess.

I only show the lower half of my face in the video, smiling extraordinarily happy.

Look, what a happy family.

Leaving me, Pei Wei can only take his new love his old mom, renting in the old broken house; leaving me, Pei Wei can only live this kind of life.

Watching Xiao Qing angrily scratch Pei Wei’s face, watching Pei Wei kick Xiao Qing down, watching my mother-in-law screaming at the side, I turned off the video with satisfaction.

Things are not over yet.

The next day, I prepared a gift to send to Pei Wei his current residence.

Inside is a letter of apology and a diamond bracelet that looks worth a lot of money, in the letter I wrote a clear apology to Xiao Qing, and told her that everything is a misunderstanding, so that she does not think too much, that bracelet is my gift to Pei Wei’s mother.

My former mother-in-law is a very shallow-eyed woman.

See that bracelet is happy, but also complained that Xiaoqing scratched her baby son’s face, affecting Pei Wei work work.

Xiaoqing couldn’t bear it: “He’s out there with another woman behind my back, don’t you care?

“The mother-in-law’s voice was even higher than hers: ”It’s not the first day you know my son is like this.

Wei is popular, you want to enter our Pei family door, look at their own position, do not meddle in things that should not be meddled in, do not look at who brought you out of the village?

!” Xiao Qing was so angry that she wailed, slammed the gate with a bang, and rushed out the door at once.

Oh, of course I knew it clearly, because in that gift box I also hid a listening device that was being activated.

I watched Xiao Qing rush out at the bottom of Pei Wei’s house and followed her all the way to Pei Wei’s company.

I smiled with satisfaction.

That’s right, Xiao Qing is not some gentle, kind, uninitiated young girl, she went through a lot of trouble to get to the top and was so humiliated before I signed the divorce, how could she possibly spare Pei Wei’s philandering?

I was very happy to see Xiao Qing smashed Pei Wei’s office, the telephone on the desk was broken by her, the computer screen also broken into several pieces, the whole office area echoed Xiao Qing miserable screaming.

“Pei Wei, you are really not a thing! Stealing an affair behind my back, do you think I’m dead?

You and that mom of yours deserve to die, teaming up to bully me!!!” Pei Wei became the scandal of the whole company, everyone’s eyes were on them.

Pei Wei’s hair was gripped down by Xiao Qing, his forehead was covered in blood, he tried to press Xiao Qing to keep her from going crazy, but he underestimated the power of a woman in extreme anger.

Pei Wei only felt disgraced against the gazes of the crowd, and he clasped Xiao Qing’s neck in death.

“There’s something to go back to, can you stop it?

!” Xiao Qing could no longer listen to his words, the excitement of last night, and the gift I just sent, as well as her mother-in-law’s favoritism, made her reach her limit long ago.

She roared, “Pei Wei! You leave your pregnant wife at home alone and chat with other women, you shameless man!!!” Pei Wei’s face turned red as he tugged hard on Xiao Qing and dragged her towards the door.

They made a big fuss and the whole company was shaken.

I had been standing in the corner watching, aching to the core.

  1. Pei Wei dragged Xiao Qing back home, and I knew there was worse waiting for him.

Xiao Qing smashed the computer stored in the company’s important information, this is before I came to Pei Wei’s office when I know, I also once helped him deal with some of the content, it is clear that the importance of that computer for him, this is considered an unexpected surprise.

Even if all the information inside the cloud storage, with Pei Wei’s losses and negative impact on the company to see, his job is certainly not keep.

As expected, Lu Zian told me that afternoon, Pei Wei was fired.

I immediately opened a bottle of red wine to celebrate, Lu Zi’an eyes looked at me deeply: “You can actually live a happier life ……” I shook the dark liquid in the goblet, unknowingly tears flowed down: “not to this rotten to the bone has been pus wound uprooted, this page I can never turn over.

“ Yes, what’s all this talk about forgiveness?

Until the person who hurt you gets what’s coming to you, all forgiveness is just forgetting.

I don’t want to forget about it, I don’t want to have to compromise after I’ve been hurt so much.

Lu Zi’an saw that he couldn’t argue with me and nodded, “Then I’ll accompany you.

”I didn’t dare to look at his eyes.

Pei Wei lost the proud job, can enter the world’s top 500 companies is his most proud of life highlights, and now all the self-esteem was thrown to the ground, fell to pieces.

Pei Wei was so in need of comfort that he continued to look for me, thirsting for spiritual sympathy.

I threw his number to a few chatting netizens, and then give them a sum of money, let them pretend to be a girl every day around Pei Wei chatting.

Pei Wei was originally a person who only loved himself, without me, there are other big women.

Soon he got used to it.

But Xiaoqing is not used to it.

After a big mess in the company, Xiaoqing caused Pei Wei to lose his job.

She was careful at first, taking out the thoughtfulness and consideration of serving a man.

Unfortunately, Pei Wei didn’t buy it, and his mother-in-law didn’t see eye to eye.

In their eyes, even if Xiaoqing gave birth to a hundred sons, it is not worth Pei Wei’s previous job.

Under such depression, Pei Wei began to drunkenness.

He did not go out to look for work, but I have mobilized my contacts to block all his back roads.

Decent companies will not want him, after all, his business has become a joke in the industry, the average private enterprise and he can not see.

This way another month, the atmosphere at home is getting more and more tense.

Xiaoqing’s belly is also much larger, she also began to be reluctant to serve Pei family mother and son.

She is a great success for the Pei family to give birth to the unicorn child, if it is in their old home, this time she has been the king of the family, not to mention her husband, even the in-laws do not dare to give any color, they have to be good food and drink to take care of.

Xiaoqing decided to fight for her family status.

That morning, starting with breakfast, Xiaoqing went on strike.

She covered her stomach, “I’m not feeling well, let your mom cook.

‘ Pei Wei had just spent the whole night chatting with the person I found, and now he was tired and agitated, and when he heard this, he sneered, “You don’t have hands?

You don’t know how to do it yourself?

Let my mom cook for you, where did you get such a big face?

“Xiaoqing was anxious: ”Pei Wei, are you still a human being?

I’m pregnant and you’re asking me to serve your mom?” ”I’m asking you to serve me.

“I’m pregnant, and you still let me serve your mom?” “Letting you serve is all because I think you’re good! Pei Wei, remembering the past, hated the woman in front of him, “If it wasn’t for you, how could I have gotten to this point?

!!! If I had known that you are this kind of goods, I would not have said anything to divorce Xu Lingyi! “You!” I heard my name through the listener and was in a trance, feeling ridiculous.

Xiao Qing was furious: “What time is it, you’re still mentioning that woman?

Fine, Pei Wei, you’re regretting it, aren’t you?

You regret divorcing that rich lady, right?

“That’s right, I am living with a pig, but also better than with a woman like you! Look at what you’ve brought me so far!

You’ve brought me nothing! You’re a scourge! Not only have you lost everything, but you’ve also cost me my job!” “I’m pregnant with your child, your parents’ grandson!” Xiao Qing screamed, her voice high and sharp.

Pei Wei was instantly awakened and he was silent for a while.

Suddenly Xiao Qing’s screams were even more intense and miserable than earlier, then I heard my mother-in-law’s voice: “What are you doing?

! Stop it! Son, are you going to beat her to death?

Stop it!” There was a great deal of commotion, and then suddenly, after a loud bang, everything went quiet.

I took off my headphones, my heart pounding wildly.

Not long after, I saw the ambulance coming, Xiao Qing was sent into the hospital covered in blood, Pei Wei followed around with a gray face, and next to him was a six-legged mother-in-law.

This scene is really exciting.

I thought back to that desperate afternoon, the moment I lost my child alone in the hospital.

The mouth of the heart seems to have loosened a mouth, all the pain and hatred and resentment have disappeared cleanly.

  1. Later, or Lu Zi’an told me.

That day Xiaoqing was smashed by Pei Wei accidentally, I heard a loud bang is the sound of the vase smashed on the ground.

Xiaoqing destroyed face, the child in the stomach did not save, but also seriously injured, but fortunately life is not in danger.

Pei Wei’s mom still expects Xiao Qing to think of husband and wife, let Pei Wei a horse.

Xiaoqing where can be willing to wait for their own situation stabilized some of the time, she directly prosecuted Pei Wei, with intentional injury to Pei Wei sent to prison.

To the extent of Xiao Qing’s injuries, without a few years Pei Wei is not out.

Pei Wei’s mother saw little Qing side of no hope, she took the diamond bracelet I gave her to sell, the results of the bracelet is just decorative, diamonds are fake, she was scolded by the clerk to drive out.

Without her son, she was living on the streets, walking and crying, I heard that half crazy and half stupid, and finally she was picked up by her old partner in the countryside.

All the dust has settled, I looked out the floor-to-ceiling windows of the traffic, calm mood.

Lu Zi’an was standing behind me.

He said, “Xu Lingyi, can I chase you?

“I was stunned: ”Your legs are on you, so it’s up to you to decide whether or not you want to chase me.

“Then I’ll go after you. Wait for me at the same spot.

I paused, “Lu Zi’an, I can’t have children.” “I know.

“I know.

“Don’t regret it.

I don’t regret it.” ”I don’t regret it.

“The next second, I was embraced by a warm embrace, and a long-lost sense of security surrounded me from behind.

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