What’s it like to have a little puppy boyfriend?

What’s it like to have a boyfriend who’s a little puppy?

My family that is five years younger than me, a pure love little milk dog, chase me simply by all means ah! After showering, he intentionally didn’t wear a shirt to show his eight-pack abs to hook up with me, and he also deliberately pretended that he couldn’t undo his seatbelt just to let me get close enough to kiss me on the head.

At first I thought he was good at it, but when it came down to it, it was hard to roll onto the bed, and he rolled me under the covers?




Here’s the thing haha.

Our family is local, but since I work basically across the 8th ring road, I usually live in a rented house and go home on Saturdays.

Two months ago, on a Friday, the client in the National Convention Center product launch busy until nine o’clock to withdraw, I did not tell my family in advance, directly back to the taxi.

After arriving home, my brother in the bedroom playing games, stupid busy doublekill, did not hear me enter the door, my parents, also not in.

I’m going to take a shower, while unzipping my shirt, and even the back zipper of my skirt, and walking towards the bathroom.

The light in the bathroom was still on, my brother had forgotten to turn it off again, and I guess I hadn’t even scrubbed the floor, so it must have been wet.

I, on the other hand, pushed the door in while being helpless.

After the door was pushed open, the scene in the bathroom startled me.

How is there a naked man !!!! still toweling his body?

Pectoral muscles, abdominal muscles, mermaid line …… The hand that grasps the towel, slender and incomparable …… I Nima! I am tired out of hallucination?

Because it was so physically exhausting (not from looking mesmerized!!!) I didn’t even scream.

The naked man was also taken aback when he saw my sudden appearance, but this youthful and compelling boy, in less than a quarter of a second, his eyes changed from shock to ‘AMAZING’ looking up and down.

I followed his busy eyes to myself.

KAM! I stripped myself down to my underwear.

Black ones, the whole set.

No wonder he didn’t scream either, just taking advantage.

I finally came to my senses and immediately wrapped myself in a towel and rushed out of the bathroom.

Who the hell is this? The body is really good! —— Particularly gluttonous dividing line — — Ten minutes later, I knew the identity of the naked man.

My brother’s classmate – Zhou Jun, the two of them a team, today happens to be in the neighborhood sports, so come to the house to stay a night.

I put on my clothes and coldly watched my brother and Zhou classmates standing together laughing and joking, the sense of crisis replaced the just had lasted 10 minutes blushing and shy charming reverie.

A height of 188?

Such a dangerous height?

And brought home by my brother who can’t find a girlfriend?

I immediately glanced at Cho’s classmate’s feet, end of story, white socks! My brother, he’s bent.

My brother finally saw me standing off to the side and pulled Xiao Zhou over to enthusiastically introduce me.

“Sis, my classmate, the most handsome one in our team! Zhou Jun!” After saying that, Xiao Zhou’s classmate reached out his hand and was ready to shake my hand, I purposely pretended not to see it and gave him a hard time.

I deliberately ignored him, giving him a hard time. “Uh, where’s mom and dad?

” My brother saw my unusual behavior and paused for a moment, but still answered me obediently.

“They went upstairs to have tea with Mr. and Mrs. Li.” “How do you two sleep at night?

“How do you two sleep at night?”

“My house is a three-roomed house with one room for my parents, one room for my brother, and one room for me, so don’t tell me that the two of you are going to be crammed into a one-meter-two single bed at night, which is a picture I can’t accept.

But my brother, for his part, has no sense of shame! “Sleep with me!” Well, I’m going to have to nip you two in the bud.

“I can’t! Chou-Chun is sleeping in my room!” And I got a dumbfounded “What?

What?” Zhou behaved even more strangely, not only did he blush, but the knot in his throat also moved up and down as he swallowed a mouthful of saliva.

I don’t care about them, continue to say.

“I’ll sleep with you.

“Then, another resonating “What?

!” It almost pierced my eardrums.



What’s wrong with what I’m saying?

What’s wrong with what I said?

What’s wrong with me and my brother sleeping in the same room?

I sleep on the bed, he sleeps on the floor. What’s wrong with that?

I don’t know if these guys have the brains in their heads to misinterpret me like that.

Think I’m an old cow forcing this 188 young grass to sleep with me in the same bed, but also under the eyes of my parents?

Simply a pair of ZZ …… in accordance with my arrangements for a night to spend peacefully, the morning of the turn of the day Xiao Zhou students are ready to go, my brother is going to go to send him, of course, I stopped! You two less contact with me to rest assured, and then shouted to the two of them, “I’m going to send, just throw the garbage.

“To my surprise, my brother said yes, and Cho stood at the door, changed his shoes and waited for me, looking quite happy to do so.

What’s wrong with that?

As he and I were walking to the entrance of the neighborhood, he looked like he was about to say something, and he was saying “um” and “that” and biting his lip.

I was thinking, not good, not want to ask me to fulfill them, right, I was in a mess, all I could think of was my brother kneeling in front of my parents, my father was serious, my mother cried and wiped out the tears of the scene.

Finally walked to the entrance of the neighborhood, I thought of early death, so I said directly to him: “What do you want to say?

” He stopped and looked at me, blinking his eyes like a big dog.

After a long time, he finally spoke.

“That …… can I add your wechat?

” Finished, blushed.

In the workplace to see more than those who do not blush not gasp can push the pot clean greasy men, and now in front of this teenager looks extraordinarily clean.

Summer breeze, the sun is just right, Jun Zi is full of masculine and youthful teenage breath.

Until the small week students waved their hands with me happily away, I walked home alone in this five minutes I realized that something is wrong, that see me undressed when the greedy gaze, hear sleep my room expectations, and just a small shyness, this is where what sports students white socks, this is clearly a year under the throbbing puppy dog.

Back to the house is to my brother a fierce sideline, I am sure, the two are good brothers to the innocence.

—— official sweetcake split line — —-After adding WeChat, I’m even more convinced that this puppy dog does have a heart for me, he every day “Sister get up?

“Sister you are too thin to eat more” “Sister good night”.

My vanity has certainly been greatly satisfied, 188 so handsome milk dog every day to ask for warmth, who can top this?

Who can’t handle this? Who can’t laugh at this?

However, the thought of him looking at me because of my half-naked appearance that time, I heart a burst of uncomfortable, not not love at first sight, but also can not be so a “frank” situation it.

Xiao Zhou students this probability from the lower half of the like, I do not intend to follow, so I have been cold treatment, to maintain basic courtesy.

However! Due to my mom’s concern that I don’t eat well, and my brother’s terminal lazy cancer, my mom made a box of beef with sauce and arranged for Xiao Zhou to deliver it to my door?

If you deliver it, why do you still deliver it at 10pm?

I was stuck by the security door, only a quarter of the way open looking at him, dressed in a red and white colored jersey, covered in stinky sweat, carrying a paper bag with my soy beef in it.

I held out my hand to him and said, “Thank you, I’m sorry to bother you, just give me the stuff.

I said, “Thank you, thank you for coming, just give me the stuff.” Then his hand holding the bag actually pulled back a little, “Sister, can I go in and take a shower?

The body is really too …… smelly.

“My face immediately cold down, this intention is also too malicious, but his next words but let me embarrassed.

“Auntie said that she wanted to stew the beef a little bit, it was stewed until nine o’clock, I worry that you slept, there is a section of the road running to come, and then …… “Once you hear it is sure that my mom can do things, I can only let people into the room.

After entering the door I first went to the bathroom to get a new towel new toothbrush, and went to the closet to get a usually at home to wear a large T-shirt, loose big shorts.

In fact, I also hesitated, the clothes I wore to give him always feel too intimate, but the thought of a person after the shower, wearing that stinky sweaty clothes, too evil, no no no.

When I returned to the living room, Xiao Zhou student excitedly looked left and right like a puppy, because of all the sweat, so just sat on the dining room chair, couldn’t stop exclaiming “Sister, your room is so nice!” The one-room apartment I rented, compared to the college boys’ dormitory, it really shouldn’t be too much better.

When I handed him the clothes, he didn’t take them, staring at them and asking me “Whose clothes are these?

“After hearing that it was my clothes, he happily took the clothes and immediately started to take off his sticky and smelly shirt.

“Wait a minute, you go to the bathroom to take it off.

“After hearing my obstruction, Xiao Zhou slowly put down the blouse that had already been pulled up, and with an “oh”, he turned around and walked towards the bathroom.

Shit, the moment I pulled up his shirt, I could already see his abs, still eight-pack, still clearly defined.

I walked to the water fountain and filled a large glass of water.

Twenty minutes later, Xiao Zhou’s classmate washed up.

When he pushed the door out, I was sitting in the living room double sofa, when I looked over, Kam, why don’t you wear a top?

Then he rubbed his hair while walking towards me.

Even though I knew the kid had bad intentions, I still had to admit that he was damn sexy when he was scrubbing his hair and shaking off the water, all those beads of water sliding along the muscular lines of his wheat-colored neck and neck into the nest of his collarbone.


I immediately buried my head in the iPad in my hand and pretended I hadn’t seen anything.

But he didn’t give me a chance to hide, and sat directly beside me, the couch unevenly stressed, and my entire body tilted left, my left leg touching his right leg at once.

I simply do not know how to speak at this time, more afraid that once I open my mouth, my voice will be out of place and be heard by him, so I can only continue to bow my head.

I’m so thankful for the iPad, what kind of god invented such a great thing, it literally saved my dog’s life.

Just as I was absent-mindedly looking at the screen, Zhou Jun’s face gradually came to my ear, then stopped, sniffed, and said in a serious manner.

“Sister, now I smell the same as you.

” I set the frame …… The tip of my nose is surrounded by the smell of my English pear mixed with freesia body wash, as well as the heat of him that permeates my ears.

I didn’t dare move a muscle, let alone turn my head to look at him, my mind was as jumbled as if fireworks had exploded.

The program in the iPad continued to play out.

But what did Shen Teng say in his hand?

What did Jia Ling say?

—— dividing line allow me to slow down — — You guys don’t expect it, there’s no way I’m going to let him stay !!!! I took a deep breath, stood up and opened my mouth to persuade this person who had made the atmosphere too delicate to leave, “It’s half past ten, you should go.

” A small expression of resignation immediately surfaced on the face of Xiao Zhou, who was sitting on the sofa, ”Ah…?

But it’s so late, when I get to school, the dorms are all locked.

“Then you have to go too!” “Sis… sis…” “No way!” “Then ……then ……you send me away?” “Can’t you take a taxi?

“Can’t you take a taxi?

“No, I can’t! Boys should know how to protect themselves out there. It’s too dangerous for me to take a taxi alone at this hour.” You’re almost 5’9″?

And you’re a sportsman?

Who’s dangerous?

Before I could retort, he took my arm and pulled me to the front door, and very consciously picked up the car keys on the shoe cabinet in front of the door and flung them around with a clattering sound.

“I had no choice but to drive him to school.

As soon as he got into the car, he began to be dishonest.

First, he gladly adjusted the seat backward and fastened the seat belt, and a hint of “hehehe” laughter came out of his mouth.

“What are you laughing at?

“Sister, your car smells so good! It doesn’t stink like a cab!” I glared at him, “Navigate!” “Okay, okay, okay!” On the way, he questioned me like a policeman, what time I got off work, what time I went to work, what I did at work, how many boyfriends I’ve had, and when the last time I was in love……. When I got to his dormitory, he still kept asking questions.

This time has been eleven o’clock, I have seen the hostel master with a large chain standing in front of the door, ready to lock the door, he is still crackling with me to chat, I slapped on his arm.

“Get off! It’s time to lock the door!” “It’s all right, I’m on good terms with you.” “Then you get out of the car too!” “Oh ……” ten seconds, still no movement.

“Sister, the seatbelt won’t release. ……” “How can that be?

How can the seatbelt buckle be broken so easily?” I reached over to check.

I reached over to check.

“Boo!” I was suddenly kissed on the head?

A kiss on the side of my head?


“Pop!” The seatbelt came undone unexpectedly at this point.

He had his way with a smile and jumped out of the car, quickly closed the door for me, full of spring in the face, waving while backing up to the dormitory building bouncing, “Sister bye ~ ~ ~ ~”…… My heartbeat kept accelerating, in the car this closed space, jumping extraordinarily clear, and for a long time can not be calmed down.

I simply do not know how to digest this heart overflowing emotions.

I could only pick up my cell phone, open WeChat, and click on my mom’s avatar! I blame her! “Mom, why are you stewing beef until nine o’clock?

“What are you talking about?

Why don’t you cook the beef a little bit?

“…… No problem, it’s my mom, I can’t say a word to her.

I drove home with all the windows open, after blowing all the way home, it’s time to calm down.

Damn home to see, the dirty clothes basket still has Xiao Zhou students changed clothes, even the underwear is there, my fists are hard.

After molesting me, I still have to wash your clothes?

On what grounds?

! …… But wait, he didn’t wear underwear when he left.

So he, just, straight up, put on, my shorts?

All-around, no-holds-barred, skin kissing?

Ah —– ah —- -Just an hour, why is everything wrong! The —— dividing line can’t be delayed– — After figuring out my life pattern, Zhou Jun came to me more and more often.

Every Friday, he will be on time after school in the afternoon with the net vegetables and delicious food bought waiting in front of my house, and have a dinner with me.

The first week, I did not work overtime, I arrived home at seven o’clock, just entered the door ten minutes, Xiao Zhou students rang my doorbell.

In the second week, I still didn’t work overtime, and I still arrived home at 7:00 p.m. Xiao Zhou was already standing at the door waiting for me.

The third week, to work overtime, I picked up the cell phone even wanted to tell the child, lest he wait too long …… But, why should I send this message ah, people did not tell me to come tonight, am I too self-centered.

I was helpless, feeling that my life was led by the nose by Xiao Zhou students.

But I still edited a message after half a day of agonizing, the kind that is euphemistic, “There are a lot of things going on today.

“In less than two seconds, the other party replied, “Do you have to work overtime?

“Uh, I think it’s nine o’clock.” “Okay, I’ll wait for you.

“Okay, I’ll wait for you ~ I’ll buy you your favorite No. 4 taro ball.” The message was sent, but I didn’t get it.

“The message was sent, but my mind was still full of Zhou Jun.

Every time the kid came over, he happily ate and drank with me, and had some harmless and justified encounters.

Every time, he would use the phrase “dormitory locked” to make me want to stay over, but every time, after being rejected, he would willingly clean his room and leave obediently.

Nothing much happens that crosses the line.

I felt a little bit sorry for the child, who was just craving for my body and was tested in such a way.

The fourth week, the bidding for the new company project came down! I’ll knock again when I’m done with this one! —— Let’s get the wrong split line — — Follow-up came, I was kind of kneeling, and Nianxia produced a big misunderstanding.

The fourth week began, three consecutive weeks I and Zhou students have never seen each other, every time I send a message, I just return a “busy”.

I’ve never been home, only my mom and my brother cleaned up the room for me.

On weekdays, I get off work at two o’clock in the middle of the night, and on weekends, oh, there are no weekends, I kneel.

The approximate rhythm is that I went to work, the neighborhood moncler jackets outlet was walking the morning; I came home, the neighborhood dogs are sleeping.

As it turned out, my behavior of working so hard to provide for my family took on a different interpretation in my brother’s eyes.

(The following is what my brother told me later.) He and Zhou Jun were eating in the cafeteria.

My brother had an upset stomach and decided to eat less, so plowing through the only pound of rice in his rice bowl, “My sister seems to be in love.

” Cho’s classmates felt nervous and paused for a moment, they had been found out?

“Lately, she’s always leaving early and coming home late, tsk tsk tsk, these women who are almost thirty, they’re really like wolves, they don’t come back until three o’clock in the middle of the night! My mom says she can’t let my sister live out by herself anymore.

“I’ve seen her chat logs, and she calls people gege, tsk, tsk, tsk! How old are you to still be playing with that?” “Hey, do you think my sister won’t love me when she falls in love?

“After my brother finished speaking, he continued to pick up his rice, and there were still six taels left.

Then, the disposable chopsticks in the hands of Xiao Zhou, the opposite side of the classmate, broke, and he directly left the chopsticks and walked away.

My brother was left yelling, “What are you doing?

What are you doing?

Are you going to eat the beef with potatoes in your bowl?

What are you doing?

I’m not sure if you’re going to eat it or not.

“—— The line that divides the hearts and minds… — It is said that he put down his beloved potato roast beef and ran around the playground twice, but still could not calm down, picked up and called me directly.

I took the call with my headphones on while looking at the scheduling I hadn’t done yet on my computer.



” The person across the street still didn’t say anything.

I was too busy to hang up the phone and waited until a small voice finally came from the other side, “I’m Zhou Jun”.

There was a place in the schedule where I needed to check with the leader sitting diagonally across from me, so before I hung up the phone, I sat down at my workstation and asked out loud.

“Gee, you’re booking the Ritz-Carlton by Friday, right?

” “Yes!” By the time I tried to listen to what was said on the phone again, Cho had already hung up.

I didn’t even have time to think about what was wrong with him, because I had to go to the site for a TVC shoot after the scheduling was done.

It’s 2:30 in the morning, finally finished shooting the first one, I stood back pain, picked up the phone first booked a nearby 200 meters within the Express Hotel, because tomorrow also shoot, go home too tossed.

Finally opened WeChat, I saw Xiao Zhou students sent me a few hours ago, “Where are you?

“I just replied now, “I’m at the shoot.

In less than a second, the other party replied, “Wait for me, I’ll come to you?” What?


What? You can’t leave the dormitory at 2:00 or 3:00 in the middle of the night?

Why are you looking for me this late?

“What are you doing here?

I’m going to bed.

“Wait for me. I have something to tell you. I can’t go to sleep until I tell you.”?





“Then come to the Express Hotel Sihui East, I’m staying there tonight.” ” Okay.

” “…… OK …… I …… know.

“Half an hour later, Zhou Jun appeared in the lobby with scarlet eyes and a ferocious expression, as if he wanted to kill me.

What’s going on here?

Transformed in the middle of the night?

When he walked to my side, he pulled my arm and dragged me out, saying “I will send you home.

I’ll take you home.” What?


Take me home?

Take me home?


What? – Yeah.

And then I’ll come back to the set at 8:00 in the morning?

I’m sick.

“I’m staying here today. I’m not going home.

“No way!” “Why not?

“You!” He stared at me.

He also looked at the only receptionist in the lobby who was fast asleep on her back, and, especially angry, lowered his voice and said to me.

“You’re a girl, how can you just come out and get a room!” “I’m full 18 years old ah, why can’t I get a room?

” “You …… I’m also full 18 years old, you want to open with me to open!” What?


I froze.

I froze.

People are prone to flirty talk at night?

The clock in the lobby ticked, it was already past three.

Zhou Jun also realized that what he just said was a bit too much, and after taking a deep breath, he adjusted his tone and continued to question me.

“Where is your brother?

“Where is my brother?

I only have one brother.

“That’s the brother you were calling out on the phone.”

” Chou-Chun snorted, “And you yelled at him in a Taiwanese accent on purpose!” My mind went to the Taiwanese accent of my brother, Gege~ Can I fucking shout at someone like that?

…… Yes.

I shouted.

Our leader’s last name is Ge, and we usually address him as Brother Ge, and when typing, we usually use gege to save time.

I’m not sure if you’re a good person or not.

So ah.

It is Xiao Zhou students who misunderstood.

Looking at this aggressive little brother across the street, I suddenly gasped and laughed.

“Where’s Gege, he’s already asleep.

“My stupid leader, absolutely at home has long been sleeping with his wife and children.

I’ll introduce you guys next time, I’d like to get some rest now.” he said, still standing still.

“He still stood still, aggrieved and stubbornly biting his lip and staring at me, as if he had to wait until I explained clearly.

“It’s so late now, I’ll open another room for you, you can stay here for today.

” Then I paid out of my own pocket and opened a room with a queen-size bed for Xiao Zhou, on the same floor as me.

The moment he saw me walk into his room, the kid was on the verge of crying.

It should be sleepy.

—— let people misunderstand the division line — —- When I checked out in the morning, the front desk told me that Zhou Jun checked out and left just after I opened my room last night.

Zhou Jun’s appearance last night, more or less let me guess, he should be more than just a mere gluttony body to me, just the receptionist said, further determined.

Zhou Jun to me, should be like.

I picked up my cell phone, opened WeChat, and knocked down a paragraph.

“Brother Ge is my leader ……” sent.

Instead of a reply, I received a red exclamation mark! I’ve been blackballed by him?

Kam, big misunderstanding.

What’s worse, I don’t even have time to find Zhou Jun to explain and appease him right now, WeChat has pulled the plug again, damn work delaying people in love.

Waiting for me to finish this wave of busy, get the first normal day off work, it is already two weeks later.

I got off work and drove to their dormitory downstairs, I do not believe I can not catch you.

Then I waited for an hour and another hour.

Shit, at this point, I was like an old rich woman forced to adopt a handsome college student, waiting for the other person to agree to spend the future life with her without shame.

There is no way out, can only ask my brother to ask for Zhou Jun phone number, was found to eat young grass can not be helped, always find a reason to fool the past.

I directly dialed my brother’s phone.

The opposite side of a “hello” has not finished, I will directly open the question “Zhou Jun phone tell me under.

“The result of the opposite side of the silence.

“Hello! Hello! Where is he?

“It took a long time for a sentence to come through, “I’m Zhou Jun.

“…… The real man was on the other side of the phone, but I didn’t know what to say, and in a panic, I only asked “Where is my brother?

” Asiba! I usually that little cleverness has gone?

“He’s drunk ……” drunk?

My brother, who slipped and knelt on a bottle of Boldness at the End of the World, still dares to touch alcohol?

“Did you two go drinking?

“No, next week’s summer vacation. Today’s basketball team dinner.”

“Send me the location, I’ll pick him up.”

“The other side hesitated. Right, they’ve blacked me out, how can they send me the location?

“Zhou Jun, put me out of the blacklist, and then send me the location.

“Oh ……”—— initiative to open tease the dividing line- —– After half a month, I finally resumed my WeChat friendship with my classmate Zhou again.

More than half an hour later, I drove to the skewer bar where they gathered for dinner, and after driving to the door, I WeChat him.

“I’m here.

” “Good.

” three minutes less, he and two other students together to carry my brother out, out of the small week after the students do not say a word with me, has been avoiding my gaze.

I looked at my stupid brother again, already unconscious.

After a few people settled my brother in the car, those two students were especially embarrassed and kept apologizing.

“Sister, I am sorry ah, we also do not know Xiaono he …… still trouble you a trip, originally we intend to directly send him back.

“It’s okay, I know he has a poor drinking capacity, you guys go back and continue.” “Okay.

“I’m not sure if I’m going to be able to do that,” he said.

“The result is that Zhou Jun is also ready to turn around and go back with the two people, damn hide me also have a limit OK.

I stopped him with a shout.

“Zhou, wait a minute, help me move him a bit, he’s in a position where he’s likely to throw up.

“The three big boys were all ready to come over to help, but those two were persuaded away by me, leaving only Zhou Jun who had to come over.

Very coldly, he said to me, “How?

“I looked at the string bar, and he and I were positioned just so that the people inside could see us clearly, so I pulled him to the side, and when I pulled him, he purposely shrugged me off.

Oooh, so angry?

But also just shook off my hand, his body still obediently followed me to the corner.

Cho-san’s expression was all serious, “What do you want to say?

” I pretended not to see his resistance and asked as if nothing happened, “Why did you blackmail me?

Do you hate me so much?


“Then what?

“He didn’t come up with a clear answer even after half a day, I laughed, I must be like a big slag woman at this moment.

Since I’m a scum, I’ll be a scum to the end.

“Have you been drinking too?

” After I finished, I brought my face to his chest, stopping about two centimeters away, inhaling through my nose to see if there was any smell of alcohol, then moving to his shoulders, collarbone, and the knot of his throat to sniff.

I didn’t touch him in the slightest, but Zhou Jun’s body had already tightened up immediately because of my proximity.

I’ll let you pull the plug on me, just you wait, little Zhou student.

Zhou Jun immediately blushed and stuttered.

“No, no.

” “Oh?

Then why are you blushing?

“After I finished, I looked up at him at his chin, and the distance between his face and his face at this time, should be, very close.

He immediately twisted his head away, reaching out to cover his face, not even daring to meet my eyes, the aura of just now was instantly gone.

“Where is it?

” Fierce less than three minutes, broken.

Xiao Zhou student, do you think this is the end?

I stretched out my right hand, placed on his left chest, left and right to find his heartbeat, “accidentally” small thumbnail crossed that small bump …… a serious question, “really did not drink?

Then why is his heart beating so fast?

” At this point, his entire body is stiff, petrified like, even forget to breathe.

Half a minute.


Zhou Jun took a big step back and stared at me with a deadly glare.

“You!” “You have a boyfriend, so stop teasing me and I won’t contact you again.

” It felt like I was about to cry when I said that.


“Really!” But I don’t have a boyfriend. Can I keep teasing you?” “What means?

“What does …… mean?

“That’s, that gege ah ……” I intentionally lengthened the end of the voice, listening to Xiao Zhou students are hands clenched fists, “He is not my boyfriend …… He is my leader, surnamed Ge, Ge Langtai Ge, male, married, daughter is five years old, usually, we will respectfully call him a – Ge! usually, we will respectfully call him a – Ge brother.

“The second has gone by.

Ten seconds passed.

A minute has passed.

Zhou Jun children’s faces have been red, orange, yellow, green, blue and purple all over the place.

Yes, Ge’s Taiwanese-accented pronunciation was always evocative.

But the kid suddenly looked up as if he remembered something and only asked me.

“So what’s the Ritz-Carlton on Friday?

“Day, finalize the Ritz-Carlton ballroom, the client wants to hold a dealer meeting there.

“He continued to press me as if he wasn’t satisfied, “Then why did Ono say you had a boyfriend?

” “Him?

“I shook my head helplessly, “He’s retarded don’t you know?

”He must have known, because he immediately nodded in recognition after I finished speaking.

At this moment, Zhou Jun has just turned from the pain of indignation to pure embarrassment, the whole person is anxious to insert the jacket pockets, and then realized that there are no pockets, he only wore a T-shirt out, can only hang down his hands and awkwardly rubbing the sides of the thighs.

I explained a pass, Xiao Zhou students not only do not come to recognize the mistake, but also launched a small temper on me.

“Then you know that I misunderstood, why that day in the Express Hotel did not tell me earlier?

“Yoho …… come to force?

If you can beat me in a fight, I’ll call you “Dad”.

“When did I know you misunderstood?

You didn’t even tell me.

“Then I must have misunderstood when you called someone your brother and got a room.”

“This is not something that you should misunderstand to an ordinary family member of an ordinary classmate of your own, and how do I know that I still need to explain this to an ordinary classmate of my own brother?

“”I ……”” Although Zhou Jun obviously can’t quarrel with me, but it looks like the whole person still has already loosened up, and even has already begun to be pampered.

You are sort of comfortable, but I have not, pull black revenge, not yet finished.

I took an aggressive half-step forward and raised my hand, slowly reaching out to him, two fingers resting on the buttoned waistline of his jeans, my fingers wrapping around in two tiny circles.

Ghostly, I spoke, “So, why exactly did you misunderstand?

“Because my fingers have touched his stomach, Xiao Zhou students do not know what I want to do, just subconsciously leaned back, face again appeared familiar red, can not say anything.

I looked up to see him look like he didn’t dare to breathe, and I was secretly happy.

Taking advantage of his inattention, my fingers hooked forward with force.

His whole person instantly did not stand still, a stagger forward, the upper half of his body pressed against me, his hands did not have time to hold where, just head against my shoulder.

Then, I slightly twisted my head, and gently asked into his ear.

“Who are you, my who?

I need to explain to you ah.

」…… Xiao Zhou student’s face “Teng” a moment all red, immediately jumped to the side, as if he was burned.

Cool! —— car door welded shut! All give me a good seat! —— After teasing Xiao Zhou classmates, I walked to the side of the car with a cheap smile on my face, stupid brother is still in the car huffing and puffing it, I drove him back home to my parents, and then drove back to the rented house, and handed over to my parents. Then drove back to the rented house.

Xiao Zhou students, I leave you the opportunity Oh ~ As expected, two hours later, he rang my doorbell.

At this time, I had already taken a shower with that his favorite body wash, brushed my teeth, and rinsed and rinsed with mouthwash.

The moment I opened the door, I was already looking forward to the kind of ‘come in and start rolling’ plot that is common in bully texts, but I didn’t expect that, as soon as Xiao Zhou classmates came in the door, they said they were going to take a shower.

Just really go to the bath …… I am ready …… I rely on …… line, give sister wrapped in a towel out, put that I have not seen for a long time eight-packed abs mermaid line to reveal! As a result, he walked out wearing his own white T-shirt.

………… If emotions have colors, then I must be white now, the kind of white that is exclusive to white eyes.

I took a deep breath, forget it, there’s nothing wrong with being innocent.

But I was just about to cover my head and go to sleep when Cho called out to me, “Are you asleep?

“Is this a wake-up call?

“Not yet.

“Help me blow-dry my hair.”

” My hands were clenched in fists as I gripped the pillow.

I got out of bed and walked over to him, he had already plugged it in, and then the dog looked at me with happy, expectant eyes and handed me the hair dryer.


I had to hold my hands up high to reach his hair,” he said, “but it’s 188.

“You’re so tall, I can’t reach you.

” Then Cho squatted down directly in front of me, making the small bathroom even more crowded.

His head is better leveled with the small of my back, plus it’s close together again, it’s really …. “Blow it.

” He tilted his head up to look at me.

I turned on the hot air and brushed his short hair together with my left hand, while holding the hair dryer in my right hand and swinging it back and forth.

This kind of youthful romance movie plot, surprisingly, could still happen to me.

Not even a few blows yet, Xiao Zhou student’s hand hugged my thigh, and his head rubbed against me a few times, just, more like a dog that likes to rub around.

“Okay, I’m done, get up.

” I turned off the hair dryer and put it by the sink, he wasn’t up yet.

I patted him twice.

He tilted his head back up to look at me again and smiled, just like that.

For a long time, he not only didn’t let go, he got up in one and lifted me up in a hug?

I was so scared that I had to hold on to his shoulders, not daring to move a muscle as he held me in his arms as he casually turned off the light and carried me to the bed.

My goodness.

In the darkness, the bed resounded with the sound of fabric rubbing.

………… Cho’s classmates went up and down.

………… As a result, he rolled me up in the quilt?

Hands and feet are tied, only exposed a head?

What kind of operation is this?

Then he lay on the outside of the quilt and said in a hoarse voice that he had never heard before.

“Don’t come out, this is my limit.

” At that time, my heartbeat missed a beat, suddenly did not know what to say, just “Oh” a sound.

—— all in one split line —– — At eight o’clock, I hurriedly left from home.

I was late, I blame him.

The walk to the parking lot is only 200 meters, I walked for ten minutes.

Because I just couldn’t walk anymore, my legs were trembling and I was hobbling.

Indeed, before going to bed, we were a pure love story.

But after waking up, how did it become a pure meat novel.

When I close my eyes now it’s the image of his rolling up and down, less angular throat knots that I can’t shake off.

A little after 11:00, the tired young man got up and sent me a tweet.

“Look at my new avatar!” Nowadays, he doesn’t call me sister either, and doesn’t even deserve the subject ‘you’.

I clicked on it and saw that he had changed his original Sakuragi avatar to a silly duck with a pig in his arms.

Where is this the kind of avatar a handsome 188 gym student should use?

Even a dumbass like my brother would use a beach photo to emphasize his upright body.

“Look, does it look like I’m hugging you!” I’m helpless, Xiao Zhou student is too good at playing with harmonic stems, just because the last character of my name, is the character “Zhu”.

“No!” “Zhu Zhu! (followed by a string of emoji pig heads) When are you going to change your avatar!!!” “When am I going to change what?

“Then he immediately sent a picture, is just picture enlargement only screenshot of the pig only.

I’m using this avatar, my brother will know right away, so I’ll figure out how to tell him first.


“Then he continued to send me messages.

“JooJoo, I’m not going back to school today, okay? I want to stay another day.” “But I have to work late today.

I want to stay another day.” “But I have to work overtime today.

I’ll accompany you, it’s dangerous for you to leave work so late.” “No way.

“No way. How can I work overtime if you’re here?” “You can’t work overtime if I’m here.

“Can’t you work overtime if I’m here?”

“…… The next day, I walked for 20 minutes for a distance of 200 meters.

The next day, 200 meters away, forget about it, don’t talk about it.

—— single brother’s dividing line — — A week did not arrive, I received a micro-letter from my brother.

“Sis, I think Zhou Jun may like you.

” I breathed a stagnation, finished, I eat young grass thing to be found out?

“He’s not bad, but he’s definitely not good enough for you!” I stabilized my breathing, calm down, I have to be calm.

“When did this happen?

Did he tell you that?

“Of course. He’s always asking me about you. I can’t tell.”

“That’s it?

“And the girls at school confessed their love to him, but he ignored them, and then when it comes to you, he’s so positive, he’s a real grandson! He’s a real bastard! He’s eaten the grass on the fringe of the nest!” A girl confessed to him?

Good for you, kid. You’re hiding something from me.

“What do you think of him?

“Not bad.”

“If he wasn’t a few years younger, he wouldn’t have been good enough for you.”

“Am I that good?” “He told me he wants to be with me.

“He told me he wanted to confess to you, I beat him up, I want to ask you do you want to agree?” “He said he wanted to confess to you, I beat him up.

” …… beat up my man?

“It’s not impossible, you can …… try.

” “Shit, not it, I don’t want him to be my brother-in-law ……” In the end, my brother’s level in the efforts of the students of the small week, kind of barely passed, in my brother’s big mouth, my parents that level, also …… passed.

—— brother-in-law’s exclusive dividing line — — From time to time, Xiao Zhou’s classmates came to my house as a guest.

One day, my brother and Zhou Jun playing the game, the two people like three-year-olds playing, I took the cut watermelon when I walked over, Xiao Zhou students even play soft, turn around to hold my waist, hide in my arms.

My brother took a direct step and peeled away his hand.

“What are you doing?

Let go!” And then give him the whole person rowed to the side, dead glare at him.

“Who are you hugging? That’s my sister!” Xiao Zhou’s classmates condescendingly spread their hands and called for me to sit down.

I put down the watermelon and walked over to him, and he smiled and told me to look at the coffee table.

I got close and looked down at a heart shaped with melon seeds.

Holy shit, that’s such a corny confession that it makes you want to laugh and get your heart pumping at the same time, dammit.

My brother couldn’t stand it.

He squeezed over and grabbed a handful of melon seeds, “Sticky! The sour smell of love!” And stuffed it into his mouth.

“In the future, in front of me, the two of you at least one meter,” and then he Wang Jizhe that expression pointing to Xiao Zhou students, “Otherwise, do not want to enter my door!” I shook my head and looked at Zhou Jun.

Little Zhou student, it seems that in the future, you will have to suffer.

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Previous May 18, 2024
Next May 19, 2024


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