What happened to those girls who wanted to find a rich kid?

What happened to those girls who wanted to find a rich kid?

I’ve been a lapdog for a rich kid.

I watched him take different girls on dates, all kinds of extravagant life experience all over, but once the girl is too deep into the game, he immediately withdrew, take back everything …… With such a perverted rich second-generation side, I have seen what is called the poor and extravagant desire.

The first thing I’d like to say is that I’m not sure how much I’m going to be able to get out of this.

His biggest hobby is “abusing humanity”.

The rich second-generation called Qin Wenyou, appearance is very gentle, wearing gold glasses, slender body skin white, even if no money should be the one that women like.

Last month, Qin Wenyou with just bubble young model in the street to eat, threw a few cigarette butts on the ground, next to the cleaning boss with a broom over, cleaned up when he mumbled, probably means that he has no quality, the table has an ashtray have to throw cigarette butts on the ground.

Qin Wenyou quickly stood up, bent down to pick up the cigarette butts, smiled and said to the old man, “Sorry, with you trouble.

“The young model next to him patted his hand: ‘ah don’t pick up, how dirty ah ……’ Qin Wenyou threw away the young model’s arm, face admonished her: ”shut up, what is called dirty, others rely on their own labor to eat, than your mother show a few pieces of meat noble much more.

“The young model was scolded, the face of a white dare not speak again.

After the old man left, Qin Wenyou smiled and picked up the phone, calling us all over.

“Brother Yau, what’s wrong?

“ Monk’s hair still has foam on it, I guess he rushed here halfway through his bath.

“Did you see that old man?

“Qin Wenyou pointed to the old man who was doing the sanitation, took out a bank card and threw it on the table: ”Whoever put him in the hospital, this card belongs to him.

“The eyes of Chips and the group of minions were glowing, everyone knew that Qin Wenyou was carrying a card with at least seven figures on it.

That evening, six young men with tiger backs beat up an old man in his seventies for twenty minutes, the old man was beaten with blood all over his face, with four broken ribs and an intracranial hemorrhage. A reporter rushed in with righteous indignation to stop them from continuing the violence, and held his cell phone in front of the old man: “Stop it, I’ve already reported it to the police.

A reporter rushed in with righteous indignation to stop them from continuing their violence, holding his cell phone in front of the old man: “Stop it, I’ve called the police.” The punk pointed at him viciously: “None of your business, get out! The reporter didn’t flinch and used his cell phone to take a picture of Chips’ face, and then the police arrived, and Chips was taken into the police station. Generally speaking, criminals in the police station will try to get out of the crime, but what puzzled the police was that Chips confessed to the crime, saying that he and the old man got into a conflict and took the initiative to beat him, and that the reason for the crime was that whoever was convicted of the crime most must have been the one whom Qin Wenyou would have given the card to. .

I didn’t do anything that day, I just stood dumbfounded behind Qin Wenyou and watched Chips and the others punching and kicking that poor old man.

Don’t they have parents? Why would they do that to an innocent person?

Qin Wenyou twisted his head to look at me with a fear-inducing smile on his face, but he didn’t force me to fight, he just took a sip of the cheap drink on the table.

The next day, the news of the plutocrat’s youngest son beating up an old man in the street became a headline hit, and Qin Wenyou actually held a press conference, and in front of countless cameras and microphones, he acted incomparably angry.

“First of all, I must apologize to that poor old cleaner, I hereby promise that, in addition to all his medical expenses, we Qinlian enterprises will also compensate him for moral damages of six million dollars.

Secondly, I want to apologize to the public, is the company improper employment, beating is indeed our company’s employees, at that time I was present, I desperately blocked them to go to the murder, but they fought red-eye, not the slightest regard for my discouragement (Qin Wenyou took off his jacket to show everyone the bruises on the chest and arms, in fact, it is the makeup), I feel ashamed for the company out of such a scandal, I hereby declare that I dismissed those six employees, and dismissed the I hereby announce the dismissal of the six employees and the dismissal of the company’s personnel manager.

Finally, I call on people from all walks of life to pay more attention to the old age of the elderly in their old age, Qinlian will set up a charity fund for the care of the elderly in the near future, which will be mainly used for the construction of nursing homes and community hospitals…….” After Qin Wenyou’s impassioned speech, the people on the stage were impressed by his showmanship, and applauded one after another.

In this way, a scandal was exploited by him and instead became a tool to publicize the company’s image, and Qinlian’s stock actually rose for a week.

This man was inhumane but extremely intelligent, and the scary thing was that he also possessed a fortune that rivaled that of a country, and his existence was like a nuclear bomb that would explode at any time to this world.

On the second day of the launch, he again targeted his prank on the young reporter who was in front of the old man.

2 Late at night, Qin Wenyou inexplicably called me to his beach house, where he patted me on the shoulder and asked me to swim with him.

The water was icy, and I sneezed as soon as I entered the water, but I didn’t dare to complain, so I just took a deep breath and swam forward.

“In fact, they don’t understand me, they think I am a playboy, vicious and vicious, just like those punks from Monk’s Boys, who call me Brother Yau, but behind my back, they may be scolding me,” Qin Wenyou said, handing me his hand.

“Qin Wenyou handed me a towel, swimming for more than an hour, I feel like my skin is not feeling.


“ I stood shivering, not daring to speak much in the face of a temperamental man.

“But you’re different, Wonkou, you’re a man with a bottom line, that’s why I appreciate you, Chips and the others are just a few obedient dogs to me, but you’re a friend to me.

“ Qin Wenyou wiped the water on his head and went to the table to take a cup of hot lemon tea and put it in my hand.

“I …… don’t quite understand.

“ ”After following me for so long, no matter what price I offer, you have not done a single bad thing, which shows that you are a loyal person, that old man in my house said that the person who is loyal to his own heart is the one who is trustworthy.

“ No matter what he said, I didn’t dare to tell him my inner thoughts.

After following him for so long, I already know his character well, he is a dictator who treats everyone as a plaything, this kind of person, how can he treat others as friends?

Before leaving, Qin Wenyou gave me a sum of money, he said: “Find a better hospital for your sister, don’t worry, I will go abroad in a few days, and then I will help you to inquire whether there is any reliable treatment plan abroad.

“ I trembled inside, want to give him thanks, he smiled at me and went upstairs.

The next day, Qin Wenyou’s plan began.

For his level of rich second generation, luxury cars, watches, private yachts, beautiful stars and these things can not arouse his interest, in his teenage years have been tired of playing, has long been disillusioned, took over part of the family’s business, his biggest hobby, is the “abuse of human nature”.

An extremely cruel form of entertainment.

The young reporter with a sense of justice was fired from the newspaper the next day for reporting a scandal at Qinlian Enterprises, and after losing his job, he went around looking for a job, he was very good at his profession but none of the newspapers were willing to take him, and the person who interviewed him let him go as soon as he saw his name.

The reporter has a fiancée, the two people have more than ten years of relationship, had planned to get married at Christmas, out of this incident the wedding date has also been delayed.

In the reporter outside the anxious looking for work, a man broke into his fiancée’s life, the man looks handsome out of money, but also one of Qin Wenyou’s lapdogs, once when the top male publicist flower boy.

Flower boy is very familiar with the woman’s mind, expensive gifts a carload to send, every day is a sweet talk, and soon took that woman down.

The woman wanted to dump the reporter, but was blocked by the flower boy, the flower boy lied that he has a wife, can only be a pair of wild lovebirds with the woman, the flower boy also encouraged the woman and the reporter to complete the marriage contract, the woman was the flower boy’s love and affection of the mind, agreed.

Later in the reporter and the woman’s wedding that night, the reporter received a message from the flower boy, which is full of his wife and flower boy cheating video, in the car, in the men’s room, and even in their own home bed …… video of the woman while praising the flower boy’s skills, while abusing the reporter’s incompetence.

That day should have been the happiest day of the reporter’s life, but it became his hell.

His bloodshot eyes questioned his wife why she was doing this, the woman simply broke down and said that if it were not for the flower boy has a wife who would like to marry you this rotten man, the reporter stepped forward and pinched the woman’s neck, the woman saw the situation is not good even begged for forgiveness, the reporter remembered the feelings of the past to loosen their hands, which expected that the woman picked up the side of the fruit knife and stabbed, the red blood ignited all of the violence, the reporter finally lost his mind.

This is Qin Wenyou’s favorite game, a game of bad taste to turn people into primitive animals.

The upright and passionate young reporter with an indomitable spirit killed his wife on their wedding night in a way that bordered on sadism.

Then, covered in blood, he went out into the street to seek revenge on Flower Boy, who was hiding in another city, but was arrested by the police who came after him.

As he grabbed him into the police car, the man let out a beast-like roar, his voice full of anger and resentment.

The next morning, looking at the newspaper news Qin Wenyou clapped his hands and laughed, his eyes were full of triumph, as if he had gotten the toy he wanted.

3 Let me think, when did I become Qin Wenyou’s lapdog?

It should be half a year ago, at that time I was just a small staff in the branch.

Qin Wenyou down to inspect, just into the company, those leaders all star-crossed like the moon around the past, pouring tea and water attitude attentive.

Qin Wenyou disguise a pro-people friendly look, smiled and asked some irrelevant questions, the office of all the people are standing rules and regulations, only I sat in a chair to distraction, it was my first time to do the project, think of something to think of God.

Qin Wenyou walked in front of me and looked at me without saying a word.

The general manager slapped me on the head, pulling me back to reality from fantasy, the general manager said to me: “This is Mr. Qin, why don’t you stand up and greet me?

“ I stood up in a daze and nodded to Qin Wenyou, I am not a person who is used to flattery, or rather, I hate kneeling gestures.

Qin Wenyou pushed the glasses on the bridge of his nose with his hand, and said to the general manager, “This young man is not bad, let him report to me at the head office tomorrow.

”I don’t know if it was my illusion, I felt that Qin Wenyou’s eyes had pure evil in them.

I never believed in pie in the sky, and out of my sixth sense I didn’t want to get close to this rich kid, but I needed money during that time.

My sister checked out leukemia, treatment has spent all my savings, even parents left us the old house also sold.

The hospital gave my sister the medicine is getting worse and worse, my sister lost weight to sixty pounds, I and her depend on each other, can not stand by and watch her being tortured by the disease.

The next day, I dressed in a suit to report, Qin Wenyou can not wait to pull me to the garage, asked: “can drive?

He asked, “Do you know how to drive?” “Yes.

“I don’t know what to do in my heart, although I got my driver’s license a long time ago, but I’ve driven a few times.

“Okay, take me to the Dragon Villa.

“The Koenigsegg’s steering wheel made me dizzy, but Qin Wenyou was very patient, introducing me to all the buttons and letting me start slowly.

There were times when I mistakenly stepped on the brakes, but Qin Wenyou didn’t complain, he had a look of excitement on his face that I couldn’t understand.

Along the way, I saw a lot of people taking pictures of the car, and when I waited for the red light, there were actually a few hot girls knocking on the window, and they were winking at me, wanting to get on the car and experience it, and Qin Wenyou said to me, “How about it, if there is one you like, let her come up here?

“I am red in the face, not colorful, but due to nervousness, if the car was scratched a cut, I sold me can not afford to pay.

There is an intersection in front of the Dragon Villa, waiting for the traffic light, a pregnant woman’s pace is slow to cross the street, just at this time, Qin Wenyou put his head into my ear, said to me: “see that pregnant woman?


“Step on the gas to the maximum, and crash through!” Qin Wenyou encouraged me.

Are you kidding me?

Cold sweat broke out on my back, and my hands trembled slightly as I gripped the steering wheel.

“Crash into it!” Qin Wenyou increased the decibel level.

“Boss, people will die.

“ I said through gritted teeth.

“I’ll give you thirty million dollars, hire the best lawyer for you, make sure you stay in jail for two years at the most, thirty million dollars, like your previous job you have to fucking do five hundred years, how’s that?

“Boss, she’s a pregnant woman ……” “Fifty million dollars, fuck you, run it over!” The pregnant woman had already walked right in front of our car, Qin Wenyou was a bit anxious and slapped my head with his hand.

At that moment, my mind surfaced a lot of images, my sister lying in a hospital bed, the empty refrigerator in the rental house, as well as the manager’s cursing at me, I gritted my teeth, put my foot on the gas pedal, just at this moment, the pregnant woman turned her face to look at us, her eyes a little panicked, her hand tightly blocked in front of her stomach.

I didn’t crash through after all, just like being drained, paralyzed on the backrest panting heavily.

Qin Wenyou gave me another blow to the head and sat back in the backseat, and I glanced in the rearview mirror, his expression unmistakably grim.

But after only a minute, he returned to his subdued demeanor and said, “The light’s green, let’s go.

“4 If Qin Wenyou still has some redeeming qualities, it is that he is generous, generous to his subordinates, and following him for a month can get my previous salary for several years.

Just a small half a year, I have already saved nearly a million dollars, in my mind calculating the cost of my sister’s treatment, when the money is saved enough, I will definitely leave this person at the first time.

“Brother, are you very tired lately, dark circles under your eyes are coming out.

“ My sister leaned on the pillow and looked at me with a worried gaze.

“No, don’t think too much, I’ve just changed jobs and I’ve been punching my performance lately.

“I smiled at her and handed her the peeled apple.

“Sometimes I wonder how much happier you’d be without me as a drag.

“ At twelve years old, my sister’s mind has long surpassed that of her peers.

“Silly, what’s going on in that little head of yours?

Mom and Dad left early, without you, I couldn’t even find someone to talk to, how could I possibly be happy?

“My sister revealed a smile as she took a bite of her apple, ”You could have gotten a girlfriend, how could you not have anyone to talk to?

“I also laughed, and was just about to tell a joke when my cell phone suddenly rang, and Qin Wenyou said in it, ”Come and pick me up, and be quick about it.

“Qin Wenyou to his men set a rule, no matter when, call must be answered, something must be in accordance with the time to arrive, like the company’s attendance in general, if you can do it will be issued a bonus.

Unlike attendance, failure to do so has serious consequences, and is by no means as simple as deducting money.

Chips once did not answer Qin Wenyou’s call when he was messing around with a massage girl, and two of his fingers were chopped off that night.

If it wasn’t for other people helping to plead for leniency, maybe even an arm was lost.

Not only to his men like this, once I saw him beat his own brother, that is a fifteen or sixteen year old boy, thin, wearing expensive customized school uniforms, Qin Wenyou a series of dozens of slaps, the boy’s mouth are bleeding, cheeks swollen, Qin Wenyou whispered something in the boy’s ear, the boy shook his head, so scared that he sat on the ground.

Before getting into the car, I saw the teenager called Qin Wutao biting his lip, his eyes under his bangs were full of hatred.

I rushed to the place with a sweaty head and saw Qin Wutou with his arm around a woman, he said to me, “Send me and Miss Zhou back to the villa.

“The woman sat in the car after the giggle, I think her voice is a little familiar, can not help but look back, the woman’s features delicate skin white, there is a shallow dimple on the face, I recognized her as my high school classmate Zhou Siqiu, study that will be the school is known as the school flower, every boy as she as a goddess.

Of course, this also includes me.

Qin Wenyou in the car to Zhou Siqiu hands, hand into her skirt, Zhou Siqiu red face, said: “hate.

“ ‘Squeak – squeak -’ the luxury car issued a piercing braking sound, I was sweating holding the steering wheel, I had just been watching Qin Wenyou’s movements, and I almost crashed into the billboard at the corner.

The sharp braking made both of their heads knocked on the front seat, Zhou Siqiu’s face makeup was all splashed, she cursed at me: “How do you drive, don’t you have eyes?

“My heart was cold, so she did not recognize me.

Qin Wenyou was very generous. He said to me, “Yuan Gu, drive well and watch the road.

“That night, I was in Qin Wenyou’s villa listening to them messing around, and there was a lot of commotion inside, and the sound came straight into my ears.

Qin Wenyou didn’t know what he was thinking, knowing that I was sitting downstairs, but deliberately leaving the door open.

My body constantly shivering, the heart surged with an incomparable repressed emotion, it urged me to stand up and yell, wanting to smash all those valuable antiques in front of me, and even in my heart there is a voice shouting: pick up the knife, rushed up to the …… only girl I have ever liked since I was a little girl, under the body of the rich second generation that I hate the most, and I, yet can only sit dumbfounded like a fool.

The sense of humiliation continued to destroy my sanity, just when I was facing the edge of madness, Qin Wenyou’s voice pulled me back to reality: “Yuan Gu, send Miss Zhou back, drive slowly on the road, Miss Zhou is tired.

“ Zhou Siqiu’s face was red, with a pout pounded Qin Wenyou’s chest.

Qin Wenyou smiled and touched a handful of her buttocks, before leaving the door, I noticed Qin Wenyou staring at me from behind, the corner of his mouth is an incomparable evil arc.

5 From that day on, Qin Wenyou and Zhou Siqiu took me with him on all their dates, which surprised me a little.

Qin Wenyou is a person who is not very good at women’s colors, or rather, in his heart he just treats women as playthings, no matter how beautiful they are, at most he will get tired of playing with them in a week.

But this time and Zhou Siqiu dating, but stayed for two months.

Zhou Siqiu was just a white-collar advertising company, a month to get eight thousand dollars in wages, although beautiful, but not beautiful to the point of the country, in accordance with the original planning of her life, nothing more than to find a rich man to get married, to buy a big house, give birth to a child when a full-time wife.

And Qin Wenyou’s appearance, to bring her into an unimaginable life, buy luxury goods like buying fruit, in and out of all the high-level cocktail parties, pick-up and drop-off cars are ten million level, out of the travel with a private jet, even the bathtub bathtub are customized abroad.

This kind of poor and extravagant life is like a drug, so that she can not stop, just when she indulged in the dream of being a young grandmother of a wealthy family, Qin Wenyou ruthlessly gave her a slap in the face.

This was another one of Qin Wenyou’s bad taste entertainment.

He took back everything he gave to Zhou Siqiu, not only jewelry, bags, luxury cars, gifts, even clothes and underwear all back, in short, Zhou Siqiu fell from the clouds to the bottom and was knocked back to the life of ordinary people.

It can not be said that not vicious, used to a life of throwing money, Zhou Siqiu simply can not tolerate the current situation, she felt that two hundred dollars a pair of jeans will scratch the skin, feel that four dishes and a soup is not a human being to eat, she can not even sleep, because when she opens her eyes to see her own small bedroom, and the previous Qin Wenyou bedroom of the opulence of the sky and the sky is the difference.

Zhou Siqiu collapsed, almost begging way, pleading to return to Qin Wenyou side, she said even if Qin Wenyou does not want to marry her, let her as a lover is enough.

Qin Wenyou said coldly: “What kind of goods do you think you are, worthy of being my lover?

“ After saying this, he hung up the phone, ignoring the crying on the other end of the phone.

About a week later, I was stopped by a woman on the way home, I got close enough to see before I recognized it was Zhou Siqiu, she was like ten years old, her skin was yellow and haggard, she said to me: “I remember you, you used to go to school in X Middle School, right, we are still in the same class.

We were in the same class.” I didn’t feel good about it and asked, ”What’s the matter?

“Can you do me a favor?

“What is it?

“He doesn’t answer my phone, I don’t know where he is, can you take me to see him, I promise, just this once, we’re old classmates, you won’t fail to help with this little favor, right?

“ Zhou Siqiu revealed a pleasing smile.

“You …… better not go to him again.

“With my understanding of Qin Wenyou, play tired of the toy, he is not interested in taking care of again.

“Yuan Gu.

“ my name for the first time from Zhou Siqiu mouth, she slowly close to me, chest on my arm: ”I will not let you help for nothing, I know reading then you like me, now it is late, why don’t we go to the hotel first, and tomorrow morning you take me to find him again?

“ Her breathing was rapid, her hand went to my suit pants, and there was a teasing expression on her face.

This woman is hopeless.

I grabbed her hand and told her, “He’s not in the same world as you, so stop dreaming and get a life.

“ Finished I turned to go, never thought that the woman actually drew out a dagger, wind up stabbing at their own throats.

6 The car stopped in front of Qin Wenyou’s other villa, I said, “Here it is, he is inside.

“ Zhou Siqiu couldn’t wait to run out of the car, this woman is really crazy, at that time, if not for me to stop in time, she would really stab through her own throat.

I was afraid that she had an accident, parked the car and rushed to follow her.

As soon as I opened the door, I saw Qin Wenyou wearing a bathrobe, holding a metal ashtray in the beating Zhou Siqiu, one by one, smashed in Zhou Siqiu’s forehead, blood flowed all over the place, some splashed on the wall paintings.

Zhou Siqiu only had half a breath left, she grabbed Qin Wenyou’s arm helplessly, a tear flowed out from the corner of her eye: “Wenyou, I didn’t mean to bother you, I’m pregnant with your child ……” “Clang” sound, the ashtray fell on the ground, Qin Wenyou’s face with a shocked expression: “What did you say, you have a child?

“ Zhou Siqiu nodded and said, ”I checked it in the hospital last week.

“”It’s mine?

” Qin Wenyou helped Zhou Siqiu up and touched her face.

Zhou Siqiu smiled happily, “Right.

“Fuck, so what?

“ The next second, Zhou Siqiu let out a miserable scream, Qin Wenyou copied the antique vase next to her and smashed it heavily on Zhou Siqiu’s stomach, before dying Zhou Siqiu still had unbelievable eyes, she couldn’t comprehend, why would someone treat their child like that?

“Hahaha ……” Qin Wenyou smashed Zhou Siqiu’s body a few more times, covered in blood, he was like a hellish ghost, with a maniacal look and bloodshot eyes.

I froze in place, witnessing the whole process, I couldn’t even make a sound.

Fear spread to my every cell, I was almost incontinent, I just felt my bladder swelling.

Qin Wenyou simply took off his bathrobe and walked naked in front of me, he picked up a cigarette and asked me with a slanted face, “Did you bring her here?

“ ”Yes.

“ My voice was trembling.

“Don’t panic.

“ Qin Wenyou took a deep drag on his cigarette and patted my shoulder: ”We are friends, I won’t blame you, you call Monk and the others to come and dispose of the body.

“”Yes ……” I shivered and pulled out my cell phone, pressed the dial button several times before dialing the phone.

That pure and lovely schoolgirl, at this moment became a corpse covered in blood, lying in the trunk of the car.

Chips and his gang had just been released from prison, joking as if nothing had happened, saying where they would go later to find a massage lady, and their calm and collected appearance convinced me that this was not the first time Qin Wenyou had killed someone.

This kind of aftermath must be something they are used to.

The car drove all the way to the deserted mountain, a group of people got out and picked up tools to dig a pit, Chips threw Zhou Siqiu’s body into the earth pit like garbage, and then unbuckled his belt and urinated into it, I saw the muddy yellow urine sprinkled on Zhou Siqiu’s stomach, and I just felt my stomach turn over, and I bent down and vomited with a “wow” sound.

“Old Yuan, your guts are too small, aren’t they?

“ another lapdog laughed at me.

Chips and the others laughed and lifted the earth in with a spade, and a living human life was lost to the world.

When I got home, I couldn’t sleep, my head was like a machine out of control, Qin Wenyou’s perversion was far beyond my imagination, if it continued like this, I would get killed too.

I opened my computer, there is an encrypted folder inside, all the evidence of Qin Wenyou’s crimes that I have organized, I originally planned to give all this information to the police after I left him, now it seems that if Qin Wenyou is brought to justice one minute later, there will be a new person who will be killed, and no one can predict what that madman will do.

7 Early the next morning, I rushed directly to the police station, the sun hadn’t risen yet, the city was still gray, I put the flash drive into my pocket and took a deep breath.

The very second I got out of the car, my arm was suddenly twisted backwards, and Chips’ lewd face appeared in front of my eyes.

“Old Yuan, Brother Yau is looking for you.

“ Chips said with a smirk.

“What do you want?

“I looked straight at him.

“Don’t move.

“Chips took out a picture of my sister sleeping in a hospital bed with a fruit knife sticking out of the side of the bed, ”You know how Yau works.

“I was like falling into a freezing cellar, and all the hairs on my body stood up.

I finally realized that all along, I was also the target of Qin Wenyou’s playthings, the first time we met, my unassuming attitude stimulated him, and he tried to crush my sanity, my rationality as a human being.

In the cold basement, Chips and the others had beaten me with baseball bats for thirty minutes, and I had been unable to even scream, feeling only the fishy liquid gushing from my throat.

Time and time again, they tried to use money to urge me to commit a crime, but they didn’t succeed, making Qin Wenyou more interested.

“Fuck, this kid is pretty hard to beat.

“ Chips hit me in the chest with another stick, the impact and pain made me cough violently.

Finding out that I had a crush on Zhou Siqiu, he purposely went to pick her up, letting me witness my goddess being toyed with like a dog by him, and finally dying in front of me.

“How about castrating him?

Let’s see how long this kid can be tough?

“ One of the lapdogs who just joined walked up to me with a knife.

Have been sending people to spy on me, wait until I want to resist, then start the real game, my sister is my only soft underbelly, Qin Wenyou is very clear.

“Brother Yau …… Yau ……” I made a sound.

I always just call him boss, Qin Wenyou got up from the sofa when he heard my voice, walked to my side and squatted down with mocking eyes, “Huh?

“ ”I was wrong, let me off the hook.

“ I admitted defeat, throwing down my dignity, I begged him for forgiveness.

I begged him, “What did you do wrong?

“ Qin Wenyou seemed to be satisfied with my performance, wiping the blood stains on my face with his handkerchief.

“I am a dog, should not have excess self-esteem, Brother You, you let me off, in the future you want me to do, I will do anything, hit a pregnant woman, beat up the elderly, take nude photos of high school students, kill …… anything, I will listen to you in everything.

“Qin Wenyou succeeded, he destroyed my life creed.

My father died early, my mother painstakingly brought me and my sister, a day to work five jobs, and finally died of exhaustion, dying mom touched my face, said: “Agu, bring up my sister well, be a good person.

“I looked at my mom’s expectant eyes and nodded heavily.

In the years that followed, I didn’t do a single bad thing, even when my sister and I were living on the streets and couldn’t even fill our stomachs, I never stole anything or stooped down to beg from others.

“Lick my shoes clean and I’ll let you go.

“ Qin Wenyou lifted his foot and poked his leather shoe in front of my face.

“Good ……” I stuck out my tongue and laboriously cleaned the blood on his shoe.

“Hahaha ……” Qin Wenyou laughed openly, the next second, he kicked me in the head, I was dizzy, my eyelids closed heavily.

I don’t know how long it took, I regained consciousness again, my hands and feet were tied with ropes, I tried to shake my head and realized that I was in a sack.

“Old Yuan, don’t blame me, reincarnate as a rich man in your next life and don’t suffer this kind of anger again.

“ Chips’ voice came from outside.

This son of a bitch, at that time when Qin Wenyou wanted to chop off his hand, I was the first one to speak out and plead for him, afterwards he gave me a promise with a snotty face that I would be his blood brother from now on, and that if there was a bite for him, there would be a bite for me.

I felt myself being lifted up, the next thing was the feeling of weightlessness, my heart was beyond despair, the sea water came from all sides, I felt the taste of suffocation, I struggled desperately, but the ropes on my hands were getting tighter and tighter, and in the darkness I prayed that my sister would be able to escape from this.

8 “Boss, he’s awake.

“ a voice came out in my ear.

I’m alive?

I struggled to open my eyes and found myself in an unfamiliar suite, a doctor-like person gave me an injection on my neck, and a fifteen or sixteen year old boy was sitting beside me, the outline of his features resembled Qin Wenyou, but his expression was even more grim than Qin Wenyou.

Qin Wutou, Qin Wenyou’s own brother.

“You’re really lucky, if we’d fished you out a minute later, you’d be dead.

“Qin Wutou’s voice was still a bit young, but his words were very sophisticated.

“Why did you save me?

“I was so weak that it took almost all my strength to say a single word.

“The enemy of my enemy is my companion. I believe you also know that my brother won’t let you go. If he knows that you’re still alive, he’ll definitely find someone else to deal with you, and you’re not always so lucky.

“What do you want me to do?

“Finish him off, you’ve been with him for so long, you should know some of his weaknesses, of course, I’ll spare no effort to help you behind the scenes.”

“These two brothers are really a family, the level of perversion is no different.

I don’t want to get involved anymore, I’m just a nobody, I can’t fight you powerful people, please let me go.”

I’m incredibly tired and just want to sleep a little longer.”

“I won’t force you to do anything, you can think about it yourself.

“Qin Wutou stood up and took out a photo from his uniform pocket and handed it to me.

In the next second, my blood boiled all over.

The only person I cared about in this world, my poor sister, pupils put to the maximum, a few oozing strangulation marks on her neck.

Qin Wenyou! I hissed like a wild animal and stood up angrily, but quickly lost my balance and planted myself on the ground, knocking blood from my head.

9 This week, the newspapers and online news media have been busy and crazy, with a constant stream of anonymous people sending in information filled with photos and videos of the Qin family’s eldest son committing crimes.

Rape, murder, and body splitting …… A time when the crowd was outraged, public opinion fermented quickly, and soon there were people spontaneously organizing protests on the streets, demanding that Qin Wenyou be brought to justice immediately.

Just a short morning, Qinlian Enterprise’s stock fell below the plate, the police searched everywhere for Qin Wenyou’s whereabouts.

Qin Wenyou received a phone call from his father was incredibly panicked, the father on the other end of the phone in an icy tone, said that political friends can not control this matter, if he does not want to sit in jail for life, quickly get out of the country.

“Dad, the public security department of Uncle Zheng did not say ……” Qin Wenyou face full of cold sweat.

“Don’t dream, I’ll buy you a day at most, if you get caught, you’re ready to die in prison.

“ Father stopped babbling and hung up the phone.

“Fuck, fuck!” Qin Wenyou went crazy and smashed all the things in front of him, smashing them until his hands were covered with blood.

Going to the bathroom to wash his face, he began to pack his bags, put on a blonde wig, changed his glasses to invisible ones, sprayed a fake scar at his neck, put on a duck-tongued cap and went out.

The sun was blinding and he didn’t dare linger on the street, he stopped a cab, sat in the back and said to the driver, “To the airport, quickly.

“ The driver drove unhurriedly, Qin Wenyou took out his phone and instructed Chips to transfer all the money he didn’t take to the Swiss account.

Chips was just a punk, he knew nothing about this kind of high-level remittance, he transferred the money for half a day without success.

Qin Wenyou was so angry that he cursed and told Chips to call the company’s finance to his home and make sure to transfer all the money today.

He said, “Damn it, you’re a loser.

“ Qin Wenyou hung up the phone, but found that things are a little bit wrong, that driver took him to a remote road, and then drove forward, do not know to which deserted mountain to drive.

“Fuck, this is the road to the airport?

“ Qin Wenyou kicked the driver’s seat.

“It’s not.

“I took off my hat and turned my head to look at Qin Wenyou, ”This is the road to hell.

“Qin Wenyou panicked and was ready to jump out of the car and run away. I grabbed a wrench and smashed it on his head, and he fainted and died.

10 I locked Qin Wenyou in a remote wooden house in the forest, hands and feet are shackled with dozens of pounds of iron shackles, this forest has become no man’s land ten years ago, the last ranger is my father.

Qin Wenyou was still unconscious, I picked up the woodchipper and laid his left hand on the wooden chair.

“Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!” Qin Wenyou let out a scream and convulsed as I threw his pinky to the ground and stomped on the bottom of his foot.

I lit a cigarette and admired his agonized posture.

“Yuan Gu, you didn’t die, good brother, do you know how worried I was, I ordered Chips to send you to Hong Kong, there is an old doctor who specializes in treating leukemia there, Chips even said that you jumped into the sea by yourself ……” Qin Wenyou was sweating all over his head, and his face was earnestly facing towards me.

I smiled at him and lay down on a wooden bed aside to sleep.

Early the next morning, I chopped off another one of Qin Wenyou’s fingers, fearing that he would lose too much blood, and bandaged him with gauze.

When the hunter becomes the prey, it turns out to be so weak.

Qin Wenyou said endless good words to compliment me, kowtow to me and call me Master Yuan, but also promised that as long as I let him go, give me all his money, enough for me to get away with a large number of ten lifetimes.

“Why are you so childish?

“ I wiped the sweat from his face with my handkerchief and lay back on the bed with a smile.

The third day, the fourth day, the fifth day, every morning was a finger.

Qin Wenyou had completely lost his appearance as a rich gentleman and had become a tail-wagging dog.

On the morning of the sixth day, as I walked towards him, a foul odor emanated from his crotch, the stench caused me to pinch my nose, but I still drew out the knife with my other hand.

“Let me go, Grandpa, I am wrong, I am not a human …… being,” Qin Wenyou begged for mercy in a mute voice, snot spraying everywhere.

“Aren’t you a self-proclaimed higher being?

In your eyes, the world is all dogs except you, so you can also be afraid?

“I showed a mocking smile.

“No, I’m the dog, I’m worse than a dog, grandpa, don’t cut my fingers …… again,” Qin Wenyou trembled like a dirty sieve.

“OK, I’ll let you go.

“ I put away the knife and put the DV camera right across from him.

“Thank you, thank you.

“Qin Wenyou kept kowtowing, making a funny sound.

“Don’t be in a hurry to thank me, look at the DV camera and tell me all the things you have done, if there is a single thing missing, I will chop off one of your fingers.

“ The corner of Qin Wenyou’s mouth trembled, and then began to describe himself, what kind of a rotten person is he in the end ah, after speaking for close to six hours, he actually had not finished telling the bad things he had done, until the evening, he finally stopped talking.

“You’re missing one.

“I looked at him coldly.

“No, absolutely not.

‘ Qin Wenyou shook his head frantically.

“You sent someone to kill my sister, have you forgotten?

”The veins on my hands burst out, I couldn’t help but want to slash at his head.

“I didn’t do it.

“Qin Wenyou screamed, ”I didn’t do it.

“ ‘You fucking ……’ I pulled out the knife and spread his other hand on the wooden chair.

Qin Wenyou kept screaming miserably, screaming to the point where his mouth foamed, actually fainted from fear.

My heart surged with doubts, Qin Wenyou no longer have a reason to lie, look at him like this, my sister is really not he killed?

Then who would be the murderer?

Another shadowy face surfaced in my mind, there can be no mistake, if it is not Qin Wenyou, there is only one possibility left for that kid.

I was set up again, my eyes were bloodshot and I changed the plan in my mind.

On the seventh day, I fed Qin Wenyou a meal of white porridge, the bastard only ate one meal a day, starving only skin and bones, eating like a dog gnawing on food.

I finished my last cigarette and looked at him with a smile, he didn’t dare to look back at my eyes, his head was lowered and shivering.

“Let’s do an experiment, in your favorite way.

“ I stood up and tossed the woodchipper to his side.

“This place is no man’s land, even the police will take most of the day to find it, but I promised to let you go, and I am a man of my word, I have already sent the police both the video of your confession and the address of this place, but the mail is delayed, and the date is ten days from now.

“ Qin Wenyou looked at me with a dull gaze, not understanding the meaning of my words.

“I should have died a long time ago, it was your brother who saved me, and it was he who instructed me to treat you this way.

“ I took out my pistol and pressed it against the side of my throat, ”Mr. Qin, you have always prided yourself on being a higher being and viewed everyone else as a lower animal, so I would like to see how you can live through these ten days.

Either you cut off your own feet in a human way and crawl to the side of the national highway ten kilometers away to ask for help, or you eat my dead body in a dog way to endure the past ten days, the knife is right at your feet, looking forward to your choice.

“Qin Wenyou was in a state of panic, his mouth open to an exaggerated degree.

I gently pulled the trigger, and the smell of smoke filled the air.

It’s over, it’s all over.

In the flawless white clouds, I seem to see my mom and dad, and my lovely sister, who is waving at me in her dress, the wind is gently blowing, and I feel an unprecedented peace.

[Epilogue] This is the morning news. The suspect Qin Wenyou, who is involved in multiple murders, has finally been found. According to the police, an anonymous person sent an e-mail to the police with a video of Qin Wenyou confessing to his crimes, and also with the address of Qin Wenyou’s hideout.

The police followed the address to find the past, but actually saw a horrifying scene, Qin Wenyou, the eldest son of Qinlian Enterprises, Qin Wenyou was tortured not like a human being, five fingers were chopped off by the root, and there was a body on the ground that shot itself, when the police arrived, the meat on the body was eaten by Qin Wenyou, only the white bones remain.

Qin Wenyou was brought to the police station, the spirit of obvious abnormalities, will be no warning shouting and even self-harm, the psychiatrist concluded that Qin Wenyou mental collapse, can no longer assume legal responsibility.

It is worth mentioning that on the third day after Qin Wenyou was sent to the psychiatric hospital, his brother Qin Wutao visited him in the hospital, but unexpectedly Qin Wenyou lost control of himself again, biting Qin Wutao’s throat alive, and Qin Wutao died on the spot as a result.

Doctors put Qin Wenyou in shackles for safety reasons to prevent him from hurting people again.

Qin Wenyou was put into an independent care room and would often talk to himself. The doctor said he showed signs of schizophrenia and often referred to himself as another person by the name of Yuan Gu.

The scandal of Qinlian Enterprises intensifies, political officials are also implicated, and the stock of Qinlian Enterprises continues to drop

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