What unspoken perverted thoughts have you ever had?

My girlfriend was renting an apartment she could never afford and was eyeballing the landlord.

I was full of perverted thoughts, and then I realized that I was the one who was simple.

My girlfriend’s name is Angela Lee, she is very pretty and belongs to the pure schoolgirl type of girl.

My name is Chen Feng, we started to fall in love after the winter vacation of our freshman year, and we have been good for three years.

The second semester of the fourth year of college, we began to internship, she thought the company is too far from the school, want to rent a house outside to live.

Rent deposit of three, she had three thousand dollars on hand, I do tutoring to save five thousand also gave her, barely able to rent a small second bedroom of two thousand per month.

But when I helped her move, I found that she had rented a one-bedroom apartment in Sanlitun.

“Anqi, are we in the right neighborhood?” I said, dragging two large suitcases.

“I was dragging two big suitcases and looked at the huge room with disbelief.

“Yes, come on in.

“How much is the rent for such a big house?” I asked, putting down my suitcases.

“I put down my suitcases and asked.

“I told you, two thousand dollars a month.

“She closed the door impatiently.

This place, the city’s busy shopping district, this exquisite ins style of decoration, 2,000 a month?

I don’t think 12,000 would be enough.

I was puzzled when I heard someone knocking on the door.

“Who is it?

“ Angela Lee turned to open the door.

A man in a casual t-shirt walked in, around forty years old, a little bald, “Angie, moved in?

“When Angela Li saw him, she smiled brightly, ”Brother Zheng, it’s you, please come in.

“Afterwards, Angela introduced me to the landlord.

The landlord didn’t talk much to me, his attention was on Angela Lee.

I knew that Angela Li’s outfit today was very seductive.

For four years in college, she always dressed innocently, but today, she wore a professional suit and black pantyhose, which made her look curvy and flavorful.

Li Anqi bent down while talking, tucking the package under the bed, her figure was visible, and the landlord’s eyes looked straight.

I deliberately coughed and glared at the landlord.

Between men, it’s all understood.

But he didn’t take me seriously and blatantly said, “Angie, you’re a real piece of work.

‘ Using such words to praise someone with a good figure is particularly frivolous.

Angela Lee, however, did not have a problem with it at all, lying down and turning back, and with him eye to eye: “Thank you, Brother Zheng.

“The landlord said: ”Look at these two long legs, when your boyfriend, really happy.

“I’m on fire, flirting in front of me, what do you mean?

Unexpectedly, Li Anqi directly ignored me, got up and ruffled long hair, said: “can have Zheng happy?

I have five houses at home, I don’t even have to go to work, and the rent I receive is more than what the average person earns.

“What, five houses?

I was surprised. In this city, they must be worth tens of millions of dollars.

Only then did I notice that the landlord was wearing a watch with diamonds on it.

The landlord said to Angela Lee, “If I could have a girlfriend like you, I’d be willing to give you five houses in exchange,” I couldn’t help but ask.

“I couldn’t help myself and deliberately asked, ”Five houses?

Isn’t there a limited purchase order?

“The landlord looked at me and said, ”I had three houses before 2007, but I bought two more through some small ways.

“I asked, ”What kind of tricks?

“Angela Lee interrupted me: ”What do you care what kind of solution it is, my brother Zheng is just capable.

“I don’t care what it is, my brother Zheng is just capable.” “Good, you’re so quick to talk to the Master of Housing.

I didn’t bother to argue and turned my head to the restroom.

Angela Lee and the landlord got happier and happier, and it was half an hour before the landlord left.

I said to her, “This guy looks like a lecher, don’t get in touch with him.

“Angela Lee said, ”Are you out of your mind?

You think so badly of people.” ”I haven’t asked yet.

“I haven’t asked you yet. Why is this house only 2,000 dollars?”

“Zheng said he’d take care of me during my internship, so he’s charging me this much first, and will raise it when I’m officially working.”

You’re calling me “Brother Cheng”, and it’s catching on.

Why can’t I get a good job like this?

I said, “I don’t think he has any good intentions, so don’t be greedy and suffer a big loss.

“Li Anqi suddenly raised her voice when she heard this: ”Is this a small advantage?

Do you know how much a square meter of this house costs? Can you afford it in your lifetime?” I didn’t want to argue with her.

“I didn’t want to argue with her and didn’t respond again.

I knew that after three years of love, now since we are going to society, we have to face the house sooner or later.

But I didn’t realize that as early as then, Angela Li had already done something shameless and against love for the sake of the house.

After living in the house, Angela Li claimed that she wanted to maintain her independence and did not allow me to come to live with her.

Although I had paid five thousand dollars in rent, I could only agree out of respect.

Usually, I get off work early, will first come back to cook for her, eat together, chat for a while, 10:00 p.m., I take the subway more than an hour back to school.

But I found that there are always so two or three days a week, once past nine o’clock, she will urge me to go quickly.

At first, I didn’t take it seriously, but that Friday, found something wrong.

That day I finished cooking, lying in bed to rest, a turn over, found a hair, five or six centimeters long.

I had a flash of insight, this hair is definitely not mine, I’m an inch long.

It couldn’t be Angela Lee’s either, she had long hair.

I immediately thought of the landlord, with his ‘Mediterranean’ haircut, the hair at the edges, it was this long.

Had he been in this bed?

I thought again of the dirty look in his eyes that day, and the way Angie Lee fawned over him, and felt bad.

In the evening, Angela Lee came back, and when she was changing, I pinched up the hair and asked her, “Angela, why is there a hair on your bed?

It doesn’t look like ours.

“Li Anqi was obviously stunned, wearing half of her clothes, over to take a closer look: ”This is my ah.

“Where did you get such short hair?” “Front bangs.

“Front bangs, look at that.” I thought, “That’s right.

“I thought, right, her bangs are not long.

But I was still skeptical.

After dinner, at nine o’clock, Li Anqi said: “Chen Feng, I want to read a book, you go back first.” “You can read it, I’ll do it.

“You can read it, I won’t say anything.”

I won’t say anything.” ”I can’t concentrate when you’re here, so do as you’re told.

“She pampered me. I couldn’t argue with her, so I had to pack up and leave.

But that hair is like a thorn in my heart.

Sitting on the subway for two stops, the more I think the more wrong, short hair, plus she hurriedly rushed me away, two things add up, there must be a problem, I have to go back.

I immediately got off, changed the opposite subway, back to her rented house, press the code to go in, but found that the door was unlocked.

My heart sank, and I knocked on the door impatiently. Angela Lee’s voice came out, “Who is it?

“ ”Angie, it’s me, I forgot something.

“ I said.

It was quiet inside for a long time, a full two minutes, before the door opened.

I saw that Angela Lee was wearing the professional suit and the black pantyhose.

I asked, “Why are you wearing this in the middle of the night?

“ And, her face was flushed, the tips of her hair were messy, and her eyes were a little panicked.

I asked again, “What took you so long to open the door?

“ Li Anqi stammered, ‘Just now I ……’ ”Just now we were fixing the toilet, Xiao Chen came ah?

“ A man’s voice came, and then the landlord actually swaggered out from the restroom! “Why are you here?

“I was in a rage.

“Angie called and said the toilet was clogged, so I came to fix it.

“The landlord was very calm.

Are you kidding me?

I asked, “Why was the door unlocked?

“Angela Lee was at a loss for words when the landlord said, ”Oh, maybe I locked it by accident, I have the habit of unlocking the door when I enter.

“Then he crossed over to me and swaggered out the door, ”Since the toilet is open, I’ll leave now.

“It’s definitely not that simple.

After the door closed, I asked Angela Lee, “Why did you change your clothes?

“She said, ”The landlord is coming, so it’s inappropriate for me to wear pajamas.

She said, “The landlord is coming, so it’s not appropriate for me to wear pajamas.” That’s right, but I was being paranoid.

But then I realized that there was a thin slit in Angela Lee’s pantyhose. I asked, “Angela, why are your socks torn?

I asked, “Angela, why are your socks torn?” Angela Li hurriedly looked back and said, “Oh, I accidentally scratched them, it’s okay, I’ll take them off and throw them away.

“I didn’t tell her that it was broken at the back, so why did she look back there?

I thought of an extremely unpleasant picture.

But I couldn’t bear to think about it.

Later, I pretended to look for the subway card for a while, while she went to the restroom, picked up her cell phone.

We have been in love for three years, cell phone passwords know each other, I quickly enter the password, open WeChat, want to see her chat with the landlord, but found that the conversation is normal, but also very polite.

I’m not sure if I’m right, but I’m not sure if I’m right.

I was still a little ashamed at that moment, and when I heard Angela Li come out, I hurriedly dropped my cell phone.

Subsequently, dawdling until ten o’clock or so, I left.

But that way, the more I pondered the more wrong, in the middle of the night to repair the toilet?

The toilet is clogged at that time?

Li Anqi most likely betrayed me, she and that surnamed Zheng’s “house master”, look at the crown, behind the scenes, may be more despicable things have done.

I had to find out.

Saturday, I stayed at Angela Lee’s place until 10:00 p.m. As usual, it was time to go, but I said, “I don’t want to go back to school tonight even if I sleep on the floor, I’m tired.

Li Anqi strongly opposed, but in the end did not tenacious over me, can only compromise.

And I did not expect, this night, something happened, almost beyond my imagination.

Before going to bed, Li Anqi drilled into my arms, her soft body makes me feel happy.

In the middle of the night, I was woken up by urine, just about to get up, and realized, Li Anqi was not around.

I was shocked, reached out and touched, and turned on the night light, the other side of the bed was empty, I subconsciously called out: “Angie?

“ No one responded, I rushed out of bed to look for her, she wasn’t in the bedroom or in the bathroom.

I put on my clothes and went out to look for her, but just as I pressed the elevator, there was a loud noise coming from the stairwell, and Angie Lee came out of it.

She was wearing a professional suit and black pantyhose, I was shocked, “Where have you been?

“ Angela Lee was blushing, still fixing her hair, and I heard, there were voices in the stairwell.

“Who’s there?

“I asked.

Angela Lee blocked me, “No one. Why are you up?

“The sound in the stairwell is gone again, did I hear it wrong?

But I don’t have time to care about that right now. I asked, “Why did you come out in the middle of the night, and you’re still wearing these clothes?

“I ……” Li Anqi was speechless for a moment, “I seem to have been sleepwalking.


Sounds crazy.

Angela Li added, “If you hadn’t called me just now, I wouldn’t have woken up. It’s cold outside, let’s go back.

“All the signs made me feel strongly that she was cheating on me with someone while I was sleeping.

“Get out of the way, I’ll see who’s in the stairwell.” I pushed her away.

“I pushed her away.

As she stopped me, she said, “Who could it be? You must have not slept well, and you must be hallucinating.

“I went into the stairwell and down three flights of stairs and saw nothing.

Li Anqi followed me down, pulled my hand, pouting: “Aiya, in the middle of the night, don’t make trouble, quickly take me back to bed, I’m afraid.

“ I looked at her professional dress and pantyhose, vaguely feel wrong, but can only take her back home.

Once in bed, she got into my arms, but I was not at all interested, pretended to be tired, closed my eyes and fell asleep.

Sleepwalking, so fake.

She must have cheated on me in the stairwell. The man, more than likely, was the landlord.

This is too much. Are they mimicking?

I think the landlord has five houses, he’s a rich man, he has nothing to do all day, he may play any perverted tricks.

Letting Angela Lee wear that outfit must be one of his quirks.

I had to investigate.

On Sunday night, I pretended to go back to school and left Angela Lee’s house.

But I hid into the grove of trees in the neighborhood’s green belt and kept a dead eye on the building’s entrance.

But until two o’clock in the middle of the night, the landlord didn’t show up.

I guess, is last night busy work tired, tonight at home to rest.

Okay, I’ll keep staring tomorrow night.

Monday after work, I went to eat with Angela Lee as usual, after nine o’clock, she urged me to go.

I was happy, pretended to talk to her for a while, and went out to hide in the grove again.

Sure enough, at nine-thirty, the landlord appeared, dressed in casual clothes, wearing a watch on his hand, strutting toward this side of the building.

Li Anqi, I guessed right after all.

A pang of sadness went through me.

But I realized that the landlord was followed by a man, similar in age to him, wearing a suit, more refined.

Strange, could it be that he wasn’t here to find Angela Lee?

I trailed them into the building and found that the elevator stopped at the 12th floor, which was exactly where Angela Li lived.

Suddenly, I thought of something, this man that the landlord brought with him, I saw him last night! He was wearing these clothes, entered the building at eleven o’clock or so, and seemed to come out at twelve o’clock, after all, at that time of the day, very few people came out of the building in suits, so I had an impression.

Landlord into the building before, but also looked around, with scruples like what, the expression is very lewd, obviously hidden in the heart of the dirty things.

My heart is like a knife, basically real hammer it.

Soon after they went in, I climbed from the stairwell to the twelfth floor, gasping for half a day, before holding my breath, lying on the door to listen.

Yes, the landlord’s voice came from the house, and the more I listened, the more I hated it in my heart, and I was old enough to know too well what they were doing! I was furious and also in tears, I really wanted to kick the door to pieces, rush in and strangle these two sons of bitches.

Angie Lee, I finally realized how you can rent such an expensive house.

This is the way you pay your rent, isn’t it! I listened to all sorts of strange noises coming from the house for a full two hours in torment, I’ve been with Angela Lee for three whole years, and she’s never let loose like she did today! Then I couldn’t listen anymore and went to McDonald’s for the night.

I wanted revenge.

But how?

Zheng is a typical “master of the house”, five houses in his name, in this city, can walk sideways.

I am an ordinary college student from a small county in the suburbs of Beijing, how can I fight with him?

I spent three days in misery, during this period, I excused the company something, did not go to see Li Anqi.

Thursday afternoon, Li Anqi called me on the voice phone: “Chen Feng, our company is going to have its annual reunion next week, a seven-day trip to Sanya.


Your company is quite generous.

“I was really surprised.

“Many companies have this kind of benefit,” Angela Li said, “I just want to remind you to water the flowers for me when I’m not around.

“I laughed in my heart, I was nicer to the flowers than to the people.

The next week, I was on the lookout for four more days, during which time the landlord came three times in a row. This bald old man was in pretty good health, and I thought to myself through gritted teeth: why didn’t this old man have a stroke and die in that bed?

On Sunday, Li Anqi asked me to help her pack up her things, she is the evening flight.

At ten o’clock in the evening, she took a taxi to the airport by herself, and before she left, she said, “For these seven days, this girl is extraordinarily lenient and allows you to sleep in my house.

“ Chutzpah.

This broken bed is almost rotten, how dare you take it as a treasure to fish for me?

In your eyes, I’m really a complete fool.

I thought to myself, “If the landlord comes in the middle of the night and I open the door, he’ll be scared to death.

Of course, I knew I was overthinking it. The landlord must have known she was traveling.

But I did not even think about it at that time, she did not follow the company to travel, but to follow the landlord.

That night, I sat on the sofa, want to check the real price of the house, then picked up Angela Lee’s iPad, clicked on the same city rental software, search this neighborhood.

Her cell phone and ipad are connected, the software automatically logged in her account, I clicked into her home page, but unexpectedly, found a chat record, is her and the landlord.

I swept my eyes and froze, that one striking conversation, straight into my heart.

After looking at it for a while, I understood it all.

No wonder I didn’t find evidence in WeChat before, I really can’t imagine that she and the landlord, have been using the same city rental software to have a real chat! I watched for half an hour, and finally understood, as I thought when I first eavesdropped on them before, Angela Li was doing something dirty to the extreme! This house, she didn’t pay a penny of rent at all, yet she’s been living in it until now.

The landlord’s name was Zheng Xiaoze, and the conversation showed that he was the one who took the initiative to contact Angela Li after seeing the information about the rent request.

Normally speaking, the rent of this house is thirteen thousand per month, but he said, he can not want a penny, but, there is a condition.

That condition is to see straight stomach, disgusting, too fucking disgusting.

Disgusting, disgusting, too fucking disgusting. Disgusting fucking open the door to disgusting – disgusting to the home.

I almost dropped the iPad, remembering all the previous, I can not help but stomach.

Li Anqi, what do you take yourself for, sinning ah.

My mind was about to collapse.

I finally understand why Angela Li won’t let me live with her, it’s in her way.

Then why did she take my five thousand dollars in the first place?

It’s too vicious.

Looking further back, I realized that the night I stayed over for the first time, Zheng Xiaoze had made an appointment with her to come at ten o’clock.

After the plan was disrupted by me, Zheng Xiaoze proposed that when I fell asleep, Li Anqi got dressed and went to the building to find him.

Li Anqi also asked, go to the hallway for what ah?

Zheng Xiaoze sent two bad smiles, self-explanatory.

Zheng Xiaoze also asked that every time they meet, Li Anqi has to wear professional clothes and pantyhose, he likes this.

And I understand why Angela Li’s pantyhose broke the time we repaired the toilet.

This house master, is a pervert.

At the end of the chat log, I found out that the tour, it was Zheng Xiaoze who invited her, not with the company at all! The price of the tour, of course, is that Zheng Xiaoze paid for it and she accompanied it.

I was green with rage.

With five houses, you can do whatever you want?

I took all their chat records with a cell phone and sat on the sofa all night, I want to retaliate are crazy, but there is no way.

And Angela Lee’s side, from Monday, has begun to bombard the circle of friends, she is almost half a day to send a group of pictures, a moment to shoot the hotel, a moment to sit on the yacht, a moment to go to the water surfing, and at night to see the fireworks show.

However, from beginning to end, the picture is only her one person, with some superficial bragging words, what “the first day to Sanya in time for the fireworks, happy ~”, or “ten minutes of helicopter tours, surprisingly 2600! , can be said to be full of Versailles.

During the seven days, she would occasionally send me a blue sky and blue sea or something, I perfunctorily replied “awesome” or something like that, and she didn’t have the time to chat with me much.

I spent the week in agony, and on Sunday night, Angie Lee came home.

As soon as she walked in the door she collapsed on the couch, yelling about how tired she was and telling me how much fun she’d had.

I didn’t make a sound and waited for her to finish compiling what she had seen and heard in Sanya with her “coworkers” and asked her, “Did you miss me when you were away for so long?

Angela Li said, “Of course, I think about you every night and dream about you.” I laughed in my heart.

I laughed in my heart, “You think about me when you are with Zheng Xiaoze at night, right? Moreover, I am afraid that thinking about me is also his order, right?

I asked, “So did you bring me any gifts?

“ Angela Lee froze, obviously not, but she reacted quickly, ”I wanted to buy it for you, but the box was too small to fit.

“I looked at her big box of newly purchased skincare products and laughed in my heart.

She got up and wrapped her arms around my neck, “Besides, I know that the gift you want to receive the most is for me to come back safe and sound and jump into your arms, right!” I was so disgusted I almost threw up and pushed her away by pretending to go do her laundry.

In the restroom, I almost cried, but I held it back.

She didn’t deserve me to cry.

That night, she went to bed early and I went back to school.

For three consecutive days, I didn’t go to her house. On Thursday, she said she wanted to eat drunken shrimp and asked me to go buy it for her after work.

I wanted to retaliate, but I didn’t think of a good way, in order not to let her notice, I could only continue to play along with her.

I bought her drunken shrimp, eat together until nine o’clock, she urged me to go, apparently Zheng Xiaoze is coming.

I was furious, I won’t leave tonight, not for any other reason, just to let you guys can’t get it, suffocate you.

I said, “I’m too tired these days, I don’t want to go back tonight.

“ At first, she did not agree, I directly rely on the bed, turned around and pretended to snooze.

I glimpsed that she picked up her cell phone, must be sending a message to Zheng Xiaoze.

I thought to myself, turn around I want to see, how do you explain to him.

But I didn’t expect, this night happened, once again refreshed my three views.

First of all, I really slept over, woke up at 10:30 pm.

Li Anqi sat on the sofa, saw me get up, handed me a cup of water: “Thirsty?

‘ I took it in confusion, drank most of the cup, and asked, “What, not kicking me out?

“Angela Lee smiled a fake smile, ”I have to feel sorry for you, don’t I?

Fine, I’ll let you sleep here.” I thought to myself, ”What?

I thought to myself, “What, you’ve already made an appointment with Zheng Xiaoze and you’re still going to the stairwell?

But I thought it was too easy.

I looked at my cell phone for a while, and after half an hour or so, I got sleepy again and drifted off to sleep.

I don’t know how long it was, but in my haze, I heard a rustling sound, and there was someone in the restroom.

But I was like a ghost in bed again, remembering that I couldn’t get up.

I dreamed that there was a gala in the restroom of this room, and it seemed that someone was telling a stand-up comedy show, and men and women were laughing, and people were clapping hard, but I couldn’t hear what the joke was.

I struggled a few times, but eventually didn’t get up.

Later, when I woke up, it was already ten in the morning, and no one was home.

Li Anqi WeChat message to me: “Dear, how can I not call you in the morning, I left first ha, remember to go to work soon.

“I wondered why I slept so deeply.

I reached for my iPad to see how she explained to Zheng Xiaoze last night.

I clicked on Same City Rentals and looked at the chat logs for a while, first I froze for a long while, and then, I almost exploded in anger in place.

Li Anqi had actually drugged me! It was sleeping pills, and it was a large dose! Last night, when I was napping, she sent a message to Zheng Xiaoze, saying that I was relying on her.

Zheng Xiaoze sent an unhappy emoji.

Angela Lee replied, “How about I still meet you in the stairwell?

‘ Zheng Xiaoze replied, ”How about this, in a while, you pretend to go downstairs to deliver the garbage, and I’ll give you my wife’s sleeping pills, so you can find a way to feed them to him, and when he falls asleep, I’ll go straight to the house.

“Li Anqi sent a ‘horrified’ emoji, and then a ‘stimulated’ emoji, and replied: ”How can I feed him, he’s a big living person, I can’t force him to eat it, right?

“I almost spit out blood in anger, really don’t take me as a human being at all.

Zheng Xiaoze replied: “Grind it into powder, put it in water and coax him to drink it.

“Li Anqi replied, ”Well, make a few more tablets and don’t let him wake up.

I was furious, “Angela Lee, do you know that sleeping pills can kill you if you take too many of them?

I couldn’t look at it any longer, that is to say, last night, my “ghostly pressure on the bed” was simply the result of drinking that cup of water sprinkled with sleeping pills, and just a stone’s throw away from me, there were two devilish people doing a morally degraded and heartless ugly thing! I’m devastated. Is my health, my dignity, so worthless in their eyes?

I can’t take it anymore. I’m quitting.

Zheng Xiaoze, you have five houses, you’re the “Master of Housing”, I can’t afford to mess with you, can’t I just hide?

I won’t get back at you. You can be as green as you want, not me! When I came back at night, I showed my cards to Angela Lee and broke up.

But I didn’t expect that another thing happened that made me change my mind.

That afternoon, when I was in the company, Li Anqi sent a WeChat: “Chen Feng, have you thought about marrying me.

“ Why would she suddenly ask that?

Is she pregnant and wants me to be the receiver?

I wanted to see what kind of drama she was singing, and replied, “Of course I’ve thought about it.

“Angela Lee quickly replied, ”Then let’s get married.

“Are you proposing?

That’s so easy to say.

Then I’ll play along with you, I sent a very touched emoji and said, “Angel, to marry you is my greatest wish in this life.

“ She replied, ‘Well, let’s have a serious chat tonight.’

There must be something wrong, she must have talked to Zheng Xiaoze about something.

In the evening, I went back to her house first and opened the same city rental.

I found that their chat log had increased by more than two hundred sentences from when I left in the morning.

And the things they chatted about sent chills down my spine, they were going to set a trap for me to fall into.

Angela Lee said that she wanted Zheng Xiaoze to get a divorce and she married him.

This is not the first time she mentioned, before, Zheng Xiaoze did not answer positively, I did not take it to heart.

But this time, Zheng Xiaoze replied: “Baby, I also want to marry you, but, can you do one thing first?

‘ Angela Lee replied, ‘You name it, I’ll do whatever you want.’

‘ Zheng Xiaoze replied, ‘In order for us to live a happier life in the future, I hope, you marry Chen Feng first, so that their family can buy a house and put your name on the real estate license.

And after that, you can then divorce him and split the property equally and cash it in.

Then, after we get married, it’s equivalent to having half a house more.

“I’m dumbfounded. Zheng Xiaoze, you have five houses, and you come to hit on me?

Do you know that it takes two generations of life’s work for our average family to buy a house?

I was so angry that I burst into tears.

What’s worse, Angela Li replied, “Baby, that’s a smart move.

‘ Zheng Xiaoze replied, “Then it’s settled.

But what did you just call me?

‘ Angela Lee shamelessly replied, ‘Hubby, mwah mwah mwah mwah.’

“Next, they chatted for four hours about this plan, and the more I watched, the more chilled I was. If I didn’t know anything about it, I would have been played to death by them.

However, I feel that Zheng Xiaoze must also be playing Li Anqi, Li Anqi was blinded by greed, she will sooner or later eat the consequences.

I could have just broken up with her and let her plans fall through, but right now, I don’t want to, since they are so insidious, I will play with them to the end, I will not be a human being until I get my revenge.

In fact, from their conversation, I have already thought of a way that might be able to deal with them.

That night, Li Anqi came back, and after dinner, we sat together and seriously discussed the matter of marriage.

She quickly set out the conditions: you must have a house to get married.

I said, “If you want to buy a house in this city, you have to pay social security for five consecutive years, and neither of us is qualified for that now.

“Li Anqi said: ”I want a house, just for peace of mind, can not buy here, in your home to buy is also possible, anyway, your home is in the suburbs of Beijing, is not far away.

“This idea was given to her by Zheng Xiaoze, I know.

I said: “That’s fine, how much can your family pay?

“Li Anqi pretended to be surprised: ”My family still has to pay?

“I also pretended to be surprised: ”The house is so expensive, our family can’t afford it.

“Li Anqi said, ”You can just make a down payment, a few hundred thousand dollars.

I laughed inwardly, “How can hundreds of thousands of dollars sound like hundreds of dollars?

I said, “Well, if my parents take out their pensions and borrow some more, it should be enough for the down payment.

“Li Anqi was about to nod her head when I added, ”But then, only my name will be written on the real estate license.

“Li Anqi immediately got angry: ”Chen Feng, what do you mean, you don’t trust me, do you?

I thought to myself, “If I could trust you, I would have to die in your hands.” But I pretended to comfort her, “I don’t know what to say.

But I pretended to comfort her: “Oops, I’m not afraid of my parents have ideas, okay, you do not angry, I am responsible for talking to them, the real estate certificate must have your name.

“She turned her anger into joy: ”Good, we will pay back the loan together.

“This drama is really enough ah.

Okay, you’re not kind, don’t blame me for not being righteous, my revenge plan, can be fully launched.

I know, Zheng Xiaoze this hand holding five sets of real estate, vampire general “housing master”, need to have a and his evenly matched opponents, in order to fight down, and that person, I have thought from their chat, is his wife.

I’m going to unite her.

After two nights of squatting, I tailed Zheng Xiaoze back home.

Downstairs at his house, after two more nights of guarding, I determined which one was his wife.

Surprisingly, Zheng Xiaoze’s wife, actually very beautiful, a head of shoulder-length hair, charming and attractive, and the age of Zheng Xiaoze looked much smaller than.

Really should be the saying, the wife is better than a concubine, concubine is better than stealing, for the rich man, the wife is beautiful, but also can not tie his heart.

That morning, Zheng Xiaoze’s wife went out alone, I followed to the outside of the neighborhood, stopped her, and bluntly told her that her husband was cheating on her with my girlfriend.

She looked at me full of caution, I reported the one-bedroom door number, said: “My girlfriend lives in your house, last week, they also went to Sanya together to play.

“Zheng Xiaoze’s wife was stunned, she looked around: ”It’s not convenient here, today at three o’clock in the afternoon, you go to Wudaokou’s Shangpin Coffee and wait for me, let’s talk.

“ Subsequently, she bowed her head and walked away.

In the afternoon, we met at the café, and I realized that her name was Sun Weiwei, only thirty-one years old, seven years younger than Zheng Xiaoze.

I told her about the dirty dealings between Zheng Xiaoze and Li Anqi, and then, sent her the chat records taken from my cell phone to see.

Her expression grew more and more grave.

“Sister Weiwei, both of us are victims in this matter, I hope that you can join hands with me to deal with them.

“ I said.

Sun Weiwei was so immersed in grief that she couldn’t calm down, she said, “Chen Feng, I’m sorry, I can’t accept this for now.

“I understood her, ”I know, it’s a bolt from the blue for you too, and it’s not like that for me.

“Sun Weiwei covered her forehead and actually cried, but at the same time said, ”Actually, we were about to get a divorce.

“ ”What?

“I was surprised.

“But it’s not what you think.

“ she said.

“So what’s going on?

“I couldn’t figure it out.

Sun Weiwei calmed down a bit and told me, “It’s about buying a house. We’re getting a fake divorce in order to buy a sixth house.

A sixth house?”

I was shocked.

I was shocked to learn that Zheng Xiaoxe was a demolished house in 2007, and he got it directly from the demolition.

“It turns out that Zheng Xiaoze is a demolition household.

Sun Weiwei continued: “The other two sets, was bought after marriage, that time has been limited purchase order.

In 2015, we used a fake divorce, the house all over to my name, in his name to buy a new house, and then remarried.

“There’s still this kind of operation?

“Then, in 2018, there was a new policy that you had to be divorced for a year before you could qualify to buy a house as a first suite, so we divorced for a full year before we bought a house and remarried.

That house, that’s the one-bedroom that your girlfriend lives in now.

“I asked, ”Then the rent is usually not under your control?

“Sun Weiwei said, ”I’ve never cared about that, it’s all Zheng Xiaoze’s responsibility.

It’s my fault that I have no concept of money, but I really didn’t think that he would do me such a disservice behind my back.

“She said she was going to cry again.

I hurriedly stopped her: “Then this fake divorce, the real estate is still all passed to you?

“Sun Weiwei nodded: ”I’m not a person with much heart, he trusts me very much, besides, I’ve done this twice before.

Moreover, when we bought the last two houses, my parents gave us a lot of money, so all the savings in the family are in my name.

“Listening to this meaning, Sun Weiwei’s parents are very rich, that’s why Zheng Xiaoze will be so attached to her.

I asked, “That means if you two get divorced, theoretically, Zheng Xiaoze will instantly become a pauper?

‘ Sun Weiwei said, ‘You can’t say that, after all, we’re in a fake divorce.’

‘ I said, ‘What if this divorce, is for real?’

‘ Sun Weiwei looked up at me with tears glistening in her eyes, and I could see that she was heavily emotionally attached and hesitant.

No wonder she fell for it, like I did.

But I’m sure she’ll come to her senses sooner or later.

I said, “If you don’t want to, I won’t force you, I’ll fight them myself, but I only ask you one thing.

I’ll fight them myself, but I only ask you for one thing.” ‘You tell me,’ I said.

”Don’t show your cards to Zheng Xiaoze yet, lest they find out that I know about this and it affects my plans.

‘ Sun Weiwei nodded.

We then left the cafe and went our separate ways.

It seems that I still can’t deal with Zheng Xiaoze for a while, but I can deal with Angela Li first.

Recently, she had been urging me about getting married, saying that she could accept a license for a wedding before graduation, as long as my family bought a house.

I’ve already thought of a way to deal with this, I said to her, “Angel, I have a romantic idea, I don’t know if you can accept it.

I said, “I have a romantic idea, I don’t know if you can accept it.” “What idea?

“I said: ”Before the wedding, your family to our home, live in the hotel, and then, that morning, I took the real estate license to take the wedding car to pick you up, pick you up, our first stop, not the hotel, but the Civil Affairs Bureau.

“Civil Affairs Bureau?”

“That’s right, I have always hoped that the day I get my license and the day I get married will be the same day, that’s what I call a proper name, and it’s also a bit original, don’t you think?

“Angela Lee was obviously only concerned about the real estate license, ”Are you sure you can bring the real estate license to pick me up on the morning of the wedding?

I said, “I have to. Otherwise, you’ll have to ask my mother’s family not to open the door for me.” Angel Li was relieved.

“Li Anqi was relieved: ”That’s what you said, I won’t open the door without the real estate license.

I laughed in my heart, “Fine, you won’t be able to open that door for the rest of your life.

After we made a deal, she quickly went to talk to her parents.

Later, she said that her parents were also very concerned about the house and didn’t agree with my proposal.

But she tried her best to convince them for my sake, and she even told them that as long as they could be with me, they could live without a house.

I laugh in my heart, I don’t have a house of course, as long as Zheng Xiaoze that house master has, you will be satisfied.

She said that in the end, her parents reluctantly agreed, but there is a requirement, the wedding must be grand.

I thought, OK, this wedding, I must be so grand that you will never forget.

In fact, my plan is very simple, that is, on the wedding day, to all the people burst Li Anqi and Zheng Xiaoze’s scandal, those shameless chat records, to her family to see, let her reputation.

Of course, our whole family will have to leave.

Originally, I wanted to finish the wedding, and then clean up the “master of the house” Zheng Xiaoze, but then a few days, I found a treasure, for this revenge, added a colorful, and directly impressed Sun Weiwei, so that she made up her mind.

That day, I once again looked up the chat between Angela Lee and Zheng Xiaoze, and found that Zheng Xiaoze said, “I always feel that it is not safe to hide the camera under the bed.

“Li Anqi said: ”Under my bed is full of clutter and messy, that idiot won’t go through it, don’t worry.

“I was very sensitive, and quickly drilled into the bottom of the bed. Sure enough, in a shoe box, I found a camera, a Canon.

I pressed the power on, and realized that there were many photos and videos stored inside, all of which were taken by Angela Lee and Zheng Xiaoze when they were making out, and the contents were unappealing to the eyes! There were hundreds of photos and fifty to sixty videos, some of which were taken in the restroom in front of the mirror, while others were of Li Anqi showing her face alone, when viewed together, it was a complete collection of springtime scenes.

I quickly pulled out the memory card, using the computer to copy to my cell phone, after finishing, had to sigh, the camera’s pixels, really too much higher than the phone, the two of them played professionally enough.

The next day, I asked Sun Weiwei to the cafe.

This time, I didn’t say anything, and handed my cell phone over, letting her see for herself.

For half an hour, she was ashamed and indignant, and finally almost dropped my cell phone, coldly said: “Nothing to say, I will help you, I want to make this divorce fake.

“ No need to say more, it’s a done deal.

The vengeful resentment in Sun Weiwei’s eyes was something I had never seen before.

I then told her about my wedding plans.

She said: “I will rush before you get married to divorce, in your wedding day, we double-pronged, as long as you make it, I will tear my face off with Zheng Xiaoze.

“ A woman is soft and weak, but revenge is strong.

Subsequently, I used a week, the date of the wedding, the hotel, and the wedding company have been set, but also took Li Anqi took wedding photos.

Li Anqi didn’t have a good heart, naturally, she wouldn’t be picky, and everything went quite smoothly.

A month later, it is the wedding date.

I first arranged for my parents to meet with Angela Lee’s parents in the capital, and the two sides ate a betrothal banquet.

During the meal, Li Anqi’s parents said that since their daughter was marrying out of town, they were going to bring more than fifty friends and relatives over to attend the wedding, and wanted us to have to book the best hotel.

They also emphasized, in a half-joking tone, that on the day of the wedding, if I didn’t come to pick up the property with the real estate license, then they really wouldn’t open the door.

My parents agreed one by one and assured them that they would get the down payment together and buy a house to pick up the bride.

However, a week after this engagement party, I pretended that I had just found out that Angela Lee was cheating on me and told my parents about her sex for rent.

My parents heard, very angry, then to find Angela Lee’s parents theory, but I stopped them, and only said, we are good and good, break up on the line, the marriage is not closed, I’ll go to talk to them.

My parents endured and accepted.

Next, I have no worries.

And half a month later, Sun Weiwei sent me a WeChat, showing her and Zheng Xiaoze’s divorce certificate.

I smiled, so let’s take the plunge.

The day of the wedding, soon arrived.

On the day before, Li Anqi’s parents brought more than fifty family members and friends, and came to my home, a small city in the suburbs of Beijing, in great numbers.

I received them to the hotel, recognized the seven aunts and aunts, took a credit card to open a room, and told them, our rules here, is the day before the wedding, the two families of friends and relatives can not meet, please bear with me.

And then, I pretended that it is convenient to take care of everyone, let Li Anqi built a group, all the maternal family members are pulled in.

Li Anqi foolishly complied, and soon, there were more than fifty people in the group, which was the most central circle of friends and relatives of their family.

Very good.

But I know that there is another family friend, also came to the hotel, and did not show up – is the “house master” Zheng Xiaoze.

A few days ago, I saw the latest chat between Angela Lee and Zheng Xiaoze.

Zheng Xiaoze said, “The night before the wedding, I’ll come to your hotel, let’s have a ‘pre-wedding night’ game.

“Angela Lee sent a ‘bad guy’ emoji and an ‘exciting’ emoji and said, ”Yeah, I’ve thought about doing that too.

I’ve thought about it too,” she said, ”Dogs, you’ve made a flower.

It doesn’t matter, I’ll let you enjoy your final pleasure.

I left the hotel after settling Angela Li’s family and friends. Before I left, her parents chased me out and reminded me, “Xiao Feng, remember to bring the real estate license tomorrow.

“Angela Lee also laughed: ‘Don’t worry, if he doesn’t bring it, we won’t open the door to him!’ I smiled back.

That night, Angel Li posted a couple of friend circles with pictures of his friends and family, announcing that he was getting married tomorrow.

Many of our mutual friends liked him.

I stayed up all night staring at WeChat.

At six o’clock in the morning, the make-up artist went to put on Angela Lee’s make-up, she took a selfie and then sent out another circle of friends: “There are still two hours left, my husband will come to pick me up, I’m so looking forward to it,” I wanted to leave her a message, “The real husband in your heart must have just had a good time with you a couple of hours ago,” I thought.

At seven o’clock, Angela Lee texted me: “Are you leaving from home?

“ I was lying in bed at that time and replied calmly, ”Yes, the convoy is moving forward.

“She sent me a look of anticipation, ”Don’t forget to bring your real estate license.

“I replied: ”Don’t worry, after picking you up, we’ll go straight to the Civil Affairs Bureau.

“She sent back a ‘love you’ emoji.


At eight o’clock, I was still lying in bed, by this time, my mom had already gone downstairs to buy doughnuts and told me to eat breakfast.

Li Anqi sent WeChat: “Husband, how come you haven’t arrived yet, I miss you ah ~” I didn’t reply, I saw her new friend circle, the wedding room, has been crowded with friends and relatives, bridesmaids, various elders, blocking the door, waiting to grab the red packets, as well as her parents, is sitting in a serious manner and drinking tea, I think it must be waiting for my real estate license.

At 8:20, she weighed in on me again: “still not there?

“ By that time, I had already finished eating the doughnuts and thin rice bought by my mom and returned to my room.

I gently leaned on the bed and replied to Angela Lee, “It’s here.

“ She sent a happy emoticon.

But I then said, “But it’s your karma that’s arrived.

‘ Without waiting for her to reply, I quickly clicked on that fifty-odd person friends and family group, and sent a brainstorm of a dozen or so photos taken by her and Zheng Xiaoze, and uploaded two videos.

Afterwards, I opened the memo and copied the text I wrote down in advance, pasting her sex in lieu of rent, evening Zheng Xiaoze, asking for a divorce, and then tricking me, wanting a fake marriage, and cheating me out of my house into the friends and family group, accompanied by screenshots of their chats in the same-city renting software.

Then, my fingers flew, the remaining hundreds of photos, nine nine to send, accompanied by dozens of videos, the group was dead silent.

But I distinctly heard the sound of exploding thunder! I know, not only is the group bombed, Li Anqi maternal family where the hotel, that crowded with friends and relatives of the wedding room, I think it must have been bombed rumbling, but no smoke.

My heart exclaimed, think about it, more than fifty friends and relatives gathered, some in the inner room, some in the outer room, are looking at these dirty news in amazement, and Li Anqi and her parents, was surrounded by the center, like a tsunami inundated, they must be in hysterics, screaming, cursing, crazy, must be in the sky, chest thumping and ranting! But no one would think I had a problem. Those friends and relatives, they must have been refreshed and reacquainted with Angela Lee.

As expected, Angela Lee started calling me frantically, but I laid back on my bed and just pressed off and blacked her out.

It was so cool.

My life had been trampled on for months, and now, it was a complete reversal.

I had achieved the perfect revenge.

Oh, there was one more thing that I almost forgot to do, I clicked on Sun Weiwei’s avatar and sent her a sentence, “Let’s start.

“ Sun Weiwei returned a ‘hmm’, I know, in the other room of the hotel, Zheng Xiaoze, into his hell …… Later, I asked one of the waiters of that hotel, the day of what really happened.

He said, never seen a wedding, done out of the effect of the funeral.

That day, that joyful wedding room, as if suddenly turned into a slaughter scene, the bride’s family of three screams and curses break through the sky, like who was killed, and those friends and relatives even with their family argued, and finally smashed things things, slamming doors slamming doors, have to leave, claiming that never again will recognize the family this relative, the bride’s family cried hysterically chasing out the bride’s face make-up, spent like a The bride’s face makeup, spent like a ghost, teeth and claws …… and on the second day, Sun Weiwei also told me, now, she absolutely will not remarry with Zheng Xiaoze, five houses under their names, and millions of deposits, all to her.

Zheng Xiaoze went from being a “house master” worth tens of millions of dollars to a complete pauper, and he will never want to recover anything.

I let out a long breath of relief, I was a bit curious, in this situation, Li Anqi and Zheng Xiaoze, will they still be together?

However, I have no time to care about this matter, because, for this revenge, I still have a large amount of credit card debt to pay off, I have to hurry to find a part-time job.

I used WeChat to send a high-five emoji to Sun Weiwei, attaching four words: happy cooperation.

Then, I opened the job search software.

Unexpectedly, ten minutes later, Sun Weiwei sent me back a WeChat: “Which day is free, let’s watch a movie together?

“ – End –

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