What’s it like to be born into a rich family?

How does it feel to be born into a rich family? One of my clients, an only child of a rich family, lives in a 2,000 square meter villa with a market value of 50 million dollars, is a proper rich person in this central city.

However, once the paternity test was done, the child she spent so much time with was not her own flesh and blood.

Despite the family’s opposition, the “family man” who wants to be together is actually the one behind the collusion and murder.

This opens up a period of intrigue that spans several decades.

Have any celebrities or stars come to our center for identification?


But I’m sorry I can’t go into detail, after all, the popularity is too wide, too many things involved, but I can tell the story of a hidden family, the family has more than 100 million dollars, which involves the details, no less than the stars.

(In the way of privacy I will rewrite some of the details, if you know the noble class in our province, surely you will guess who the protagonist is, but please don’t disclose half of it, thank you very much.

) More than ten years ago, our province’s aristocratic circle circulated a rumor, an only rich girl, father’s corpse is not yet cold, unilaterally destroyed in addition to his father’s life before the scheduled marriage, and the scheduled marriage of the rich son to break up, turn back to the ex-boyfriend and double-dating.

Some people say that this woman is not filial too desperate, father’s life set the marriage actually in its just passed away on the repentance of marriage.

Some people say that this woman dares to love and hate, in order to appease the sick father, agreed to marry with their own people do not love, after his father passed away to find their true love, so filial and sincere woman, worthy of praise.

More people are silently concerned, thinking that these two families are of comparable wealth and peers, and after the repentance of the marriage, they will surely fight over this in business, and both of them will lose.

In the end, the party who repented of the marriage was very restrained, and only arranged for people to take away the real estate and cars that were given to them during the engagement, and did not make any other moves.

The woman got what she wanted and married her ex-boyfriend, who she was deeply in love with and had to go through a lot of ups and downs to get back together.

The ex-boyfriend’s family was average, but she was happy, not to mention that in her eyes, the property that her father had left her had been more than she could spend in dozens of lifetimes.

This kind of aristocratic circle rumors, too far away from us, but really let me close contact with this circle, is an incident that happened several years ago.

On the day of the incident, I was receiving clients at a DNA identification center.

Suddenly, there was a knock on the door.

The receptionist, Xiao Peng, led a middle-aged woman with a pretty face and a dignified demeanor, her face covered with anxiety.

“Doctor, this lady needs the result of the appraisal today, the original appointment is at noon, she is too anxious to wait, I hope to do an expedited appraisal, the kind of results before the end of the day, is it convenient for you?

“I looked up and rushed to Xiaopeng, “Yes, I can.

“After the middle-aged woman got the affirmative answer, the anxious look immediately disappeared, replaced by a graceful temperament.

The middle-aged woman said thank you, elegant and dignified out of the door, the whole process is short, but I still feel a kind of graceful and noble flavor from her, if we must find a reference character, “Legend of Zhen Huan” in the late Nuhu – Zhen Huan and she has the same temperament.

But at that time, I did not know that this is a family feud.

The middle-aged woman Shi Ran sat across from me, during which her every move and knit knit smile indicated that she was not from a simple background.

But what really surprised me was the purpose of her coming to the appraisal.

Middle-aged woman told me, her last name is Hua, this time to come, is to identify her grandson in the end is not their own daughter’s biological flesh and blood! I was secretly shocked. There are very few women who do appraisals, especially fewer who doubt whether they are related to their children.

A mother and her own child have spent time together since birth, and even if she can’t be sure who the biological father is, she can at least be assured that she is her own flesh and blood.

I took Sister Hua to go through the process of identification, the results came out, and there was no bloodshed, the child was born to Sister Hua’s daughter.

Ms. Hua was overjoyed and said, “Now my daughter Xuanxuan (a pseudonym) can rest assured, thank you doctor.

In case my daughter calls to inquire, could you please tell her the truth, she is a bit paranoid by nature, so telling her the truth will put her mind at ease?

“As this kind of request does not violate any rules, I agreed.

After sending Sister Hua away, I was extremely confused.

A mother who suspects that her child is not her own must have something to hide.

The next day, I did receive an unfamiliar phone call from a young woman inquiring about the results of this appraisal.

After checking carefully, I confirmed that this woman was none other than Sister Hua’s daughter, and informed her of the appraisal in detail.

There was no news for some time after that, and I thought that the matter was just over, and like many men who came to identify paternity with the result of a “match”, it was just that the person concerned was over-anxious.

That is, until one day a few months later, when two people came into my office.

They were both women, one looked young and pretty, with an excellent demeanor, and a manner of speaking that made people feel at ease.

The other was a little older, and her relationship with the young woman was supposed to be that of aunt and nephew, as the young woman always called her “aunt”.

The young woman’s name was Jin Xuan (a pseudonym), and she had come with her aunt to identify whether the child was her own.

Dr. Jin Xuan, we contacted each other a few months ago, and the woman you mentioned on the phone at the time, Big Sister Hua, is my mother,” she said.

” It seems that the last call did not remove Jin Xuan’s doubts, I took my aunt and nephew through the process, took samples from Jin Xuan on the spot, and did an expedited appraisal.

The results came out in the afternoon, and I was shocked! The samples taken by Jin Xuan at the scene really did not match the samples of the child she provided: she was not the biological mother of the child! Jin Xuan cried on the spot.

What’s going on here?

What’s going on? Why was it that the first time the grandmother brought her daughter’s and grandson’s samples for identification, it was a “match”, while the daughter’s and grandson’s samples were “excluded”?

Which part of the process had gone wrong?

Jin Xuan broke down and collapsed in her aunt’s arms, crying and asking her where my child was and why the child I had raised for so many years was not my own.

Jin Xuan’s aunt, bewildered and helpless, comforted Jin Xuan with pale words.

It turned out that months earlier, when Jin Xuan gave her child a medical checkup, she discovered that the child’s blood type did not match hers, and according to her and her husband’s blood types, it was impossible to give birth to a child with this blood type.

She asked her personal doctor, who politely told her that she was advised to check with a paternity testing center.

Learning about this, Sister Hua suggested that she must bring the child for a paternity test, otherwise how could she, as a grandmother, feel at ease? At that time, Jin Xuan’s spirit was too agitated, so Sister Hua personally inquired about the specifics of the situation and asked her personal doctor to take samples according to our request and bring the samples for identification.

The result was a match.

Jin Xuan, who got the news, called to inquire and confirmed the result, and was slightly relieved. Afterward, she asked her personal doctor again, who also said that the results of the paternity test were the most authoritative, and that it was normal for the blood types to have variations, so she asked Jin Xuan not to worry too much.

However, Jin Xuan could not avoid checking the information and found that the possibility of the so-called “blood type mutation” was very slim, and it could not happen to her and her child coincidentally.

The visit was made just to be sure.

But the result broke her down.

“Did you carry the wrong child when you were discharged from the hospital?

” I didn’t say anything, but in my heart, I understood that such a situation didn’t exist, or else there wouldn’t have been a match in the first identification and an exclusion in the second.

But at that time, Jin Xuan was as if she had grabbed a life-saving straw: “It’s very likely! At that time, I wanted to give birth to a baby at home, but you guys wouldn’t let me, you had to make me go to the hospital, there are so many hospitals giving birth to children, it’s very likely that I was carrying the wrong child at that time!” Auntie smiled bitterly and said, “The conditions in the hospital are much better than at home anyway, and it was Professor X’s (a very famous professor of obstetrics and gynecology in our province) suggestion to go to the hospital at that time.

Let’s do it again tomorrow, and bring Zeng Yang’s (a pseudonym) samples for an appraisal, so we’ll know if the baby is a mistake.” Jin Xuan is the son of Jin Xuan.

“Zeng Yang is Jin Xuan’s husband, so if we bring her husband’s and the child’s samples for another appraisal, in case they don’t match with the child’s samples, it’s indeed possible that the child was carried by mistake.

But even if that was the case, how could the first identification result of a match be explained?

Filled with suspicion, I watched the two leave.

Early the next morning, Jin Xuan and her aunt came to our center at the agreed time, bringing the test material of Jin Xuan’s husband, Zeng Yang.

I accompanied them through the process.

The results came out in the afternoon, and they showed that there was no match with the child.

In other words, Jin Xuan and her husband were certain that they were not related to the child! Jin Xuan’s aunt immediately cursed, “What kind of hospital is this, they must have gotten the baby wrong at the time, they are so famous but not responsible at all, Xuan Xuan, let’s go find them! Jin Xuan is also indignant, with the appraisal report pulling the aunt’s hand rushed out, got into the limousine, the driver drove away in a puff of smoke …… (2) two samples are not a problem, then the problem can only appear in the first appraisal process of Jin Xuan’s mother.

Jin Xuan’s mother may have switched the samples.

Then why did she do it?

What good would that do her?

We analyzed that because all three times were private paternity tests, the test materials were submitted by the client herself, and the only thing that could ensure that the test materials matched was the bloodstain that Jin Xuan herself took on the spot the second time, and there was no way to know the provenance of any of the other test materials.

Months later …… the police came to the door and inquired about the first three appraisals.

The police intervened, and this incident evolved into a criminal case involving a powerful family! We were all shocked at the time and asked the officer for details.

But the officers kept their mouths shut and would only tell us what details could be publicized for our ears unless our cooperation was needed in the process of solving the case.

That was the first time I was looking forward to going out in the field, so that I would have the opportunity to come into contact with the rich and powerful.

Shortly afterward, the opportunity came.

Director Yang asked me to prepare my instruments and follow her on a field mission.

I hurriedly prepared my things, and I accompanied Sister Yang out of the hall, and a limousine was parked in front of the hall, the same limousine that the two rich girls were in last time.

The car took us through the ring road, onto the bypass highway, to the best piece of environment in our city – XX Lake Forest Park.

The people living here are all the rich and powerful in the province, and they live a luxurious life that we can’t imagine.

The car followed the lake along the avenue turned a circle, to the center of the lake peninsula of a villa area, this villa area only a few huge detached villas, is this XX Lake Forest Park near the king of the building.

Each villa was surrounded by a wall, isolating a few independent courtyards in the center, outside the wall was a small forest and the XX lake, the environment was very elegant, on the other side of the peninsula you could also see a small marina, with a few yachts parked on the dock.

“We’ve arrived at the place, get off.

” The car drove to the door of a villa, I carefully observed, this villa has five floors, a total area of more than two thousand square feet, even if our central province housing prices are not high, but the price of a square foot of the king of the building in this location is more than 20,000, that is to say, the market value of this house at least in more than fifty million dollars.

Listening to Officer Xie, in addition to this one, there is another house in this area that also belongs to Jin Xuan’s family.

That means the value of the properties here alone is over one hundred million dollars! Sure enough, they were rich, I was staggered by what I heard.

Sister Yang and I walked through the courtyard and went outside the villa’s door, everything was set up intelligently, the door opened automatically, the lights in the slightly darker areas also turned on automatically once we entered, making me and Sister Yang’s eyes light up, and the interior furnishings were even more luxurious.

Luxury goods have everything, all the furniture are antique high-grade wooden furniture, alone a small stool is estimated to be able to withstand a suite in the city.

After coming in, there was no one, Officer Xie let me and Sister Yang wait a moment, she went upstairs to call someone.

Sister Yang and I didn’t have to wait long before Xiao Xie came down from upstairs, followed by Jin Xuan, holding a child in her hands.

“Thank you both.

“I didn’t think twice and hurriedly took samples from Jin Xuan and the child.

The whole process took less than half an hour, and after taking the sample, Jin Xuan went up to the second floor with the baby in her arms.

“Sister Yang, wait a bit, there’s another person who’s coming over and we need to take his samples.

“After tens of minutes, a young male dressed in fancy clothes and extremely elegant walked in accompanied by a police officer, swept a glance at Sister Yang and I with a cross-eye, without any intention to greet us, turned his head to look at Xiao Xie and said, “Officer, the company’s end-of-month inventory is today, and there are a lot of things to do, is there anything I need to cooperate with that I can’t talk about on the phone and must I come over here?

“Xiao Xie stood up and said: “Mr. Zeng, you have to come here today.

Let me introduce to you, these two are the appraisers from the XX Appraisal Center, we called you here today to ask for your cooperation in taking samples for a paternity test.” It turned out that this man was Jin Xuan’s husband, the actual manager of the family business currently owned by Jin Xuan – Zeng Yang.

“If you must investigate, then go investigate why the nanny switched the samples, don’t you need to meddle in our family’s internal affairs?

“Xiao Xie said squarely, “Mr. Zeng, we still have the authority to meddle in your so-called family’s internal affairs. The matter was authorized by Ms. Jin, and you, as her husband, are supposed to cooperate with us.

”I don’t have any obligation to cooperate with you!” Zeng Yang angrily said, “Please tell your leaders that my time is precious, and don’t call me for anything similar in the future, this Xuan Xuan, why is she fooling around again!” After saying that, he turned around and went up to the second floor, leaving us and Xiao Xeri in the living room.

Sure enough, the sound of Jin Xuan and Zeng Yang arguing came from upstairs, but it was impossible to hear what they were arguing about.

After half an hour of arguing, Zeng Yang came down angrily, and when he saw Xiao Xie, he growled, “Officer Xie, I’ve told you countless times, you don’t need to meddle in our family’s internal affairs.

“Jin Xuan came down right behind Zeng Yang and said, “Zeng Yang, I have never suspected you of anything, and I don’t want to make a big deal out of this, I just want to find our real child.

I just want to find our real child.” Zeng Yang turned back to Jin Xuan and said angrily, “Then you can just identify the child directly, if the child is yours, then it must be ours, if it is yours and has nothing to do with me, then shouldn’t I suspect you?

“Jin Xuan was choked by Zeng Yang’s words and didn’t know how to retort.

Seeing Jin Xuan’s sadness, Zeng Yang eased his demeanor, “Xuan Xuan, it’s not that I don’t want to find the child as soon as possible, in fact, I’m more anxious than anyone else, you were present at the family meeting last time, can’t you just follow the plan that we had arranged at that time, why do you have to make it so that it’s all over the city like it is now?

“Seeing this, Officer Xie said: “Mr. Zeng, please trust our police, we have opened a case and will definitely find out the truth! Zeng Yang let out a long sigh and said, “Alright, Xuan Xuan, if this can put your mind at ease, I’ll fully cooperate.

”After saying that, Zeng Yang walked towards Sister Yang and I, signaling his agreement to do the appraisal and asking us to take samples as soon as possible.

Sister Yang and I took the samples according to the procedure, and Zeng Yang whispered a few words to Jin Xuan and left in a hurry.

We had a few polite words with Jin Xuan and walked out of the villa accompanied by Officer Xie.

Officer Xie has finished his work and decided to send us back to the center. As soon as we got in the car, I couldn’t wait to ask what was going on and who was the child identified today.

Officer Xie this time is quite quick, will be able to disclose the news to pick up the important one by one told us.

It turned out that Jin Xuan the second time with her husband’s samples to identify, to determine the child is not biological, go back to inform her husband, Zeng Yang, Zeng Yang also angry, using relationships and contacts to find the hospital, asking the hospital to hold the wrong child responsible for the past so long, but there is no conclusive evidence, there is no way to hold the hospital accountable.

After two days of fruitlessness, Jin Xuan forced herself to calm down and carefully recall the whole incident, but also looked up the relevant information, and realized that she had overlooked a very important thing.

Why was the result of the first time the mother brought the child for identification a match?

The test material was handed over to the mother herself, could it be that the mother had replaced the test material during the appraisal?

Jin Xuan was shocked by this thought of her own, and she couldn’t believe that her mother would lie to her no matter what.

So she decided to ask her mother frankly to see if she had missed something during the appraisal process.

After asking her mother, she found out that there was a major problem. It turned out that after Jin Xuan had given the test materials to her mother, her mother had temporarily given them to a nanny to keep them because she was organizing her makeup for the day.

This nanny was someone whom the mother and Jin Xuan trusted, taking care of Jin Xuan’s mother’s daily life and helping to bring up the child before the child’s first birthday, similar to the role of a nanny.

Not only that, but the mother also recalled that it was the nanny who volunteered to take care of the samples, saying that she was afraid that she would damage the samples.

It is impossible for the mother to replace the samples, and it is only possible for the nanny to replace the samples! The only remaining doubt was whether the nanny had replaced the samples of two people at once, or only one of them. Either way, the nanny was involved, and she probably knew the real whereabouts of Jin Xuan’s biological son! Jin Xuan and her mother decided not to alert the snakes and just informed the housekeeper to go to another villa to call the nanny over.

However, the housekeeper told Jin Xuan’s mother and daughter that the nanny had taken a leave of absence to go back to her hometown in the countryside a few days earlier.

Jin Xuan immediately arranged for someone to chase her to the countryside, only to be told that the nanny hadn’t returned home at all, and there hadn’t been any news of her during this period of time.

The nanny had disappeared into thin air.

Now it was almost certain that the nanny was behind it, and the nanny, if not the first culprit, must have been the one who knew about it.

Jin family chaos, held an internal meeting, by Zeng Yang board, decided not to report the case, things belong to the family scandal, can not be publicized.

And even if the report does not necessarily have their own to find people reliable, in the eyes of the Jin family, no money can not be settled things.

Zeng Yang arranged to contact some friends in the “society” to offer a heavy reward to find the nanny.

In addition, he asked some of his close friends to look for the whereabouts of his biological child.

Disappointedly, several months passed without any news about the whereabouts of the nanny and the child.

Jin Xuan asked Zeng Yang several times to call the police to intervene in the investigation, but Zeng Yang always used the excuse that the family scandal should not be publicized, his reason was that the Jin family’s business involves a lot of industries, and the reputation is very important.

The child has been missing for so many years, and it’s hard for the police to find it. If they can’t find it, they’re still young, so they’ll just have another one.

Jin Xuan, however, never agreed with her husband’s argument. Since her husband didn’t agree to call the police, she called the police herself, so she was accompanied by her most trusted aunt and went to the police station.

The police filed a case and arranged for people to go to Jin’s home to investigate, Zeng Yang was very upset that his wife went behind his back to report the case herself, but the police had already come to the door, but decided to cooperate, only to repeatedly emphasize that the police will focus their efforts on finding the nanny, as for the child’s matter the police can assist in the investigation, but don’t intervene too much, and don’t publicize it.

The police expressed understanding, after all, the rich and powerful family for the family heir to the matter is particularly important, the family eldest grandson lost the news spread out, I do not know what will cause a storm.

The police after a period of investigation, found the nanny turned out to be out of the country.

At the same time, the nanny, before leaving the country, entrusted a child to a friend to take care of, this child and Jin Xuan’s adopted son actually about the same age.

It was highly likely that this child was Jin Xuan’s biological son.

Jin Xuan was overjoyed and asked to meet the child. The police took Jin Xuan to the foster family, and as soon as she met him, Jin Xuan found the child very dear to her and thought that this was her lost son, and wanted to bring the child back for a paternity test.

Zeng Yang was furious at the news, saying that he had mentioned before that he didn’t need the police to intervene in the search for his son, but the police acted on his words and scolded Jin Xuan over the phone to come back.

Jin Xuan naturally refused to comply, and rushed back from overseas with the child, insisting on doing a paternity test in the presence of the police to prove the child’s identity.

Thus, the scene where we rushed to the villa to do the paternity test happened.

What happened was not considered complicated, but Zeng Yang’s behavior was suspicious, and when we think about the conversation between Zeng Yang and Jin Xuan, could there be some hidden agenda?

Sister Yang and I returned to the appraisal center, and the first thing we did was to do a paternity test on the three samples we had taken, and the results were all “ruled out” – the child was not related to Jin Xuan and her husband! According to the nanny’s friend, she and the nanny were not very familiar with each other, they were just friends. At that time, the nanny said that she had to go to do something alone, and there was no one to take care of the child, so she asked her to help her to take care of the child for a period of time, and she gave her a sum of money.

After discussing with her husband, she felt that she could help with this favor, after all, the amount of money given is not small, it is entirely for the sake of the money to help, in case the nanny does not come back in half a year, the child will be sent to the social welfare institution, the extra money can still fall into their hands.

Nanny’s friend said this when, do not feel the slightest shame, as if human nature.

The police questioned the nanny’s family and Jin Xuan’s mother and daughter, and confirmed that the nanny was not married, much less had a child, so the child’s origin became a new mystery.

At that time, this incident could only be regarded as an ordinary child disappearance case, even if it involved a rich family, the police could not treat it differently to spend a great deal of effort to detect, and as one of the heads of the family, Zeng Yang seems to be not supportive of the police’s move, resulting in the police in the process of the investigation encountered a lot of resistance.

But unexpectedly, this case was declared solved in a very short period of time.

The fact that a bizarre case was solved in a short period of time, and in a situation where one of the parties involved was very uncooperative, made me admire Officer Xie and the girls.

After admiration, I naturally asked Xie about the process of solving the case.

It turns out that the key to solving the case lies in a person, and the reason why Officer Xie did not reveal the truth to us when the case was not yet fully solved was also for the purpose of protecting this person.

When this character came out, I was not prepared.

At that time, I was eager to know the whole case and the truth, and I agreed to Officer Xie’s request to invite her to eat western food at the King’s Chinese and Western Restaurant in Dongtang Jinniaojiao.

Western food per capita consumption of more than two hundred yuan, for the monthly salary of just over three thousand at that time, I was really difficult.

Xiao Xie looked at me and smiled and said: “meat pain what, later to introduce you to a single big beautiful woman, than I am much more beautiful.

“I laughed bitterly and said: “You are already beautiful enough, well, and then beautiful I’m afraid I can not afford.

“Xiao Xie laughed: “Don’t be poor, she’s a real beauty and wisdom in one, you’ll know it when you meet her.

I pointed to the steak and said, “Stop bragging, call her again, the steak will get cold if you don’t.” She gave me a look.

“Little Xie crossed my eyes, took out her cell phone, and was just about to dial the number when a figure in black drifted over in a flurry of wind and arrived in front of us.

I fixed my eyes on a well-built woman in her thirties sitting nonchalantly next to Xiao Xie, one hand forked up a cantaloupe from the fruit plate and stuffed it into her mouth, one hand pinched Xiao Xie’s breasts twice, and said, ”I haven’t seen you for a few days, you’ve gotten much bigger.

“Xiao Xie’s face turned red with shame, and she quickly moved her butt away from this woman, saying, “This is my friend, Xu Yuting.

Yuting, this is the appraiser I’ve told you about so many times,” she said.

“Xu Yuting smiled at me and said with a big grin, “I’ve heard a lot about you, when I was with Xie, she talked about you so much that my ears have become calloused.

“Xiao Xie, in a rare moment of shyness in front of me, said, “Yuting, you can’t keep your mouth shut even with western food, I’ll leave now if you keep talking nonsense.

“Xu Yuting laughed again and held out her hand to me, “Doctor, it’s my first time meeting you.

“I hurriedly shook her hand and responded, “Hello, Sister Xu, please take care of me.

” The words did not fall, but I do not want to Xiao Xie actually laughed out loud, next to Xu Yuting is also laughing, I thought bad, could be their own place did not pay attention to embarrassment, and hastily looked up and down the body, did not find any wrong.

The two laughed even louder, Xiao Xie actually laughed so hard that she couldn’t breathe, and intermittently said: “Tingting, you’d better go and take off your makeup, if you keep on like this, the doctor should call you a big mom.

Xu Yuting smiled and said, “Excuse me, I’m sorry, I got up and walked in the direction of the restroom.

I looked at the two of them, puzzled, and asked Xiao Xie what was going on, but Xiao Xie kept laughing, telling me not to worry, saying that I would know soon.

A few moments of work, Xu Yuting came out of the restroom, I was shocked, as if she had instantly become ten years younger, turned into a twenty-something teenage girl, much more elegant than her previous slightly ordinary appearance.

Xu Yuting sat back down and laughed, “Doctor, you might as well call me Tingting, I should be a few years younger than you.

“The scene in front of me was really uninteresting, how can you make yourself ugly and old by putting on a make-up?

I said, “What’s going on here?” (3) Xiao Xie laughed and said, “I don’t know what’s going on here.

“After Xiao Xie laughed, she told me the reason.

The reason is actually very simple, because Xu Yuting engaged in a unique occupation – private detective.

Private detective is a special group, refers to government agencies outside the people engaged in civil and commercial affairs investigation services.

In August 2002, according to the requirements of the World Trademark Intellectual Property Rights Professional Organization, the State Administration for Industry and Commerce Trademark Office will be “detective company” included in the new “goods and services trademark registration differentiation table”, allowing the registration of “detective company” trademark.

Data in 2005, there are a variety of domestic private detective agencies about 3,700, more than 20,000 employees.

The main business includes business counterfeiting, tracing services, marriage investigations, debt recovery, intellectual property investigations, economic intelligence investigations.

Private investigators can not get involved in criminal investigation activities, our laws provide that only specific staff of state organs, only with the right to investigate criminal cases, but in many cases, involving the investigation of civil and commercial matters, need to rely on the power of these private investigators.

We occasionally hear that a wife suspected that her husband cheated on her, after the investigation, and ultimately mastered the evidence of her husband’s infidelity, and ultimately prevailed in the divorce decree such events.

These events, basically active in the figure of private detectives.

As long as the process of evidence collection does not violate the law, they obtain evidence is valid.

China has not yet established any law to establish the legal status of private detectives, just exercise the legal right to know ordinary citizens, so not many people know, but this group is real.

However, because ordinary people do not have much contact, this group seems particularly mysterious.

Xu Yuting, is one of these mysterious private detective.

Private detective industry is more chaotic, the quality of practitioners is uneven, there is no ability to rely on the mouth to fool only money in the eyes, there is also a very strong ability is not inferior to the small Xie such as professional criminal investigators.

Even because private detectives do not have strict discipline constraints, acting in a way that can be more daring, can approach the truth faster, as long as you ensure that their behavior to comply with the law can be.

Some of the ability of the private detective agency have their own stunts, such as Xu Yuting is a make-up master, you can change their appearance slightly, a little ugly a little more beautiful a little younger a little older can be done, of course, now a lot of make-up technology as high as the women can do it, just not Xu Yuting they are professional just.

Xu Yuting is just working, busy after directly over to the banquet, it is too late to remove the make-up, so keep the make-up appearance, let me think she looks ordinary and the age of thirty-something, in fact, she is younger than Xiao Xie on two years.

After listening to Xie’s introduction, I was shocked, the detection of this case, Xu Yuting this private detective, plays an extremely important role.

It turns out that the police involvement in this case time, in fact, is not in the incident a few months later.

As early as Jin Xuan and I talked on the phone, to determine the paternity test genetic variation is almost negligible, realizing that their mother’s first identification brought the test material has problems, Jin Xuan has already called the police! In other words, the time when the police intervened in this case was actually a few months ago, on the day when the Jin family’s internal turmoil over the disappearance of their eldest grandson erupted.

At that time, the police’s experienced investigators realized that this case was not ordinary, and that it might be involved in a larger conspiracy, and that the involvement of a wealthy family might affect the local economic turmoil, so they had the intention of investigating the case in depth.

However, due to the limitations of their authority, they can only file a case as a missing child incident, and are unable to deploy more police force to go deeper into the Jin family to investigate the matter.

Under these circumstances, Xu Yuting made her debut! At that time, Xu Yuting, after meeting with Jin Xuan, entered the Jin Clan as Jin Xuan’s newly recruited employee, thoroughly experiencing the life of a rich and powerful family.

It also took a few months to unearth a huge conspiracy.

Xu Yuting entered the Jin Clan as Jin Xuan’s personal bodyguard, a status that was crowned but extremely well justified.

Jin Xuan’s children had been replaced, so wouldn’t her own safety be even more worrisome?

The previous drivers were all male bodyguards that were inconvenient to follow closely, so for safety’s sake, it was only human nature for her to find a female bodyguard.

Xu Yuting and Xiao Xie graduated from the same police academy, are the school’s outstanding characters, but after graduation, but engaged in the industry for reasons of close contact, the relationship is also extremely good, so in the rare police are not convenient to come forward, will recommend Xu Yuting this private detective to serve the parties.

Xu Yuting’s first task in entering Jin Xuan’s house was to learn about the lives of the rich, because her identity was a special security company’s special security.

Special security is specialized in industrial giants, business tycoons, film and television stars and other public figures to provide a higher level of special security guarantees relative to ordinary people, these special security company requirements are very strict, it must be from the Special Forces retired or graduated from the special police academy, wushu academy of excellence, the age of 22 years old to between the ages of 30 years old, the height of the male special security of more than 1.72 meters, the height of the female special security of more than 1.62 meters or more (this meter or more, female 1.65 meters or more).

Special security not only had to have various professional skills but also be familiar with the etiquette of the class of the elite they were serving. As the personal bodyguard of Jin Xuan, the actual head of the Jin family, Xu Yuting naturally had to be familiar with the life of the rich and powerful, or else she might be suspected by others.

During Jin Xuan’s training and personal experience, Xu Yuting finally learned what the life of the so-called luxurious and wealthy class was really like.

The life of the rich and powerful introduced by Yuting Xu at that time was an eye-opener for Xie and I. It turned out that there is a fundamental difference between ordinary rich people and the rich and powerful who have been around for several generations.

In order for us to understand the lives of the rich and powerful without taking up too much space, I will summarize what Yvette Xu said from the most common aspects of clothing, food, housing and transportation.

Clothing: The clothing of the rich and powerful are all customized by top fashion designers, who pay more attention to the overall image and clothing to make the best out of it.

Often we look like a rich person is extremely elegant despite their average looks and body shape, and the professionally customized clothing has a lot to do with that.

In addition to formal wear, they own some jackets and coats that the majority of people never have, such as a set of riding clothes and a set of hunting clothes, and of course, there are hats and shoes that go with them, and their shoes must be handmade and well-made, and it is better to use array of threads to sew between the soles and the uppers than gluing them together, and it can be said that the quality and appearance of the shoes can tell whether a person is a real aristocrat or not; moreover, the truly exquisite It can be said that the quality and appearance of shoes can tell whether a person is a real aristocrat or not.

Food: the material is not the imaginary abalone, shark’s fin, bird’s nest, bear’s paw, the rich and powerful like to eat their own land on the production of things, the poultry meat, game, fish, and their own garden of fresh vegetables and their own orchard growth of fruits, the real pure and natural, without any pollution.

There are some rich people who do not care about these things, and they do not eat the same vegetables sold in the market as us ordinary people do, but eat the “special offer”.

Of course, the “special offer” is not only limited to the rich and powerful, but any person with the corresponding convenience may have its exclusive resources. The existence of the “special offer” is unfair, but it is a reality, and it will not disappear in the short term.

For alcohol these rich and powerful people are very careful, their villas will have a wine cellar, stored a variety of expensive wines, on the wine also carefully selected, what wine with what cups have strict requirements.

Live: because there is almost no foreign kind of villa, so the rich live in villas, villa size and location shows the strength of the family, a city lot of the best villa is not you have money to buy, there is no relationship does not continue for a long time the family history do not want to have to buy a place.

Line: the rich and powerful travelers to open the car is extremely elaborate, the general family has many different brands and specifications of the luxury car, see what kind of people to attend what kind of occasions will open a different luxury car.

When not attending formal occasions, most of the rich and powerful will choose Mercedes-Benz and BMW two kinds of, if it is a car will choose to sit “Mercedes-Benz”, if they drive will choose “BMW”.

In addition, the composition of a rich family is much more complicated than that of the ordinary people. Apart from blood relatives, there will be bodyguards, chauffeurs, maids, nannies, etc., and there is bound to be a butler, who is trained in British court etiquette and is the most popular amongst the rich and powerful.

The first thing Xu Yuting did when she entered the Jin family was to provide the Jin family’s butler with her circumference, so that the professional dressmaker could customize several sets of clothing that could both set off her temperament and facilitate her activities.

After that, Jin Xuan took Xu Yuting to attend some formal occasions, making her feel that the life of the rich and powerful had never been more exciting.

As her investigation deepened, she realized that the relationships of the rich and powerful were also extremely difficult for ordinary people to deal with, and in many cases, they all revolved around the word ‘money’.

As if in front of the word “money”, nothing is important, even affection is also indifferent to a lot, the Jin family is not prosperous, so relatively speaking, affectionate relations are still valued.

Xu Yuting used the shortest time to grasp the composition of the Jin family.

In the XX Forest Park peninsula villa side, a total of more than a dozen people live, of which the only relatives are Jin Xuan Zeng Yang couple and children, Jin Xuan’s mother Hua big sister and aunts and uncles a few people, the other are drivers bodyguards cooks nannies housekeepers and other personnel.

In addition to the Peninsula Villa area, Jin Xuan also had aunts and uncles living in another mansion neighborhood not far away.

The Jin family’s two villas are very close to each other, Jin Xuan Zeng Yang couple with children and two bodyguards live in one of them, mother aunt and uncle and other personnel live in the other one, Xu Yuting told us, and the Jin family contacts in the process, to give her the deepest impression is that people’s temperament is indeed decades of living environment.

For example, Jin Xuan’s relatives, Jin Xuan, her mother and her aunt naturally have an aristocratic temperament, which is inseparable from the favorable environment and good education they grew up in.

Zeng Yang, the son-in-law of the Jin family, though good-looking and highly educated, always lacked an aristocratic temperament. After all, he was born in an ordinary family, and it could be said that if Jin Xuan had not been deeply in love with him, and coincided with his father’s death, it would have been impossible for him to have the opportunity to get together with Jin Xuan and become one of the actual heads of Jin’s enterprises.

Zeng Yang’s current wealth and status could be said to have been brought to him by Jin Xuan, without Jin Xuan’s support.

Because of this, Zeng Yang had a low status in the Jin family despite his company’s power.

During her investigation, Xu Yuting also found that although Zeng Yang yelled at other people all day long, he had great respect for the Jin family’s blood relatives, and was even considered “fearful” of them.

Moreover, the eldest grandson of the Jin family, that is, Zeng Yang’s eldest son, his surname is not “Zeng”, but “Jin”.

This was a suspicion of being a member of the family.

Zeng Yang was considered an ‘outsider’ in comparison to these blood relatives, and Jin’s business, with such a huge family fortune, would definitely not want an outsider to inherit it.

Fortunately, Jin Xuan’s love for Zeng Yang is from the heart, even though there are some rumors within the family, with Jin Xuan’s support Zeng Yang has been holding the power of speech of the Jin’s enterprise, but in the matter of the missing child, let Jin Xuan and Zeng Yang have a huge contradiction between them.

In the search for the child, the family members held an internal meeting, Zeng Yang uncharacteristically arbitrary, repeatedly emphasized that for the stability of the enterprise and the family’s reputation, not to make a big deal.

After learning about the content of the meeting, Xu Yuting found it rather strange that the major event of searching for the eldest grandson of the Jin family was decided by him, which seemed inappropriate.

More crucially, when Zeng Yang proposed not to report the case, all the relatives other than Jin Xuan voted in favor of it.

The reason for their approval was exactly the same: children could be reproduced, but there was only one Jin’s business, and any negative impact on Jin’s business caused by searching for a child would not be worth it.

This practice of the rich and powerful family to disregard family love because of money left people speechless.

Xu Yuting, who had experienced the life of a rich and powerful family, had instantly lost interest in that life.

Synthesizing Jin Xuan’s suspicions about her mother’s first delivery at the time, Xu Yuting focused her investigation on a few blood relatives.

Through a period of investigation, Xu Yuting found clues, and the first to be exposed was Jin Xuan’s aunt.

(4) Jin Xuan’s uncle worked as a department manager in Jin’s enterprise, with no shares, simply taking salary and bonuses, although his income was quite high, but apart from a mansion, his family situation was not good.

The reason lies in Jin Xuan’s aunt.

Jin Xuan’s aunt loves to play mahjong, and play a lot, they have a broad wife mahjong circle, every time you win or lose tens of thousands.

Auntie’s hand is not good, always lose money, and she has a bad habit, win a smile and take all the money, but when she loses, she likes to owe money, although in the end will be settled, but always have to drag a few days.

As long as someone urges her to pay back the money, she always said: “put a hundred and twenty heart I will not renege on the debt, I do not lack of money, do not look at my husband is only an ordinary department manager, and so he rose to the general manager, I’m too lazy to play with you guys so small, 10,000 a hand, I also tie two birds, for fear that you do not dare to play! (Za two birds: a mahjong playing method in our province, hu card in the bird can be doubled, in a bird doubled, in two birds can be quadrupled) this bragging about the pretext is very normal, but in the eyes of the people who have the heart is extremely abnormal.

Although Jin Xuan’s aunts and uncles are relatives, they are not considered to be the core class of Jin’s enterprise, so how can they conclude that their husbands can be promoted to the position of general manager?

Xu Yuting and Jin Xuan verified, even more certain that the aunt’s statement is not normal, Jin Xuan clearly told her that his uncle’s ability is not strong, the department manager is purely on the basis of kinship to take care of him, promoted to become general manager, is impossible, because the general manager of the current is no one else is her husband Zeng Yang.

So, as a private detective Xu Yuting decided to work on this aunt, must find out a clue.

One day, aunt and as usual, was invited to a rich friend’s home to play mahjong.

On the mahjong table, in addition to the two old mahjong friends, there is a strange woman, the woman is about thirty years old, the posture is ordinary, but every move in quite noble.

Auntie was surprised when the rich woman’s friend greeted her warmly, saying: “Come, come, come, I’ll introduce you to her, this is my brother’s girlfriend, my future sister-in-law.

“Auntie has seen this rich woman’s brother many times, very familiar, that is a standard pit type of rich second-generation, all day long only know whoring and gambling free, have made a lot of girlfriends but never formally announced, parents from the twenties began to urge the marriage urged to the thirties, the answer is always: “I have not yet played enough, you anxious a hair?

“This time to do sister can bring the girl back, looks like this pitiful rich second generation finally play enough ready to collect sex.

This girl is of general appearance, not young, can be the eyes of the pitiful rich second-generation, must be a door to the right rich lady undoubtedly.

The introduction of the rich woman’s friend confirmed the aunt’s guess, the woman’s background is not ordinary, the father is a shareholder of a listed company, assets of hundreds of millions of dollars.

Auntie is a knowledgeable character, and then rich is far less rich than his niece Jin Xuan, but this woman let her smile deliberately flattering.

The reason for this was the woman’s words to her: “Hi sis, I’ve just learned to play mahjong.

Auntie said, “I just learned to play mahjong rich rich second-generation, this is a thousand years of good opportunity to turn over the money ah, auntie heard the words on the mouth hastily polite a few words, but in the heart of the happy flowers.

A few hours of mahjong touch down, this woman really hand is very raw, lost nearly 100,000, of which a large part is the aunt won, aunt while looking at the side of the stacked more and more high hundreds of dollars while politely said: “Sister, mahjong this thing ah, a raw and familiar, the first one or two times inevitably lose a little bit, the back of the skilled will win, you are much younger than our age, surely learn fast, and then play a few times I guess we are this kind of You’re much younger than us, and you’ll learn fast.

“It’s okay, big sister, I’ll take it as a tuition fee, and I’ll come to play with you as long as I have time in the future. It’s not fun to accompany XX (the name of the rich woman’s younger brother) to the karaoke bar all day long.” “That’s right, that’s right.

It’s not fun to accompany XX (the rich woman’s brother) to karaoke bars all day long.” “That’s right, that’s right, they men like noisy places, or mahjong is suitable for us women.

“The aunt who was afraid that the woman would not dare to come back after losing once was overjoyed.

Since then, this woman will really often play mahjong with my aunt, after familiar with this woman often take the initiative to call my aunt about the card, for such a perfect “ATM” aunt naturally will not refuse.

In just one month’s time, this woman has lost hundreds of thousands of dollars, and she is really a rich lady who “regards money as dirt”.

The friendship established at the poker table is the most solid, although there is a difference in age of more than ten years, but aunt and this woman became friends who could talk about anything.

This woman will often say some of the things encountered in the life of the aunt, especially on their boyfriends quite a few words, aunt of her boyfriend is a kind of person know very well, that is a woman as a doll as a scum, can not help but sympathize with the heart of this woman is quite sympathetic, words are always comforting the woman, time and time again the relationship between the sisters as close as the same.

Once the woman went to aunt’s home to do guest chat, and talked about the boyfriend’s traits, crying for uncle to aunt’s concern quite envious, said if not in the boyfriend’s case can be, parents and forced them together, have long been separated.

Inadvertently, the woman said a sentence to make aunt very unhappy: “In fact, I do not want to find a rich boyfriend, rich men are bad, like brother-in-law, although poor, but on the big sister of your good ah, no money does not matter, as long as the feelings on the line.

“The aunts and uncles who are very good at face-saving changed their faces when they heard this: “Sister, this is what you do sister’s not happy to hear, your brother-in-law’s income is not high, but there are several tens of thousands of dollars a month, and at the end of the year there are bonuses, which is very good.

And this situation is only temporary, in a few years there will be the opportunity to make a fortune.

“This woman quickly apologized: “Sister don’t misunderstand, I don’t mean that, I mean my brother-in-law is so hard and capable of treatment is so low, it’s too unfair, the chairman of the company is not your niece, why don’t you give your brother-in-law a promotion, or share some shares or something, so big a business, 1% of the shares of a year’s dividends is also very scary ah.

“The aunty’s face immediately surfaced the color of resentment, grunted and said: “What niece?

For the sake of money, you don’t recognize your own family, this time, the family has a big event is not still indifferent, is afraid of affecting the image of the enterprise even their own children are not willing to go to look for?

“What do you mean, you won’t go to your own child?”

Auntie reacted to her own words too much, and hastened to cover up: “I don’t know much about the specifics, it’s her family’s business, it’s out of my hands, but don’t worry, it won’t be long before your brother-in-law rises to the top of the company, and I won’t be as stifled as I am right now.” The woman gave an “oh”.

“This woman gave a “oh” sound, and wanted to continue to ask what, but her aunt automatically changed the subject.

That very night, this woman appeared in Jin Xuan’s mansion, and after removing her makeup, she revealed a young face, which was none other than Xu Yuting.

Xu Yuting felt that there was an important suspicion on this aunt and uncle, so she became the rich woman’s sister-in-law under Jin Xuan’s arrangement and blended in with her aunt and uncle.

The aunt and uncle lived in another mansion neighborhood, and seldom went to Jin Xuan’s house on weekdays except for major events. Xu Yuting had not yet entered Jin’s house at the time of the first internal conference, so neither side had met, and after changing her image slightly, Xu Yuting easily mixed well with her aunt and uncle.

As for the reason why the rich woman would help her was simple, the rich woman’s family’s business had a direct business relationship with Jin Xuan’s business, and as long as Jin Xuan gave the word, the rich woman would definitely cooperate fully.

After nearly a month of deliberate intimacy and prying, Xu Yuting was finally certain that her aunt’s words that her uncle would become a senior member of the company were true.

But as long as the power of the business was in the hands of Jin Xuan and Zeng Yang, this situation would not arise, so why was her aunt so sure that this situation would arise, could it be that there would be a situation where the power of the business no longer belonged to Jin Xuan and her husband and wife?

This speculation sent a chill down Jin Xuan’s back.

Auntie’s abnormality was only a clue to the solving of this case, and it was an incident that happened afterward that was the key to the solving of the case.

One day, however, Jin Xuan heard a recording of the conversation, but the content of the conversation made her feel as if she had been struck by five thunders, and all her thoughts were lost! “Zeng Yang, what exactly are you going to do about this.

“We can only deal with it coldly. If Xuan Xuan agrees not to report it to the police, we’ll wait for the wind to blow over and act according to plan.” “What about the child?

“Where’s the baby?

“I don’t know exactly where it is now, so I can really keep it a secret.” “Then hurry up and have another one.

“Then have another one.

“And then change it?”

“Is there any other way?

“Let’s wait for the wind to blow over, it’s too risky now.

“All right, let’s wait until the storm passes.”

“The voices in the conversation couldn’t have been more familiar, it was none other than Jin Xuan’s aunt and her favorite person, Zeng Yang! A few simple words revealed a horrifying message: perhaps the child was replaced by the aunt and her husband! The aunt and her husband, teamed up to replace the child, and after the replacement, they were actually completely unaware of the child’s whereabouts, and it seemed to have been done deliberately.

Jin Xuan forced herself not to break down and pressed for the source of the recording.

Xu Yuting, as Jin Xuan’s special security guard, apart from following Jin Xuan closely when she went out, she was also responsible for the vigilance of Jin Xuan’s home during the week, and was inevitably involved with Jin Xuan’s aunt and the others, and it was only when discussing family matters or holding internal meetings that Xu Yuting would steer clear of them.

In the course of her contact with Jin Xuan’s aunt, Xu Yuting found a situation that seemed relatively normal to ordinary people: almost every time after a family meeting, her aunt would ask Zeng Yang to go to her room, she had to ask about the details of some domestic matters, as the eldest in the family, there was no excuse for such a practice, and Jin Xuan never questioned it because she had always acted in this way before, as Jin mother was getting old, and regardless of the internal affairs, the aunt was in charge of all of them.

However, Xu Yuting, who had stood guard outside the villa on several occasions, had noticed that after every meeting Jin Xuan’s aunt had a look of worry and trepidation that was not apparent to anyone who was not a professional.

So she made a bold decision – to install a bug in Jin Xuan’s aunt’s room! Sure enough, such a shocking secret was unearthed! With this recording, it could almost be concluded that the culprits of the incident were Zeng Yang and Jin Xuan’s aunt.

With the suspects identified, then a lot of what happened before could be justified, but the case was thrown into an unprecedented and extremely complicated situation.

(5) First of all, as the child’s father and aunt, is completely have this condition in the birth of the child to replace the child; Secondly, Jin mother in the first time to go to the test, these two people have every opportunity to go to buy the nanny to do tampering with the replacement of the test material; Thirdly, after the two times are aunt accompanied by Jin Xuan to the identification of the aunt, in addition to Jin Xuan is personally take samples, the other test material as an accompanied by the aunt has the possibility of replacement! In other words, the case is now even more complicated, because you can’t be sure whether the samples of the children and husband were true or false when Jin Xuan went for the second and third appraisals! In other words, it’s even possible that Jin’s mother was right the first time, and that the child was originally Jin Xuan’s, but the aunt artificially replaced the samples the second and third time around! Hearing this, I was already completely stumped.

In order to determine the direction of the investigation, Xu Yuting pacified Jin Xuan, telling her to make sure she stayed calm, this matter was most likely a huge conspiracy, and only if she, as the person involved, stayed clear-headed would she be able to find out the truth as soon as possible.

Although Jin Xuan was not very old, she was after all the chairman of a large enterprise and had experienced storms that ordinary people had not experienced, forcing herself to pull herself together and discussing her next move with Xu Yuting.

Xu Yuting told Jin Xuan that the easiest thing to do at the moment was to verify whether or not she was the real mother of the replacement child who was still at home, and at the same time, she also needed to verify whether or not Zeng Yang was the real father of the child.

At that time, the replacement child had not been sent away, but had only been raised in another villa, Jin Xuan had raised him for more than a year and had already brought out her feelings, treating him as half a son, and would often go over to see him from time to time to comfort herself.

In order to verify his paternity again, Jin Xuan secretly took the child and Zeng Yang’s samples, and his own samples and personally handed over to Xu Yuting, Xu Yuting rushed to another city on the same day to identify.

Because she didn’t dare to appraise in our center again to avoid being discovered.

The results came out very quickly.

The first result made Xu Yuting and Jin Xuan feel sorry for their child, who was indeed not hers.

But the second result gave Jin Xuan a head start.

Zeng Yang, was the real father of the child! By all accounts, Zeng Yang, a boy from an ordinary family, met a rich girl, Jin Xuan, who loved him, preferred to disobey his father’s last order to marry him, and even handed over the management of the enterprise to him after the marriage, allowing him to serve as the boss of the enterprise, who was the head of the enterprise under one person, Zeng Yang shouldn’t have any other thoughts about Jin Xuan other than gratitude and love.

Even if Zeng Yang had an affair outside and gave birth to an illegitimate child, there was absolutely no need to replace his and Jin Xuan’s child ah, they were both his own biological children, so why take such a big risk to do such thankless things.

What was even stranger was that as Jin Xuan’s own aunt, why would she help Zeng Yang to do such a treacherous thing, what good would it do her?

Could it be that the one having an adulterous affair with Zeng Yang was none other than this one of Jin Xuan’s most trusted relatives, her own aunt?

Two people who had replaced their children in order to seek the inheritance of the business’s property, ultimately achieving the goal of making both of their children heirs to the family?

Perhaps this aunt, was the real mother of this child.

Jin Xuan recalls that when she was pregnant, her aunt did not see anyone for a long time, saying that she was not well to recuperate, but it is possible that she secretly went to give birth to the child.

The police also realized this, and told Jin Xuan not to scare the snakes, and if there is a chance, secretly take the good aunt’s samples and go for a paternity test.

While Xu Yuting and Jin Xuan acted, the police also launched an investigation into Zeng Yang, hoping to find out his true identity and purpose.

Although Jin Xuan and her aunt were very close, since the outbreak of the child’s disappearance, the two hadn’t spent much time alone together, and there was a certain degree of difficulty in obtaining the samples, and the paternity test had never taken shape.

The police were much faster and quickly found out Zeng Yang’s details.

Zeng Yang, male, thirty-three years old, parents are ordinary workers, the family is very general, growing up and many children, not smooth sailing but there are no major ups and downs, and steadily read through elementary school, junior high school, high school, through their own efforts, admitted to the province’s best universities.

After graduating from college, Zeng Yang into a small company to become an ordinary employee, the ability to work there is no outstanding, if we must find out his strengths, that is the character of pure, handsome appearance, especially popular with girls.

But no matter how many girls to him to show love, he refused, has been single until the age of twenty-eight.

At that time, his parents did not know the reason why he was single, until he announced his love only understand, the original he met a rich girl in college, love to death, but because of the door is not the right household is not the woman’s father strongly blocked, and ultimately broke up.

After the breakup, the two people still often secretly contact each other, tell each other their feelings, but Jin Xuan’s father is rich and powerful, acting arbitrarily, so that this pair of lovebirds know that with Jin’s father such an attitude, it is impossible to have the opportunity to be together in this life in the light.

Until one day when Zeng Yang was twenty-eight years old, Jin Xuan’s father died of an illness, and the two broke through the shackles of public opinion and finally came together.

Zeng Yang is grateful to Jin Xuan for preferring to bear the rumors of unfiliality for his own sake, and after the marriage, he has devoted himself to his family and career, and has been very caring to Jin Xuan on weekdays, and has also tolerated the insults and reproaches of Jin Xuan’s friends and relatives, so he can be said to be a real good man who takes care of both his family and his business.

It is inconceivable that such a man with almost no black spots would betray a rich girl who willingly gave her life for him, and even do such a vicious thing as replacing a child.

Could it be that he had really developed strong feelings for Aunt Jin Xuan, causing him to lose his mind and do something as vicious as replacing a child?

Jin Xuan, who had suffered a huge blow, pulled herself together and cooperated with Xu Yuting to continue probing for the truth.

There is not much evidence available, at most it can only prove that the aunt and Zeng Yang teamed up to replace the child, without knowing the means and purpose of their child replacement.

(6) The final breakthrough in the entire case is due to the appearance of a mysterious figure.

One day, Jin Xuan was notified by the police that the police were currently in contact with a mysterious figure, and he/she confided that the originator of the case was indeed Zeng Yang and Jin Xuan’s aunt, and that although he/she did not know the reason for this, he/she was one of the actual participants in the case, and that he/she had revealed two extremely shocking pieces of information: the first piece of information: the mother of the child that Zeng Yang and the aunt had replaced was not the aunt. Instead, it was another young woman.

This woman had a special identity; she was none other than the daughter of Jin Xuan’s uncle, Jin Xuan’s cousin who had gotten together with Zeng Yang purely for the purpose of giving birth to the child.

After the child was born, it was sent to the hospital and replaced before Jin Xuan met with the child, and the purpose was simple: to allow this child to inherit the Jin family’s vast fortune.

The second piece of news: there was someone else who had planned all of this, and this person, was none other than Jin Xuan’s uncle! In other words, the real mastermind behind the whole incident was not Jin Xuan’s aunt or Zeng Yang, but Jin Xuan’s uncle.

This seemingly harmless, incapable man, who had a life of his own, was the real mastermind behind the whole thing.

He was the one who had Zeng Yang have sex with his own daughter to get pregnant and use drugs to control the date of birth, and when Jin Xuan’s child was born, he utilized the convenience of his family to manipulate all of this behind the scenes.

It was he, who negotiated with Zeng Yang that once the child inherited the Jin family’s property, Zeng Yang could get a share of the shares and would no longer be the puppet he is today.

And all of this also confirms Xu Yuting’s previous probe, no wonder aunt is so sure that uncle can rise to the top of the company in the future, and will get rich, the original this whole conspiracy is him behind the scene! And one detail gave the police the creeps.

Jin Xuan’s uncle had ignored Jin Xuan’s presence in his negotiations with Zeng Yang, and the agreement had only been for a few years.

What circumstances could have caused Jin Xuan’s uncle to ignore Jin Xuan’s existence, and there was only one explanation for this, and that was that soon, Jin Xuan might die young, just like her father.

This incident, surprisingly, didn’t just involve a plot to take over property, but even involved a murder case! The police classified the case as a major one and focused on investigating it. After finding out where the nanny had gone, the police notified Jin Xuan to report the case in order to deter the culprits from hiding behind the scene and to make it easier for them to close the net after they had been frightened.

This led to the scene in the previous article where Sister Yang and I were invited to Jin’s house for a paternity test.

The police suspected that the child that the nanny had entrusted to a friend to raise was the child of Zeng Yang and Jin Xuan, and asked Sister Yang and I to come and take samples for identification, but the final result was that the child did not match either Jin Xuan Zeng Yang or Jin Xuan Zeng Yang.

Although the whereabouts of the child was not clarified, a great breakthrough was made in the case. Just a few days before we made the identification of Zeng Yang and Jin Xuan, the mastermind behind the case, Jin Xuan’s uncle, revealed himself, allowing the police to obtain definitive evidence, and ultimately decided to close the net.

Jin Xuan’s uncle is relieved to learn that the nanny’s whereabouts have been discovered, but is sorry to learn that the nanny has left the country. When Jin Xuan reveals that the nanny has a child who was sent to a friend’s house to be raised and has now been found, he sighs with relief and a hint of nervousness.

The uncle rightly asked where the child was and the couple’s name, but Jin Xuan said the police hadn’t yet been notified in detail and had only arranged to take her to see the child.

After the uncle excused himself, he didn’t go back to the neighborhood he lived in right away, but went to find Zeng Yang, leaving behind one of the most important pieces of evidence.

This evidence was also a recording – “Zeng Yang, what’s wrong with that nanny?

Why did she run away without the child?” “I heard that the child’s visa was bad.

“I heard that the child’s visa was not easy to get, so she left on her own. Uncle, don’t worry, I’ve already made arrangements for this, the child is no longer the same child.

The child is no longer that child.” “What do you mean.

In fact, I knew the news before the police did, so the child has already been replaced and won’t reveal anything.” “Are you sure that the couple has the child’s visa?

“Are you sure that the couple had the child replaced?”

“Yes!” The meaning of the recording was clear, the child in the couple’s hands was most likely Jin Xuan’s real child, only that Zeng Yang had gotten the news before the police, perhaps the nanny was inconvenient to take the child with her when she left the country and informed Zeng Yang of the situation, and Zeng Yang ended up replacing the child, so that no matter how it was authenticated, the child couldn’t possibly be Jin Xuan’s.

The whole case would still be confusing.

But what the police were looking for at the time was not the whereabouts of the child, but evidence to arrest the uncle, and it was this one recording that kept him from escaping justice.

In fact, the police had asked Jin Xuan to report the case, revealing the whereabouts of the nanny and the child, and stating that the police were only cooperating in the search for the missing child, and that they would not intervene in anything else, with the ultimate goal of getting the uncle to reveal himself.

Now that the evidence is conclusive, the arrest of the uncle can be carried out.

Through the interrogation of the uncle, he confessed everything, including how he joined forces with Zeng Yang and Aunt Jin Xuan to replace the child, how he negotiated the division of the Jin family’s property and other details.

The whole case has come to a head, Jin Xuan met a bad man, her relatives around her are all heartless, her own uncle in order to take possession of the Jin family’s huge fortune, actually arranged such a huge plan, even her favorite husband betrayed her, and may even murder her a few years later! The tragedy was that the child was indeed replaced by Zeng Yang at that time, and just as he said in the recording with his aunt, he didn’t know the exact whereabouts of the child either, because one of the sayings that he believed in was, “The best way to keep your enemies from knowing your thoughts is to be unable to guess your own thoughts yourself.

” So after he was notified by the nanny to replace the child, he gave a large sum of money to some homeless man and let him take the child away, without any news so far.

The police, now, are still cooperating with Jin Xuan in her search for her real child, hoping that she will be reunited with him soon.

When Xiao Xie said this ending, I hemmed and hawed.

“Lord Xie, my IQ is still normal, don’t try to fool me with such an ending, that mysterious figure I also guessed who it is, you guys went to such great lengths to wait for someone else instead of uncle, right, tell me, who is the real mastermind behind the scene, and the truth of the case, what exactly is it?

“) Xiao Xie and Xu Yuting looked at each other and both laughed.

Xu Yuting was amazed, “You’re really good doctor, where did you see the suspicion?

Did you really guess who the mysterious person was?

“I smiled and said, “The mysterious figure is actually very easy to guess, the point of suspicion is the source of the recordings, the police have two recordings, one is the conversation between the aunt and Zeng Yang, the other is the conversation between the uncle and Zeng Yang, the first of the two recordings can be explained as the aunt and Zeng Yang often meet in the aunt’s room, the location is fixed, so Xu Yuting had the opportunity to sneak into the aunt’s room, placed the recording equipment in advance, and eventually obtained the evidence of collusion between the aunt and Zeng Yang.

However, there was no way to explain the source of the second recording. The uncle did not live in the villa, there was no room for him here, and it was impossible for him to always meet and confer with Zeng Yang at a fixed place.

Secondly, Yuting’s sister’s identity is only Jin Xuan’s personal bodyguard, and Zeng Yang and uncle’s relationship is not familiar, it is impossible to have the opportunity to set up and retrieve the eavesdropping device on Zeng Yang or uncle’s body in a short period of time, and if it is not retrieved, once it is discovered by Zeng Yang or uncle, it is bound to be a botched job; and Jin Xuan is an ordinary person, has not undergone rigorous training, and it is a nightmare to think of letting her set up and retrieve the eavesdropping device on Zeng Yang or uncle’s body. It would be impossible for her to set up and retrieve the eavesdropping device on Zeng Yang or his uncle.

“”Then there is only one result, at least for the second recording, it was someone who took the initiative to set up and retrieve the eavesdropping device, and it’s unlikely that there were outsiders present when uncle and Zeng Yang were conferring, so …… if I’m not mistaken, the mysterious figure, is none other than Zeng Yang himself!”” Xu Yuting applauded and laughed heartily, “The doctor is really famous, so a small doubt are seen by you, yes, the mysterious character is Zeng Yang, and aunt and Zeng Yang’s first recording is also Zeng Yang’s own recording, not I sneak into the aunt’s room to set up the risk of installing eavesdropping devices is too great, I can not grasp the aunt and Zeng Yang’s specific time of deliberation, once too late to retrieve the discovery of the snake more costly than it would be. I can’t grasp the exact time of the discussion between my aunt and Zeng Yang, and once it’s too late to retrieve it and it’s discovered, it’s even more of a loss than a gain, so the one who was eavesdropping on the conversation at that time was Zeng Yang himself! Said turned his head to look at Xiao Xie a glance, squeezed his eyebrows and said: “Xiao Xie, the doctor’s IQ is much higher than you and I. You always say that to find a boyfriend to find a little bit smarter than you, behavior than you honestly a little bit, I see ……” Xiao Xie pooh-poohed Xu Yuting a mouthful of deliberately digressing from the topic said: “This suspicion can be seen by anyone, right, and you can guess who the mysterious character is. I guessed who the mysterious character is, but it is not guessing the wrong truth, uncle is the main culprit in this case, where there is what behind the main messenger said.

“I hemmed and hawed and said, “Mr. Xie, you still want to continue to fool me?

I can guess that the mysterious figure is Zeng Yang, I can guess that there must be another mastermind behind this case.

The reason is very simple, Zeng Yang is undoubtedly one of the main culprits in the case, he has already surrendered to the police and is willing to cooperate with the police to give up all the truth, if it is simply just to uncover the uncle and aunt, then there is no need to go to such great lengths, with himself as a witness, it would have been possible to close the net.

And now that the police, Jin Xuan, Zeng Yang, including Yuting’s sister have joined forces to set up such a big setup, there must be a special purpose, and when I think about it, there’s only one reason to look for the real mastermind behind the scene.

” I paused and continued, “Only this purpose can explain some of the doubts I suspected before, such as why the replacement child is not related to Jin Xuan’s appraisal since it’s Zeng Yang and Jin Xuan’s cousin’s?

I don’t believe that you police would ignore this and just do a paternity test without comparing the kinship.

Secondly, Zeng Yang played a dishonorable role in this case, but I can’t find any reason for him to conspire with his uncle to replace the child. He was already married to Jin Xuan, and Jin Xuan loved him so much that she gave him all the actual power in the company, so he could be said to be the half master of the Jin family, and it would be of no benefit to him to replace the child, but instead, he would also have to take a huge risk.

Even if the plan succeeds and he gets a share of the shares, with the suppression of his uncle and aunt, will it still be able to surpass his current position as the top of the Jin family?

“Now, even Xiao Xie also sincerely praised, said: “At that time, Yuting did go to identify the kinship between Jin Xuan and the child, and found that there is no possibility of any blood similarity, our biggest doubt is also this point, and find out the mastermind behind the scene, is precisely the reason why Zeng Yang and we cooperate.

” Xiao Xie, continued: “Then it seems that you have guessed who the mastermind is?

”I nodded my head and said, ”In your description of the incident, you have deliberately ignored one person, but this person is the person closest to Jin Xuan, I have reason to suspect that this person, is precisely the mastermind behind the curtain! In this incident, there was only one person, who always hid behind the scenes, showing people in an extremely innocent state, and the whole case didn’t seem to have anything to do with her, and it was precisely this point that aroused my suspicion, as one of Jin Xuan’s closest people, with the disappearance of the Jin family’s eldest grandson, how was it possible for her to remain motionless all the time, while letting Zeng Yang, her uncle, aunt and the rest of them to go through with this big event?

Everyone reading this should have guessed that the object of my suspicion is none other than Jin Xuan’s mother, Big Sister Hua! This time Xiao Xie and Xu Yuting laughed, signaling that I had finally guessed wrong for once, Jin Xuan’s mother, Big Sister Hua, was also one of the main culprits, but was not really behind it.

In the midst of my confusion, Xiao Xie told me about the final mastermind of the case and the discovery.

It was not long after Sister Yang and I had made our identification that the police closed the net and arrested my uncle, aunt, and Zeng Yang, and in the course of interrogating the three separately, they learned the entire story of the crime.

As early as when Jin Xuan’s father was still alive, Zeng Yang and Jin Xuan’s romance was known by Jin’s family, when Jin’s father was dictatorial and forced Jin Xuan to break up with Zeng Yang, all Jin’s family members knew all about it.

Afterwards, Jin Xuan met Zeng Yang behind her father’s back. Originally, the two of them thought that they were unaware of this, but they didn’t know that all their movements had fallen into the eyes of a person who was interested in the matter, and that person was Jin Xuan’s uncle.

When Jin’s father was seriously ill, his uncle approached Zeng Yang and told him that he could let him return to Jin Xuan as long as he agreed to one condition, which was to conceive his own daughter’s child and replace it with Jin Xuan after their marriage, so that the child would become the true heir of the Jin family.

Zeng Yang definitely did not agree to such a condition and actively contacted Jin Xuan, wanting to get back together with Jin Xuan after the passing of Jin’s father through his own efforts, but Jin Xuan, who was shouldering the mission of the family, did not have her father’s vigor when it came to marriage and could not ignore the opinions of all the people in the family, and was bent on marrying Zeng Yang.

Moreover, the other family she was married to at the time was also a wealthy family, and once she made the decision to repudiate the marriage, it would surely put her family in a great predicament, and Jin Xuan, who was extremely filial and selfless, was unable to make such a selfish decision.

When Jin Xuan told Zeng Yang about her decision, Zeng Yang was devastated. His love for Jin Xuan and his vision for his own future made him make a hot-headed decision: to agree to Jin Xuan’s uncle’s request, as long as he could be with Jin Xuan.

The uncle was notified and acted immediately. Sure enough, after Jin’s father passed away, all the Jin family members who were originally opposed to the marriage changed their minds and agreed to Jin Xuan’s decision to repudiate the marriage, and even the other wealthy family that was repudiated did not take any drastic action, but only took back the car and house that were part of the engagement.

Jin Xuan was overjoyed, just focusing on enjoying the best years with her lover, the simple and kind-hearted her, never imagined that her uncle would be behind such a shocking conspiracy to change the son.

Time passes slowly, in the eyes of Jin Xuan life is happy and incomparable, Zeng Yang is a considerate good husband, but also a capable good husband, the enterprise in their joint efforts of husband and wife, to maintain the prosperity of the father’s life.

With the business situation stabilized, it was time to think about the next generation, so under strict care and arrangements, Jin Xuan became pregnant.

But what Jin Xuan didn’t know was that at the same time, Zeng Yang was also pregnant at the same time with his daughter under the arrangement of his uncle.

After the baby was conceived in October, Jin Xuan’s original idea was to ask a famous doctor to come to her home to give birth to the baby in her own infirmary, but her family didn’t agree, so Jin Xuan finally had to follow her family’s arrangement and go to the most famous hospital in the province to give birth to the baby.

The reason for going to the hospital was, according to Jin Xuan’s family, for safety and professionalism, but in fact it was to inject special medication so that Jin Xuan’s child would be born at the same time as her uncle’s daughter’s. The hospital was very crowded and even the children of her uncle’s daughters were born at the same time! Moreover, the hospital was so crowded that even the wrong child was carried, making it easier for them to replace the child.

After the child was born, the uncle bribed the insiders to replace the child, and Zeng Yang also fulfilled the promise he made to his uncle before marriage.

Since both children were Zeng Yang’s own, Zeng Yang treated the children equally, while Jin Xuan was kept in the dark until more than a year later when Jin Xuan realized that the child’s blood type did not match hers at all.

In order to know the truth, Jin Xuan only told her mother, Big Sister Hua, so that she could bring the samples for identification, and the final result was a match. Jin Xuan’s doctor later also said that the blood type would be mutated, and that there would be no problem as long as the identification results were a match, and that in fact the doctor had received a large sum of money to make such an implication.

It was this point that aroused the police’s great suspicion, because Jin Xuan confirmed at the time that she had only told her mother, Big Sister Hua, about the speculation, and this kind of private situation, Big Sister Hua would not be able to publicize it everywhere, and even more so, she would not be able to call up a nanny for the sake of convenience to deal with such a private matter, so there was only one possibility that Big Sister Hua was also one of the main culprits in this case! Only she was in a position to replace the first test material, and only she was able to buy Jin Xuan’s doctor in the first place, so that just after the appraisal results came out and Jin Xuan went for a consultation, the doctor came out with the highly misleading words, “The blood type may be mutated.

However, at that time, there was no evidence to prove that Big Sister Hua was one of the main culprits, so the investigation could only continue.

Afterwards, Jin Xuan twice brought her aunt to do the appraisal, revealing the traces, letting Zeng Yang know that things had been exposed, at that time, he was extremely conflicted mentally, because he mentally loved Jin Xuan, and after replacing the child, he was not tormented at all times, and he understood that if things were not exposed, after a few years, Jin Xuan would have disappeared from his life, and even if uncle and others did not go back on their words, and according to the agreement, they would give him a portion of the shares, but the person he loved the most was gone. , but the life of the person he loved the most was not there, he could not bear it.

So, he took the initiative to find the police and surrendered, confessing everything he knew in the hope of finding out the truth, so that Jin Xuan would no longer live in danger, and also be considered as atonement for what he had done.

Under the arrangement of the police, Zeng Yang cooperated with Jin Xuan and Xu Yuting to set up a trap, waiting for the real mastermind of the case to throw himself into the net.

In other words, Zeng Yang’s failure to report the case to the police, his extreme lack of cooperation with the police’s probes, and his quarrel with Jin Xuan during the appraisal were all pre-negotiated falsehoods! The purpose, was to make the uncle and Big Sister Hua reveal themselves, making the real mastermind behind the scene appear.

Sure enough, the uncle and aunt revealed themselves and obtained evidence from the recordings, but Jin Xuan’s mother, Big Sister Hua, remained motionless, and it was her too-plain reaction that let the police know that she must have played an extremely dishonorable role.

At that time, there were many people who guessed the same as me, thinking that Big Sister Hua was the mastermind behind the scene, but the experienced leadership of the police department instructed that she should not be alarmed, and that only the three people, uncle, aunt and Zeng Yang, should be arrested, so that if there was really a mastermind behind the scene, this Big Sister Hua would surely show her face.

Sure enough, right after the arrest of the uncle, aunt and Zeng Yang, Big Sister Hua couldn’t sit still, and secretly went out several times to a convalescent villa to meet a bedridden old man whose days were numbered.

This old man was no other than Jin Xuan’s grandfather, Big Sister Hua’s father.

Hua Da Sister did not spend much time visiting her father, and never came after the outbreak of the child disappearance case, whereas Zeng Yang came several times as soon as the three of them were arrested, so it could not be a simple visit to her father, but must have some other purpose.

The police immediately launched an investigation into the bedridden old man, who turned out to be the head of a wealthy family that had disappeared for a long time! Combined with the details of the case, the police finally judged that it is likely that this bedridden old man is the real mastermind behind the scene.

Up to this point, there is only one doubt, Jin Xuan is also a blood relative of the old man, why can’t the child born to Zeng Yang and Jin Xuan inherit the property of the Jin family, but must let the uncle’s daughter’s child to inherit the property of the Jin family.

The police immediately arrested the old man and Big Sister Hua and conducted the final interrogation of the case. Big Sister Hua couldn’t bear the pressure and confessed all the truth – this case of plotting to rob the rich and powerful of their family’s wealth originated from the centuries-old dream of restoration of the family of a declining rich and powerful family.

Big Sister Hua was born into a prestigious family.

Hua family, is a hundred years ago, the rich family, as early as before the liberation, the old China’s upper class is active in the figure of the family, even if it is not compared to the four big families at that time Chiang Sung Kong Chen (Chiang Kai-shek’s family, Song Ziwen’s family, the Kongxiangxi family, Chen Guofu Chen Lifu’s family), but it is not much worse.

Only because the family is located in the interior provinces, away from the political center of the reason, not known by all, but in the upper class influence is quite large, can say that the patriarch stomped a stomp in the South Central region will have to shock three shock.

After the outbreak of the Liberation War, the Chiang dynasty was defeated for a very short period of time, and the pro-Chiang Hua family was in big trouble, so the Hua family, under deliberation, used the most common tactic used by the old-time powerful families when they faced the collapse of the dynasty – splitting up the family to attach themselves to different ruling classes.

As in the case of the Three Kingdoms, the Zhuge family in Luangya split up in the face of the world’s chaos. The elder brother Zhuge Jin went to support the Eastern Wu, the younger brother Zhuge Liang helped Liu Bei establish Shu Han, and the younger brother Zhuge Dan defected to the Cao Wei to take up an important position, which was in fact a tactic of self-preservation for the powerful families.

As the saying goes, “don’t put eggs in one basket”, so that no matter which of the three kingdoms eventually ruled the world, at least one of the clansmen would be able to prosper and continue the luck of the Zhuge family in Luangshi for hundreds of years.

At that time, the Hua family also followed the example of the Luangya Zhuge family and split up, with the main family flying to Taiwan with the Chiangs, while Hua’s ancestral family stayed on the mainland to join the new China.

The new China treated the family well when they first joined the new China, and Hua’s ancestors also obeyed the rules, and the whole family stabilized, although their status was no longer prominent, but the family’s wealth was still there, and they maintained the extravagant life and dignity of a powerful family.

Unfortunately, Hua’s ancestors had a few losers, one after another, lost a lot of family assets, but the Hua family has a deep background, the camel is bigger than a horse, to Hua’s father’s generation when he was the head of the family, a few members of the family decided to revitalize the family, in a few capable family members to work together, although the light is not as bright as it was before, but on the surface, but still maintains the family’s glory.

However, no matter how powerful the family can not continue to prosper, Hua’s father struggled to support, but still could not escape the fate of the decline.

The Cultural Revolution was the last straw that broke the camel’s back. During the Cultural Revolution, several of the leaders of the Hua family were branded as rebels, and they died or fell ill, and the family business was completely destroyed.

After the end of the Cultural Revolution and the mass rehabilitation, Hua’s father, Mr. Hua, regained his freedom and took Hua and his brother to an old friend’s home.

This old friend was also born into a wealthy family, compared to the Master Hua is considered lucky, not only in the Cultural Revolution escaped, and in the subsequent reform and opening up of the tide, the use of their own family heritage and the money left behind to boldly invest and operate, so that the family restored the glory of the past.

Once the family far less than their own old friend rejuvenated the second spring, Hua moncler outlet online, although the old friend of his not thin, not only to its proper placement and also lent him money to do business, but Hua moncler outlet online is not the slightest bit satisfied, and want to build their own business empire, revitalization of the Huashi family.

At the beginning of the moncler outlet store, he thought that by relying on his own efforts, coupled with the family’s contacts for a hundred years, in the shopping mall will naturally be unbeatable, but the idea is beautiful, the reality is cruel.

After years of hard work, his old friend also his company many times, but the company’s business has always been lukewarm, not an inch, over time, Mr. Hua lost confidence, thinking that there is another way to help themselves to revitalize the family.

It was at this time that the old friend’s son grew up, need to consider the life of the matter, Hua moncler outlet online took the initiative to propose to the old friend, let his own daughter to marry the old friend’s son, said that this can continue the friendship between the two families, and the two children are also very familiar with each other, does not exist in the process of friction.

In fact, the calculations in the heart of Master Hua is very smart, once his daughter and the old friend’s son married, it is equivalent to become half master of the old friend’s family, since their own generation has no way to revitalize the family’s reputation, then wait for his daughter later gave birth to a son, passed one to the Hua family with the surname of Hua, so that you can inherit a part of the old friend’s family’s property, which is also regarded as a curved salvation of the country.

The old friend of the Hua big sister better understand, know that she is a good girl quite family education, although the Hua family declined, but the two families for decades of affection there, this proposal there is no way to refuse, so they agreed.

This old friend’s surname was Jin, and he was none other than Jin Xuan’s grandfather.

After her marriage to Jin Xuan’s father, life was uneventful, after all, there was no love between the two, but as time increased, the beauty and virtue of Big Sister Hua also conquered Jin Xuan’s father, and the two grew more and more attached to each other.

This situation also led to Jin Xuan’s father’s dictatorial approach to Jin Xuan’s marriage, because in his view, it didn’t matter if there was no love, as long as the two people were together, they would build a deep bond over time.

Jin Xuan’s father and Big Sister Hua lived a very happy life, and their business grew bigger and bigger, and they seemed to be happy in both their careers and family life, but what the onlookers didn’t know was that the two had a fatal flaw in their lives: Big Sister Hua had a serious habitual miscarriage symptom.

Married for many years, Hua Da Sister pregnant several times, but never safe to give birth to a child, the doctor’s diagnosis of Hua Da Sister husband and wife heartbroken: Hua Da Sister is a serious congenital miscarriage of habitual abortion, at that time, there was basically no way to the medical technology, that is to say, Hua Da Sister in this life, it is very difficult to have their own children.

But the couple didn’t dare to publicize it to the outside world, not even to Mr. Jin, for fear that Mr. Jin would know that he would give the inheritance of the family property to his own daughter, who is also Jin Xuan’s aunt.

After experimenting many times without success, Jin Xuan’s father became more and more depressed, and Big Sister Hua knew that this would most likely lead to the end of the divorce.

At that time, there was no such thing as in vitro fertilization in medicine, so in order to secure her position in the Jin family and not to be separated from her husband, Big Sister Hua took the initiative to ask her husband to go out and find a woman to give birth to a child, pretending to be pregnant herself, and then when the child was born, treating the child as if it were her own, so that not only could the relationship between the husband and wife be maintained, but also ensure that her husband’s inheritance of his property would not be taken away from him.

At that time, Jin’s father was in the midst of anxiety, neither can not separate from his wife, who already has a very deep relationship, more embarrassed to go behind her back to find a second wife to give birth to a child, and when he heard his wife’s idea, he immediately agreed.

So, a year later, the Jin family’s eldest granddaughter, Jin Xuan was born.

It was only when I heard this that I completely understood why the identification results of Jin Xuan and the child were completely ruled out, there was not even any kinship. It turned out that Jin Xuan and Big Sister Hua did not have any blood relationship, and that as early as thirty years ago, the Jin family had already experienced a farce of “child swapping”! But the director of that farce was Jin Xuan’s father and Big Sister Hua herself, and even Jin Xuan’s grandfather and nominal grandfather, Grandpa Hua, were kept completely in the dark.

With the passage of time, the family business developed smoothly, and the two friendly families, the Jin family and the Hua family, which had lasted for a hundred years, slowly lived a life that seemed happy to outsiders in the capacity of a Qin and Jin family, with only a slight regret on the part of Grandpa Jin, who always talked about wanting to have a grandchild, but never realized it until he left this world.

Until his death, he did not know that his daughter-in-law had long ago completely lost the ability to bring him grandchildren.

At this time, Mr. Hua was also bedridden, not knowing when he would die.

She knew the reason why her father had asked her to marry her husband. Thinking that once she and her husband passed away, the family property would fall into the hands of an outsider who was not related to her by blood, she was depressed inside, and with the guilt she felt for her father, she informed him of the situation.

Unexpectedly, lying on the hospital bed, Master Hua heard the news, actually struggled up, cursed her severely, said she was too ungrateful, wasted their own efforts more failed the ancestors, is the family’s sinner! But the “big mistake” had already been made, and it was too late for regrets, so now she could only think of how to remedy the situation.

After much deliberation, moncler outlet online he set his sights on his granddaughter.

In the beginning, Master Hua’s plan was to contact another friend and have the eldest grandson of this family marry Jin Xuan. After Jin’s father passed away, with the family’s own strength and background, he could make some arrangements to take possession of the Jin family’s property in the name of the family, and then transfer a portion of the property to his own son, Jin Xuan’s uncle, which was not a complete success, but a portion of the Jin family’s property was still a lot of money, and it would restore some of the glory of the family. It was also considered restoring part of the family’s glory.

Although at that time, Jin father’s health is also not good, was diagnosed with a serious condition, but Hua moncler outlet store thought that nowadays the medical science is advanced, and the Jin family is not short of money to renew their lives, he will be ahead of Jin father, it is likely that he will not see this, but as long as the prior arrangements, and another friend to agree on the conditions and get hold of the evidence, not afraid of the plan can not be realized.

So when Jin’s father was preparing to choose a son-in-law for his daughter, moncler outlet store Hua jumped out and said he wanted to find the most ideal husband for his granddaughter and recommended the grandson of an old friend. In fact, Hua and this old friend’s family had long ago agreed on the terms and conditions, and when Jin’s father passes away the plan will be implemented, and both sides are in possession of the evidence, and are not afraid of the other side not to carry out the plan according to the plan.

The father was completely in the dark, at that time, his heart is still on moncler outlet store the old man guilt, after all, the old man called so many years of “kiss good granddaughter” but not any blood relationship, so moncler outlet store he mentioned this proposal, he agreed to it.

The friend introduced by his old husband was also a prestigious and wealthy family, and his own family could be said to be a good match, so there was no reason to refuse.

At that time, the father of Jin completely ignored his daughter’s thoughts, no matter how his daughter how to resist how to reject him arbitrary, in his view, no love can be cultivated, the family is the most important, because he was young and his wife Hua Da sister’s union is so, so many years, in addition to the matter of the birth of children because of the two people have a slight disconnect, it can be said that this life is very happy and fulfilling.

The sinister plan proceeded according to the established steps, Jin Xuan could not resist the insistence of her parents, and endured the pain of breaking up with her lover, Zeng Yang, and becoming engaged to the eldest grandson of another rich and powerful family with whom she had no feelings at all.

At this time, Mr. Hua is also lying on the hospital bed waiting for the call of death, for him at this moment, although the plan is not so successful, but it is also a kind of consolation for his hundred years of dream of restoring the clan.

At this time, a sudden event completely changed the whole plan, but also let the dying master Hua rejuvenated! Jin Xuan’s father’s condition had worsened so much that he could no longer live! With this news, Grand Master Hua knew that an extremely rare opportunity had arisen before his eyes. As long as the arrangements were made properly, it was very likely that the Jin family, a huge and wealthy family, would have the opportunity to completely change their surname to Hua). After much deliberation, Master Hua settled on a huge plan: to have his own son (Jin Xuan’s uncle) go in search of Jin Xuan’s first love, Zeng Yang, informing him that after the death of Jin’s father, he would gather the strength of the entire family to cancel the engagement with his friend’s eldest grandson, so as to allow Zeng Yang and Jin Xuan to have their love match.

However, the condition is that the child born after the marriage between Zeng Yang and Jin Xuan must be replaced by the child of Zeng Yang and Jin Xuan’s uncle’s daughter. In this way, taking into account Zeng Yang’s feelings and pulling him onto the boat, he can also achieve the purpose of letting the child with the Hua family’s bloodline to inherit the Jin family’s huge wealth without anyone knowing it, and then finally change the child’s name to the Hua surname, so that the Hua family can be revitalized completely! As for the idea of the weak Zeng Yang, Master Hua’s family did not put it in their eyes at all.

Zeng Yang did not agree with such a sinister plan at first, because he was truly in love with Jin Xuan’s and was not willing to cheat her like this, so when Jin’s father was seriously ill, he tried to get in touch with Jin Xuan, hoping that Jin Xuan would break through the family’s shackles and be with him.

However, Jin Xuan, hindered by the resistance of people in the family and her own sense of responsibility, made it clear that there was no way she could be with him even if her father died.

Zeng Yang is incredibly disappointed, but does not dare to tell Jin Xuan about his uncle’s dealings with him, fearing that if Jin Xuan learns of the news and acts rashly, it will cause his uncle to jump over the wall and pose a threat to Jin Xuan’s life.

Zeng Yang agrees to his uncle’s plan in order to investigate his true intentions and protect Jin Xuan, as well as to fulfill his wish to spend his life with his beloved Jin Xuan.

Sure enough, after the death of Jin’s father, the Jin family all changed their opinions and agreed to Jin Xuan and Zeng Yang being together, and as for Master Hua’s old friend, he also secretly paid a certain price to make him agree to abort the plan.

At that time, Jin Xuan was very grateful to this family for being repented by herself but not making any overtures, but she didn’t know that there were so many horrifying insiders in there.

It could be said that everything was in Grand Master Hua’s plan, including arranging for his uncle to turn on Jin Xuan’s aunt.

Jin Xuan’s aunt was actually a kind woman who didn’t have an overly demanding concept of money and cared for Jin Xuan with concern, but her husband was different.

Jin Xuan’s aunt married his wife for the sake of the Jin family’s wealth. When he realized that he had the chance to be the head of the Jin family but was secretly deprived of it by Jin’s father (if Jin’s father did not have any children with Big Sister Hua, the inheritance of the Jin family’s wealth would be given to his aunt), he was furious and agreed to his uncle’s plan right away.

At home, Jin Xuan’s aunt was furious with his wife, demanding that she must cooperate with the uncle’s actions, so that she could get a share of the shares after the event, instead of becoming a vassal of the Jin family as she was now.

Jin Xuan’s aunt has no choice but to agree to her uncle’s plan under her husband’s pressure and gets deeper and deeper into it, eventually becoming one of the main culprits in the incident.

The plan went smoothly, Jin Xuan was successfully replaced after giving birth to the child, who looked like his father, Zeng Yang, and hardly aroused Jin Xuan’s suspicion. Originally, sooner or later, the inheritance of the Jin family’s property would fall into the hands of the descendants of the Hua family if things went on like this.

However, the wise man must have a slip, a thousand calculations did not calculate that the child’s blood type will be completely inconsistent with Jin Xuan and Jin Xuan know, so the whole incident broke out, which ultimately led to the intervention of the police, to find out the ultimate truth of the incident.

In other words, a huge criminal plan to transfer property to revitalize the Hua family had already been planned and implemented long before Jin Xuan’s father was still alive.

Moreover, almost all the members of the Jin family, including Jin Xuan’s grandfather, mother, husband, aunt, uncle, and aunt, were all participants in the plot.

Jin Xuan was surrounded by crises that no one could imagine, and among these people, only her husband, Zeng Yang, had the guilt of protecting Jin Xuan, and was the only one who had the heart to help Jin Xuan out of the conspiracy and the trap of her closest relatives! Poor Jin Xuan, behind the back of an unparalleled glamorous heir to a powerful family, was actually caught up in such a horrific conspiracy, which is truly amazing and sympathetic.

After the police interrogated the main culprits separately, they told them basically the same thing, but at that time, the police still had one question: Jin Xuan’s aunt said that soon her uncle would become the boss of a company and would make a fortune, which would not have been possible if Jin Xuan was still alive.

It was likely, then, that there was a follow-up plan to this case, perhaps vicious enough to jeopardize Jin Xuan’s life.

However, all of the main culprit’s flatly denied it, saying that the purpose of the plan was to allow the descendants of the Hua family’s bloodline to inherit the Jin family’s property, and that it didn’t matter when Jin Xuan handed over the property.

The mastermind behind the plan, Master Hua, also said that he wouldn’t live long, and only wished to see the plan implemented to fulfill his wish, and that it didn’t matter if it succeeded or not, as it was already behind him.

These words could only fool ghosts, no one would believe that the Hua family revival plan he had been planning for half his life with great care was just to fulfill his wish.

However, at that time, Jin Xuan had no health problems or life threats, and this doubt could only become an everlasting unanswered question.

Years had passed since this incident, and life had to go on.

At least there will be no more crises and conspiracies in Jin Xuan’s future life, and that’s enough.

(This incident involves a more sensitive level, so some changes have been made to the details.) (Follow-up) This incident happened a few years ago, because the class involved is more concerned about privacy than the general public, so the insiders of the originally very serious incident did not know much, not to mention those of us who are outside the circle, and if we did not work in the paternity testing center, it would not have been possible to understand this matter in depth.

Of course, this family business in our South Central region is still quite significant, if the rich and powerful in our province have knowledge of friends may be able to guess which one.

Considering the privacy, the relationship in the family I made a lot of modifications, in addition to the real main culprits of the incident, there are some accomplices, because of the involvement is not big, will not be disclosed one by one.

Because the conspiracy was not fully accomplished, the child was eventually found, and no substantial harm was done to Jin Xuan, these main culprits were not severely punished, and I had no way of knowing the exact disposition as Officer Xie did not say.

The only information I got was that the prototype of Master Hua had passed away, and the other members of Jin Xuan’s family had been properly placed, but as for how the “proper” method was used, including Officer Xie, they were all unaware of it.

Let’s focus on what I know.

About Jin Xuan and Zeng Yang’s child.

Jin Xuan and Zeng Yang’s child was first placed in a foster home, and after the incident, several of the main culprits in the case asked Zeng Yang to dispose of the child as soon as possible, of course not in a violent way, but rather in the hope that the child would disappear as soon as possible, so as not to be found out and have unnecessary trouble.

But let Zeng Yang alone to deal with Jin Xuan mother Hua Da Sister and other people and do not feel at ease, so Hua Da Sister proposed to let their closest nannies to take the child far away, but this nanny is a timid person, originally promised to do well, but also collected a large sum of money, ready to take the child with the child abroad, but because the child’s formalities to do not go well and a person ran out of the country, will leave the child to their friends.

At that time, the police found out at this time, called on Jin Xuan to see the child is actually Jin Xuan real child, just later in order to play to the main culprit of the case to see, in addition to a strange child and let me and Sister Yang Jin Xuan Zeng Yang child trio to do the appraisal, the purpose is to paralyze the main culprit.

After the case is finished, Jin Xuan took back their real children, and foster children, I heard that now also still by Jin Xuan raised, after all, raised nearly two years to raise feelings, the most important thing is that the child’s real mother has its own family and life, and did not propose to take back the child.

Anyway, I’ve heard more about this kind of bloodshed in the big families because of the nature of my work.

You should have heard the saying, “Betel nut and cigarettes, the power of the law is limitless.

“In our province, betel nut is almost as essential to men as cigarettes, and a few old companies in the betel nut business have made a fortune.

One betel nut business made many billions of dollars, but the head of the family was not blessed and died early. Eventually, several women in the family fought over the family property, including the wife, mother, sister, etc. Even the mother made a post questioning the cause of her son’s death, suspecting that it was the wife’s murder! What a grand family feud drama! This incident is not as secretive as this one, and at the time it was a big deal that almost everyone in our province knew about it! Interested friends can search the Internet, really wonderful, here will not take up more space, after all, and we have this paternity theme out of the relationship.

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